Topic: Midnight Garden of RhyDin

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-07-14 21:43 EST
"Well, this is what happened..." Benjamin noted as he lifted a beer, grinning a bit wryly, "A few years back, I was working at a ranch, mainly dealing with moving the cattle from field to field and keeping them out of places they didn't belong, like inside rustler's vans and coyote's bellies."

It had been a whole new vista to the English born half breed, to finally be able to walk on the lands of his Arapaho blood. It had brought a completeness to his life, joined the misty isle to the endless planes, and somehow, they met in the sky in his eyes.

"One day, Brother Bull, who was newly imported from Greece and didn't feel I had jurisdiction over his plump, delicious ass, and knowing full well he was too valuable to eat anyhow, protested pretty seriously my turning him from a few head of lovely ladies who didn't belong to his herd. I suppose I can't blame him, but he threw me off of my ATV and into a pile of bushes and rocks," he went on, humor quirking at his handsome features. There was music in his voice, a rhythm to his words, he could have been accompanying himself on guitar, but wasn't.

"Unfortunately for me, Brother Rattle Snake had decided to compose himself upon those very rocks for a nice sun bath, as it was a scorching hot day. He didn't take too kindly to some lanky boy being thrown on top of him, and so he did what he did best, and that wasn't rattle because it was far too late to warn me away," Benjamin added with a chuckle, shaking his head, green eyes filled with rued laughter.

"It worked out for me, because when he did rattle, that drove Brother Bull back to the proper herd and that got my mates attention. That's what I'm told, I had wisely lost consciousness by then. I woke up some time later in a hospital bed."

In all truth, Benjamin didn't remember much of that time at all. Morphine and meditation had taken up most of his mental capacities.

"There was a nice lady in the bed beside mine, she was recovering from a car accident, and as it happened, she was a pretty well known director. Once I was released from the hospital, she tricked me into a film test, which I passed. Next thing I know, I've got an agent and a couple of small roles," he chuckled easily, shrugging a shoulder, "What I know about acting is what I've seen on the telly and cinema, but I guess I've got a knack for it."

It was always a bit embarrassing for Benjamin to meet people who were studying the craft, went to school for it, classes, sincerely worked to get where he already was. He took classes in modeling and acting when he could, but he was often just too busy for it.

"Then I get a call, I've been cast as Sterling Astrophel in the nighttime drama, 'Midnight Gardens of Rhydin'. Midnight Gardens is a historical district in RhyDin, we film there, but it's actually been abandoned. Makes it easier to film, and a lot creepier. Actually, the guy who plays the big bad guy bought one of the houses. But ...How to describe it...? It's gothic..." Benjamin grinned, rolling green eyes. He seemed far too kindly and shining a soul to be anything gothic.

"This is how it was described to me. There are four major families in the Midnight Gardens, and they are all rivals for power and prestige. Then it happens that the Van Houten family has a daughter who is identified as the answer to a prophecy, she will destroy the evil Diable Direword, freeing the families of Midnight Gardens from his evil, and preventing him from sacrificing all of them to his demonic masters..." Benjamin grinned, leaning back, pausing for another drink of his beer.

"Adora was kidnapped by persons unknown and given to a nasty pair of scientist sorts who did everything possible to extract the source of her powers from her. The show starts with her being returned, traumatized and in her late teens, to her rightful family. You find out that the Van Houten's blame the Grimmer family for this, and to try and make nice, the Grimmer's have a party for her, but that's really so their handsome son Garth can meet her ? he's secretly good. You with me so far?" he shook with laughter at that, shrugging. It was a complex story.

"Garth is smitten by Adora, and knows he can't possibly follow the wicked plans his parents have. He confides with his best friend Lance, the poor boy from the wrong side of town, of course, and he also falls for Adora. Soon, we find that the mysterious beauty living there is Celestial, a moon goddess, who is there to guide and help Adora as much as she can, and also, we discover that Diable is also living there in the guise of a friendly old man, and it was really his machinations that had Adora kidnapped," Benjamin went on, amused, "It gets worse, trust me. I swear there's like a fifty named characters in this."

Benjamin finished his beer while arranging the rest of his tale, a quirky grin playing at his lips.

"My character is brought in about the fourth episode, the first thing I do is peril Adora and warn her of dire things, driving her away from meeting Garth in secret. While she runs off thinking Sterling is evil, we discover that the meeting was faked, and if she'd gone, an imposture would have kidnapped her. Adora gets kidnapped a lot," he laughed, shaking his head, "She has an ogre body guard, Ralph, who's played by an ogre, and well, he's still learning it's just a play and not real."

A chagrinned grin with that, it was its own sad story.

"Anyhow, my character is a pivot point, he keeps the characters from knowing exactly what's going on. Hagar the griffon is his exact opposite, and he knows exactly what's going on. Sterling has to keep the griffon quiet, he has to work with Celestial or Diable as needed, and has his own agenda. I ended up basing him on Robert Mitchum's character from 'Night of the Hunter. Seems to work."

It seemed impossible that the good natured Benjamin, with his bright humor and handsome face could manage the coldly charismatic psychopathy of Mitchum's preacher, but Benjamin did have that knack.

"So, I took the role, they were paying a good amount, and I didn't realize that the pay was so good because they were filming here, in RhyDin, where they don't really need a special effects department. When I walked in the Inn and first saw Icer, I nearly fainted," Benjamin laughed, shaking his head, "But fortunately, I ran into a friend, and he put me up until I got my feet. The show wanted me to have a horse with the character, I bought Star for it. Still paying him off," he grinned wryly, "It's a bit of a catch twenty two. They'd pay more if I did my own stunts and trained Star, but to get the horse I thought was best for the role, I needed a lot more pay."

Though Star was worth more than money to Benjamin.

"And, now, I do modeling, I do appearances, I show up for parties, the show's become really popular in some 'places', they tell me, which I've come to realize means other realities. I have fans, it's fun. It's won awards for special effects, of course," he laughed, ironic. "Right now I'm renting a little place with a stable that's not too far from the set. I'm starting to meet people, make friends. I like it here. And that's pretty much my story."

It was only a sketch work of his story, but it would do for now.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-07-14 21:44 EST
~~The Writers~~

"Time to get to work, queen of my night," Zelda caroled as she came drifting into the bedroom she shared with her wife of twenty years. Corina was already at one of the two computers sharing a wide sweep of desk, sipping at a glass of wine.

"I swear to God, if I get one more complaint that we're not making Midnight Garden LGBT enough, I'm going to have Lance and Garth discover their feelings for each other," Corina complained, leaning back to kiss Zelda warmly before the other woman sat at her own computer.

"Oh, let's do that. We ended last season with them furiously at each others throats, each blaming the other for Adora's kidnapping by Fell Nocturne, the evil shopkeeper of Wicked Delights... when it was really Ralph talking out of school that got her snatched... Yes, that'd be perfect, fisticuffs ends up in passion."

"Mm, but then we lose the Arthur/Lancelot Romeo and Juliet thing they've got with Adora, much as I'd love to see those two little hotties in a torrid lip lock," Corina mulled, tapping her fingertip to her lips.

"Naw, more sexual tension, they still want lovely Adora's magical virginal golden honey pot. And ? oh, you know what, let's go ahead and have the sexy nerd girl seducing Adora's little sister, and mmm... What do we have on the fan boards?" Zelda mused, opening a deliciously gothic web site dedicated to the show.

To all appearances, it was a fan site, a forum board with Twitter and Tumblr feeds where devotees of the show were encouraged to air their opinions and theories of the show, as well as to post their fan fictions and role play.

To Zelda and Corina, it was pay dirt. They'd set the site up themselves and began harvesting stories, ideas, and even characters from the fans almost as soon as the show had aired.

"Everyone wants the sexy nerd girl to be secretly good, but is working for Diable Direword. They want her to believe she is the 'blossom of love' that will destroy him, and ? Yeah, that'll work. I like that. We'll have Sterling reinforce that, which will mess with Adora's and Diable's mind..." Corina smiled, quickly making notes.

"Oh I love it. And let's have sexy nerd girl... did we name her?"

"Nope. Let's name herrrr Aubrey Nightshade..." Zelda decided, quickly typing that into the note pad application shared between her and Corina's computers.

"I like it, but we've got a Thai girl playing her," Corina pointed out with a laugh.

"It's a shout out to Randy Milholland. Besides, his Aubrey is evil, and the fans will find the connection and buzz about it," Zelda chortled, "Also, I think Aubrey will be Celestial's ? goddaughter."

"Okay. Speaking of Celestial, I just read a little story with Sterling and Celestial, from when they were discussing the mysterious mystery that I haven't figured out what it is yet..."

"That'll be Celestial's tormented vampire husband," Zelda supplied.

"Right, here, Celestial notices someone listening, she sends Sterling after it, it turns out to be a girl more beautiful than beauty itself, smitten, Sterling suddenly turns sweet..."

"Ugh! Pass. Sterling cannot ever be sweet."

"Right, but the idea of Celestial ordering him to her bidding like she's summoning the wild hunt, him running down some random hottie ? that'll be a perfect way to introduce another ivory tower chicka who will be evil and that will enable us to bring in Adora's brother Cliff and also to get some more of the rival family battling..." Zelda decided, quickly typing her idea down. Corina frowned, nodding after a moment.

"Let's have her be older, twenty something, she'll be daughter of the Grimmer house, mmm... unnatural relationships are all the rage, so let's have her doing the nasty with bastard uncle Keith... While putting a spell of enchantment on Cliff... Yeah. Now what to do with Sterling?" Zelda beamed.

"You know what, we've kept him mysterious for three seasons now, let's go ahead and have him undergoing tests and challenges to his abilities... Benjamin's a pretty good stuntman, right?" Corina mulled, typing rapidly as she glanced at a photograph of Benjamin in character as Sterling Astrophel.

"He did say he needed the money to finish paying Star off," Zelda grinned.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-07-17 16:20 EST
~~Story Time~~

"Tell me a story, Ben. Jamin." Jack Scott abruptly demanded of Benjamin. The old crow sat perched at the end of the bar, hunkered under a dark mood, drinking slowly of a pale blue liquor. Smoke wreathed him, but even the sacred fumes of tobacco seemed not to lift his spirits.

"A story," Benjamin replied; in contrast, he was all high spirits and sunshine, bantering playfully with the folks at the bar. Humorously defending his honor to Salvador and Rei's lechery, claiming to be enamored of the dragon queen Icer.

"A story of the plains, a story of the weirs? You know I swing both ways." Ben grinned to Jack a moment later, a bawdy wink as he reminded the man that he knew both the native tales of England and America.

"Whatever you like, lad. Maybe I'll feed it to the tree later," Jack urged, turning his starry gaze to the youth, Benjamin's roguish grin coaxing a bit of the coyote out him. A quick smirk and it was gone.

"Let me think," he replied, begging a little time to think as well as to open his beer. "All those ribbons."

The ribbons on Jack's coat, a colourful array of silk and satin, caught Benjamin's attention all over again. His head tipped as those ribbons gave him the thread for his story.

"It was very cold," he began, his voice changing, easing away from the English accent into something odd and flowing, picking up sounds born from the winds, "And the animals first enjoyed the snow and chill, but as that cold continued, they began to fear. Owl called council to discuss what could be done, the smaller animals were already in grave danger and the larger could scarce manage the snow drifts."

A pause as he drank his beer, watching Scotty with a hint of some mischief. In turn, Jack watched Benjamin from the corner of his beady eye, lighting another cigarette.

"The animals decided, they must speak to the great god, the one who creates by thinking of what shall be, and ask for help. But who to send on that journey into the stars? Coyote was too quick to be distracted by a prank. Lion was too easily angered. Rabbit would wander off to watch the stars. So, Rainbow Crow, the most beautiful of all of the birds, with a voice that even the nightingale quieted to hear, said that he would go, and he did, flying into the sky in a glory of color,singing bravely to give his friends heart and hope."

Interesting choice of tale he had, but really, Scotty did rather suggest it. All of those ribbons.

Jack closed his eyes and could almost feel the beat of his wings against the winter's chill. Up and up into the heavens. He'd stopped counting and instead twisted a short black braid between his fingers.

"He flew to the god, and told him of the cold. The god said, 'don't worry, it is only how the world shall be. I will give you fire to keep warm with and to survive.' Saying that, the god thrust a stick into the sun and when it caught flame, he gave it to Rainbow Crow. He said, 'take this back before it burns out, tend it, and it will help you. But don't let it grow out of control'."

Benjamin paused once more to wet his throat, humor playing at his lips as he glanced from Jack to the other people listening to his strange and ancient tale. He loved to tell stories and indulge in the whimsies of his youth.

He had finally found people that didn't find it weird and lame when he did. It was an amazing thing to Benjamin.

"Rainbow crow thanked him, and started home. He flew past the moon, and the smoke from the brand covered his feathers in soot. He flew below the clouds, and the smoke burned his throat. He was a battered, blackened, hoarse creature when he landed to give the fire to his friends." another pause as he drank, and grimaced. There was always some sort of lesson to the old tales, and this one was no different.

"He saved his friends, but he sacrificed his beauty for it. They would never forget, because the colors remained in the black feathers. The promise to save them remained in his rasping voice. But mainly, the smoke remained in his flesh, so tasted bad, and the human hunters would never shoot him." Humor jumped at last in the flow of his tale, a grin and half a shrug. "And so the crow is never quite what he seems."

Jack sat up slowly straight, darkest eyes focussing fully on Benjamin. "May I kiss you?"

Benjamin flushed pink, but with a curl of lips and shrug, he nodded, "Yes." A slip of shyness, as well as pleasure, he tilted his head with green eyes bright.

The scarecrow in ribbons was off the stool and suddenly right there, in front of Benjamin. Bright stars winked to life in his darkest eyes as he leaned in to cup Benjamin's face in his long-fingered hands.

"Bright star," he whispered and kissed the man soundly, all sweet grass hay and sunshine and dusty roads.

Stars. Fascination played over his features, hands lifted to catch at Scotty's arms, easily melting into the kiss as the words. He'd heard them before, but not in a long time. His breath caught before he could even half return the kiss with a warm press and slight shivering.

A bright star. A wizard, Jack often said. Benjamin chuckled softly so much later, laying on his back and watching the night sky. He had heard those words before, his grandparents said them, his heart.

Benjamin considered asking Jack what he meant, but instead, rolled to the man's side and drifted back to sleep.

(Written with JackScot and Love to Sal, Rei, and Icer <3)

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-07-21 15:39 EST
~~Dr. Skullbasher, MD~~

Part of the deal for appearing in Midnight Gardens was full and inclusive health care. Benjamin insisted on it. Doing his own stunts could be dangerous, and despite training, it was a hazard of the profession to get hurt.

First things were first. He made an appointment soon after arriving just for a general check up, and because frankly, he was a young sexually active male. That wasn't the free and easy thing it'd been in the past.

His doctor turned out to be a genial dwarf woman named Lolita Skullbasher, with graying hair in elaborate braids and bright brown eyes. He patiently answered all the questions, took all the tests, and finally sat down with her, wrapped in a sheet.

"You're about twenty pounds underweight, Cookie, and no I don't care about how the camera yadda yadda yadda. You need to put those pounds back on," Lolita informed him, looking through her charts, "You're healthy as a horse, though. The spectral analyzer did have a few blips, nothing to be concerned about, just aware."

"The spectral... isn't that something from Ghostbusters?" Benjamin sputtered, looking up from dolefully poking at his stomach. Even sitting, it was rather concave, and he reluctantly had to agree with the doctor on being underweight.

"Probably, I don't name this silly crap, I just learn to use it properly," Lolita cackled with a wink, "We routinely scan people, especially if they're new, for any extra sensory abilities, because suddenly turning into a werewolf? Scary stuff, Cookie. But I'm not seeing that, just a few blips. You're probably just sensitive to the world of woogie. Nothing to worry about."

"Oh, okay, I was wondering," Benjamin laughed.

"Now, any questions? About anything, you are new here," Lolita encouraged, hopping onto the examination table beside him. He shifted to give her room and ran an arm around her easily.

"Sex," he nodded.

"I'm married, Cookie, I told you that," she cackled, bumping him in return, a pat of her hand to his back, "Well, RhyDin does not have the venereal diseases you've had to worry about back home. You're not going to transmit or be infected by anything like the clap, AIDS, crabs, any of that. But."

"There's always a but just when I'm about to toss out my condoms," Benjamin chuckled, head tipping.

"Hold onto those, Cookie. In RhyDin, especially as you are a young, handsome human, you can get anyone pregnant. Anyone. Anything," Lolita informed him gravely. He stared at her.

"I mean it, boy. You can knock up a dragon, a sea horse, the talking dog next door. Male or female or neither."

"...Whut..." he faltered, green eyes wide.

"Or worse, you can BE knocked up," she added, dark. Benjamin gaped at her. Lolita nodded once, firmly, and hopped off of the table to pull a chart down. It showed a cross section of ground going into a mountain chain and had silhouettes of several different beings.

"Here in RhyDin, we have identified several heavy earth elements which act like hormones on living and dead tissue. Long term exposure can even produce virgin births, or even weirder, virgin births with up to five sets of DNA," she explained, tapping at the diagram. Benjamin swallowed hard, his eyes enormous.

"I don't want to have a baby," he whimpered, clutching hands over his crotch.

"Good. I've studied this phenomena for years, Cookie, and I really think mindset is part of that. If you're bound and determined to have babies, babies happen. Unfortunately, it doesn't work quite as well the other way round," Lolita nodded, "Whatever you do, do not drink the water here unless it has been filtered or boiled or both. Bottled is best. The fertility elements are freed from the heavy metals through water, and they're pure and concentrated."

"Oh," Benjamin replied, wide eyed, trying to remember if he'd drank any water not from a bottle since arriving.

"You showed up clean for the hormones, never fear. They can be washed out of you, incidentally, it's just not a pleasant process. We suggest that you have them cleansed about every other year, unless you've managed to get a large build up of them," Lolita soothed, amused.

"Oh. Whew." he laughed with a sick grin. Lolita patted his knee.

"Anything else?"

"No, just... what sort of protection should I use, then? I'm bisexual, and I'm kind of easy," he admitted with a laugh and shrug.

"Well, first off, let's lay off on the being easy part, Cookie, that's what gets nice young people like you into trouble. Be a little choosy, okay? You don't lose the game if you go home alone once in a while," she advised archly, waggling her forefinger at him. He caught it quickly.

"But I do lose points," he told her with soulful eyes, laughing when she swatted him.

"Stick to people who you've noticed are okay with one night stands or friends," she went on, "And, then we'll send you to Gloria, she's our on duty mage, she'll go ahead and ...Hm. Where's my ? there we go..."

Benjamin tilted his head, watching as Lolita put up a test order sheet, and began to fill it out.

"Okay, I think we'll go with the heavy duty no-baby spell, a DNA scrambler..."

"A what...?"

"DNA scrambler, we whipped that up years ago when we had a rash of people pregnant by persons who couldn't be the parent and yet somehow the baby's had that person's DNA. It's a mutation in the heavy earth hormones that shows up randomly. It would allow the mother to not only have a virgin birth, but the baby would belong to who she wanted it to belong to. DNA scrambler keeps that from happening," Lolita explained, dryly amused. Benjamin stared at her, mouth hung open.

"Then we'll go ahead with the skin purification. That way you can swim around here and not worry about getting water in your mouth. Hm... Did you want a bigger todger, while we're at it?" she continued, pointing her pen at his crotch. He jumped and looked down, then lifted the sheet.

"They can do that?"

"Cookie, if you want to be a woman for a day, bam, you've got boobs and a vagoo. Gloria's good."

Benjamin sputtered laughter, shaking his head.

"No, thank you. I'm just fine the way I am. Is that really covered on my insurance?"

"Yup. Some boys date big girls, and I don't mean tall and heavy, I mean scaly or furred and giant," Lolita responded, brown eyes twinkling, "It's nice to meet someone who's happy with what he's got."

"Well, back home, if you're all that enormous, you're going to be dating farm animals or in porn," Benjamin shrugged widely, nearly laughing, "And porn doesn't pay the way it used to; these days, anyone with a web camera can be in porn."

"Hah! That's the truth. Okay, then we will do the non fertility ? that will need to be redone every year, you'll be sent a note. Same with the scrambler. We'll do a ward against infection, and the skin purification. That'll keep you out of trouble, I think," Lolita nodded, finishing up the work order. She handed it over to Benjamin with a grin, "Gloria's the tall, willowy brunette. She's single."

"Ohh. Thank you," he took the papers and sputtered laughing, "You think she'll help me try out the spells?"

"What did I just tell you about being easy? She'd want to turn you into a woman first," she scolded with a laugh, "Johnny will take you to Gloria once you're dressed."

Benjamin gaped at her, his face scarlet, and started laughing once Lolita had thumped out of the exam room.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-07-21 15:40 EST
~Storm Childe~

The storm raged on, like a living and malevolent thing. It crouched over the mansions and parks of the Midnight Garden and vomited its fury upon the land. Rain laced with icy shards of hail turned the roads into rivers, the charming creek into a roaring torrent, uprooting trees and dislodging boulders as it roared on.

Stately Van Houten manor shrugged aside the assault as it always had. Strongly built in the Victorian Gothic style, rumored to have been enspelled against disaster by the last magus of the family, the sainted Amaria Van Houten, the mansion stood above all the other homes in the distract with a single light shining as it always did from a small circular window in its highest cupola.

From the iron ribbed glass conservatory thick and fogged with tropical plants, a young girl fled into the maelstrom, banging open and closed the glass doors. The storm threw her to her knees, yet she persevered, stubbornly pushing herself to her feet once more, staggering away from the house into a wide garden of hidden delights and terrors.

Her flowing white dress plastered to her body, her glorious golden curls soaked to her scalp, beautiful Adora stumbled down the pathway, sobbing brokenly, her beautiful golden shot blue eyes in utter despair.

Somehow, Adora managed to clamber over the stile in the wall surrounding the property, and fell once more to the sodden earth. She lay there, fingers clutching the mud, as her emotions over came her.

Rallying once more, Adora shoved to her feet, and staggered blindly into the thick woods. She knew where she had to go, but in the storm, with her heart in pieces, she blundered down the trail.

It rose before her, stark white against the pressing storm, a beautiful statue of a goddess, breaking her chains to the earth, spreading feathered wings as she reached to the sky and freedom. Under the flashing lightning, the statue seemed to move, to warn her away, to escape herself...

Adora tumbled to the wide mosaic surrounding the statue as if shoved, and then, she realized, she had been shoved. She stared in horror as a huge, wolf-furred beast strode to face her. Over ten feet tall, with wicked claws that could eviscerate an elephant, fangs dripping glowing green venom...

"Just as we planned, little pretty. Now you die," the wolf-beast hissed, gleaming red eyes ablaze with glee as it drew back a paw to end the girl.

Out of nowhere, concealed in the darkness, mighty Xanthus leapt to stand over the screaming girl, rearing to his hind legs and striking viscously at the wolf-beast's head. It roared and fell back as the black Vanner pressed ever harder, head snaking out to seize the beast by the throat and carrying it down to the ground.

His rider struck negligently, hand gripping a staff with a gleaming black orb set into it thrust outwards. Energy in negative hues and darkest violet flashed from it to reduce the beast to a charred skeleton.

Adora screeched, trying to scramble away as much from her rescuer as her assailant, her hand wrapped around the golden charm Celestial had given her as a protection amulet.

He was still as stone, and far more intense. As Xanthus settled to stand and turned his head to regard the girl, Sterling Astrophel was silent, unmoving. Black as he and his horse both were, they still glittered in the dim light. Charms and fetishes, crystals, all laced the man's hair and the beast's mane and tail.

"Go away!" Adora shrieked, at the ends of her wits, terrified, huddled at the foot of the goddess statue.

Finally, Sterling turned to regard her, his eyes cold, immobile, empty. He swung from the saddle with a cool deliberation. His every move was studied and heavy with meaning. The very flex of his hands in black leather gloves was alarming.

The slow stride towards Adora was abruptly a flurry of movement. From standing over her, regarding her in a distant disdain, he was suddenly knelt before her, his gaze pinning into hers.

"What do you want?" Adora whimpered, unable to look away from that piercing stare.

"For you to stop acting like a sniveling little child whose ice cream fell onto the floor," he responded in a cold monotone, thrusting his hand before her. Adora's lower lip quivered, her eyes wide with mistrust, and very slowly, she reached to take his hand. He at once pulled her to him as he stood, trapping her close against him, so tenderly, he wrapped his voluminous cloak around her shivering shoulders.

"You don't understand, my brother, my beloved brother..." she wept, abruptly throwing himself against his chest. Though his hand was gentle, even loving, in petting her wet hair, he remained chill and unbent.

"Which beloved brother, Adora, you have a ridiculous number of siblings. Hasn't anyone discussed birth control with your parents?"

Despite herself, Adora laughed once, but still choked.

"Why are you so cruel, Sterling?" she whispered, touching his handsome face with a delicate press of her slim fingers.

"Ohshxt..." Sterling hissed, his green eyes going wide.

"What?" Adora sputtered, turning just in time to see a huge ogre male looming over them both.

"RALPH NOT LIKE YOU TOUCH HIS ADORA!" the ogre bellowed, snatching up the girl in one hand and smacking Sterling ass over teacups with the other.

"CUT!" the director yelled, hand over his face as the rest of the crew fell into hysterical laughter. The storm petered out almost immediately as the weather witch fell off of her chair, cackling helplessly.

"No no no no Ralphie, no, remember, it's a play, it's pretend, it's Benjamin, see? It's just Benji! He'd never hurt me, Ralphie!" Winnifred Glee, the actor who played Adora, blurted out, flailing as the ogre held her up out of reach.

Benjamin groaned and flipped to his back.

"Medic," he croaked. Star whickered and leaned down to nose Benjamin while a hilariously laughing older man shuffled through the standing water to get a look at him.

"It's a pretend," Ralph frowned, absently slinging Winnifred under his arm like a football as he peered at Benjamin. "Benjamin howcome you act like bad Sterling?"

"It's only for the play, Ralphie," Benjamin responded, cheerful though his voice was tight with pain, "I pretend to be Sterling so the real Sterling wouldn't come here and hurt Winnie, and she's pretending to be Adora so the real Adora doesn't get hurt."

"Oh... Now I see," Ralph decided.

"You okay, Benji?" Winnifred asked, dangling gamely from the ogre's arm.

"Ribs," he gasped.

"Well fix them, you old coot," Winnifred ordered the old man. He chuckled and knelt beside Benjamin.

"I'm healing, I'm healing," he retorted, leaning to cast a healing spell over the young man.

"Okay, okay folks. Let's give Ben some time to recover; Winnie, why don't you take Ralphie back to the house and get some hot chocolate down him. Russel, let's go ahead and shoot you and Bing's short and tense little library scene while we get reset here. We'll take it from Benjamin snarking about Winnie's brothers," the director called.

"Can I get up?" the wolf-beast inquired dryly.

"No! You'll disturb the illusion of your horrific death if you do," Russel, the old man scolded, patting Benjamin's cheek before turning to head back to the house with about half of the crew. Winnifred managed to get back to her feet and cajoled Ralph along after them.

Benjamin slowly peeled himself off of the ground. He checked Star over and then flopped back down beside the wolf-beast.

"Don't you dare," the wolf-beast warned, his eyes narrowing.

"Oh, I dare, Captain Cupcake," Benjamin purred, leaning over to look into the creature's eyes, "You stuffed a live rooster and four hens into my dressing room..."

"You said you liked fresh eggs!"

"Roosters don't lay eggs, Mark, they chase humans around and beat them stupid with their wings!" Benjamin retorted, rummaging through his cloak. He beamed and held up a large baggie filled with red goo.

"Benjamin! Don't you dare!" Mark barked, wide eyed. Benjamin beamed and opened the bag to start splattering the strawberry preserves all over the creature. The illusion of the burnt skeleton hid the fact that Mark's beautiful gray fur was being covered in globs of the stuff.

"It took me three hours to find and clean up all the chicken poop," Benjamin beamed, leaning over to kiss Mark on the snout.

"I hate you," Mark sighed.


"Anyhow," Benjamin noted much later, grinning to Lirenel at the Red Dragon Inn, "That's how I got the chickens and bruises."

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-07-24 15:24 EST
~~The Fan Club President~~

"Mooooom!" Elliot Breezer complained as his mother dragged him through the house by an ankle, an altogether undignified method for any teenager to travel in, and worse because his mother seemed to be a petite little creature of maybe one hundred pounds soaking wet.

"Why do I have to be Chuchi Marks? Make Cindy be Chuchi Marks! I don't even watch your silly show!" the boy complained, scrabbling for a door jam and clinging. Zelda gave a good heave on her son, breaking his grip and continuing to drag.

"You are Chuchi Marks because you want to be a commentator, critic, and journalist, and writing as Chuchi Marks, the breathlessly agog president of the Midnight Gardens of RhyDin fan club will give you practice," Zelda informed him.

"You mean you just haven't found anyone who can write with teenage culture references and you're torturing me into doing it," Elliot grumbled, finally resigning himself to his fate.

"Now you're learning! Bring me a girl your age who is breathlessly agog over the show and is willing to write a blog as Chuchi with me hovering over her shoulder and you're free," Zelda grinned, hauling her seventeen year old son onto a chair parked before a pink laptop boldly marked 'Chuchi'.

"Will I still get paid?" he asked, eying her sidelong. A lot of his friends were into the show, after all.

"Hah! Nope. I'll give you a finders fee, but after that, you'll have to do your chores for money," Zelda laughed. Elliot grumbled.

"Fine, I'm Chuchi. If this turns me gay, then what, Mom?!"

"Then we'll have a nice coming out party for you, what are you kidding? Write."

The threat wasn't effective when his parents were a lesbian couple, Elliot realized. He sighed.

"Okay, what is the breathlessly agog blog about?"

"You were invited to watch filming yesterday, and you saw... this..." Zelda explained, reaching over her son to tap at the mouse pad, bringing up a film clip. Elliot made a face. The lead actress, Winnifred Glee, was smoking hot, and so were most of the other woman on the cast, but that didn't mean Elliot wanted to watch the show.

It was a glittering scene in one of the mansions ballrooms. Subtly creepy because the entire district of Midnight Gardens had been abandoned decades ago, and the set dressing people purposefully didn't restore the rooms they used to new. There were cracks visible, water and rust stains, mold, faded and decrepit furnishings, cobwebs, sometimes even rats and other creatures scurried through scenes.

The women were in stunning, gorgeous ball gowns, the men in elegant tuxedos. They were waiting for their marks, for the scene to begin. Most of the younger ladies had grouped around the buffet table and were laughing, goofing around while the director spoke to two of the older actors.

Benjamin, in costume, was sitting in an open window sill beside a large and grumpy looking griffon. The beast made a face as the camera panned over them, Benjamin crudely straddled his druidic staff and fondled it lasciviously until the woman playing Celestial smacked him one.

"Yeah, don't mention that," Zelda sputtered.

"The girls would go apeshxt to see that, Mom," Elliot chortled.

"Just watch," she exhaled, rolling her eyes in amusement.

The director called the scene to order, directing the actors to their places. Just as the camera moved to frame the older couple dancing, there was a loud crack. A groan. Voices raised in terror.

The camera turned with dizzying speed to pinpoint a heavy light bar suspended from a rack overhead. One of the chains had snapped. It swung downwards, crashing into its support. The rack crumpled at the blow, and the entire piece came crashing down.

"Move move move!" the griffon could be heard bellowing.

"NO!" another voice, Benjamin's, but it took on bizarre harmonics in the chaos.

Something like the staff Benjamin had been holding arrowed into the destruction just before its final collapse. Then, it all exploded, the entirety of the rack and lights shunting over five feet in the last moment.

Five feet that spared the lives of the girls standing under the lights. The camera panned to them. Many were injured, Benjamin among them. He'd managed to snatch one of the girls out of the way and fell over her when the heavy coils of power cables and chains crashed down.

Far better those and some debris than the full weight of the light bar.

"Holy..." Elliot gaped.

"Yeah, the light crew and riggers are getting flayed alive. It's sheer dumb luck that thing shifted at the last moment," Zelda agreed dryly.

"It didn't. Look..." Elliot responded, running the video back frame by frame. He pointed out the flying staff. It was blurred, but was clearly the staff Benjamin had been holding.

"He threw it and that pushed it back," the boy explained, brows lifting. The staff didn't have enough mass to push aside all of that falling weight.

"...I didn't notice that," Zelda frowned, peering at the still frame.

"He's just a guy, isn't he? Benjamin?" Elliot asked, his brow knitting.

"Yeah. Casting would have preferred he really was a mage, Russel and Mary do the special effects for him."

"Russel and Mary weren't there, were they?"

"No. They had to run for them, see..." Zelda started the film once more. Once the bar had fallen, a stunned silence reigned, broken abruptly as the director hollered for Russel and Mary, then for paramedics.

The camera had clearly been abandoned, it shook and then remained pointed at the wreckage for the rest of the clip. Benjamin pushed a coil of cables off of him and peeled the girl he'd fallen over up. She had several cuts on her face, but other than being frightened, seemed okay.

Benjamin and several others turned to free the other girls from the wreckage, Benjamin grabbing the first aid kit someone brought and starting to work on Winnifred, who seemed to be the worst off.

"I'm Carrie," she quipped, her voice pain filled but laughing.

"Gross," Russel sputtered, anxious, as he came rushing in with another girl who yelped in horror before getting hold of herself.

"You get Shandra, I'll get Winnie, are the paramedics coming? My healing spells aren't the greatest," Russel frowned, kneeling to start work.

"They'll be here as soon as they can," the director replied, "And you're going to end up the best healer in town, just healing Benjamin."

"Hah! That's the truth," Russel cackled, and glanced to Benjamin, "You hurt, boy?"

"A little, but it's nothing, just bruises. Work on the girls, I'm fine," Benjamin responded easily.

"I want the light and rigging crew in my trailer in one hour," the director snapped, "Steve, have the fire crew inspect the light rig, I want to know exactly why that thing gave."

"Is this still on? Geez..." With that, the film went black. Elliot leaned back, fingers curled at his lips, brows knit.

"What caused it?" he asked.

"Wrong chain for the light bar," Zelda replied, shaking her head, "Lazy moron didn't bother changing it when they brought the rig inside. They can't use the structural elements of any of the houses to support the gear, so they just build racks in the rooms. The lights for interior are a lot heavier than the outdoor sets."

"They fired him, I'm sure?" Elliot scoffed.

"That'll be Chuchi's next big scandal to release. It turns out the lighting and rigging company that Edwards hired is made up of about five people that are qualified to do lighting and rigging, and the rest are their incompetent and lazy ne'er do well relatives."

"Oooh. This is all so going into my own blog," Elliot crooned, his eyes blazing with glee, "So, delay in filming?"

"No, Edwards bit the bullet and brought in a Union team. More expensive, bonded and guaranteed. No accidents," Zelda chuckled.

"Everyone's okay?" Elliot added as he brought up a word processing program.


"Miraculously," Elliot corrected dryly, "Release the video with the blog?"

"Not until I edit it. And Chuchi must gush about how she helped with the first aid, and that she held Winnifred Glee's hand and rode in the ambulance to the hospital with her," Zelda chuckled, settling back and folding her arms, watching her son get to work.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-07-25 17:55 EST

Benjamin rode Star home, quiet and slow. He forced himself to think of nothing. He quietly unsaddled the big vanner, turned him into his paddock, and put away the horses gear. Once done, he walked into his small house, stripping his costume off as he walked to the bathroom.

Garish bruises rose up on his back, buttocks, and thighs. He regarded them blandly, looking over his shoulder into the mirror. They were painful, but he could always get them seen to later. Russel and Mary had their hands full as it was.

He refused to think about it.

In his front yard, he had made a sacred space, a small circle in the grass centered by a small fire pit. The rocks making up the pit were each marked and painted with various runes and designs with meaning to him.

The circle was laid with old bricks, each similarly marked. He stepped into the circle while murmuring prayers to his ancestors. Kneeling, he lit a bundle of sage and set it to smolder as he waved it over himself and the circle. Setting that into the pit, he lay a small fire of fragrant pine and ash wood. A small abalone shell held a blue pigment which he carefully painted over his face, using his fingers to make neat bars.

And he prayed.

The stone left his hand like a bullet firing. It almost burned him. But that was the rock. It had been playing nasty tricks on people all night.

The staff left his hand like a rocket. It almost burned him. It was the staff, he told himself. Several things they used around the set turned out to have enchantments of some sort on them. The staff had been purchased at an alchemy and magic supply shop. It wasn't even unique. It was artisan made, expensive, but anyone who wanted to cosplay Sterling Astrophel could go to the same shop and have the identical staff made.

He hadn't asked for any enchantments on it when he bought it, though there was a list of suggested spell work that complimented the staff. Maybe it'd come with one, after all. Benjamin decided that he'd spring to at least have a healing spell put into the replacement he was going to have to buy.

The one he'd thrown was shattered.

He threw it. He knew he threw it. He could feel its weight in his hand, the strain of his muscles, the desperation in knowing that it wouldn't help, and his friends and co workers would be crushed to death before his eyes, the helplessness of ?

Being him.

He was just a man in a world of wonders. A man with the dreams of his childhood reawakening as he found they weren't so silly, so strange, so stupid, so scary. Not here, they weren't.

He dreamed.

His grandmothers, English and Arapaho both, they appeared first. So beautiful, young and light limbed girls, holding hands and smiling. They took his hands and brought him to his feet.

His grandfathers: tall, dark, and handsome; small, light, and impish -- they joined the boy and his grand dams. They danced. Around the small fire, hands joined, singing in a strange melding of ancient native, and ancient native tones.

They danced.

Some winkle of instinct pricked at Jack, disturbed him from his own ponderings. It brought him to Benjamin's little house. A coyote in ribbons, a scarecrow of night.

It was always remarkable, but none really did remark upon it: Star, the big stolid Gypsy vanner, he never was frightened of Jack or Lirenel. Wasn't even bothered by them. Seemed to like them.

Jack patted the beast's shoulder as he took in a strange sight indeed.

Benjamin sprawled on the grass before his small fire. Around that, danced shadows. Misty manifestations, wearing masks that were cut and clear as they were stylized. Eagle, Bear, Puma, Coyote, Fox, Crow, Wolf...

Jack moved closer. He could see the eyes through the masks, and they looked much like the animals that they represented. Coyote stopped the dance and stared at the coyote. Its eyes were yellow, and keen.

Cautiously, Jack yip-yipped to the being. It responded with a chuff and yap. The figures all flickered away, fading like the smoke from the exhausted fire. Jack quickly moved to Benjamin's side. He found the bruises, and pressed his fingers into them, hard, to give healing. It wasn't gentle, but it was fae.

Jack held his Benjamin close as he told the tale, and he wondered, what had been left out, when he found that Benjamin's hand was nearly burnt.

He was almost ready, Jack decided. Almost ready to become the knight Benjamin dreamed of becoming as a child.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-08-02 14:30 EST

It happened so fast.

Jack could be aggravating sometimes. He was an impatient creature, he was greedy, he was thoughtless, he saw his own center revolving perfectly around his Manon, that in turn turning in harmony with all around them. And those were all his things, his toys, his beauties... And they weren't.

Benjamin wanted so much to sit down with Gemethyst. She saw something a little edged in darkness, perhaps her own, but what she saw didn't have to be there. He wanted to reassure her. He wanted to assure her. He wanted to let her know there was more.

Bonding with her while watching two alphas fighting for top wasn't exactly what Benjamin had in mind. In Jack's mind, it was a perfect opportunity to winkle out truths and lay down masks, but what was in Jack's mind the purity of expedience was only more confusion. He had a motley crew of humans and elves to work with.

Though it may have smoothed some of the way, and definitely burned through Benjamin's dreams. It left wounds, anger, confusion, but that was Jack's way, and he wasn't working with fae. Though he contentedly believed he had managed to straighten everything out, it really was not.

It happened so fast.

Benjamin turned his usual run for the inn. It was hot. He dunked his head into the water trough to cool off and was pleased to find Jack on the porch. Pleased, but Jack had out already his winkle of truth. He carefully cut thread after thread while seeming to just chat nicely with the young actor.

Benjamin had become used to nosey and even downright invasive questioning, and simply let it all slide over him. Of course he wasn't too skinny because of his abilities. His abilities weren't anything but a possible potential, he hadn't even learned a single thing from Lirenel about magic. It was just dreaming dust and ghosts of the fire.

It was hot. Benjamin once more went to the trough, this time sitting in it, sprawling in the cool, mossy water. Partially because he noticed that Jack hated being splattered with water. He stepped back to the porch and shook just to do that.

...So fast...

Jack rubbed his knee, still badly bruised in his lecherous run in with his Knight. Benjamin grimaced, and abruptly reached down, intending to lay his cool hand on the bruise.

Energy in spiraling spiderwebs of lightning leapt from his fingers. Encountering the water on his skin, it went wild, lacing over Jack in a sudden explosion of power. It threw Benjamin back into his seat and left him as suddenly as it had manifested.

Jack lay twitching on the swing. Benjamin nearly screamed. He'd killed his friend, he was positive of it.

People moved in quickly, the young man who knew Benjamin from Midnight Gardens of RhyDin. Rei, Gemethyst's son. Salvador, quietly taking Benjamin's arm and feeding him tequila.

By the time Lirenel arrived to take charge of the situation, Jack was on his feet. The bruises on his face and body were gone. More astonishingly, the ribbons that had been cut and ruined in an earlier misadventure were restored, healed, their colors bright and vibrant.

Jack's Wings. They had been cut. They were whole. Laughing in sheer joy, the crow flew away.

I healed him. I almost killed him. Benjamin could only stare at his hand. The energy that had passed through him ? that he had somehow created ? left the mark of a four pointed star on his palm. Almost identical to the star on Star's brow.

"You need to learn to control it, Benji," Lirenel smiled, and guided the actor home.

Which didn't answer the most important question: what the hell was he controlling?

(Love to Lirenel, Jack, Gemythist, Rei, Salvador, and Bran <3)

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-08-05 15:11 EST
~~The Moonshine~~

Vladimir and Katerine Holtendirk owned the bright dairy farm near Benjamin's little house. Every morning, they dropped off a pint of milk, every monday, they dropped off cheese, butter, and cream. Often with an array of in season fruits and vegetables, and sometimes with sausages.

Mainly, they had a daughter who cleaned house, and Benjamin was a semi reformed slob. He hired Elke to come in a few times a week and find the floor for him.

"Da's expanding our stock," Elke announced as she barged into Benjamin's home, a basket of cleaning supplies under one arm, a squirming infant under the other. Benjamin grinned and rescued the baby, curling her to his shoulder.

"You said that when you told me you were knocked up," Benjamin snickered, "You can't be pregnant again."

"Hah! No, no, here. Try his new venture," she laughed, thumping a quart mason jar filled with clear liquid on his living room table. "But first put Anya down."

Benjamin regarded the bottle reverently, transferring Anya from his shoulder to the playpen he kept for her. He cracked open the jar and took a drink.

His eyes promptly watered. His breath boiled as it flowed over the liquid. It burned trails of fire down his throat to his belly.

"Smooth," he rasped.

"Da got a distillery license and all for it, but just small batches. Moonshine clean and pure as our milk," Elke assured him.

"And he thinks actors drink like fish," Benjamin laughed, taking another drink. His sinuses had never been more clear, "No vodka?"

"Da never liked vodka, go figure. I can't tell the difference between good vodka and good moonshine, anyhow."

"I don't know that there is a difference," he responded, amused. He regarded the bottle thoughtfully, "Yeah. I'll take two cases."

Benjamin regarded the two cases of moonshine gleefully. They waited on his small kitchen table and counter. The kitchen was thick with the scent of thyme, mint, and sage.

One by one, Benjamin opened jars, poured an ounce out, and stuffed a bundle of herbs into the moonshine. He closed them and taped them shut before moving the case into the living room.

Just like his grandfather had taught him. A good, strong, liniment to take the soreness out of a good, strong horses legs. Antiseptic and cooling.

The second case, he brought out a funnel. Just as before, taking out an ounce of liquid, but this time, pouring in fresh pitted cherries. He used the excess moonshine to pour into a jar with lemon peels for later.

Benjamin transferred the cases into the dry pantry behind Star's stall. The herbed moonshine would soon be a good liniment, and the cherry infused would just be tasty.

What he realized was that the liniment was also an excellent bitter. When he passed a jar of it around to Jack, Sid, and Dair, and one with the cherries to Gemethyst, he started to think.

When Luse and Gemethyst both wanted to talk over the feasibility of selling it, Benjamin agreed and went back to Vladimir to discuss the matter.

Soon, a case of jars labeled Star's Old Fashioned Sipping Liniment and another of Cherry Bomb Moonshine sat on Benjamin's kitchen table. Made the same way he had. He nodded, pleased, and patted the case before he headed to work.

The money he made from the 'Shine wouldn't be a lot, perhaps about as much as he currently made acting and modeling. But it would go towards realizing the life ambition of he and his family. The moonshine would make people happy, but more importantly, it would help the most helpless of all.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-08-06 12:35 EST
~~The Backstory~~

Benjamin lay sprawled on a comfortably ugly couch with a pair of toddler twin boys mauling him. Winnifred Glee had shoved to sit between his legs, aiding and abetting the two little darlings. All this while a star-eyed eleven year old girl painted carefully on Benjamin's fingernails.

Elliot worked once more on the dreaded pink Chuchi laptop, but was less ill tempered over it. He was getting paid much better and getting to design blog sites. He paused to turn the laptop and show an unrelentingly gothic and dark skin to Benjamin and Winnifred.

"It's like goth for Barbie, Elliot," Benjamin sputtered, "Use the designs from Sterling's bracers and belts. No one likes a kindergoth."

"I thought you were too Mr. Sunshine to know Goth," Elliot grumbled, amused, but took Benjamin's idea gladly. He could even put the skin up for sale or download from the main M-GoR site.

"All English and N.A. people know for Goth," he insisted.

"I want Adora's to be a pink and silver sort of American McGee's Alice in Wonderland," Winnie called. Elliot gave her a blank look, and she gasped.

"Google it, heathen!"

"I loved that game," Benjamin added, wide eyed.

"I know! When she got the rage crystals??!"

Elliot rolled his eyes as they got all excited over the ancient Doom-engine game. He had to admit, it did look pretty cool.

"Benjamin," Corine called as she marched into the domestic harmony, carrying her pad and a cup of coffee. She sat carefully and peered at the young man. He did resemble Elvis around the lips and dimple, but he held his face entirely different.

"You're not one of the Boston Piers," Corine continued. Benjamin shook his head.

"Nope, England. No relation, they checked," he assured her arrogantly. Corine laughed, brows quirking.

"I see. Explain how your family happened to get involved with Bear Woman Justice For Children for me...?"

"She's spelunking for story lines," Elliot smirked humorously.

"Oh geez," Benjamin laughed, rolling green eyes, "We're not involved in it, we founded it and run it."

"Ooh, tell," Corina encouraged, quirking her brows. She was looking for new story lines, but specifically wanted things that would illustrate Sterling further.

"Okay. Over ten years ago, Mum and Da were visiting friends in Thailand. Mum, her translator, and one of the friends car broke down in a red light district. While they were waiting for help, this filthy, beaten, terrified little girl, completely naked, came running down the road, pursued by two big men."

"Oh," Corina noted, instantly understanding the context. Her gaze flicked uneasily to her young daughter who contentedly painted Benjamin's fingernails. Benjamin nodded, a wry smile with it.

"She was maybe ten. She hid behind Mum and her friend. The two men went to grab her and drag her back, and Mum went feral. See, Mum grew up on a reservation. It was tough. Her Mum and Nana sent her to a lot of self defense classes."

He reduced so much to such simple words. It wasn't anything he really wanted to dwell on, neither the reasons his mother was so well educated in Karate and Tai Quon Do; nor the reasons that sent the girl running.

"Mum handed the first man his ass, and the second tried to appeal to logic and explained the girl was property of a brothel, she'd been sold to them months ago, and she had to do her work. That just turned Mum even more feral. She finished him off and challenged the entire street to come and get some if they thought they were taking that kid from her."

"Damn," Winnifred whispered, her beautiful gold-shot blue eyes wide.

"Let me show you Mum..." he grinned, pulling his phone out. He proudly displayed an image of a beautiful Arapaho woman in traditional dress. She had a twinkling smile and warmth to her eyes. The next image he showed, she was dressed for some glamorous event, glittering in a blue sheath dress. It was obvious there that she was a small woman, standing next to her proud husband.

"She's beautiful, Benji," Corine mulled, comparing the image to Benjamin. He favored his mother in build and refinement of feature, his father in his eyes and strength.

"She is, thank you," he beamed, but the smile turned quickly quirky, "The brothel owner came out and appealed to Mum's higher nature, surely Mum could see that she was depriving that poor woman of income, and how would she feed and educate her kids, and yadda yadda yadda. Mum went absolutely ballistic."

"Ohh, yeah, so much wrong with that," Winnifred winced.

"Mmhm. Anyhow, an international incident later, and we were the proud new family to little Kimi and were founding the Bear Woman Justice For Children foundation. Mum named it partially after a Lakota woman who was crusading against domestic violence in the tribes and partially for the cult of Artemis."

"Hm. I see," Corine mulled, "So what to they do that's different from any other charity?"

"They rescue and rehabilitate," Benjamin shrugged, "Kids are kept safe in small home like settings, taught that they do matter, that they are loved, and that they can be more than they believe. They don't leave there, either to return to their original home or just into society, until they feel totally ready to do that. The Foundation works with governments and whoever they can to try and protect children and young women, but it's an uphill battle, that's for sure."

Corine made a face at her notes.

"I suppose it would be unforgivably crass to turn that into nighttime drama fodder."

"Do it," Benjamin encouraged, holding her gaze steadily, "The more people aware of the problem, the more people who will stand against it."

"Oh oh oh. There's Sterling's backstory right there!" Winnifred blurted out, "Long ago, Sterling's people were like, tribal Britons, and a Rome-like force swept in and slaughtered all the adults and took the kids to force into slavery. Three teenagers manage to escape and vow to free the rest."

"It's been done, but go on, I am intrigued," Corine encouraged.

"Everything's been done, Corine, it's a matter of how well," Benjamin chuckled.

"Right! So those three eventually rescue all the children, but in the process, they're no longer a tribe, they're enforcers. They've learned all the magics they can to help rescue kids at risk, and they worship an Artemis like goddess ? like Celestial ? and now they form this society in which Sterling is working his way up through. Sterling and his now dead partner, the cold and beautiful Fiona, were responsible for rescuing and returning Adora..." Winnifred went on, wide eyed and grinning, bouncing up and down until Benjamin mugged horribly, and moved her away from his crotch.

"Sorry, love, but you know what Nicholson said..." she purred, wide eyed.

"Kid alert, Winnie!" Benjamin yelped, nodding to Corine's daughter who raptly listened to them.

"...Here's Johnny!" Winnifred finished with a stupid grin.

"Okay, that does work, we never did specify who rescued Adora, and all we know is that a beautiful woman was killed in the process of it..." Corine mulled as she pulled up her outline and continuity sheets for the show, "And seriously, having Fiona do what Benji's Mum did to save her would be incredible."

"And if Fiona was actually his mom, that'd explain some of his love hate thing with Adora," Elliot pointed out.

"I thought you didn't watch the show," Corine teased her son. He made a face.

"I don't, I have to blog it, remember?"

"All I would ask is to put the name and link to the Foundation in the credits and web site," Benjamin shrugged, smiling faintly.

"Done. Now, you both have buttloads of fan mail to answer once Elliot's done with your sites. Forward anything cool to Zelda and I," Corine grinned as she started to work, scribing over her pad quickly.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-08-12 11:25 EST

"Benji," Winnifred noted as they walked for the Midnight Gardens, holding his hand and swinging it between them, "I don't understand."

"That being Winnie-speak for 'I am going to pry unmercifully'," Benjamin replied, good natured. It was a lovely morning, promising heat, but still cool enough for a walk.

"It is," she laughed, wide eyed, but then her brows knit, she frowned, "You've obviously had to deal with kids who have been sexually molested and worse."

"More than I care for, but I don't walk away from family or kids in need."

"That's really strong."

Benjamin shrugged, a flicker of smile turned to her.

"It's a sacred thing, family. When you bring in kids whose blood family failed them, you are doing the works of the gods, you are the gods, it is your duty and honor to restore them to health and family."

"It's too bad more people don't believe that way," Winnifred grimaced, shaking her head, "I never realized how lucky I was."

"You do now," Benjamin chuckled, squeezing her hand.

"I just, it seems funny that you should be so free and easy with your body, after all that you've dealt with," she blurted out quickly, before she could stop herself, flushing crimson, "I'd think you'd be more like me, an utter prude."

"One of my sisters is an utter prude, but see: I choose. That's the difference. Kimi couldn't choose before she came home to us. Now she's a normal lass. She'll shag her boyfriend when she wants to, if she wants to. She knows her worth isn't in her sex, it isn't in being a virgin, it isn't in being anything but herself. That's the hardest thing to learn, because cultures usually say different. We say screw culture."

"You choose."

"Mhm. And I discovered I like sex a lot, lads or lasses, and so long as no one was getting hurt, as long as they chose to be with me, it was all good. I don't hide it. I don't care if people think I'm a slut. I'm happy to be me, and I share," Benjamin chuckled, shrugging slightly.

"So, like them, you don't let that past affect you..?" Winnifred mused, and though he nodded, he held up a finger.

"I don't care for hearing people making light of things like that. I tossed off on some demon sort for talking about raping someone to a lady, and though he insisted I wasn't hearing in context, it was still talking about raping someone like it was something to do. I apologized to the man for interrupting, but I would never apologize for standing against rape culture."

"You really sound like Sterling when you talk like that, Benji," Winnifred laughed abruptly, squeezing his hand.

"He comes from Robert Mitchum and the morals no one thinks I have," he winked.

"So you really don't mind when... Ugh. Masterson Blake is going to be back for two episodes, you know."

"I really don't mind. If it keeps him from disrespecting you, that's all that matters to me. That and he's not the hot stud he thinks he is," Benjamin reassured her warmly, ending with a snort and laugh.

"But then he's disrespecting you," Winnifred decided. Benjamin shook his head.

"No, I agree to him. Maybe I wouldn't under different circumstances, but you're my friend, and I don't want you hurt. He could ruin your career, he is that much of a dick."

"The rate this show's going, soon, we'll be able to ruin his career," she decided, her features flowing into a feline evil.

"That's my girl. Sterling would hump your leg for hours if Adora gave him that look," Benjamin laughed.

"Mm, he's so sexy, too. I can't wait for the Evil Twin Adora to come up."

"She'll meet with Evil Twin Sterling and have evil bebes," he cackled, "Come on, food truck's open. I'm famished."

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-08-17 13:46 EST
~The Fan Mail~

Benjamin sprawled lazily on his back porch. It was a small affair, a deck with a few mismatched pieces of lounge furniture, a table, a barbecue. An old fashioned redwood plank hot tub was built into it, but was currently filled with rain water.

Star dozed in the cooling evening, Bob the evil rooster crowed a final time for the night over his dozing hens, safe in their henhouse behind Star's stable. An owl hooted from one of the trees. A large, fat opossum mother trundled by, carrying a back's worth of babies.

Bracing himself, Benjamin opened his blog site for Sterling, and with a wince, opened Pandora's box. His email for the show. The box wasn't full, but not for lack of trying.

There was already a system for answering in place, most would be moved to a message board visible to the public. Questions he'd already answered would be linked back to the answers. Praise would be thanked. Cool ideas he'd forward to the writers.

'Dear Stirlin wud u have my babiez cuz I luv you like woa, luv so much111!!!!! I RREELY LUV UUUU!!!! Bethany

Benjamin sighed. Again with the male pregnancy.

"Bethany, thanks for your support, I'm grateful for all of my fans. Cheers, Benjamin Piers." he wrote, his standard response to most declarations of love for him or Sterling.

'Dear Benjamin Piers is Sterling and Adora going to be a couple because they are so cute they would be such a perfect couple my friend and I want them to get married and have babies. Love, Henri and Monica.'

"Henri and Monica, I honestly don't know, they keep us in the dark about the scripts. They have me doing a lot of stunts this season though. Cheers, Benjamin Piers."

'Explain why, if in the first episode, Adora is rescued by persons unknown, why there aren't any Get of Fenris around. Yeah, I didn't think you could. Because you're all fake. You don't even know why Adora would be rescued, because the Get of Fenris would beat them all. Explain that. Kevin.'

Benjamin's brows quirked, his head tilting as he read the entry. Finally, he shrugged.

"Kevin, I don't know, I didn't join the cast until the fourth episode. Mark and Anna play all of the Get of Fenris characters in the show, they were hired after I was. So probably Diable Direword hadn't gotten around to hiring his Get of Fenris yet. If you're a fan of the GoF, this season will feature them a lot. Yours, Benjamin Piers."

"Sterling, I felt your gaze from the show last night, it touched me in ways I have never been touched in as a woman..." he read slowly, and his face started to turn bright red as the rest of the letter described just how that touch went and ultimately burned through two sets of double A batteries.

"Oh boy," Benjamin muttered, laughing softly and reaching for a glass of cherry infused moonshine and Cola, "That's not going on the message board."

"Mellisa R. Thank you for your support, I'm grateful for all of my fans. Cheers, Benjamin Piers." he quickly typed, omitting the letter.

'Hi Mr. Benjamin Piers, I think you're a great actor. I love watching you every week. Are you in anything else? Maude.'

"Hi, Maude, thank you so much. I only had a few roles, they're linked in the FAQ. Mum says she's going to start posting the videos of me dancing tap and tribal from when I was a kid, too, so when you hear my anguished screams of horror, you'll know my Mum's been up to no good. Cheers, Benjamin Piers."

'Sterling, I want to bring you to THE LORD'S way, it breaks my heart to see a strong and just man like you mired in the evil of paganism. JESUS CHRIST OUR SAVIOR will bring you TRUE LOVE and TRUE JUSTICE. Please message me It's not too late it is NEVER TOO LATE FOR CHRIST'S SALVATION! I will pray for you! You will never overcome Direword without JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, you must come to me so I can TEACH YOU the WORD of CHRIST! Your BELOVED IN CHRIST, Helena.'

Benjamin exhaled, rubbing his brow.

"Hello, Helena. Sterling is pagan because that's how he's written to be. We try to be respectful of all religions both in the story and on set. We ask that all of our fans be tolerant and kind to each other on the boards no matter what their religion, race, ability, or sexual orientation. Cheers, Benjamin Piers."

'Benjamin or Sterling or whoever you are, can I have your address, it's for a secret project. I won't tell anyone. Do you wear underwear to bed? Staci K.'

Shaking his head, he chuckled and wrote out a reply.

"Hello, Staci K. I am Benjamin Piers, I play Sterling on the show. I wear pajamas to bed. I'm afraid I can't give my address out. Cheers, Benjamin Piers."

'Hello, Mr. Benjamin, do you remember me, I'm Christy from Pasadena, you showed me how to ride a pony at Bickell's Ranch. I think your show's so great, and I ride a lot now, Mom got me a horse because I learned how to take care of one so well from you, her name is Peaches, we rescued her from the pound, isn't that funny? I want to train her to do tricks like your horse do you think I can? Love, Christy, PS here's a picture of me and Peaches at our dressage practice.'

Benjamin beamed abruptly, looking at the photo of a young girl and her horse.

"Hello, Christy, I sure do remember you. I knew you'd be a great horsewoman. It's great to hear your Mom got you Peaches, I love the photo you sent. She's a beauty. I'm really happy to hear you rescued her. I've always said you don't rescue an animal, they rescue you. I'm sure you can learn to train her to do a lot of tricks, just be careful and work with your riding instructor so you both stay safe. I use clicker training with Star, and I get a lot of advice and help from Mr. Bickell, still. I'd love to see your photos of you and Peaches. Here's a link to the site I go to for advice in training Star..."

Well, that made up for at least two of the creepy people, Benjamin decided, beaming ear to ear and just as proud of Christy as if he was her brother. He remembered the girl, she'd been painfully shy and terribly troubled, slowly recovering from the shock of losing her father. The horse he'd paired her with had been a loving and empathic mare who had the girl smiling again before her time at the ranch was half over.

'Benjamin Piers, what is that thing you wear around your neck in the show? I'm trying to make a cosplay costume but I can't see what it is. Debbi.'

Everything gets gender-bent, Benjamin reminded himself with a wry grin. He located a photo of the choker he wore, black velvet with a painted raven skull hanging pendant from it.

"Hello, Debbi, this is the choker, click on it to get a link to where you can buy it already made or to just get the parts for it. It's not a real raven skull, it's plastic. Be sure to post photos of your costume when you're done, I'd love to see it. Cheers, Benjamin."

'Hi Benjamin Mom said you're an actor and it's a show I guess it'd be kind of weird if all that was real but anyhow I really want to be on your show I want to be Sterling's daughter who's really pretty and sweet and she helps him make friends and everyone loves her and she has a beautiful white horse that Xanthus loves and they have babies and they're unicorn and pegasis and they talk and then I'd have Sterling save Adora and they'd be married and have twins. Is that okay? Mom said I could go if you said okay. Love, Francine.'

Benjamin held his hand over his lips, shoulders shaking as he read through the girl's story idea. Brows quirked, he settled down to a long drink of his moonshine and cola.

"Hello, Francine, yes I am an actor, my name is Benjamin. The show is just pretend. I think it's great you think about ways to write stories for the show. There's a forum for people learning how to write right here, too, and I think on the fan-board, too. The more you write, the more you learn.

I don't have anything to do with the writing of the show, though, I'm just an actor. You'd have to write the writers with your ideas, they're linked here too. I think it's great if you want to keep a horse, but they are a lot of work, and you should never breed any animal just to get babies. You can see my friend Christy here, she's adopted a horse and is learning about riding. You might like that too. Cheers, Benjamin.

Smiling nastily, Benjamin forwarded the girl's story idea to Corine and Zelda. Though he assumed they plowed through dozens of those stock Mary Sue stories a day.

'Hi Benji! You have an email now! Thank you again soooo much for having Brian and I at your booth at the con. I <3 U! Beautiful Joy. PS here's links to my new stories! Pls read them and tell me what u think pls please pleaseee?'

Benjamin laughed softly to see Joy's message. Somewhere along the line, the girl had realized that he had relationships with both of her father figures. She responded by recasting him as brother, much to Benjamin's relief.

However, Sterling was still fair game. She was just as prolific with her fan fictions as ever.

"Hello, Joy, it was lovely having you both there, and thank you for your help. Betty (Bettina Joyner who plays Celestial) says your costume was just perfect. I'll stop by soon, I've got some great Robert Mitchum movies and macarons to share with you both. Reading your stories as soon as I'm done here. Cheers, Benjamin."

Benjamin knew Brian found him to be a disappointment, he wasn't at all like Sterling, after all, and the teen boy wanted to be that dark and brooding gothic anti hero. He figured showing Brian that despite being a cheerful and light hearted sort, he still knew for badass would help bring the kid around.

'Hey where is this show filmed, anyhow? My friend Greg says he found it but I couldn't see the Van Houten house. He said it was Lincoln Park in Pomona, but that's where that other show was filmed, I thought it was supposed to be filmed in the Borderlands? Sterling2343 said it's in Pennsylvania, and he's been there. So where is it? Mitch.'

Benjamin mused as he read the email. The location was a closely guarded secret, mostly because the entire neighborhood was abandoned and up for sale. Abandoned properties meant there weren't any neighbors to annoy, and thus, cheap.

Eventually, the film company planned on buying the neighborhood and using it as a studio, but that was still in negotiations. Meantime, they had sealed it off, hired security, and were in the process of putting motion detection cameras all through it. The set dressers purposefully changed elements scene to scene, Easter eggs for the watchers, but mainly to obscure any identifying elements.

Tapping his lips, Benjamin's brows quirked up. It was a fairly secure site, after all. He decided he would bring Lirenel there, and let the elf see for himself that Benjamin was safe.

"Hello, Mitch, I'm not allowed to give the location of the studio or talk about it other than to say it really is that creepy. Cheers, Benjamin."

Finally at an end to the emails, Benjamin woofed and leaned back. He paused as he got a private message from Ivan, who played Lance.

'Benji, this bint is freaking me out,' the message read, and Benjamin frowned at the forwarded email. The girl threatened suicide if Ivan didn't call her at once. Shaking his head, he signed into the site as an administrator and tracked down the girl's information. He forwarded all that to the web master to deal with.

'Read your procedures sheet, dummy. Next time just forward it all to Fatcat Web, they'll contact the girl and send a cop or something. Don't post it to the boards! Geez the actor's emails have only been live a few days and already with the crazy," he wrote back.

Another message dinged, and Benjamin opened it, amused.

'Right? Want to swap erotica?'

Benjamin cackled and promptly forwarded Melissa's letter.

"We need a private board for this," Benjamin mused, quickly creating a hidden folder titled 'Midnight Garden of Sleaze' and then inviting the actors and crew to it. It had over thirty entries before he finally opened the fan site and dutifully began to plow through Beautiful Joy's fan fictions.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-08-19 12:24 EST
~The Heart~

It was very clear from the third time Benjamin met Lirenel that the elf man was enchanted with him. Wanted more from him, of him, than a few lighthearted shags and playtime with Jack.

Usually, that terrified Benjamin. That look, he knew it quite well. It was deeper, wanted in further, it was looking for a future and wondering over the past. Benjamin had learned it early and avoided it intently. He didn't want to settle down, to be anyone's one and only, to be part of a couple.

Benjamin wanted not his freedom, but acceptance to be who and what he was. That was a difficult thing to find. People were programmed from birth to want that one true love and partner, but that wasn't Benjamin.

Yet he didn't discourage Lirenel away. Maybe because the elf was so fascinating, so beautiful, so charming and sophisticated. Maybe because he was so closely braided to Jack that there was no way that he could ask for a monogamous relationship with anyone.

Benjamin was finding more and more that the coven Jack built suited him well. He could trust those around him. And found Lirenel at the center of it.

The best part was knowing he could speak his love and know it would be taken for what is was. Love, which spanned heart to heart without hesitation or trouble. But wasn't one thing for one person. It was a different thing for each person he spoke it to, but it wasn't a sole thing.

More often he simply said he trusted, and that really was much more to him.

It was a beautiful night. Benjamin invited Lirenel to meet him at the old Midnight Garden neighborhood and take a walk, as Benjamin put it. Really it was to show Lirenel the security. The elf had been uneasy with Benjamin's work since the incident with the light bars.

After all, there had to be a reason why the neighborhood had been abandoned.

It was a large, upscale piece of real estate, clearly built to a Victorian code of neighborhood. It was entirely fenced in a stone and iron wall, which was in the process of being repaired. Entering the complex brought them to a street of small shops and cute apartments, built for the use and comfort of the inhabitants and their staff and servants. The tallest building was a lovely art-deco piece with sweeping curved corners and glass, made to oversee the entire lot. It had been built for the private police of the time, and once more housed a far more electronically and magically advanced security team.

Charming winding paths, some with streamlets, wove through the properties. These all converged in the center of the lot where the park and statuary garden were. Benjamin took Lirenel's hand and led him through the grounds.

A favorite place to film was a beautifully overgrown passageway, ferns, creepers, vines, all made a green tunnel, blazing with summer flowers. Moonflowers glowed white, roses and iris hemmed the sides. Benches and small statues were sat here and there down the pathway.

Each time the little lover's lane was used, the set dressers changed things, replacing statues with similar ones, moved benches and painted them. It was a little Easter egg for the viewers, but mainly, it served to disguise the site.

They talked. Benjamin moved closer and closer into Lirenel's arms, reaching his hands up to sift fingers through blond hair. He studied the elf's eyes, listened to his voice almost more than his words.

There was a vast sense of past and history to Lirenel, something he pulled behind him with sometimes more and less grace and ease. There always was some quandary in brown eyes, and Benjamin wondered at it. Something Lirenel wanted to tell him but couldn't hung so clearly between them.

He didn't push, he didn't nag, he just listened, accepting what Lirenel gave freely, and returned those gifts of self with his own. Benjamin smiled, turning his head to kiss Lirenel's lips softly.

"My golden knight," he murmured.

Those words seemed to touch off a nerve long dead. Yet suddenly, Lirenel accepted it with a strange defiance. He would be that Golden Knight. To know he had a place in Benjamin's heart was a wondrous thing. To see that Benjamin wasn't frightened away was even more.

A woman's voice interrupted their discussion as it became more intimate. There were security cameras salted all through the property, and when Lirenel irritably inquired just how long the woman was going to watch without speaking, his only response was that it was the crew's responsibility to find out where the new cameras had been placed.

Knowing that Benjamin often went off with his co workers for quick tumbles gave Lirenel the urge to storm down to the security office and look through their saved data, but the woman continued to speak.

Something had managed to get over a section of fence awaiting repair. She wanted Benjamin and Lirenel to head for the Van Houten house, which was also their safe house in emergency. Lirenel wasted no time and promptly swept Benjamin along, his own step unnaturally quick and silent.

Whatever it was, it had no interest in Benjamin, but it was crossing their path. Lirenel and Benjamin halted, staring at the creature. A huge, undulating naga-type beast came rolling down the road. It was wildly out of control of itself, flailing and destroying all it could get at.

Intending that the security team should deal with it, Lirenel headed for the house. Or tried to. Benjamin had stopped and stared flatly at the Naga. It was an odd thing for him to do, he had learned quickly in RhyDin not to stare at anyone. Accept and look away, or say hello and lower his eyes. He would never stare ?

Without warning, Benjamin was hysterical, insane, scrabbling at Lirenel, trying to get at the naga. He snarled feral hate and loathing in Arapaho, leaving Lirenel completely confused.

The naga was drunk and stoned, looking for someone not there, it didn't care who or what it was destroying in its rampage. But Benjamin... Lirenel knew blood lust when he saw it. He dragged the young man into the house.

The situation with the naga was going downhill fast. Lirenel put Benjamin into Ralphie's care ? the ogre was large enough to hold the youth securely and keep him safe ? and turned to face the naga himself.

It was a short, harsh battle. Lirenel lashed two slender, flexible blades from their hiding and waited for the naga to strike. Though one of its fangs broke off on him, the other found purchase. A small victory for it, the elf swiftly and brutally slashed its head from its body.

Lirenel returned to find Benjamin dazed, docile in Ralphie's care. He didn't remember lashing out on seeing the naga. He was confused, but still turned to help Lirenel with the injuries the elf had sustained.

Benjamin decided that Lirenel had to go to the emergency room. Lirenel stared at the young man, astonished, but Benjamin wasn't listening. He swiped one of the cars used for the show and drove Lirenel to the local hospital.

Benjamin waited anxiously in the waiting room, sitting with the triage nurse and helping her with small healing, letting her direct the energy he called up to help others. Some time later, the doctor finally let Benjamin take Lirenel home.

The elf just needed some blood, the doctor chuckled.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-08-22 14:34 EST
~Falling Superstar~

Masterson Blake had been a huge star in a few realities, a tall, rugged, impossibly handsome man, cut from the same cloth as the legendary heroes of the 1950s Earth Prime. He had been a dashing swordsman, a western sheriff, a passionate politician, a smoldering lover, he could do it all with panache and left a swath of wet panties and testosterone in his wake.

That unchallenged mastery of the industry was failing after decades of complete control. The Epsilon and Targa realities where he had been a virtual god began to spurn him as more and more evidence of his vile personal habits surfaced. The public no longer flocked to his movies. They no longer turned a blind eye to news of his personal entertainments.

Masterson's own daughter wrote a tell-all biography of her father, and he was forced to scramble to do damage control. He demanded guest star roles in several television shows, from the up and coming Midnight Gardens of RhyDin to the long running and well respected Chimera Dreams.

Annoyingly, none of those shows, even Midnight Gardens, which was still tottering over its newness, would allow Masterson sexual favors from the cast. Especially Midnight Garden. He could ask, they informed him, but he would not be granted full right to any of the younger actors bodies.

Masterson lusted wildly after young Winnifred Glee, who would have nothing to do with him. He couldn't break down her will for anything. Instead, he found Benjamin cheerfully accepting Masterson's demands. Benjamin, who before he even took off his shoes, had laid down a list of rules.

"Just how satisfying can this be if you have these rules, dear boy?" Masterson had snarled, trying very hard to make it sound sweet. Benjamin had simply arched a brow.

"You break the rules, I'm out of here, and I do a lot of talking."

The threat wasn't veiled at all. Masterson grudgingly admired the young man's moxie, and realized only belatedly that Benjamin wouldn't care if his acting career was ruined.

It wasn't nearly the deliciously erotic madness that Masterson desired. He did his role and never looked back. The show became more and more popular, Masterson arrogantly took credit for that, though his character had been forgettable and his acting even more so.

A year later, and Masterson's new movie flopped. A multi-million dollar production filled with special effects, action, sex, with all of the hottest women stars and music by the most popular bands did an epic facer. No one could tell if it was because the movie sucked or because people were no longer willing to watch anything with Masterson in it.

Masterson quickly turned back to Midnight Garden of RhyDin. It was hot, popular, already winning awards. He demanded a reprise of his earlier role. To his angered astonishment, the director responded that the character wasn't necessary, and refused to have a story written around it.

The shows producers weren't interested in Masterson returning, either, but grudgingly ordered the part to be written after Masterson paid them the money to purchase the entire neighborhood.

Infuriatingly, that lump sum of money did not include the free use of any of the actors, including and especially Winnifred. In fact, Masterson was flatly told to leave the other actors alone.

Each passing month found Masterson's favorite games further and further curtailed, his lusts left wanting and his needs burning and raw. What the other actors didn't know wouldn't hurt him, Masterson decided. Winnifred spurned him, but Benjamin agreed.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-08-25 18:34 EST
~The Broken Rules~

(this post contains graphic scenes of violence and sexual themes: if you are distressed by this sort of thing, please read with your eyes shut, or ask for the tl;dr version.)

Benjamin liked some rough and tumble now and then. Split lips, shallow cuts, bruises, the taste of blood and sex, the snarling intimacy of dominance and submission, the struggle and surrender.

There were rules to those things so that no one was truly hurt, body or mind. He couldn't walk away fast enough from those whose experience with it came from a book, knowing that they hadn't learned how important those rules really were, and thought breaking them was somehow sexy.

Masterson was well on his way to breaking those rules, and it had nothing to do with him not understanding them. Benjamin suddenly found the heated sweat on his body going to ice, the arousal turning to stark wariness.

Claws cast from a bears in resin and set into a furry glove raked again over Benjamin's back, and he abruptly turned, holding his hand out and snapping "Haversham."

Briefly drawing back, his eyes glittering fury behind a snarling wolf-like mask, Masterson growled realistically.

"I'm not joking around, Masterson. Stop." Benjamin informed him coldly, "You are out of control, you're hurting me. Stop."

His fantasy, his glorious fantasy of becoming a brutal wolf-man and tearing apart the object of his lust even as he spent it, was rudely halted by prey, of all things. Whose beautiful tan skin parted luscious red under tearing claws, whose body twisted and writhed in delightful agony, all Masterson wanted was to silence this defiance.

Benjamin rolled back, getting his feet up, when Masterson fell on him, howling and tearing at the young man hysterically. Benjamin's cool stayed with him, managing to hold the man off with his feet while quickly unfastening the collar bound around his throat.

Once free, Benjamin quickly and deftly pulled himself aside and out from under Masterson.

"Stop it!" Benjamin snapped, and abruptly backpedaled, horrified, as Masterson launched at him, completely out of touch, insane, clawing, striking, and biting at the young man in a frenzy of thwarted lusts.

Benjamin felt his head hit the wall and snarled in return. No matter what he played at in the bedroom, he was no victim.

Electricity gathered over the young man's skin, and lit off violently into Masterson's face. The energy of it threw the man across the room. Benjamin sagged down the wall, leaving a smear of blood on the white plaster. They stared at each other, Benjamin cold acid, Masterson brute confusion and fury.

"Take me home or I will do that again," Benjamin demanded harshly. Masterson stared at him, gauging the young man's will and remaining strength.

"Oh, I will kill you if I start to lose consciousness, Masterson. Don't kid yourself into thinking I can't," Benjamin whispered, lips pulling into a vicious, deranged grin. He shoved from the wall, grabbing his jeans to pull on, and walked unsteadily from the small motel room.

Masterson's car was parked out front. Benjamin got into it. Moments later, Masterson stalked out, covered by a large trench coat.

"You aren't enough. You never were. Miserable little pansy," Masterson snapped as he drove the car, "You can't take what I have to give. I don't want you anymore. You're not enough."

Benjamin eyed the man sidelong, upper lip snagging into a snarl.

"Whatever, Masterson. Go find a real werewolf to do your kink with."

"No such thing," Masterson snapped, abruptly slamming the brakes on. He reached over Benjamin, opening the passenger side door. Without warning, he shoved Benjamin out. Tires spun in the dirt when he slammed a foot to the accelerator and raced away.

"...Ng. Yeah, not telling him Mark and Anna are... ...Where...?" he muttered, slowly pushing himself up with his arms.

Black silk dangled into Benjamin's face. He looked up to find Star standing over him. The vanner whickered, distressed, as he nosed over Benjamin anxiously.

"I'll be alright, Star," he murmured to the animal, though he wasn't really. He slowly collapsed back to the dirt driveway leading to his home.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-08-27 12:29 EST
~The Guide~

Crows flocked.

One, ten, thirty, a hundred.

The sky was dark with them. One by one they landed. On the roof, the corral fence, the nearby trees, even on Star's back and head.

Grunting and muttering, Star managed to haul Benjamin from the driveway, teeth fastened into Levi's, half dragging the young man up the front porch.

Jack was there. Silently, the man opened the screen and door. He lifted Benjamin from Star's care.

"Good job, Star," he murmured to the horse as he carried the actor inside. Benjamin groaned softly, a mess of dirt and blood, aching, slashes, welts, and bruises turning his back into a battle field.

"Who?" Jack demanded in a soft voice that promised retribution and then some. Benjamin exhaled.

"It's not like that, Jack. I agreed, he just went too far and didn't want to stop when I told him to."

Jack's eyes narrowed. His senses told him much more than Benjamin could. There was more there than just rough sex that got out of hand. He gripped Benjamin's chin and turned his face to look into his eyes.


"It was one of the guest stars, sometimes, they think we're there to service them, and I usually volunteer because what he wants is one of the girls, and most of them aren't able to take this sort of thing," Benjamin admitted, wry.

Lirenel had told Jack about this. An ugly side to the industry Benjamin worked for. It amounted to a little friendly prostitution of the actors. Jack had no idea it would be this violent. His star filled eyes narrowed.

"Paladin," he murmured, and didn't know whether to smack Benjamin or hug him. Instead, he began to heal the young man's wounds. Relieved to see they were all external.

"He would have killed Winnie. He wouldn't stop, and the only reason he did stop is I... I zapped him..." Benjamin exhaled, agitated, "I like those sorts of games but... Winnie's never even had sex, and the rest of the girls... I couldn't let him hurt them."

"Are all of these guest stars like this?" Jack inquired cooly. Benjamin shook his head.

"No. Usually, it's just a shag in all fun and... I don't even think Masterson wants to put it in, he just is all into this weird... werewolf thing..."

Jack snarled in silence as he worked.

"So attacks you?"

"Yeah. Funny thing is, he doesn't believe there are werewolves and..." Benjamin paused, groaning as Jack's healing pained him. That pain kicked loose the tumbling blocks of his logical thought process.

"He said I wasn't enough. He's been lusting after Winnifred since ? since last year. Jack. He'll kill her. You have to find him, you have to stop him," Benjamin hissed, twisting in Jack's arms to stare into the man's eyes, horror filling verdant greens.

Jack exhaled. He was not a hero. The role suited him poorly. Yet he could not deny the boon Benjamin asked even if he wanted to. The lad was loyal, he was selfless, it was ever only a matter of time before Benjamin would need Jack's help with something of this nature.

"Ben. Jamin," Jack smiled, slight and terse, kissing Benjamin's brow, "I will bring you his head."

"I don't want his head, just make sure he doesn't hurt Winnie," Benjamin sputtered laughing. Jack muttered. So much easier to just relieve the man of his cranium, but he did suppose it wouldn't match with Benjamin's d?cor.

Several of the crows flew off. They had seen the Mercedes that Masterson drove, and crows never forget.

Soon, Jack could see what they saw. His eyes narrowed. The man was parked beside a quaint, old fashioned court of rental cottages. He leered fixedly at one cottage in particular, where Winnifred Glee watched TV with a few friends.

Once those friends had left... Masterson had a direct shot from his car to her cottage and back.

"Rest," Jack murmured, kissing Benjamin's lips, tender and warm, "I will see to it."

Benjamin smiled, a strange mixture of relief, amusement, love, and that grim sense of duty that paladinly sorts always managed to pick up.

There was a young female crow that had taken to watching Benjamin. She perched on Star's head between the stallion's ears and peered as querulously at Jack as the man stepped out as Star did.

"He'll be alright," Jack noted, patting Star's nose, gentle and fond, "Watch for him. I will return shortly."

Jack was gone into a rising spiral of that vast murder of crows. Star lifted his head to watch them with the female crow. The crow crackled, and Star responded in a dark humor of a rumble.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-08-30 14:14 EST
~The Nightmare Otherkin~

(this post contains graphic scenes of violence and sexual themes: if you are distressed by this sort of thing, please read with your eyes shut, or ask for the tl;dr version.)

The line between dreaming and nightmare was a tenuous thing, the bond between them eternal and unbreakable.

Masterson Blake leered hungrily into the small apartment complex, his entire being focussed on one pretty girl. How she would scream, how she would cry, plead, beg. How her skin would split open under his claws, how her delicate hands would be razed and stripped of flesh as she tried to push him away.

How he would carefully keep her alive while he peeled away and consumed her flesh while spending himself luxuriously within her. The way she would gargle blood and finally, when he was done with her, expire with a whimper.

He would start the real feast with her eyes, he decided, body taut and ready, one hand desperately trying to cool his passions while the other clung tight to the binoculars. The bear suit he wore already stunk maddeningly of blood and sex, watching Winnifred's every movement only honed him sharper.

Crows landed, more of them, around the car. A murder of them had been there since he arrived, he paid them no attention.

One watched, a hand on his chin, sitting on the roof of the car. A pretty girl, a shining thing, a little golden gem of summer. Jack reluctantly admitted to himself that he would try to save this one even if Benjamin hadn't tasked him.

Things were happening. The girl's company had risen and were taking their leave. Jack tapped his fingertips to his lips.

Masterson burst from his car, a repellent wreck of blood, urine, and semen matted fake fur, stumbling and flailing between walking on his feet and trying to go on all fours. Jack shook his head. The fantasy had devoured the man long ago.

The police were already called by the time Masterson made it to the little cottage. He burst through a window, roaring and howling, making swift work of snatching sweet Winnifred from her kitchen.

Crows dove at Masterson as he escaped with his precious cargo. He waved them away furiously and shoved the girl into his car. She had fainted, he decided. He would awaken her to her most glorious of mates, her final moments as a girl, her blissful destiny soon.

Masterson returned to the motel room he had rented for his tryst with Benjamin. He did not notice how dark the day had become, how night encroached on even the midday sun. A haze of darkness surrounded his fevered gaze.

The girl was thrown to the already bloody bed, a pure and virginal offering upon a desecrated altar. Masterson capered around her wildly, howling, screaming, saliva and froth building at his lips and spilling down his chin.

At crescendo of lust and madness, Masterson sprang for the girl sprawled so sweetly in his filth. The dark lashes of nightmare slung out and wrapped around his consciousness, blackened hands flayed of bones coiling over his mind, gripping, dragging...

Lucidity burst like boiling water dashed in the face. Masterson gasped, wide eyed, staring into eyes of black studded with stars.

"You harmed my Bright Star who would have willingly played nicely with you," Jack noted in a voice that was billowing fog, "Now you try to kill my Bright Star's sweet summer spark. To orgasm."

"You are just another one of those bleeding heart morons who think these mewling kine mean anything at all. They're lesser beings. They should be joyous to service their masters, but it is all the more delicious that they fear us," Masterson snarled.

Bound hand and foot, Masterson could feel the bindings, but could not figure out what they were. He pulled patiently against them. He would be able to cut them with his claws and take the star-eyed fool before him and return to defile pretty Winnifred.

"You are a mortal," Jack pointed out.

"I am better than them, my soul is the soul of the were-wolf and were-bear! It beats and rages within me! I take them and eviscerate them and fuck them and devour them! I take my pleasure on their quivering flesh and exult when I let them die!"

Jack arched a brow.

"I have heard better. Lunatic rantings." he decided, "You have done this before."

"I would every night if it weren't for the pigs like you who think they can control me, who think they can impose their foolish laws upon me!" Masterson responded, violently tearing at his bonds with a full body thrashing.

He stopped almost as he began, yowling in terrified pain.

Jack smiled, scalpel thin and cruel. He let light fall upon the situation, gray and cold as realization. He turned to create a tall, elaborately gothic iron framed mirror on a stand of two iron wolves. It was an artful abomination.

Masterson could see himself, but not Jack, in that mirror. Fevered blue eyes took in every detail in a moment of horror that stretched on for ever.

The furry suit was part of him, the snarling wolf-bear head fused to his own skull, claws pinning into the flesh of his forearms, the fur curling wiry from his skin, dark and leathery. He, himself, was bound in place by his own bone, grown in serrated and hooked masses from his body to in turn grow into the chamber he was within.

It was organic, filthy as the lower cecum. He was somehow within himself. Each move he made was amplified throughout his entire being.

"You will not lack for company, the souls of those you have brought such horror upon will come to call," Jack murmured, the lightless shadow of a man's form that he was there beginning to fade into itself.

The first of the defiled came leaping through the mirror Jack thoughtfully left behind to scourge the screaming man with razors made of her own arms and hands. He smiled to hear the outraged screams and the wet plops of flesh striking the living walls.

"Do not fear, Blake Masterson, you will not die, your own agony sustains you and your evil returns to cut you into into portions for your next meal..." Jack hummed.

The lovely slide of day into night returned as Jack shook himself, brushing at the beribboned coat, sitting quietly upon the roof of the Mercedes Benz Masterson drove. He could see Winnifred's friends leaving, the girl herself busy in her kitchen.

Benjamin often spoke of Winnifred. She was a dear friend of his. She was as willing to stand up for him as he was for her. She was a brave girl, Benjamin often said.

Brave or not, Jack decided that Benjamin would be happier with his friend if she was not scarred. Besides, she was a pretty shiny thing, and Jack found he didn't want her dulled.

The crows rose in cloud, cawing, as if it was time for them to find their nighttime roosting, but Jack knew better, he recognized their alarm calls, and quickly slipped away from the car.

A police cruiser pulled up beside the Mercedes, and one of the officers got out to investigate.

"Looks like this dude was peeping the apartments, but one's home now," the officer called to his partner. The older woman got out and looked into the car.

Masterson sat behind the wheel, in a ghastly state of rictus, eyes peeled open wide to show colorless iris and pinpoint pupils, teeth bared inhumanly wide, every muscle locked into its extreme of tension. He breathed, shallow, and his heart beat, but that was the only sign of life.

"Stroke, probably. Call for an ambulance."

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-09-03 11:09 EST
~The Chromebook~

Benjamin hovered over Russel's shoulder as the old wizard worked on a Chromebook at his desk. He had the back open and was carefully replacing bits and pieces. Every now and then, the old man grabbed a fly swatter and smacked Benjamin back.


"I told you to find the little boy that does this, he can get it up and running in less than an hour," Russel scolded, amused.

"He's at summer camp," Benjamin responded sulkily. He retreated at last, sitting and watching Russel work, pouring them both cups of tea from a fancy silver service.

"How's your granddaughter?" Benjamin inquired after a few moments. Russel snorted.

"She was certainly raised better than to deal with the trash she was with. She'll be fine, her mother's taken her home to Scotland," the old man noted darkly before glancing back at Benjamin.

Ralphie had said Benjamin had 'gone spazzy' when the Naga trying to kill Russel's granddaughter had turned up. He couldn't decide if it was Ralphie trying to use a new word or if Benjamin had gone 'spazzy'. It was difficult to envision.

"You know, you've made quite the start of your own life here, Benji," Russel noted, adjusting his glasses and peering at his work.

"I know," Benjamin agreed, setting the cup and saucer by the older man's hand.

"That elf fellow clearly adores you, and if you ask me, he looks like the sort you settle down and adopt a few kids with," Russel pointed out. Benjamin rolled his eyes and exhaled.

"I don't need this from you."

"I play the bad guy, I have to get my licks in," Russel grinned, "And I've seen you with Winnie..."

"Winnie's like a sister."

"Ah. Much prettier than my sisters," Russel chuckled, and again, Benjamin rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Don't you have enough around here to get your paternal instincts out on? The writer's kids, Anna's knocked up, Fianna has three kids..."

"Nope. Now..." Russel abruptly turned from the laptop to Benjamin, reaching over to take the young man's hand, "I want you to understand something. It is not unusual for people to be brought here abruptly or planned to find they can't return home."

"You've said that," Benjamin exhaled, struggling not to squirm.

"It does sometimes mean they were killed in their home reality," Russel told him gently, squeezing his hand, "And it does sometimes mean they are dead, period. But you aren't dead. You were brought here for a reason."

"Why haven't I been able to get back home then...?"

"Most likely because you're being held here until you do have a life here, a reason to stay, a reason to work on the reason you are here."

Benjamin bit his lower lip and nodded slowly.

He could see it in the smoke, in his dreams. Something so unimaginably vast. He could see the endless skies, he could hear the calls of the great mythic birds.

In the mornings when he prayed, he could pry open small windows and look into other places. He could call to the people he loved, and often, bring them to him.

But only those in RhyDin.

"This should get you in touch with your reality," Russel smiled, finally putting the laptop into Benjamin's hands, "I just want to warn you. If it doesn't ? then ? we'll talk."

Benjamin felt a cold finger of dread drag down his spine. He watched, wide eyed, as Russel opened the laptop and opened the Skype application.

"What if the only thing that answers me is my imagination?" Benjamin asked softly. Russel smiled, thin and wry.

"That's why I'm standing here rudely waiting for you to call your family. But since you've been able to contact your family through the show's website, I'd say it was all really a matter of you having reason to stay here."

Benjamin looked up at the old man, then took a deep breath. He opened his account and then contacted his parent's Skype.

The returning image was jumbled and colorful for a few moments, and cheerful yelling blared from the speaker.

"BEEENNNNNNNNGGGGEEEEEE!!!" a little girl squealed, and all went dark, as if she was hugging the computer, which she was.

"Becky!" Benjamin laughed, so immeasurably relieved to see his youngest sister, "Becky, go get Mummy or Da."

"BENNNNNNGGGEEEEE!!!" Becky squealed once more, her lips smooshed to the screen. "KISSKISS! I love you! BYE!"

Then she turned off the Skype. Benjamin blinked a few times.

A few moments later, the Skype lit up once more, and Benjamin found himself staring at his mother's face, her own brilliant with surprised wonder.

"Mum!" he blurted out, abruptly in tears, and fully understanding Becky's impulse to hug and kiss the computer.

"Oh baby! Finally! Every time we try to call, it says you're out of the service area! We were so worried until we found the web site! How are you?! We've missed you so much!" she responded, "We hear you in your prayers and can almost see you, what are you doing?"

Benjamin tried to answer, but words collided in his mouth, and all he could do was stare at his mother's beloved face, tears running down his cheeks. Russel quickly leaned down.

"I'm Russel, I work with Benjamin on the show, I play the bad guy," the old man chuckled, "He's truthfully doing quite well, Mrs. Piers, he was just afraid I wouldn't be able to noodle this laptop into getting the reception we need to contact you."

"Oh, we're just now getting it on Netflix, it's so tawdry," Mrs. Piers chuckled, amused, "Your horse is beautiful, Benji."

"Oh. Yes. Star. I'm sorry, Mum, I didn't... didn't expect..." Benjamin stammered a bit, managing to get hold of himself enough to talk.

"It's all right, sweetness. Here's Da... Tell us everything," his mother smiled, looking up as her husband knelt on the floor beside her, looking into the laptop. Benjamin could only beam, staring at his parents faces until Russel humorously prodded the young man to speak.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-09-13 18:42 EST
~Locally Sourced~

Benjamin had always been one to prefer locally sourced, sustainable, home grown, all of that rather hippyish stuff that people tended to promptly link to his heritage. Where on his mother's side, it was a matter of having few other choices, on his fathers, it was a charming quirk.

The Piers family had never exactly lived in want, after all. But there were reasons for that, and the charming quirk was part of it.

So, Saturday mornings, after seeing to Star and the chickens, Benjamin would load up Star with a few saddle bags and head for the marketplace. This particular day, he needed little, tea, coffee, meat, bread, and was soon exploring the stores and shops around the butchers.

A little luthier shop beckoned, the pearled inlay of a banjo catching Benjamin's eye. Tilting his head, he pushed his way inside.

The Holtendirks had asked Benjamin to help with their booth at the Boozefest, and there wasn't anything more American than moonshine... except for the Banjo. He picked up the one in the show room window.

There was a sweet little dulcimer, an adorable little mandolin, none very fine or expensive, but definitely usable. Benjamin didn't play any of the instruments, he knew three chords, and didn't know if they translated from guitar to anything else, but he wasn't purchasing the instruments for him.

The animal shelter was a bit out of town, but the no-kill shelter had a thrift shop in the marketplace. He went in to talk to them.

Any good moonshiner had a lot of hound dogs, after all.

"I want as many older hounds as you can guarantee to be good family dogs," he told the lady, "Already trained if possible, definitely spayed and neutered."

Then it was just a matter of heading home, and laying in wait...

It was interesting to see how quickly and easily Jack was drawn to the banjo. But it was a quirky instrument, with a loud and brassy voice that could, with a skilled hand, turn sweet, romantic, elegant, even alien.

Many of the old tunes Jack sang favored the tones of the banjo, though most had been written well before the instrument ever existed, for the hee and haw of a raucous and raw fiddle made from cheap wood.

Jack spoke through the music he played, and he spoke through the music he played.

Benjamin knew where he was going, what the man was doing.

"You've existed in pain, you've lost everything and had to fight to regain it; you have been humiliated, beaten, lost, and been forced to work your way back from that. Now, you have your feet on the floor, you have too much to lose..." Benjamin murmured to Jack, "You have your plan to make sure you do not lose those things again."

Jack crackled his nearly nonsensical reassurances, but there was a real keenness to his eye. His Bright Star, his Wizard, Paladin... More than just fond nick names, he was watching Benjamin move into where he needed him to be.

Willingly. Jack wasn't leading the boy into temptation. Benjamin was simply walking to the place where he should be.

"My guide," Benjamin had murmured to Jack. That felt right.

"Do you like dogs?" Benjamin asked a few moments later.

Jack blinked a few times. Dogs...?

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-09-15 14:30 EST
~The Dogs~

Dogs. About twenty of them, from six years old and up. Each with a collar with their name that corresponded with an information sheet on the table sitting in the rough enclosure of hay bales making up the Holtendirks Dairy Moonshine booth.

Ranging from thoroughly questionable mutts to purebreds, the dogs were all hound types, all retired from hunting or surrendered for other reasons, and all very very glad to be out of the animal shelter where their existence was tenuous at best.

They did what hounds do best, they lounged about on the grass, playing with each other or toys lazily, and grouped around Jack as he sat on a rocking chair and played banjo. Soon enough, Gemythist joined him on the mandolin, singing counterpart to his folk tunes.

To Benjamin's delighted surprise, Lirenel later took the mandolin, and not only played, but danced along with Dair and Fin. He met Shylah, and he met a young lady fan, then managed to figure out the entire series of illusion over Johann and his mate.

Taneth arrived, and though Benjamin had thought she would gladly play with the pups, she was deeply upset about something, and she refused to go to anyone. Fortunately, a woman arrived who was able to comfort her, at least.

And so ran a wonderful evening with a lot of booze and a lot of dogs. Skid pledged to take any remaining dogs, a total of four. It would have been five, but Benjamin took home Elsa, a big silvery gray otterhound.

It was a grand evening.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-09-20 12:16 EST

Benjamin cheerfully signed onto the Midnight Garden of RhyDin board. The front page was ablaze with the announcements of their nominations for the Targa People's Choice awards, welcoming new viewers from two earth realities, and announcing the purchase of the entire property making up the sprawling set.

There was also a few small GIFs that he didn't bother looking closely at. Usually they were just motion captures of some blooper or another. He opened his site mail and smiled brightly.

'Hey, Benji-man, I came home from college and proved my skills in education by teaching Mum how to do everything she wants to do on the internet. Enjoy. Love you! Isadore. PS, that Ivan guy that plays the head hottie is a sweetheart, very helpful. Tell him I said thank you again.'

Benjamin eyed the cryptic note from his younger sister suspiciously. It wasn't that it was unusual for her, it was knowing that her cryptic messages always meant something awful for him.

'I know what you're up to and it won't work. You're not making me flinch this time, Izzy. Have fun on holiday, I'll call later tonight. Love you!' he responded. He didn't know what she was up to, but he never admitted that to her.

It was ominous that Isadore mentioned Ivan, however. The young man was handsome and sweet tempered, an amazing actor, but he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Shaking his head and chiding himself for letting Isadore get to him, Benjamin returned to answering his fan mail.

'Benjamin, hi, it's Christy again, look, I won second place in my class for dressage! And I sent a movie of me and Peaches, I taught her to play fetch all by myself. She loves it! We finally got your show on Netflix so I can watch it, I wish you'd play someone nicer but your costume's so neat. I really like the guy that plays Garth, is he nice?

I have to do homework now, <3 <3 PS You were really cute when you were a kid! Love, Christy.

Benjamin's brows drew together as he read Christy's email. She did live in his home reality and time, and possibly had been able to find his school photos or something on line. After all, she had found him. Shrugging, he went to view the videos she'd linked, and forgot about being cute as a kid. He commented on her videos about how proud he was of the girl before replying.

'Cheers Christy, I just watched your videos, you and Peaches are spectacular. I think you should have won. Something to work towards. I'm going to have to teach Star to fetch, I never thought of that, that's hilarious. Haha, Sterling is such a grouch, but he is fun to play.

Leo Grange plays Garth, and he is just as nice as he seems, and he loves horses, too. He'd love for you to email him, too, tell him you're my friend. Love, Benjamin.'

Benjamin quickly fired off a site mail to Leo, giving him a heads up, and then returned to his emails.

'OMG U DENCE SO WEERD I Luv U tho can I hva ur addy I wnt to cum see u lolololol. U no whut I meen lololol. Luv Olivia'

Benjamin made a face at the email. He danced so weird? The rest of the email annoyed him, even more so when he realized there was a photo of an underaged girl, topless and making a duckface included. Muttering, he quickly forwarded the email and image to the site administrator before deleting it off of his computer and web mail.

'Please remember to read the rules for emailing the actors. DO NOT send ANY images of underaged nudity, you WILL BE BANNED FROM THE SITE IF YOU DO.' Benjamin glared at the post. What he really wanted was to rant on the little idiot's obvious lack of netiquette, but it was a moot point.

Muttering, Benjamin took a moment to fetch a beer and open it. Resettling himself and taking his mind from the aggravation, he opened the next email.

'Wow I thought the people saying you were half Native American were just saying that to make you seem more cool. What tribe are you? I'm Cherokee, but we live in Upper East Narnia haha. Why is all of Sterling's fetishes and stuff such a mix of weird stuff if you're really NA? Your friend, Leoti.'

This was getting a little odd. Benjamin's brows quirked, but shrugged and typed a response once he posted the email.

'Hello, Leoti, yes, I really am half Arapaho. Mum's Arapaho, Da's English. They ran into each other in Japan while on a bicycle tour (literally, ended up in the ER and all), and the rest is history. Sterling's costume was made up of everything that looked good on camera, as his belief and religion were going to be fictitious. We thought that would be a better option than having him be a real and known religion and risk offending people. Cheers, Benjamin.'

'Benjamin, your mom is so cool! She came into the chat room and everything, and she told us all about you! Is your mom going to come back because she was so funny and I think everyone loved her. She should be like Adora's aunt or something, she's so nice. Yours, Eric.'

Benjamin stared in horror at the note as it all came together in a terrible, terrible crash of realization.

Taught Mom. Such a cute kid. Dances so weird. Really was half Arapaho. Ivan was so helpful. Dread simmering in his heart, Benjamin opened his web page.

Five new videos, all beautifully framed and hosted, waited for his perusal.

"...Oh no..." he whispered, his face draining of color. He clicked the first video queasily.

Five years old. Spiffy as could be in a powder blue tiny little tux and tails. Tap dancing his little heart out with two other kids to 'Puttin' On the Ritz'. Benjamin's face went from white to red in a flash.

The next was him at seven with his older brother, dancing at a pow-wow. He groaned, hands over his face.

Eight, ten, and twelve, each either tap dancing or native. The front page had three gifs made from the routines. Benjamin thunked his head to the table. This wasn't even a tenth of the video his mother and father had taken over the years.

And his sister had taught his mother how to post them, and Ivan had clearly given his mother administrator's tools.

"MOTHER," he groaned.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-09-25 11:26 EST
~The Beautiful Evening~

For several moments, Lirenel stood on the dirt road that Benjamin's house sat along and admired the sweet sight on the porch. Benjamin wore well fitted slacks in charcoal and a button down shirt of pale green ? miss buttoned. Lirenel's lips quirked, considering his own impeccable clothing, dove gray and black, as he slowly approached the house.

Benjamin grinned as he tracked Lirenel, rather haplessly trying to properly button the shirt and finally just tucked it in. Green eyes were bright with the delight of seeing the elf, his smile of welcome was pure sunshine.

"You are adorable," Lirenel chuckled, his voice soft, as he drew the young man into his arms and studied Benjamin's eyes.

"I'm lame. You look gorgeous. You always look so perfectly gorgeous," he countered with a laugh, letting his accent turn snotty English lad, "Buttons are not my forte."

"It is a burden, to be this devastatingly handsome," Lirenel grinned, head tilting as he idly unbuttoned Benjamin's shirt. He considered buttoning it properly, but the young man was simply too charming in a disheveled state. He skimmed a hand up warm tan skin to Benjamin's jaw, tilting his head and leaning to give a kiss of welcome.

"You're not lame," Lirenel added with a chuckle, gazing into bright green eyes, enchanted with what he saw there, caressing Benjamin's cheek.

Benjamin returned the kiss with interest, soft, eager touches of his lips to Lirenel's, playful with little nibbles and nips. "It was lovely curling up with you and Jack and Gem the other night to sleep," Benjamin murmured, sliding closer into Lirenel's arms, a tight embrace of arms and a soft thrum as he recalled the night.

Lirenel squeezed in return, lips curving into a smile. "It was, though I spent a few hours just watching. The peace sleep brings to the turmoils we've had--it was good to see. And you." He leaned to nuzzle a kiss from Benjamin, marveling all over again at how perfectly the young man fit into his arms.

"The beauty that rests in stillness upon you--Michaelangelo must have envisioned such beauty when he carved the sorrowful face of the virgin in his Piet?. You protect, even in your sleep, Benjamin," the elf whispered. In sorrow, Lirenel thought, there was great beauty.

Benjamin's skin ran pink, watching Lirenel shy and impish both. "Walk around the block with me. Watch the night come in, the cows and goats bedding down," Benjamin whispered, pressing a line of kisses along Lirenel's jaw, "Then we'll soak in the hot tub and watch the night together."

"I would like nothing better, my heart," Lirenel smiled, and Benjamin paused to kiss his lips, soft, tender, his breath catching with an adoring smile.

"I love hearing you say that. My heart," Benjamin murmured.

Lirenel smiled and took Benjamin's hand, leading him from the porch with a flourish.

Benjamin grinned, strolling along the dirt road, humorously taking Lirenel's arm and clasping it to his chest while they walked. It was farmland and woods, much like Benjamin's childhood home. His little cottage was well away from any other homes. There were several of similar homes in a wide perimeter around the remains of some ancient and ruined manor house in the middle of what had become woodland. It suited Benjamin perfectly.

It was a lovely August evening, cooling from the heat of the day in warm scents of grass and sage. Thunderheads crowded around the nearby mountains, flashing light from time to time.

"My heart. Yes. You are my heart," Benjamin murmured, squeezing Lirenel's arm, amused by the greedy and selfish gesture it was. He was anything but greedy or selfish, but Lirenel, Lirenel was different.

"So, it is official, then?" Lirenel replied, his laugther silver bells in the wind.

"Official?" Benjamin chuckled, his head canted as he slipped his hand from Lirenel's arm to his strong hand and squeezed that, too. "Yes. I think it is. That's where you are in me. What you are for me. When I look at you and where you are in me. My heart. You made my knees go weak when you said it that first time. All I could think of was getting you to say it again."

Lirenel smiled, mulling that over, turning it in his mind for several steps of a companionable silence. "It is the truth."

"I hear it in your voice," Benjamin mulled, resting his head to Lir's shoulder as they walked, "I never thought I'd meet anyone like you. Someone that would be at the center of my attention." A slight shrug with the admission, though Benjamin was flushing solid crimson all over again.

"Does it worry you, to be of such a singular mind?" Arm bent at the elbow, Lirenel curled his hand so that he could hold Benjamin closer. For a few delightfully off track steps, he even put his head against the top of the young man's, laughing for the sheer joy of it, but soft, so not to disturb the animals settling down for slumber.

"No," Benjamin grinned, pausing just so he could press closer, sliding an arm around Lirenel's waist, tilting his head face up to the elf's humorously nibbling at his jaw. "You made it all safe without even realizing it, I think. Safe for me, I mean. So I wouldn't panic and run. You made it clear you belong to Jack, and in turn, he is yours, but the way you've braided yourselves... Made a perfect space for me. I don't know if we'd ever be at a point where it's only you and I and marriage and all that. It doesn't scare me to think of that."

Lirenel He licked his lips and acknowledged the shiver that Ben's nibbling, even in play, sent through him. He listened to Benjamin's explanation in an accepting silence, though his thoughts began to poke and prod at him. How could it be that he kept smiling? His heart--more, his world--so recently shattered and here, now, he could step back from the pain, look ahead and look to Benjamin to think about what *he* was doing and feeling. Could he call it progress or denial?

"Marriage. It doesn't scare you to not know if we'll ever be at that point or it doesn't scare you to consider it, or both?" Lirenel asked, caressing a hand over Benjamin's cheek.

"It doesn't scare me. It never did, I never considered it as something that would be for me, or if it did become something for me, it would be in a way I could understand and enjoy," Benjamin replied, warm, pressing closer to Lirenel.

Benjamin might call Lirenel's ability to look past his recent tragedies progress, but Benjamin was the sort to process and accept rather quickly. He knew not everyone was that way, and he knew some people thought he was rather shallow for it. And didn't care.

"If we never go there, that's fine, we'll have each other anyhow, and be surrounded by people who love us. If we do, well, we'll still be surrounded by people who love us. If things change by being married or not, we'll be the ones to have changed us. I trust future me and you," Benjamin gave a soft laugh with that, tugging Lirenel along once more. That hot tub was giving its steamy sirens call to him.

"We do have one another, Benjamin. We do," Lirenel agreed, soft. His heart tripped in his chest. How peculiar! How utterly strange for it to do that...

With Ben pressed up against him, Lirenel felt things stir in him that never stirred; at least, not outside the dreamscape. Oh, he could make things happen -- and did, for joy and for pleasure and for others -- but this, this was pure reaction. He followed easily where he was led, the "planned spontaneity" a marvelous thrill. He shivered with delight, with prospects and possibilities.

The stars wheeled overhead. The thunderheads brought flashes a little more often and rumbled their pleasure a-far off.

"You know, you do fit in so very perfectly, Benjamin. I am Jack Scot's, yes. I love him. I serve him. I am his liegeman and he needs me. I think, no, I know that I need him as much. Maybe more. Maybe that's why I've rarely been home since I pledged him my service."

"Yes," Benjamin grinned, squeezing Lirenel's hand. They had gone full circuit, back to his house, and around it, pausing to pat Star's nose, and of habit, making sure the horse's water was fresh.

Lirenel greeted Star as well, with a bow and respect. Star was more than just a pet. Star whickered, he was banging a half-inflated soccer ball about, but paused long enough to give a hop and flashy bow in return. Acting all the time, always playing, Benjamin and Star were sweet pleasures that made him smile.

Benjamin laughed at his horse's antics, and as he towed Lirenel to the porch deck, started to undress near the hot tub. "How did you meet Jack, come to be his knight?" It was an old-fashioned redwood plank-bound hot tub, and it steamed in the cooling evening. He had a couple of jars of 'shine in a bucket of ice near at hand.

Lirenel watched Benjamin undress, fascinated by each fluid motion, each ripple of finely formed muscle in his heart's lean frame. He considered the question and plumbed his memory for the answer. He was meant to remember things, all things... but mostly the things that he thought about were sad, to flavor the guilt he slept with and drank in each night. Meeting Jack was a mixed memory.

Buttons undone, Benjamin let the shirt slide from his body. He caught it to toss over a chair and paused to kick off his sneakers. He unfastened his slacks to drop off, leaning over and hopping a bit.

Lirenel smiled at the hopping and stepped close, swift and silent as always, to lend his hands as support, one on either of Benjamin's hips. He slipped out of his loafers and enjoyed the sensation of warm skin beneath his fingers. "We met in a bar and he was hurt--the result of a hunter's trap."

"Oh." Benjamin grinned, and shamelessly twerked a few times. Which dissolved him into giggling. Lithe and light, he was a sleek and compactly muscled creature, agile, he straightened and grinned mischief at Lirenel. "Jack seems as skilled as Gem is at getting into trouble."

Lirenel flicked out his hand to give that twerky bare bottom a little slap. "That's been my experience." Then he tugged his sweater off over his head and balled it up to join Benjamin's clothing. Long fingers paused at the clasp to his pants as his focus went long.

"I was drawn to him, even then." Thirteen odd years before... "And I wanted to ask him why, so I found out where he lived and infiltrated his wards and sat on the roof of his house until he invited me in."

Benjamin smiled encouragement, reaching over to slide a hand after the pants once they lowered, to caress taut ass into the dip between cheek and thigh. He abruptly laughed at that. "Jack must have been flustered at that, to find you'd slipped through his wards."

"I ..." a considerable pause as Lirenel controlled, or tried to control, the hitch in his breathing. Something significant changed and he didn't immediately grasp what it was. "I am certain he anticipated me. Having been caught in a human trap and injured, he wasn't about to be caught in mine. He let me through and he wanted to talk to me, to know what need I had, deeper than the blood in my veins, for his company."

That was an odd way to put it, really, but Benjamin just nodded, quiet and listening. He shifted, turning to slip into the hot tub with scarce a splash, reaching for Lirenel's hand to tug him in after.

The water's heat invaded him, turned Lirenel's marbled flesh to rosy skin almost instantly. "Oh, that's ... lovely."

"Mm. It's wonderfully healing after a long day," Benjamin agreed, sliding close to Lirenel's side, reaching over to pour a good measure of scented salts into the water. Mints and rosemary mingled with the scents of the evening. Then he started the jets. Swirling bubbling waters.

Surprise lit Lirenel's eyes, still far too red near their black centers, ringed with golden brown. "Look at this!" The Bubbles! The white, the foam, the smells! As if Ben didn't know what it did. Yeah, it's his first time in a "hot tub" as opposed to a tub of heated water.

"Bubbles!" Benjamin laughed, "We'd never get Jack out of here if he ever got over his dislike of water." He rested against Lir's side and watched his profile, humor alight in bright greens.

His eyes grew wide. One arm wrapped around Benjamin and clinging to his side; the other rode the frothy waves. "This is amazing!"

The old tub had no lights under the water, but porch lights illuminated the roiling surface and the rise of steam. Benjamin laughed again and pressed his cheek to Lirenel's profile, enjoying the electric sensation of the elf's amazement. "It's wonderful. You're always welcome to stop by and hop in, you know."

"Really? Thank you, Benji," Lirenel kissed him soundly. "Ooo," he sighed after. "It makes everything ... tingle."

"Mm. It does," he murmured, smiling into the kiss. The hard part was deciding how long to let Lirenel enjoy the water before taking advantage of that tingling. He lifted a warm and wet hand to Lirenel's cheek, turning the elf to him to nuzzle out another kiss, tongue's tip teasing over his lips. "I suppose I should let you tell the rest of your story."

Lirenel's eyes half closed, Benjamin's touch, his teasing kiss and the water stirred him. He trembled to feel the added rise of heat between his legs. "If you... if that's ... " The hell with it. He pulled Benjamin into a deep kiss, fingers of one hand knotting in his hair. They could finish the conversation another time.

For now, it was all the beauty of the night sky and the heat of the water and their bodies.

(Written with the incomparable Lirenel <3)

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-10-16 12:17 EST
~The Door~

The small sacred fire burned low, fragrant smoke pooling and wisping away by turns. Benjamin sat before it, cross legged, Elsa sprawled at his side. He petted the dogs ears from time to time, smiling faintly.

Grizelda poked and pecked at the grass around them, the little girl crow kept herself occupied while the rest of the small flock was out and about squabbling and making trouble.

Gram always told him that he would see the other-worlds. He would be able to peel back his reality and walk into the lands of fairy, step into the eternal green of the sky lands...

She just never said how. Benjamin chuckled to himself, a bit rued. They all thought he was much brighter than he was, sometimes.

His gaze tracked after the slowly rising smoke. It looked... like a door cracked open. Without thinking, he reached out and gripped at it.

Smoke... but then it was more. It was pressure under his hands. Brows knitting, he pulled. Unaware that clouds began to spin into existence overhead, thick, dark, and heavy.

Endless, brilliant greens and vivid purples, reds, yellows... he could see them through the breech he pulled open. He stared into it a long while.

Jack would know what that was, Benjamin decided abruptly. Yes. He needed Jack there.

Without warning, the clouds overhead opened up and dumped a deluge of a microburst over him, flashing lightning and pounding thunder.

Yelping in surprise, Jack found himself falling to his ass on the lawn, absolutely drenched instants later.

Benjamin stared, his mouth hung open, through the steady fall of rain. Jack sputtered and flailed, finally getting his bearings and realizing what happened. Torn between laughing at Benjamin's experiment and outrage at the rain, Jack stumbled to his feet, snatching up Grizelda to shove under his coat.

"Inside, inside!" Jack demanded. Sheepishly, Benjamin and Elsa went slogging into the house. He brought towels, and lit the fire. Soon enough, they were all comfortable before the fire. Jack chuckled faintly, sipping the liniment Benjamin had brought him.

"Bright Star," he murmured, kissing the top of Benjamin's head, "You just have to call. You don't have to drag me through the rain."

Benjamin sputtered laughter.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-10-21 12:33 EST

Moonlight turned Lirenel's skin to the finest alabaster. Benjamin lay beside the elf on his bed, head propped up on his hand, and quietly studied every curve, every dip and hollow, every muscle. He caressed skin that was slightly cool, soft, and elastic, a quiet gaze of green following the path his hand took.

So beautiful. So strong. Lirenel was a slowly opening mystery, showing each facet's shine before revealing another. There was so much there, and Benjamin only dimly realized how much.

It seemed silly, now that Benjamin thought about it, to think that Lirenel had blissfully existed without entanglements or events to his life. Benjamin was infamous for his denial, though it was as much protection for his all too human psyche as it was a minor annoyance. Being able to skip over things that his mind wasn't yet ready for preserved his sanity and good humor alike.

It'd taken weeks before Benjamin realized that Lirenel wasn't human, and had found the elf's pointed ears. A little longer than that to realize that Lirenel was entirely enchanted with him. Finding himself caught into Lirenel's arms and hearing him murmur about how wonderfully well Benjamin fit there had been a revelation.

He wouldn't have thought Lirenel really would like him, a brash young human who fumbled through energies he didn't quite understand and often was hiding from those things.

It had been surprising, some of the things he'd come to learn of Lirenel. The elf was so polished, so refined, elegant, it was strange to think he'd ever been anything but that perfect knight.

With kids! Benjamin stifled a soft laugh. Family was a sacred thing to him, and everything that had happened about Lirenel's children had been madness. It was a wonder, really, that they were as average as they were.

Brandon was precisely the son Benjamin would envision for Lirenel, he decided. Handsome, intelligent, and as nasty as his father could be. Angry. With good reason.

Benjamin grimaced a bit as he stretched out alongside Lirenel, hand moving to lightly trace the elf's brow. Now that he could see it, Benjamin sensed, tasted, a great loss and sadness around Lirenel.

It was a nasty catch. Without those losses, Benjamin wasn't sure he would have even met Lirenel. He wondered if he was taking advantage of them. Benjamin never dwelled on things. Once something was done, it was done. He took the lessons learned and moved forward.

He knew people found him shallow for it, but he didn't care, usually. When he suffered, he found solace for it. He found distraction. He found healing. He knew most people weren't like that.

He touched Lirenel's lips lightly, following the sensual bow of his lower lip, and then leaned to place a gentle kiss there, hoping that he brought solace, distraction, and mostly healing to Lirenel's heart.

There was much more to learn there. Benjamin was patient. He didn't push. He waited.

Lirenel's eyes flickered open to find Benjamin watching him, and he chuckled softly, pulling him close once more. Benjamin wanted to insist he wasn't a creeper watching Lirenel sleep, but ...Lirenel didn't mind.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-10-29 18:04 EST

"Focus," Dr. Lolita Skullbasher barked, smacking Benjamin upside the head with a meaty palm.

"Ow," he muttered, tossing his head in response. Focus. It all kept boiling down to focus. His focus was a well honed tool already, and it was still a knapped flint. Sharp to the micron, yet primitive and unrefined.

Focus. He gazed through the smoke of his sacred fire, feeling Lirenel's arms around him, his presence, his will. He stepped forward and ?

Power moved through Benjamin, electric and ancient, pure, stinging. He harnessed it, caught its reins and directed it with slow and imperfect precision. He moved it through his intentions, his will.

The whining and whimpering ball of fur on the table before him quieted. He stretched his fingers to the soft pelt. Sparks and sparkles danced from his fingertips.

"Focus," Dr. Skullbasher murmured, watching intently.

He had looked into Taneth's eyes and found Life. All Life. A vast and living reality of the harmony of plants, animals, elements, and soul. He'd flown through it. He was convinced of that. Vast wings stretched wide...

"Owie," a little voice mewed, and Benjamin bit his lower lip.

"Almost done, Kenya," he whispered.

Focus. The bird fine bones sealed under the press of energy. Muscle soothed. Nerves quivered and pricked at the electricity flowing through them. Benjamin paused there, looking aside to Dr. Bonecrusher. She nodded once.

Benjamin drew his hands back, fingers curling into fists, moving back the pooling energies which wanted to break loose and crest from his body now that they'd been called forth. He didn't allow it.

"There is always more energy in the earth, Benjamin, just learn to take it," Lirenel had whispered to him, watching in patient quiet as Benjamin laboriously re-constructed wards over his property. Still ragged but complete, Benjamin worked with them each day to perfect, despite the much more powerful and infinitely more sophisticated wards that Lirenel had put into place there.

As he could take the power from the earth, so he could release it. This time, he did not. He needed it ready. He reached to the table and gently lifted the tiny fox-girl from her wounded coil.

"Better?" he asked. The girl blinked enormous brown eyes and smiled.

"Doesn't hurt," she reported, bending her arm up and down before wrapping around Benjamin's neck to hug him as tightly as she could. He chuckled and returned that gently.

"X-ray," Dr. Skullbasher called. A harassed looking older man with two kids already in a wheelchair stopped by the gurney and tucked Kenya with them.

"Call X-ray and tell them to quick dicking around, these kids parents are starting to arrive, and they are not happy," the orderly snapped before whisking the chair full of children away.

"Get this one started, I'll call. Visualize me telling you to focus every three minutes," Dr. Skullbasher grunted, tugging Benjamin to an older teenaged boy. The lad's face was screwed up in pain, his entire side abraded into nothing more than hamburger, a broken tibia to top that off. Yet, he still doggedly updated his Twitter.

"Hashtag roadrash, hashtag broken leg?" Benjamin chuckled to the young man as he turned his focus upon him.

"Hashtag Carmen Street Bus Crash. It's trending," the boy snickered, "Trying to let the 'rents know that we're all alive. Some scumbag posted that there were five dead."

"Nice," Benjamin grunted, "This'll hurt, I'm sorry, but..."

"I'm going to write a blog post about why all the healers that don't give you pain are never in the emergency rooms," the boy sighed, bracing himself for that first lash of energy.

It was stinging and hard, bracing as a clap of hand to the face, and energetic. He grunted, and slowly tapped out a new hashtag for the Carmen Street Bus Crash: Electric Intern Healer, and added 'f-ing OW'.

"Sorry," Benjamin grimaced.

"...Oh wow, I know you, you're Sterling Astrophel!" the boy blurted out a moment later, finally looking at Benjamin. Benjamin sputtered a soft laugh.

"Benjamin Piers."

"Yeah, yeah, the actor! O-M-G! I thought you weren't really a mage or whatever," the boy blurted out.

"I'm... not really sure what I am," Benjamin admitted with a wry smile. Focus. Focus. Children were always easy to heal, Dr. Skullbasher had explained, the difficult part was to make sure one didn't give them too much energy in that healing.

Hashtag: Sterling Astrophel is totes healing me! Hashtag: M-GoR Hashtag: Benjamin Piers is a cool guy.

Painstakingly, Benjamin worked with the teenager until all that remained of the damage was reddened skin and bone deep aching. He drew away the energy and exhaled, shaking with the exertion and wiping sweat from his brow.

There is always more energy in the earth. Benjamin exhaled slowly, his eyes closing. He envisioned himself drawing that energy up. From all the life that Taneth embodied, from the violet tinted golden energies he saw Lirinel wielding.

"Can this one talk?" a police detective demanded, flashing a badge at Benjamin as he bulled up to the gurney were the teen rested, panting.

"They're supposed to go to X-ray to..." Benjamin faltered, though he had presence of mind to reach out and catch the man's wallet, tipping it open to get a proper look at the badge and ID. The detective allowed that, mildly annoyed but nothing else.

"Oh, man, this total prick in a black Humvee totally blew off the light and plowed right into us," the boy responded, turning his phone and presenting a short film of the vehicle swerving around stopped traffic to run the light despite the fact there were cars and other vehicles in the intersection.

"Perfect," the detective murmured, forwarding the clip to his precinct, then looked back to Benjamin, "No fatalities?"

"No, sir. Whoever posted that was just being a jerk," he replied, and then, wryly, added, "It wouldn't shock me if the driver of the Humvee posted that."

"Probably, he was dicking around on his phone before the bystanders started pulling weapons on him," the teenager scoffed.

Parents started breaking into the emergency room, and Benjamin found himself dragged randomly bed to bed. There wasn't enough time to protest being tired, and there wasn't any margin for error. He forced the flint tool of his newly minted abilities to serve.

Night was starting to fall when Benjamin finally slipped from the hospital. That was definitely one interesting follow up appointment. To walk in and have Dr. Skullbasher dragging him along with her to help triage the accident.

A lot of the kids recognized him. Benjamin grinned wryly and checked his own phone. It was trending, all right. Sterling healed me!

He wasn't Sterling, Benjamin reminded himself, amused. They were little alike. He read through the tweets, but his smile slowly faded. He expected to see as many mentions of Benjamin sure not acting like Sterling as he saw surprise at being healed by a television show character, but...

Not only were they not there, but several told of how grim and cold the young man was while working his healings.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-11-06 20:56 EST

It was its own place and time. Place in time. Wide eyed and wondering as a child, Benjamin followed Lirenel's lead, stepping from the world into the Dreaming.

"If you're going to go about getting yourself into situations above your head, I'd better make sure you can manage them," Lirenel had noted, dryly amused. Benjamin was exactly what Jack always insisted. A bright star, a flashing strike of lightning, always in motion, always shining.

Sometimes, that meant finding out at a point too late to help that Benjamin had somehow stumbled though something that by all rights should have killed him. Usually with Benjamin none the wiser, other times, with him trembling in shock and suffering reaction.

Benjamin's survival strategy was simple but effective. When faced with something outside of his known reality, he would acknowledge it calmly, then look away and attempt not to make trouble until he had familiarity with it. It worked with Icer, it worked with most of everything he ran into.

Most of everything. When his reality crashed, what he knew to be true crumbled, and he couldn't look away...

In most ways, Benjamin was only human, after all.

This would help. Bend the edges a bit, as it were, to let Benjamin adapt much more quickly, or to retreat if he couldn't. Lirenel crafted a doorway leading into the Dreaming, a realm of its own. A place crafted by fancy and imagination, which gave those things their own reality to exist within.

It would help familiarize Benjamin with the powers Lirenel could see just fingertips out of the young man's reach.

Lirenel turned to Benjamin just as the young man flashed away, sheer joy and laughter overtaking him as he realized it was all dreaming. Lirenel paused, his golden brown eyes widening, as he watched the young man.

Beautiful. He watched, entranced, rather than to call Benjamin to order, to explain, and instead just let Benjamin experience.

After all that, Benjamin simply returned to Lirenel. Lirenel caught the young man in his arms and heart. The entire reality of Dreaming and all that could be done, and Benjamin returned without comment or care to the elf's side.

Sometimes, Lirenel wondered who was teaching who.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-11-18 19:18 EST

The thunder preceded the rain. Along the foothills ringing the wide and gracious valley where Benjamin's home was, clouds gathered, wreathing the hilltops. Thunder boomed out, and Benjamin stopped himself, looked at himself.

A gathering of friends had turned tense. Alarm resounded through him and...

Benjamin looked away and to the foothills, his brows knitting. Despite the fact that Lirenel and Jack had found a sore spot between them, both hooking claws into that and pulling, Benjamin looked away from them.

He was a peacemaker, he was patient, he was able to unthread and smooth over the issues as they cropped up. He lived between people with passions and wounds just under their skin, and always was there to help heal and calm.

In his own home, he wanted more than anything peace. When there was not...

Brows knit as he watched lightning flash through the thick clouds. The heated argument faded from his hearing. He slowly stepped away, down off of his porch, a hand reaching out palm upwards to catch a fat drop of rain.

The clouds poured downwards, covering the sky...

His face lifted to the rain, the strobing lightning, the rolling thunder. How perfectly they echoed his mood. Fear, anger, resentment, and through it all, the cleansing rain.

Benjamin stood in the rain until the small storm passed by.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-11-25 11:56 EST
~The Pontfadog Oak~

"There we are, dearling. The Pontfadog Oak," Grandma murmured, looking down with bright green eyes to her little grandson. His eyes were as green as hers, wide with wonder.

"It's big," the child whispered, loosing her hand to patter around the width of the great tree. The breeze whispered through its leaves, and he paused, looking upwards at the moving play of green and brown against the sky.

It seemed there were words in the whisperings, ancient and distant. As if the oak was speaking to an unseen host. His grandmother watched, smiling, her eyes half lidded while she enjoyed the late spring sun.

"Where does it go to, Gramma?" the boy inquired, finding the hollow through the tree. He paused and peered through, reaching his hand inside.

"To the other side, of course," she chuckled, watching as he so very carefully and cautiously got to know the ancient oak.

The boy slipped within the trunk. Wide eyed, he looked up, around, a hand carefully trailing over the warm wood. The scents were rich and earthy, the sting of tannin almost unnoticed.

The pulse of life ran through the wood. His brows beetled as he squatted down to pat the packed mulch of wood and dirt under his feet. The whispers were constant. His head tilted as he tried to pick out the words.

No oak is ever a lonely thing, they each are a habitat unto themselves. The boy found connections on connections to the Pontfadog Oak, from the rich work of decay at its feet to the birds flitting in its branches.

From far, far away, he could hear his grandmother chatting with someone.

It seemed that as he explored the oak, he was examined just as closely. What a pretty child, such a pretty boy, so gentle and sweet, so adorable, so playful, so curious...

A tone sounded in his mind, a slowly growing brilliance. Something pushing at his mind to try and become coherent in the little one's understanding. It was so much easier with children, they had not been trained so firmly to distinguish night from day, fantasy from fact, reality from shadow.

Green eyes widened as he stared, transfixed, his breath sucking in slowly. He felt himself drawn, pulled, to that brilliance, that wonder.

Come away, O human child....

The boy paused, the glamour broken by the merest thing, a wrap of a rootlet around his ankle. There was a feel of thunder in the air, a rumbling of anger. The wood pressed around him, living and warm, and he turned in that thick touch to gaze out of the tree's hollow.

Grandma snatched the boy up, indignant, and stepped back. The woman she had been chatting with, her face set in a heavy frown, pushed inwards. She had an iron horseshoe in hand and quite a lot of angry words to speak.

Confused, the child looked up to his grandmother. She smiled and kissed his sweet brow.

"There, dearling. The oaks, the willows, the rowans and yews will always protect you as long as you are kind to them."

"...Where was I going...?" the boy asked, abruptly alarmed to realize that he had almost walked away from the loving arms of his family. Grandmother squeezed him, letting her confidence blanket his fear.

"One day, dearling, you may see the fairy world. But you must make your own way, and never let someone else make that way for you. Don't go, though, unless you know how to come back, as well."

"Okay, Gramma," he promised solemnly.

"There. She'll certainly think twice before trying to sneak another little'un for herself through here," the other woman noted with a certain ghoulish satisfaction to her voice. She pulled herself from the hollow of the oak, taking Grandmother's arm.

"Tell the Oak thank you, and we'll got and get lunch, then," Grandmother chuckled, squeezing the boy and setting him back to his feet. Baffled, the child smiled, shy, and gave a shruggy little bow.

"Thank you, Oak. I'd rather be home."

"Very good, lad." the other woman chuckled, and she and Grandmother led him away. The child looked back as often as he could at the ancient tree.

He must make his own way.

(Sad to say, the Pontfadog Oak has passed into another phase of its existence.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-11-30 11:42 EST

Fog gathered, pooled and whirled at his feet. Benjamin focussed on that, conscious of Lirenel standing behind him. He pulled, but didn't move. He walked, but didn't step.

For a timeless moment, they stood in the still and gray realm, the heart of a cloud, the very soul of mist.

The tall grass was wet, bowing under the sudden late spring storm. It was so green and so gray and so familiar.

Benjamin let out a laugh of wonder, delight, accomplishment, as he staggered over the rain soaked grass. Lirenel followed, glancing up at the thick cloud cover before catching Benjamin around the waist.

"You've done it," he whispered, "I am so very proud."

He had. He had done it. He had pulled at a corner of reality to find a space between and moved them through it. From his front yard in RhyDin to ?

Well, he hadn't exactly meant to take them to the pasturage behind his family's manor home, but it would certainly do. He turned, wide eyed, joy ringing through him just to once more breath the air of his birth home. Had he brought the rain...? He did so often when he touched at his powers.

Before he could explore the question further, he could feel them. He turned, his breath catching, green eyes wide, towards an ancient hay-barn standing in the pasture. He knew... he knew... He seized Lirenel's hand and ran for the shelter.

"Mum! Da!" he blurted out, running into their arms. Tears of joy given and taken as he felt them around him. His youngest sister squealed and squirmed into their embrace.

He had made it home, and he knew how to return home... Benjamin laughed as he introduced Lirenel to his mother and father, his little sister. He was home, and he had his own home. It was an odd but jubilant sensation.

Lirenel was as enchanted with Benjamin's parents as they were with him, and knew their happy go lucky son too well to think that he was even close to settling down. He was, in a way, he had found a group of lovers who accepted him as he was, though Lirenel was clearly his heart.

Benjamin had found his own home. He had reason to return to RhyDin.

All too soon, Benjamin drew Lirenel back home, and turned in surprise to find the elf collapsing in his arms.

"The sun there. Much brighter than here," Lirenel whispered his explanation. Benjamin dragged him inside, and rested with him.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-12-08 18:48 EST
~Unwed Mother~

Grizelda was Jack's little snitch. The young crow female had been tasked to keep tabs on Benjamin, but really, Benjamin was rarely into much that was all that dangerous. Soon, a young male crow was often accompanying Grizelda on her vigils.

Then, there was a single egg laid in one of Benjamin's shoes left to dry on the hearth, under the broody little crow. Benjamin eyed Grizelda, confused, when he reached for his shoe and was pecked several times for his efforts. Finally, he grabbed her and lifted her from the shoe to find the little egg. He blinked several times, then looked at the ruffled crow. She cawed at him peevishly.

"...You're very very late for laying eggs, Miss," he noted, "And very young. Where is your Mum and Da? Beating up your beau?"

Grizelda hunkered and wasn't going to dignify any of it with an answer. Exhaling and rolling his eyes, Benjamin placed the crow back onto her shoe-nest. He called his veterinarian.

Benjamin watched a bit anxiously while Dr. Krimper checked Grizelda and her egg over. Krimper hummed and ignored Grizelda's broody nastiness, ruffling her feathers to check her skin for parasites, looking into her beak, and all around being very disrespectful, in her eyes.

"She's just at that point between leaving her parents and starting her own little family. Usually, these eggs get laid, but they're late in the season and often aren't good," Krimper smiled, picking up the egg. Grizelda fluttered and flailed angrily while he checked it against the light.

"This one's good. You little minx," Krimper added with a chuckle.

"Here, put her in this. I need my shoes," Benjamin grinned, setting out a floppy old wool hat for Grizelda's nest.

"Here's the thing, lad," Krimper noted as he settled the grumpy hen and egg, "In the wild, it would just go sour pretty quickly, before she lost any condition for the winter, and she'd have a proper nest of eggs with the rest come next spring. But since she's clearly decided that she's an indoor bird, if you let her set on it, it'll hatch ? but you're going to have to keep the baby inside until spring at the least."

"If I take it away from her, she'll be furious, and so will the rest of the murder," Benjamin pointed out wryly. Krimper nodded.

"Yup. Your fault, laddy buck, you had the flock wormed and deloused, so they're all quite a lot more healthy than a typical flock. Not to mention you let this little cookie inside, and they're smart enough to know a good thing when they've got it."

"I didn't let her inside, she sneaks in when the doors or windows are open..." he insisted, weakly, because he knew whenever she had snuck inside, he'd rewarded her with treats and petting.

"Be that as it may," Krimper chuckled, amused, "The egg should hatch in a few weeks, so keep the fire warm for them. Make sure you've got plenty of wet cat food or just raw meat for her. Call me if there's any problems, but it looks like she's got it in beak."

"Thanks, Doc," Benjamin replied, rolling his eyes in amusement. This wasn't exactly how he'd expected his family to grow.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-12-10 13:15 EST

He was angry. Benjamin expected to see that, but wasn't sure he expected to see how sharp, how focussed, how honed it was. How dangerous it was.

Brandon was a beautiful youth, intense, brilliant, strong, and all of those things could turn potential to ruins with just the wrong touch at the wrong time. He was seething with loss, a loss greater than he really allowed himself to see.

And he was a fan. Benjamin shamelessly used that to his advantage. There had to be a connection made, and Benjamin was positive that he wouldn't get that connection any other way.

"Walk with me," Benjamin encouraged Brandon, swiftly and neatly defusing an escalation of frustration and anger between the young man and Jack. Jack was ruffled and furious, but he wasn't a boy gnawing on pain and spitting out anger.

Benjamin listened. He asked the right questions and listened. He watched. Brandon's father had died. His other father, Lirenel, hadn't been there. That was a lot to work through.

It wasn't a simple matter, but in the end, at the bottom of it all, that was what Brandon knew. Benjamin couldn't change any of it, but he could let Brandon know that he understood, and respected his pain and anger. He let Brandon vent his pain and anger. He accepted Brandon's pain and anger as natural and normal.

That was a lot more than people thought it was. Much of Brandon's animosity bled away as he realized that Benjamin did honor his feelings.

"What do you want?" Benjamin asked Brandon. Without hesitation, the young man replied.

"I want my parents back."

Benjamin smiled gently.

"Then don't you think you should work with the one you have left?"

Brandon chewed that over, almost dissatisfied, but seeing the truth of it. There were so many variables. Lirenel's duties and work. His father's existence. The drama that surrounded his very birth.

"You're a pretty nice guy," Brandon decided some time later. Benjamin chuckled, amused.

"I'm not Sterling Astrophel, if that's what you mean."

"You aren't nearly as cool as Sterling Astrophel," Brandon teased, amused. Benjamin laughed. He heard that a lot.

It made him glad.

"Do you want to help me do some chores? I need to get Star mucked out and clean up the chickens, and my crow decided to lay an egg," Benjamin offered. Brandon laughed, brows quirking.

"Do I get paid?"

"No, but I'll make supper," Benjamin chuckled.

"Okay," he decided, "You know what would really be great? A little brother."

"Don't even go there, Brandon," Benjamin groaned, laughing, a hand over his face.

"No, I mean, you could adopt, and I know Dad really likes you and..."

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-12-20 15:24 EST
~Baby Bunting~

Bye bye baby bunting,
Daddy's gone a-hunting
To get a little bunny skin
To wrap the baby bunting in.

"...our little lamb..." Benjamin said, and he forgot the rest, forgot what he'd said before, and found himself gazing into wide and teary amethyst eyes.

"...our... Our little lamb...?" Gemethyst had squeaked, her hands clasping together before her.

Our. Our. All of our. One child so loved. Ours.

"Yes. Ours," Benjamin repeated with a soft chuckle. They had each other, after all. Their connections crossed and crissed, some lovers, some friends, all with respect and care for each other.

"Ours," Gemethyst squeaked again, and threw herself into Benjamin's arms. As if he was unaware of what his acceptance of her babe meant to her, he cheerfully petted silvery hair and rattled on.

"Mmhm. I'll need to bring down a deer or two, a few rabbits or squirrels, to make a bunting for her."

Benjamin could feel the little one. Her contentment and calm, and when her mother was agitated or angry, Benjamin could rest his hand on Gemethyst's belly and soothe her.

"Her...?" Gemethyst had asked a few moments later.

"Lirenel said she was," Benjamin chuckled. Gemethyst looked to the elf man, at his wide and proud smile.

"Yes. Ours," he agreed with Benjamin.

Belonging. Gemethyst found it there.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2014-12-23 12:04 EST
~The Night Before The Night Before~

His world was falling into place again. He smiled as he patiently re-decorated his Christmas tree, little Pearl flitting on his shoulder and cheeping angrily because the pine had leapt out at her and tried to squash her.

From a tiny pink squirmy bit of chick fresh out of an egg to a half-fluffy, half fledged little crowling, Pearl was stark white and spoiled silly. Benjamin paused and plucked the bird from his shoulder and held her in his hands, tipping her onto her back. Pearl promptly quieted and curled up, cheeping sweetly. The undignified pose meant treats.

"I swear it was just a few weeks ago you were a naked little booger in Jack's hand," he murmured to the crow, tucking a bit of gingerbread into her beak and gaining coos and chuckles as he scritched her head and belly, claws lightly grasping at his fingers.

When Pearl's fluff came in white, Gem had named the crow Pearl, and it seemed to fit. There were problems, though. Pearl couldn't be released into the wild, she would have to be introduced to her own parents flock carefully and then still be watched when she was with them. Fortunately, Grizelda and Link accepted their little oddity without trouble, and Pearl was proving to be just as headstrong as her mum.

Benjamin still wasn't quite sure how Link managed to sneak into the house, but he had from when Grizelda started setting on her egg. Link wasn't as willing to be handled, but didn't mind treats and head scratches. Grizelda was pleased and proud of her off-season, off-color chick, and was quick to make her wishes known when Benjamin took Pearl outside on warm days for the rest of the flock to meet.

When Fall came, more than the season had changed. Benjamin tucked Pearl back to this shoulder as he resumed re-decorating the tree. Things happened. Some always had, some never.

He found his way, letting the new dynamics strengthen him rather than to destroy him. Knowing, feeling, always where Lirenel was, that he held at his core. Being able to call for Jack, to find Finley, to cuddle up Taneth, to go and take the kids out shopping or to the movies, to hang out with his co workers, it brought him joy and stability.

Being able to make it home to see his family.

Benjamin paused once more, head tilting as he stared at his distorted reflection in a silver ball.

Family was so hard for Taneth. He wondered more and more where she was from, but she wouldn't say until she would say.

Christmas was all about giving presents and having a lovely time with friends and family, and sometimes, sitting alone and watching the sky, once it was a fever dream in an ICU. He wasn't the best person to explain it all to Taneth. Or maybe he was.

He picked up another ornament, one that Bran had found hilarious, a glass ravioli. It finally dawned on Benjamin that it looked like a condom. They'd come a long way since Lirenel brought his son to Rhydin.

A long way from Bran actively wanting to hurt his father. Benjamin's head tilted, his smile sweet, a little sad. He'd found Lirenel before the fire, looking through old photos and memories. He sat with the elf and listened and learned. So much time was bound to bring a heavy weight of memory, but Lirenel bore it well.

Sometimes, Benjamin was still amazed that Lirenel loved him as he did, but other times, he couldn't remember a time when the elf wasn't there in his heart. Which reminded him. He cuddled up Pearl and set her between Elsa's paws. The big otterhound promptly snuffed and licked the little crow.

"Now, I hope you lot have your tree-knocking about out of your systems, Lirenel's going to be here tonight to cast a no-varmint spell on it," he scolded humorously as he walked to his spare bedroom.

Where he found Grizelda and Link gleefully shredding up wrapping paper. He exhaled, amused, and shooed Link out, carried the rebellious Grizelda to Elsa with a large piece of shiny paper still in her beak.

"Get pets, Winnie says. They're so lovely and keep you company," he muttered. Winnie owned a gigantic rabbit that she insisted could not do half of the evil things that Smokey was capable of doing.

He grinned and sat down at the desk, returning to the painstaking work of beading lucky designs into tiny rosettes for a tiny baby bunting. Make it size three or four, dear, baby's grow like weeds, his mother had said.

Hunting in the autumn woods with Lirenel... He wasn't going to forget that any time soon. He'd been amazed by the skill, the precision, the elf worked the deer runs with. He'd found himself mesmerized more than once.

Benjamin shook himself and grinned, feeling his skin running warm as he worked. Soon it would be night, Lirenel would be there. He'd tell the elf the stories Izumi and Joey shared, the tree would be saved from shiny-eyed pets, and they would be together. Maybe Jack would show up, Taneth, Gem, maybe they wouldn't. It would still be a lovely night.


Date: 2014-12-28 11:03 EST
~The night before The Night Before~

Not quite night. Quiet. Lirenel ran his fingers over the wood railing. His home stood transformed from a dark paneled hermit's retreat to a starlit sky. Strings of lights in fragrant evergreen -- brought straight from Kentucky for the occasion by Willam, coaxed there by Brandon -- draped windows and doorways. A grand tree, a ridiculously HUGE tree, lorded it over the Great Room done up in decorator ornaments, all brand new.

Lirenel allowed no one, not even Brandon, to bring out the old ornaments. He explained simply, "not this year, please," and everyone seemed to accept it. Christmas eve had always been his time with his husband and children. One gift open the night before ... a reminder of the One Gift sung into birth by Angels.

The tree looked magazine perfect and ultimately just as impersonal. His son and daughter would open their one gifts without him, this year. He simply ... couldn't. He didn't think they'd miss him.

But that was all right. This house wasn't home yet, despite having been bathed in Rei's blood after his leap from a roof. Lirenel still didn't have all the details on that and frankly, he'd leave that to Gem. This house was, after all, but a placeholder in his life, he knew that. He wanted to simply move in with Benjamin and have "sleep overs" as Taneth would put it, with Jack whenever his lord needed him. He smiled. Winter was not Jack's best season, still, he handled it well and he'd agreed to come to Kentucky on Christmas Day for an old-fashioned, down home holiday, southern style.

Christmas day would find Lirenel, Brandon and 'Reesey exchanging gifts in the Kentucky house with Willam, Heidi and Stephen before a huge breakfast with all the hands who didn't have families of their own. Many didn't. Heidi already had a huge meal in the works for the afternoon as well. After that, Benjamin, Taneth in tow and finished with his Orphan's party, would arrive to whisk him and Brandon--if the lad wished--off to London.

Thank God they didn't have to fly traditional airlines.

Lirenel smiled. He found excitement tickling the fringes of his emotions. He rather liked Benjamin's parents and he had prepared, with Pharlen's help, for exposure to any daylight. New sunscreen. Good stuff and something he had considered taking to the estate outside the city to examine in detail in his own laboratories. After the new year. He hadn't checked the weather, but he planned to feast a bit before he left so he'd be strong and ready for the day's adventures.

Jack promised to show up Christmas Day. For Brandon's sake he hoped Jack and Sid would bring the twins. He also hoped for some private time with his lord, his love, while the young people were engaged in the yearly snowball fight and fort building. Kentucky promised snow and if the weather folks didn't deliver, the estate had their own snow machines.

He stepped down into the Great Room from the staircase. With a soft whisper of a spell he turned on the stereo--not the radio, or the music of a modern world, but his own collection. He listened to the soothing sounds of George Winston and padded in a stocking'd dance to the tree. A few gifts hung there already, small things, expensive things, trifles of affection. He caressed a bauble or two and smiled more broadly. Expressions of love from his son--*his* son! Sadness sloughed away. He slipped two from his pocket and hung them by their ribbons on the sturdy branches. Things for his loves to find later. Little surprises.

He checked his watch. Almost time to go. He pulled out his phone and texted, with much backspacing and auto-correction, that he was "on his way". Soon, he'd been by Benjamin's side, ready to ward the tree from pets crazed with Christmas ornament need. Maybe Jack and Gem would show up, maybe Taneth, too. Maybe not. Either way, they'd be together and the night, begun in silence and reverence so long ago, would be filled with music and laughter and love.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-01-11 17:27 EST
~The Interview~

"It's not every day that the grim, brooding dark sorts gets interviewed on Princess Culture Today," the perky voiced announcer chirped, "Join us while Katie Fike interviews some of the Bad Boys of Princess Culture!"

"This is a bad idea," Benjamin murmured aside to another young man who stared like a deer in the headlights at the television monitor in the green room where they waited.

"Oh God. They're playing 'Someday My Prince Will Come'," he replied stupidly, watching Katie walk to her cozy little tea table set. She was a pretty blonde girl, wearing as much Barbie Pink as an adult woman could manage along with a cute little tiara.

"Suck it up, boys, this is the premier morning talk show for upper west Narnia. This is their idea of feminism," an older man scoffed dryly, "Katie's infamous for confusing the person with the character, so be forewarned."

"Who hasn't secretly thrilled to Paris Sky's sweetly evil plots and whims in the epic period western drama 'Big Sky'? Who doesn't swoon when Luse Godolphin seduces a fair maiden into his coven of unwilling spies in the gritty 'Symphonies of the City'? Who isn't imagining they are the 'Midnight Garden of RhyDin' beauty who breaks through Sterling Astrophel's cruel and cold exterior?" Katie burbled over the music, "You're in luck, princesses, I have assembled all three for a little tea and chat this morning..."

"...Can we leave?" they younger man asked the older man, who rubbed his temples.

"No. Pretend she's your crazy sister. It helps."

"Join me in welcoming Benjamin Piers, 'Midnight Garden of RhyDin's premier bad boy," Katie beamed, standing up to welcome Benjamin as he slowly paced to the stage to the show's theme music.

Katie was a bit confused when Benjamin deftly deflected her hug into a handshake, but smiled winningly, sitting beside him and pouring a cup of tea.

"Of course, the question on everyone who loves the show's lips is, when are Sterling and Adora going to become an item?" Katie asked, breathlessly eager.

"I really don't know what the writers have planned," Benjamin responded with a chuckle, "I'm not sure what they intend. Garth and Lance are both just as invested with Adora, more so, really. They have relationships with her that aren't based on them randomly rescuing and imperiling her."

"But that's what makes Sterling so romantic and thrilling," Katie pointed out, and he chuckled, shaking his head.

"Oh, no no. You can't base a long term relationship on that. That's just asking for trouble. Every nice fellow who helps you out isn't entitled to your love. I would seriously question the writers if they tried to make some happily ever after storyline like that without first having had Sterling and Adora honestly getting to know each other."

Katie stared blankly at Benjamin. She abruptly shook herself.

"Don't you like Adora?" she asked, astonished.

"The character? She's a bit silly, if you ask me, but she's okay," Benjamin replied, confused.

"I heard you'd taken her out dancing," Katie informed him, almost severely. Benjamin blinked a few times, then abruptly laughed.

"You mean Winnie? We hang out quite a lot, we're good friends. She's a lovely girl, smart, clever, and funny. She's not my girlfriend, though. I think she's a bit sweet on Mark, though, who plays the Get of Fenris."

"But he is always trying to kill her!" Katie gasped, horrified. Benjamin blinked several times. He reached over and took Katie's hands gently, patting them.

"Mark would never hurt a fly. He's an actor. He also plays that goofy werewolf on the dog food commercial who's conflicted between eating people food and sharing his dog's din dins."

"...Oh..." Katie replied, clearly confused.

"We're all actors, what we do on the show as our characters usually has nothing to do with us," Benjamin reminded her, "For instance, I'll be a guest on 'Bunny's Life' in a few months."

"What could Sterling Astrophel do in a silly situation comedy show?" Katie asked, baffled.

"Nothing, I'll be playing a nerd who comes into Bunny's comic book store who is obsessed with Sterling Astrophel," Benjamin laughed, "It's hilarious."

"Oh, I suppose I always forget," Katie twittered after a moment, "...I didn't know there was a comic book version of your show."

"Debuting in few months," he nodded, "Epic Horse publishing. It's going to be fab. It's actually going to start way in the past, and detail how the Garden of RhyDin first started, and have flash-forwards to the present."

"I don't usually read comic books, but that sounds like a must have," Katie giggled, batting her eyes, "Now tell us, Benjamin, who is your favorite princess?"

"Taneth and Little Flower," he replied promptly. Katie's pretty brow knit.

"I've never heard of them, are they from Don Bluth movies? We prefer the Disney Princesses."

Benjamin sputtered laughing.

"Taneth is a dear friend, she is a princess in my eyes, and Little Flower is a real princess, - that's not her real name, but she doesn't like the name she's supposed to use ? I love her..."

Katie gasped, her lovely eyes wide, hands over her mouth, cutting off the rest of Benjamin's words.

"Ohmygoodnessyou'regoingtomarrya REAL PRINCESS?!?!"

Benjamin's jaw dropped and he gaped at Katie, his face sweeping over scarlet while the studio audience went wild.

" one of my sisters..." Benjamin finally finished, "She's a lovely young lass and she writes a lot of fun fan fiction for the show."

"But you're going to marry her?" Katie demanded. Benjamin exhaled, hands over his face.

"No! She's going to kill me when she sees this!" he groaned, then moved his hands to stare directly into one of the cameras, "I am not getting married. I am perfectly happy in my relationships as they are."

"But what if you found that perfect miss, that happily ever after girl?" Katie insisted, pulling him back and beaming dew eyed at him.

"I'd introduce her to one of my brothers or sisters, because I don't need a happily ever after, I just want a merrily merrily on my way," Benjamin laughed, and much to his relief, the commercial break was announced.

"I swear, sometimes it is so frustrating. You actor people are never what you play on the tv or movies," Katie exhaled, vexed. Benjamin peered at her, blinking several times.

"Katie, that's the point of being an actor," he finally laughed.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-01-21 17:04 EST
~Mean Time~

Something hit him at the shoulders with somewhere around a 45 kilos weight and force enough to knock him to his knees. Benjamin managed to half turn and found himself in a tangle of limbs, a hand over his mouth, a stare as madly green as a furious moggie's in his.

"Jackie?" he whispered behind her hand. She hissed.


Jackie got her feet under her and wrestled herself to a pile of boxes and pallets, dragging Benjamin's hand. Benjamin hadn't a clue but moved along with her quickly and silently.

Jackie got her back to the wall and glanced aside to Benjamin as he waited tensely beside her. She gave him a smile that veered between chipper and stressed, definitely lame, her fingertip across her lips.

It was an alley freezing into the winter, dark as the sun set, filthy as it was desolate. It was as strange a place to find Benjamin as it was to find Jackie. Not such a strange place to find a hulking brute of a woman, humanoid but hairy enough to be some sort of a shifter. The female dropped to the alley in a misshapen hunkering of leather, opossum sharp teeth bared as she glared, piggish eyes wide as she sought to pierce the shadows.

Whatever the female was, she was fast, and she was furious. It was as if she'd taken frames out of time, one instant shoving over trashcans, the next, directly in front of Jackie and Benjamin.

That Glasgow grin of a smile turned mockingly maternal, the woman's features flowing into a false piety while she lifted a heavy pistol.

Jackie's hands jerked, and with that abrupt and instinctive motion, time came to a skidding halt, barely in control, in a bubble around the alleyway. She clung to that control with the bloodied fingernails of her will, biting her lower lip hard.

In that instant, reality heaved to a halt in a strange collision of energy and intent. Benjamin's hand, the palm marked with a star of a scar, extended outwards, laced in a slow crawl of vibrant energies. The stepped leader pulsed in a slow flash of potential from his fingers.

"Wow, it's not stopping," Jackie whispered, "What is it?"

"...What is happening?" Benjamin demanded in a thin voice, his eyes like saucers. The woman was motionless, but he could see the bullet caught in the barrel, the gasses from the pull of trigger caught in their expansion.

"Some people just can't take business for business and have to make it personal," Jackie sniffed with a little toss of her head, hopping to her feet and moving out of the path of the bullet. It was still moving, the leader was still jumping in pulses from Benjamin's hand.

"I really do suck at commanding time," Jackie added mournfully, "Move, Benjamin."

"I can't," he responded, terse.

Jackie frowned, looking from the energy slowly making its way towards the gun holding woman, then to Benjamin.

"Oh. It's kind of locked you into place, hasn't it? Oh. Boy."

"...Why can't I move, why is everything in slow motion?!" Benjamin demanded, his voice sharp, terse. He clung to his television persona to shove away the hysteria battering at his mind.

Sterling would never panic. Never go hysterical. He was always in command of himself even when he wasn't in command of the situation. Benjamin felt the horribly slow expansion of his lungs, the air filling them tainted with ozone and garbage.

Be Sterling.

"I command time, but not really well, it's kind of what we do, my family," Jackie rattled off, wincing, "I promise you'll be okay. I mean, you know Mum."

"Move her, or at least the gun," Benjamin snapped, sweat raising on his skin as he realized he was trapped. His body was immobile, his mind moved at whatever quantum speed Jackie had sped them to.

"On it," Jackie nodded, reaching over and turning the woman's hand and pistol, "Is that enough to kill her?"

"I don't know, it's lightning," Benjamin whispered, terse, unable to even track Jackie with his gaze.

"Ohh, the positive leader's coming up through her, that is so epic," Jackie announced, watching the slow rise of energy matching that Benjamin sent out bursting from the woman's chest.

"What is going on, Jackie?" Benjamin asked once more, somehow keeping his voice calm and even, "No sidestep answers. Why is this happening?"

"She's a bounty hunter, she was down at the docks asking questions about a green haired girl who'd been blonde, yellow eyes that maybe weren't anymore, pale skin and shy and pretty much sounded like Les," Jackie shrugged, "I tried to pay her off, but she got all pissy, and you know, it's just business."

Benjamin really wanted to stare at the girl, but remained frozen in place. The channel carved between himself and the bounty hunter as the positive and negative leaders met. His body shook with the flashing energy crashing through him. The pain was exquisite. He had never noticed it before.

"That means it's not business to her and to whoever hired her," Benjamin hissed sharply. Jackie winced, pulling back as she saw the energy building in the young man.

"Oh Fates," she squeaked, hunkering. So very glad of the rubber soled chucks she wore, and jerking out of physical contact with Benjamin.

Even with time altered, the return stroke of the lightning was brilliant and swift, leaping across the space between Benjamin's hand and the bounty hunter in jagged claws of energy.

Jackie's gaze turned from gleefully watching the slow speed electrocution of the bounty hunter to Benjamin. Her mouth fell open. Her concentration shattered at what she saw.

Benjamin flung back against the wall as the last flash of lightning burned, felt the sprite of it rise violently through him. Jackie yelped, the bullet striking bricks over her shoulder. The bounty hunter squalled, falling into burnt spasms in the filthy snow.

Time returned to its flow to the sound of Benjamin's heavy panting breaths. Jackie finally moved, touching his shoulder. She yipped as static ignited off of her fingers, then she winced as Benjamin collapsed into a heap.

"Oh Fates," she exhaled, grimacing and petting his cheek, "I better get you home to Mom. She'll know what to do."

It couldn't be said that Jackie hadn't listened to her fathers instructions, she assured herself that the bounty hunter was dead, turning the gun still held clenched in the woman's grasp and pushing the cold finger to pull the trigger.

For a long moment she regarded the woman's head, making a face.

"Nng. Whatever you know is not worth cutting open your skull," Jackie muttered, turning back to Benjamin. She got her shoulder under his arm, and focussed. Moments later, they were gone.

The alley returned to quiet. Scavengers of all sorts swarmed by, some attracted by the gold coins scattered around the body, others by the body.

Some were attracted to the handful of large feathers stuck in the snow melt, beautiful and new, storm gray and mottled.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-01-29 20:33 EST

He lay in Lirenel's arms, head rested to the elf's chest, listening to the steady beat of heart in the warmth they had generated. Listening to Lirenel murmur soft words in Elvish, feeling his hands caressing over...

His back?

Benjamin could feel every draw and caress of Lirenel's hands, the sift of his fingers, the touch, yet it was strange. They soothed an itch that had bothered the actor from time to time. It was a blissful sensation.

Then he shifted, his shoulders working heavily, to lay beside the elf, and the sensation was gone, Lirenel's hands slipped to the bare and sweat damp skin of his back.

There were feathers everywhere. Benjamin scarcely noticed, after all, three crows, two black and one white, lived in his house. Taneth was constantly bringing Bob the Evil Rooster inside. He had a small flock of hens.

Benjamin simply cleaned them up as he found them, and very sheepishly accepted the feather duster his housekeeper had made from all the damn feathers she'd found laying about the house.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-01-31 13:53 EST
~A week~

If a week could get any worse, Benjamin didn't want to know how. He returned, still reeling and in shock, to find Jack and Lirenel. His mind battered around the scene, the freezing of time, the bullet spinning eternally towards his face, his own powers turning on him in the feedback loop of energies...

To kill...

Yet that didn't bother him. The young man who was so compassionate had none for the woman that tried to kill him. Her choice that day had been to try and take his life and that of Jackie's, she had failed.

Relief to being returned to Jack, Lirenel, and Taneth was intense, but short lived. Lirenel wanted to see the scene of the incident. Wanted to make sure it was simply a fluke.

The woman lay where she'd fallen, but in the time since she had died, scavengers had been through the alley. The gold was gone, the now useless weapon she'd carried. The feathers were gone, carefully collected.

Assassin Cult members always work in pairs. Pharlen texted it just as one of Lirenel's people texted for them to get out of the alley. In the West End, it was difficult to discern between those that belonged there and those looking for or bringing trouble. The assassin woman's partner was no different.

The male opened fire on Lirenel and Benjamin the moment he spotted them standing over the body of his mate. The shotgun blast tore into Lirenel's shoulder. Benjamin responded swiftly, violently, a slash of lightning biting into the assassin and throwing him back.

Fury and pain lit off in Lirenel's eyes. The elegant knight and precise swordsman forewent all of that, leaping uncannily high and swift, sending him to crash down on the assassin, the man's shoulder and head under his boots. A more gruesome and thorough curb stomp there had never been.

The wounds wouldn't heal completely under Benjamin's powers. He tried, he had healed similar wounds before, but he wasn't able to restore Lirenel.

The rest of the week was a downwards spiral so vicious, he wondered if his ancestors were determined to show him the threshold of his breaking point. His trust, his faith, remained true while he carried on like some battered and confused survivor struggling to keep afloat on wreckage in an icy sea.


He found himself gazing at what was his. Like glancing to the back of his hand, looking across a room and recognizing his own face in a mirror... Seven storm gray and cloud white feathers dangled from bands of faery silver. Jack held it up to show him, then fastened it around his neck. Benjamin's fingers rested on the soft feathers.

Lirenel was healed, the wound poisoned with some preparation meant to torpor a vampire. If he hadn't been as powerful as he was...

Benjamin didn't want to think about it. He chose to think about how the incident showed him that Lirenel truly had managed to reclaim his children.

He chose to think of Jack's arms around him. Of laying in the crow's and knight's arms, radiating warmth and love.

He chose to think of Taneth going through all of his clothes. Fortunately, most survived her foray into boy pants.

Benjamin smiled, sitting at his desk. Carefully winding silver and bronze wire, delicately painting designs in ink. A beautifully polished boulder opal big enough to fit in a man's palm with striations of vivid blue like a lightning bolt rested near his hand.

He finished with the feather. It was his own. He knew it was. Was certain of it. A contour feather, white and dark gray. He carefully crafted it to become a quill pen.

Benjamin smiled and put the opal in his pocket, tucked the pen into his coat. He put the pain and suffering of the week behind him, and walked to his yard to kneel before the sacred fire.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-02-05 18:53 EST

"Go then, take your life for what, Evan? For what? A lying fool who led you around by your loins. Throw everything away. I can't stand here wasting my time for someone who lets his heart own his life," Sterling hissed, hate blazoning his green eyes, his teeth baring with each snarled word.

Evan stared back at the man, stung into fury, his fists clenched.

"So you say, Sterling, then why are you here at all? You burn yourself out every moment for your love. You have already wasted your life. You sink even lower than I every morning you are not home, working to become the master mage you should already be," he whispered harshly.

"My love has nothing to do with this. It is honor," Sterling retorted, outraged at Evan's digs, "It was ?"

"It was nothing but your heart, Sterling! You can hide it all you like! You understand me, my pain, better than anyone!" Evan yelled, eyes widening as he realized he'd struck home.

He had. Sterling exhaled, his eyes sliding closed, head lowering and turning. His shoulders sagged as he swung from Xanthus's back. He walked slowly to Evan, finally offering his hand, encased in the heavy riding glove.

"Then let us both return where we belong, Evan. Look once more upon the sacred fires and find our way," Sterling offered quietly, "Ride with me."

Evan studied Sterling's eyes. They were clear, honest, direct. There was no shadow of lie to them, no deception. Somehow, that was even more painful than knowing that his beloved had left him. Used him. Tricked him to turning his holy purposes for evil.

"Let me get Sapphire. I left her in the glade," Evan mumbled, rubbing his brow. Sterling nodded once. He watched as Evan turned, vanishing into the woods. After a few moments, Sterling's face twisted in pain, an ugly sob caught behind his hand. He mastered himself, turning with a swirl of cloak to Xanthus.

The black vanner rumbled as Sterling once more swung to his back. They waited. The silence fell heavily in the mist cold night. They waited. Xanthus's hooves shifted. Sterling's brows knit.

Finally, shimmering a blue tinted white, Sapphire came crashing into the small clearing, the horse screaming, wailing, all but insane as she crashed heedlessly into Xanthus. Sterling cried out, horrified. The white horses's back and flank were covered in fresh blood. Before he could grab Sapphire's reins, she tore off into the dark forest.

Sterling swung from Xanthus's back, letting the stallion chase down the distraught animal, and raced up the bare foot path to the glade. The glade where Evan's beloved had laughed at his love and shown him to be a fool, that she had used him, betrayed him...

Evan lay face down in a pool of his own blood, dagger in his hand. Sterling stared, stunned, horrified. Too late. Fooled by a stupid trick.

The music swelled, Sterling's stricken face key lit and framed before it faded to black. A dulcet woman's voice announced that Midnight Garden of Eden would return after these messages.

Benjamin forcibly stopped the player and turned away from his computer, hands in his face.

This was just a play, Benji, I kept you from letting Fin run off to kill himself.

Benjamin startled. It was his own voice he heard. Dispassionate and faintly disgusted.

"It's stupid, it doesn't make any sense!" he blurted out, grabbing up his phone.


Benjamin shook his head, irritated. He didn't need to start talking to himself. Especially if he was going to answer himself as Sterling. He stared at the texts that Canaan sent him. He drew in his breath, taking a peculiar comfort from seeing that at least Canaan seemed to know that Benjamin simply did not have the experience, maybe even ability, to understand Fin's troubles.

Canaan had been able to knock Fin down, Benjamin simply hadn't been able to. He couldn't unleash his power when all he knew was that unfettered, it could either kill or not. He could manage the delicate and careful work of healing with it, but letting it loose to protect himself, to try and stop someone...

He didn't know. Didn't know. Panic and terror had cracked any ability Benjamin may have had to help Fin that night. It echoed and escalated until he'd shed a feather, long as his arm.

It was huge. Not the small feathers he'd found before. Feathers he could insist truly came from the chickens or crows. The last of his will cracked. He called for Jack in a sheer terror.

You both could have died for that hissy fit, moron.

Jack collected them both that night. Annoyed, he'd simply thrown them into Benjamin's bed and returned to Faerie.

Benjamin exhaled. He had to get to work. He put it all behind him, relieved as the smile on his face. He'd call Lirenel at lunch, he wanted nothing more than to hunt the golden elf down.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-02-15 15:19 EST

Lirenel's estate in RhyDin was enormous, beautiful, a grand expanse of grounds and buildings. A fine stable of beautiful horses, a spectacular garden, a large and comprehensive training ground.

Benjamin found Lirenel in the master bedroom, going through memories. Old clothing, mementos, photographs, he patiently went through them all with a pensive smile resting on his lips. The room, particularly the bed, had been torn to pieces.

It was almost a frightening sight, though Lirenel had only a bit of gentle humor and rue about it. That he, who was so self contained, so controlled and calm, had completely lost command of himself and let his grief and anger and loss run rampant in the place where he and his husband had been so happy for so many years.

To be so engaged with one person, to be so wrapped up with them, to be that close that the pain of losing them was physical, that was more frightening to Benjamin than the obvious signs of an inhuman strength.

Yet Benjamin recognized within himself and in Lirenel that there were bonds between them just as powerful. As he recognized it, he realized, he did not fear it. Lirenel understood what and who he was, accepted it, cherished it. Benjamin could do no less than to return it, and with it, simple gratitude.

Lirenel led Benjamin through the huge estate, and as they walked, he casually decided that it would make a fine home and refuge for children rescued from the street. Where they could be safe, be educated, given a real chance at life.

Benjamin was speechless. Stunned. Lirenel smiled to the young man's astonished wonder, saying simply that they would work out the details.

But first...

Benjamin realized that Lirenel had led him to the training grounds.

"I've been a bit remiss, I would rather hold you in my arms when I can get away to come to you," Lirenel grinned, not a bit remorseful. Often, he wondered just what it was about Benjamin that so easily called his desires to his skin. Other times, he simply gloried in it.

"You've learned how to use your powers to protect and heal, my heart. Now you need to learn to control them to fight with them," Lirenel assured Benjamin. He indicated targets set up around the arena and stepped back.

Benjamin blinked several times.

"You can do it," Lirenel encouraged, a faint and humorous smile touching at his lips.

Benjamin stood for a long moment, staring at his hands. Where the power was, the energy, the very heart of the storm, he felt it deep within him. He'd learned to so carefully harness it into tiny amounts, into healing, guiding and shaping it precisely, that it seemed strange to simply let it sing from his hands like horses loosed from the paddock.

Lirenel winced, struggling to keep from laughing, when Benjamin managed to envelope himself in a sudden snap of static electricity. Benjamin's eyes were wide and round, his hair standing like a dandelion puff.

"Uhm. I think..."

Benjamin focussed, as if he was directing the energy for a careful healing, but without that intent to heal. He touched at the anger at being attacked, ignored the fear of it, and let more, and more, then more, fly from him.

Sharp and jagged, a powerful lash of electricity took out a section of fence. The sonic boom of thunder followed, loud and jangling. Benjamin winced.

"I'll have it repaired, keep going," Lirenel reassured him, arms folding over his chest as he watched. Pride gleamed in golden eyes along with humor.

Another, and another... Benjamin's aim improved bolt by bolt. His green eyes took on a lambent gleam, brilliant and shining. He moved awkwardly, feeling unfamiliar weight on his back, but he didn't let that break his concentration.

Lirenel watched, the pride in his smile turning to wonder as he watched his young thunderbird working.

(Much love and thanks to Lirenel's wonderful player.)

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-02-18 13:05 EST

Return to Faery with Lirenel. I will be there in the morning.

Jack had been almost surprised to hear those words, whispered to him in Arapaho while he practiced the honored and religious venery of tossing beads for flashes of boobies. In so many ways, Benjamin was still so fragile; something as simple as watching Icer turn herself into a beautiful red-haired woman was enough to startle the young man clean out of his English. The incident reminded Jack just why it was that Benjamin called him guide.

Yet he had the courage and self possession to finally take a step that was larger than it seemed to Jack. From the moment that some unknown fae tried to steal the pretty child, it had been a greater step than it seemed.

Benjamin's grandmother reminded him often. If he would go to Faery, he must walk in and leave the first time under his own power. He must prove his own ability and will before ever allowing another to take him there. He must always have his own way home.

He was a shining thing, he was a beautiful creature, he was faith. Benjamin rose before dawn, pausing to check on Fin as he padded through the house. He patted Elsa's head and picked up Pearl to cuddle the little white crow before settling her back between the dog's paws.

Benjamin checked his phone once more. He wasn't expected to be needed on set for a few days, and after working twelve and fourteen and more hours a day for a few weeks, the rest was more than welcome. There weren't any frantic messages for him to show up, to his relief.

Benjamin stepped outside, his gaze lifting to the ragged play of aurora borealis that manifested overhead. He felt those magnetic lights, as if they were extensions of himself. He touched to them, weaving them into the warding around his home.

Not this morning. He lit the sacred fire and knelt before it, glancing up and aside as Star paced into the yard to stand over him. He smiled, reaching up to stroke the horses's jaw and head, hugging it to his chest, experiencing the animal's stolid power and sense for a long while.

His prayers were to his grandmother, singing praises of her love, her wisdom, looking into those things and gaining new insight of them. As he prayed, he prepared himself. Pigments mixed with fat dipped onto his fingertips and painted over his tanned skin in careful, precise patterns. Sage smoke coiled around him, lulling his nerves and honing his sight.

Finally, just as the first light cast on the night sky, Benjamin rose from the fire, nude and uncaring of the icy fingers of winter, wearing nothing more than paint, a breechclout, and his will. Star nattered quietly, watching. Standing guard.

Benjamin gathered into the heart of himself, fog rising around him in misty billowing. His chin lifted. He walked, but did not move, shrugging aside the constraints of reality to walk fearlessly...

...He asked Jack, will you look like this when I see you in Faery? Jack smiled and said no. Would Lirenel look like Lirenel? Jack said, he is more beautiful. And I? Jack shrugged. We shall see...

Benjamin stepped into the Faery realm, a wild young god-to-be. A body honed to lithe perfection, light and powerful alike, eyes shimmering a vivid green tempered with his own heart. He drew in a breath of ancient and pure air. He took another step and stumbled to his hands and knees. The weight on his back was shockingly real. The designs painted on his skin gleamed silver.

Great wings, white and gray as storm clouds, soft and silent as owls, powerful, made for soaring, half folded around him. Green eyes studied them in open wonder. His head turned, lifted, as he pushed himself to sit supine on the ground. The wings reacted with his every movement.

He could feel them. Feel them as another set of arms, limbs that he carried and never knew. They moved as he willed, but weakly. They hadn't the strength of the rest of his body, though they were fully feathered. Tensing, he beat air with them once, twice, and let them drape back, sloppily unfolded. He drew one, then the other, to lay nicely against his back.

Benjamin's gaze finally took in his surrounding. He smiled to see his Guide and his Heart.

Faery King of Winter and his First Knight.

Thus did the Bright Star arrive.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-03-02 23:58 EST

Wings. They remained when Benjamin returned himself to his home. His balance skewed and twisted often under them, abruptly his feet would sweep off to the side in response to an unintended flap or wave, and he would find himself on his hands and knees or his ass. And he would laugh.

"I have brought myself home from Fae, Grandmother," Benjamin murmured Welsh words to the sacred fire. He knelt in the snowy yard, heedless of the cold, wrapped in sage smoke.

Watch. Listen. Learn. Be wary.

Words whispered in the gentle breeze, and Benjamin lowered his head, nodding.

"I shall."

Such a pretty thing he was, so exotic, so sweet, so sensual, he could not ever let his guard down in Faery. Never completely.

Thanking Grandmother for her wisdom, Benjamin rose from the dying fire, carefully kicking a bit of snow to smother the coals. He started to return to his home, but something stopped him.

A tug at his mind or heart, his intuition, simply a desire to exercise and bring strength to the young wings. Wearing little more than a pair of sweat pants in the cold twilight, Benjamin walked.

She lay like a doll forgotten and tossed aside, a heap of cold and golden hair lain in the ice shot dirt. Benjamin's brows knit, and he dropped to his knees at Taneth's side. He called her name, wings curving around her in a tenting of warmth, protection.

It took so long for her to awaken. She was so cold in his arms. Fear jerked into a icy knot of fear deep in his belly. Fear cost far too much. He forced it to stay still, focussed on Taneth. He couldn't fail her.

Taneth woke slowly, with so many questions. Would he leave her, did he love her, would he remember her...

You're in my heart. You're part of me. I trust you. I love you, I will always love you...

He whispered reassurances to Taneth that he really wasn't sure was really reassuring to her. She watched him as if she would look into the very center of his soul, and he accepted that gaze without hesitation. Letting her gaze within him as she had once allowed him to look within her.

Ketch found them, a miserable pair, Benjamin scarce able to lift Taneth, Taneth weak and weary, and helped get them home. Benjamin wrapped her in blankets, his wings, Elsa and Bob curled up with her, all before the fireplace burning hot and steady. And still she felt cold.

He was upon a darkened stage within his dreaming mind. There was no audience, no cast, no crew. Yet he could taste the potential.

"She wants a true love. One man who can join with her and make a life together."

"I know that."

"So why don't you?"

Benjamin exhaled faintly, turning until he could see himself. Not himself. Sterling. Arrogant, cruel, harsh, powerful, and underneath it all, a hopeless romantic.

How strange it was, because Benjamin had no illusions of love.

"I have offered what I can offer. I don't think she would accept that. It must seem a poor and half assed thing. As if I'm tossing the dog a bone."

"Man up, Benjamin," Sterling sneered, arms folded over his chest, a harsh sneer of a smile on his lips, "It is well past time for you to put away your youthful toys and stop following your dick. She needs you."

Benjamin reacted as if slapped, turning a burning gaze upon the mage.

"I know what most people think. And it is not manning up to walk away from those that I love, and less than that to assume that Taneth is some fairy tale princess that needs a man to rescue her. She is a force of nature."

"She is a woman who can't understand why her friend who says he loves her so much can't love her as one woman," Sterling retorted.

"That is not what I am," Benjamin responded, harsh and cold, "I trust her, and that means more to me than love. It always has. For the first time in my life, I have people around me who let me be me ?"

"And it's all about you, Benji, sweet, lovely, precious little Benji," Sterling purred nastily, green eyes glittering in the darkened setting. Benjamin glared back with identical eyes.

"I'm talking to myself and you say you can't understand what I am?" he snapped. Sterling quirked a brow with a slow pull of grin.

"I'm Sterling, Benjamin. You might say I'm new here."

"You're not," Benjamin snorted, turning away. "My love isn't less because I give it to many. My love for Lirenel isn't less than my love for Jack or Gem or anyone. It's different. My love for Taneth isn't some nice, homogenized brother-friend thing."

"I never doubted that you couldn't run in and shag her if you had half a chance," Sterling scoffed, disdain painting over his handsome features. Benjamin glanced at him once more.

"Sexual repression is your thing, Sterling, don't force that crap on me. Of course I would. Gladly. Even if sex was all she wanted."

"But that is not all she wants. She wants what any one would want. A love that's all for her, that she can be all for. And you just push yourself away. Why?"

Benjamin exhaled faintly, shaking his head.

"I could do that. I could ask my other loves to release me to her. And I could spend... I don't know. A month. A year. Ten years. At her side. Her perfect man. Never looking aside. Worshipping her."

"Why don't you?" Sterling demanded, his brows knitting.

"I wouldn't be me," Benjamin responded, "I wouldn't be the person... I don't even know if she loves me, wants me, like that. Hell, I don't even know if I'm her type."

"I think she is as careful to avoid giving you signals like that as you are to her," Sterling mulled, head tilting, hand on his chin.

"I'm not all that careful about it. Maybe. It doesn't really matter. Whether you like it or not, I am what I am. I trust those I have given myself to. She is more than welcome in my life as anything she wants to be within it."

"On your terms," Sterling pointed out archly. Benjamin nodded.

"And hers. Taneth has always written her own rules with me."

"What if that is what she needs? She's been crumbling since her 'sweetie' told her he didn't want her any more," Sterling demanded, pacing towards Benjamin.

Benjamin's brows knit as he turned just as Sterling stepped closer, putting them face to face.

"No. She was crumbling before then. She was wandering around, dazed. No one seemed to care. I picked her up. She was cold."

"Maybe that's it, Benjamin," Sterling murmured, moving once more. He walked into ? through ? Benjamin. Benjamin's breath caught in a startled gasp.

"Shh, Bright Star," Jack hushed, frowning as he negotiated the tangle of birds, dog, Benjamin, blankets and Taneth, glancing to the youth as he awoke, wide eyed and twitching.

"Oh. Jack," Benjamin exhaled in a tone of relief, sagging into the man's arms, pulling Taneth with him.

Jack chuckled faintly as he found himself fully involved in their cuddle pile, saying no more as he watched Benjamin drift back to sleep. The Crow's brows quirked, however, as a hand skimmed over the young man's brow.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-03-04 03:30 EST
~Sudden Low Pressure System~

The wind came up out of no where. A squall centered on the tower. Benjamin looked up just to see Brandon fall...

Benjamin jerked himself awake, panting, green eyes wide. He sat up, grimly going over the memory, hands clenched in fists.

Wind. The crew held him back, wouldn't let him run up the ruin to help Brandon. He was too valuable to risk. He didn't bother trying to deal with them, he screamed, howled, for Jack and Lirenel.

It seemed to take forever to finally run to the top of the tower. By that time, Benjamin had gone still within his mind. He watched everything, distant and dispassionate. Brandon, laying eerily calm, like a young knight lain to rest. Lirenel in a fury of despair. Jack trying to reason with... what?

His hands moved, he spoke, he felt power surge through him. Casting a spell he didn't know he could. Benjamin recalled it, but it stirred no curiosity, no wonder. A templar knight's den was revealed.

Jack returned them to Lirenel's home.

Brandon remained in that strange sleep.

Lirenel sat vigil over his son.


Benjamin shuddered, pushing out of his bed and stumbled to the bathroom. The water ran, icy cold, and he splashed it into his face. Hands gripped the porcelain. His head hung down.

Zen and Lirenel argued. Lirenel terrified the girl. Whatever understanding they had begun to make was fragile, and Benjamin could only pray it hadn't broken. She hadn't answered his text. He shoved from the sink and went to find his phone, checking it once more.

No reply.

Exhaling, he dropped to the edge of his bed.

He failed Princess. He hadn't managed to scrape up the courage to see her. To look into the girl's eyes.

He had failed Brandon. Failed Zen. Failed Lirenel.

Day by day, Taneth crumbled further. Thorn had gathered her up and helped slow the process a little, maybe more than Benjamin could have, but...

Jack was drinking from the blue bottle.

Drinking from the blue bottle, then disappeared from Benjamin's touch and question with only the words 'not now' whispered.

Benjamin smiled a bit. Fin was healing. Seemed to be. That was something. It was a lot. Looking outside of himself again. Benjamin didn't pretend it was any of his doing, but still was proud that Fin could pull himself back from the abyss.

He exhaled a moment later, rising to his feet, pacing his room slowly while hugging himself.

Never allow another to cast shadows upon your soul. Don't dwell on the bad. Don't let anyone live rent free in your head. Forgive. Let it go. Shake it off.

Benjamin stared a long time at his phone. He abruptly grabbed it up. Lirenel had allowed him into his family, Benjamin wouldn't forsake that for anything. Even himself.

Yet he still needed to find peace. He stalked from his home, naked in the chill darkness. His awareness of the clouds overhead was intense and intimate. He reached for them. He bled fury and terror and despair into them.

He stood on the bald crest of a low and ancient mountain, worn by time and weather, crowned with a shimmering nimbus of aurora. Benjamin reached into it, seized it, cracked it with the violence of a whip. He screamed, and the lightning razed across the storm he gathered. He howled, and the thunder crashed.

He wept, and the rains poured down, froze into sleet, and battered the winter-weary mountains.

He became the storm.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-03-10 17:27 EST
~White Latex~

Still, no response. Brandon lay in a sphere of perhaps his own creating, away from his loved ones. Under the despairing eyes of his father, his family, while Joy mourned in a lonely tower.

"That's enough of that," Benjamin murmured to himself, admiring his reflection in the mirror. He was stunning in ice white latex, sleek with every muscle lovingly displayed in the breathtakingly tight bit of club wear.

Tossing a cloak over himself, he turned, and instants later, was padding brashly through Lirenel's halls, Wyllem at his side. He thanked the man again, profuse and earnest, for helping watch over Brandon, and then rather shamelessly stepped into the boy's room to steal his father.

"Come with me, my Heart. You need to rest from this," Benjamin murmured, leading him downstairs, "And you haven't taken me for a ride in your Cadillac yet."

Time away from trouble and care, but mainly, time with his heart. While adorned in lovely kink wear. It was win-win in Benjamin's mind.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-03-16 12:34 EST
~Pop Star~

Benjamin blinked, working his jaw side to side, startled from the abrupt blow to his head. He focussed on Conner Thraven as the young man wrestled ineffectively with his body guard. Benjamin turned his gaze to Winnie.

Winnie stood shocked, hand on her face over a red slap mark, tears running down her face.

"I thought you were sweet on Mark, who's this douche bag?" Benjamin demanded of her in outrage. Winnie turned her beautiful blue eyes on Benjamin and just the look on her face told him There Was Drama. He exhaled.

"Who are you calling douche bag, you little prick?!" Conner squawked as he broke loose of his body guard. Benjamin eyed the guard oddly. This was a nearly seven foot tall wall of muscle, and Conner, a slender pop star, had broken free from the man's grip?

"Royce, is it? Royce." Benjamin smiled to the body guard, ignoring Conner as he screamed, "You jump in, Ralphie hears that Conner slapped Winnie."

The guard paused, glancing aside to the main house where the ogre usually lived. He flashed a thumbs up to Benjamin and walked away. Conner paused in his tirade against Benjamin and Winnie, giving them a strange look.

"I'm supposed to be afraid of a badly done CG monster? No wonder your Mom was so freaked ou..."

Benjamin had tired of listening to Conner by then, and moved in to pound his fist into the pop star's pretty face. It worried him that Winnie didn't jump in and help him, she was the last girl in the reality to be a damsel in distress.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-04-26 16:49 EST
~A Proper Pair of Toffs~

"Wake up, my heart," Benjamin murmured to Lirenel's delicately tapered ear, humorous as he slowly pulled the elf to sit up in bed. It was nearing sundown, and the actor was busy.

Benjamin tugged and pulled at Lirenel, playing valet and getting the elf dressed, and finally, pulled Lirenel to stand beside him before his full length mirror. Both clad in fine evening suits from the gaslit era, elegant and florid alike.

"Proper pair of toffs, wouldn't you say, old chap?" Benjamin grinned, tilting his top hat to a rakish angle on his head. His suit was dark blue, faintly pin striped in red that was picked up again in the elaborately embroidered waistcoat under the jacket. Lirenel's suit was similar, but cream and gold picked out from the dark linen rather than reds.

He handed Lirenel a lion headed cane, a pair of fine kid gloves, finishing the ensemble with a frock coat with several capelets. Once he had pulled on his own gloves and coat, he picked up a black umbrella and waved it for the door.

"We're off now. Come, they won't hold their horses forever," he nodded, leaning heavily on his English accent, grinning, green eyes bright.

Benjamin meant exactly that, it turned out. Though he shifted them through the planes of fog from Benjamin's RhyDin home to his parents estate in England, there was indeed a hansom cab pulled by a pair of fine, strong cobs waiting. The sun had just set, leaving a glory of watercolors smeared over the darkening sky.

Once in the cab, Benjamin tapped the roof with his brolly handle and beamed to Lirenel. They started off, and a look out of the window showed that they hadn't travelled back into time. Plenty of people stopped to watch the stately procession of the cab, and more as it was joined by other horse drawn vehicles and a few vintage steam, electric, and gas powered cars.

Within the hour, the driver stopped and let the pair out. Benjamin grinned, taking Lirenel's arm, and directing him to a fantastic slice of whimsy ? evening at the Wizarding World Amusement Park.

"Come on," Benjamin whispered to the elf, grinning.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-05-25 16:51 EST

Benjamin exhaled, hand over his face, staring blankly at his laptop. He had email to answer. Life continued, after all.

Even when the unfamiliar pangs of fury clawed at his soul and heart. He shuddered under the emotion, his skin crawling with it. Anger, hate, sorrow, regret, all of those things were alien to the young actor. He would taste them, and finding them bitter, pushed them away.

This time, they were demanding and loud in his mind. He refused to bend to them.

An alert flashed onto his screen, and he paused. Exhaling and taking a drink of cherry moonshine, hoping that would temper his mood, Benjamin responded to the alert.

"Hullo, Da," Benjamin smiled, unable to keep from reaching out to gently touch the computer screen as he would his father's face if he could.

"Benny, you look... What's wrong?" Gregory Piers frowned faintly as he inspected his son's face. Though he had a ridiculous amount of children, blood and adopted, he knew them all to their hearts. They all had a remarkable poker face, but not to their parents.

"Da. I don't like being angry," Benjamin responded in wearied whisper.

"I know. You never did," Gregory smiled faintly, "What's wrong, Benny?"

Benjamin's hands gripped in his hair, growing longer with every week, his brow screwed up in irritation. He started to speak, his voice low and even, emotionless. His father listened, intent. Now and then he lifted a mug of coffee to his lips.

"Take away the emotional ties, Benny," Gregory encouraged, "Don't think about who has upset you. Don't think of their bonds to you. Just think of what it is that has upset you without connecting it to anyone you care for."

Benjamin pressed his lips together, nodding faintly.

"What is there once you've taken that away?"

"Exasperation. Anger. Frustration," Benjamin responded promptly before he frowned, peering into his father's eyes, "Betrayal."

"That's the hardest one, Benny."

"She didn't trust me," Benjamin nodded slowly.

"Do you know why?" Gregory inquired.

"I'm precious. I'm fragile and delicate and sweet and need to be protected," Benjamin replied with a wry smirk. He was gratified to see his father bark a laugh.

"Oh, that's lovely, I'll have to tell your mum that."

Benjamin scoffed softly, sipping his cherry moonshine, thoughtful.

"I think a lot of people think that. I don't mind, usually, until they completely undervalue me. Dismiss me for being weak. Stand over me and go on about being a god and my puny human mind ?"

"Puny human minds can accept all that they imagine," Gregory chuckled.


"What do I do now, Da?" Benjamin asked softly. Gregory smiled warmly.

"Let is pass, Benny. Your friendship matters more, though I can see it's been damaged. You know, though, you give everything and never seem to mind or notice if it's returned or not. Maybe it's time to let the other party rebuild from their end."

"I do notice and mind, Da. I'm not a door mat," Benjamin laughed once.

"If I thought you were, you'd be home right now. I know you love to give. You overlook even your own feelings when you can see someone needs help," Gregory replied, quirking a brow, "This time, though, I really think you need to step back."

"That's the other thing, Da. I don't go back when someone pushes me away. I can't trust them the way I once did. How can I?"

"Give it time, Benny. If someone truly wants to return to your trust, they will find a way to make it so. You just have to be open to the idea that trust can be rebuilt."

"It doesn't feel like it to me right now," Benjamin admitted. Gregory laughed once.

"I should hope not, lad. Let your anger go, let your hurt heal. If it can be fixed, it will be; but you should not be the one building the bridges."

"Okay, Da."

"Your Mum's birthday is in a few weeks, she wants everyone home," Gregory added as he typed at his computer, "She would dearly love a photo of the lot of you together dressed in her idea of nice clothing, and then another of you savages in your natural state."

"She's not going to know who we are if we all get dressed and civilized," Benjamin scoffed, amused, "Are gimp masks allowed?"


"You never let us do anything fun," Benjamin complained, laughing at his father's droll response.

"I'm your father, not your friend," Gregory reminded him, then chuckled, "Alright, Benny, I've forwarded all of Grampa Ben's notes and writings on the old religion, and you know how to do the modern pagan rites, don't you?"

"What Gramma Beech did on holy days? Yes. I don't remember the names of the days, and I'm kind of suspecting she left the sexy stuff out," Benjamin grinned.

"Mmhm. Come home if you're dwelling more on being angry, okay? You don't need that in you. It starts to twist and burn," Gregory smiled. Benjamin nodded.

"I don't like it."

"I know. Why don't you go outside and work in your garden, let the earth take that energy and transform it. Okay?"

"Okay, Da. I love you," Benjamin smiled, once more reaching out to touch the screen, wanting to caress his father's face. Gregory returned the smile and gesture gently.

Benjamin stripped down to a soft leather breechclout and headed outside into the warm spring sun. In the distance, he could hear singing and the tell-tale gossip of the crows. Gemethyst and Jack were walking down the lane. It'd be a lovely day.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-06-25 17:19 EST

"I don't give a good Goddamn who he is, he's banned off the lot and that's that," Patricia Mokers noted flatly as she went over the day's scripts. The woman at her elbow flounced and uneasily tried to put a stern expression onto her sweet natured face.

"Conner Thraven, he is Winnie's boyfriend."

"If he is Winnie's boyfriend, then I think you should know he has on more than one occasion struck her, and that is why he is banned off of the lot," Patricia snapped, lowering the scripts and eying the woman coldly, "This isn't Hollywood where we play at being honorable and scold people for being bad while giving them all the adulation they think they deserve."

The other woman gulped and drew back, startled. She dithered with her hands, fidgeting and flouncing.

"...It... I mean. It must have just been. An accident. He's... he wouldn't..."

"Mrs. Harper, you are a plugged nickel from joining him in being banned off the lot," Patricia snapped, her eyes narrowing.

"Winnie is my daughter! You can't ban me!"

"Yes. I can," Patricia responded, turning to face Mrs. Harper fully, "In fact, Mrs. Harper, I can ban Winnie off of the lot and find some ridiculous and hackneyed plot device to replace her character without any trouble at all. I was hired to direct this train wreck, and part of that is making sure my actors can do their job in safety. Conner threatens your daughter's safety, and you not only want to make excuses for him but to give him access to hurt your daughter again?"

Mrs. Harper stared back at the woman, her mouth pinched shut. After a long moment, she turned and walked away, half running, stumbling and swaying. Patricia narrowed her eyes.

Winnifred watched her mother stumble her way to the front gates, half concealed in an over hang of trailing roses, biting her lower lip almost hard enough to break the skin. It killed her, but what else could she do? She had to hide from her own mother.

Russel had taken her in without comment when she insisted that her rented cottage was being retrofitted. It had been a relief to stay with the old man, living on the lot, and never having to step outside the walls... To be safe.

It was amusing to find that the winsome heroine of the show was living with the wicked evil villain, but really, it wasn't all that funny to Winnifred. She hugged herself, wincing as her phone rang not ten minutes after her mother fled the lot.

Before Winnifred could mute her phone, it was snatched out of her hand. She stared at Benjamin's impassive face, watching him put the phone to his ear. To her horror, he not only answered, but answered in a tone that sounded much like Winnifred's own voice.

A long while passed. Winnifred could hear her mother both sobbing and scolding, but not her words. She could finally hear her mother calling her name several times. Benjamin quietly cut off the call there, then turned the phone off. Winnifred stared at him, her face paper white.

"Do you want to keep this job?" Benjamin asked Winnifred, blunt and cold. Winnifred flinched.

"You know I love this job, Benjamin. You know it's my life. It's what I always dreamed of. I don't even care if I go on to bigger things or not."

"Then why are you letting her do this to you?"

Winnifred exhaled, her eyes closing.

"She's my mother, Benjamin. Family. You understand that."

"I understand a mother being a mother, Winnifred. I understand family supporting and loving and elevating and working. I understand dysfunctional families fighting and whacking their heads together. This isn't about family. This is about how much power she has over you. I don't care how sweet and loving and adorable she is. This is about power and controlling you," he whispered, low and intense.

"I don't want to talk to Sterling, I want Benjamin back," Winnifred blurted out. He smiled, cold and cruel as a whip cut.

"It doesn't work that way, Winnifred."

"She thinks she's doing the right thing and I know it isn't, that's why I moved here where she can't get at me!" Winnifred exhaled, pulling at her hair.

"Does she really?" he inquired, silky smooth. Winnifred lifted her head to rally, glaring at him, but found her mouth frozen shut. She wasn't Aurora and didn't have a script to read.

"Fine. Conner's a spoiled moron, and he's so convinced he can get away with whatever he wants that he's almost destroyed his career. So, his mother figures if he's dating me, he'll look good, he'll get his career back. She knows my mother and my mother is a big fan of his and here we are. Mother doesn't seem to realize I'm a much bigger star than he is."

"You know, it would have been nice if it was at least worth writing down and selling to the show," Benjamin sneered nastily. Not Benjamin, Winnifred reminded herself.


"I'm so sorry my personal problems aren't interesting enough for you," she snapped.

"So tell her you're not going to date him, and you're not going to talk to her until she gets that through her thick skull," he shrugged, unconcerned.

"I'm tired of telling her that. I'm tired of finding that idiot running around saying I'm his girlfriend, I'm tired of him threatening to hurt ?"


Winnifred stopped with a wince.

"And I don't want him dead just because he's an immature idiot, either," she added firmly.

"If he gets himself killed, which seems entirely likely, my precious, it is because he is an idiot. It has nothing to do with you. You are not Adora," he smiled, thin and cold. Winnifred stared flatly at him.

"At least she'd get a kiss for dealing with the prince of assholes."

Sterling smiled, charming and charmed.

"I would love you far more than she," he purred, leaning to whisper near her ear, "You have balls."

Winnifred stared sidelong at him, wide eyed, and then yelped when he smacked her upside the head.

"So use them."

"Why the hell is it you can smack me around, but it's abusive when Conner did it?!" Winnifred blurted out, kneeing him in the thigh before slamming a fist into his jaw. She watched in mute satisfaction as he staggered and fell against the wall. He wiped a few drops of blood from his jaw and smiled, nodding.

"That's why."

"I want Benjamin, I don't like you," Winnifred snapped, uncomfortably aware of just why she disliked Sterling so much at that moment.

"If you're not going to fight for yourself, Winnie, no one else will," he replied, shuddering and shaking himself. Winnifred winced once more as she watched him remove the elaborately braided wig.

"...Did you hear...?" she asked hesitantly. Benjamin shook his head.

"Not really. I never do. Not unless he's talking to me."

"I don't want to be in the middle of all this, Benjamin. Mark hates me now. My mother will hate me. And I'll be constantly having to tell people Conner's not my problem..." Winnifred blurted out, in tears as she threw herself into Benjamin's arms.

"Mark doesn't hate you. He's just waiting for you to figure this out. If your mother can't understand, then, there's nothing you can do. Hiding will only make him think he can say what he wants," Benjamin whispered warmly, squeezing her.

"She hates Mark. She said she'd disown me if I married him. Because he's a were wolf. She thinks he's evil," Winnifred finally admitted, "He doesn't know. I don't want my own mother to be one of the people who calls him that."

"Mark's a good man. If your mother can't see it, then you just have to go by your own lights. She'll come around, or she won't. My parents had to go through that, too. Not with their own parents, fortunately, but... You're a smart girl, Winnie. Do what you know you have to do."

"How can a dick like Sterling live in your head?" Winnifred asked after a few moments, wiping her face on his cloak.

"I like dicks," Benjamin grinned, wide eyed. Winnifred gaped at him, her face running scarlet before she yowled a laugh and smacked him. He laughed, squeezing her tightly to him.

"Because I don't always understand the way it works here. How bad things can be. He does," Benjamin whispered.

Winnifred nodded and drew in a firm breath. She looked into Benjamin's green eyes, resolute.

"Is Mark on the set still?"

Benjamin nodded with a warm smile. He watched her turn and walk away, then continued down the road to meet with Star. He groaned faintly as he pulled himself to the horse's back. Winnifred could kick hard when she wanted to, and she almost always wanted to kick Sterling when he decided to talk to her.

A small, noisy dirt bike whizzed down the road, heading into town, as Benjamin and Star reached the small valley where he lived. Benjamin frowned faintly, watching the figure disappearing into the dust.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-07-17 15:40 EST
~Bacon and Eggs~

On the front lawn, Benjamin's sacred fire was burning thick with sage and tobacco smoke. He stood over it, seeming stiff, grim, his features immobile under a few carefully placed stripes of blue paint.

He wore little more than a leather vest, a breechclout and leggings, and held a lance in hand. A bow slung from his back, a quiver of arrows at his hip, a knife ... and a pistol. A heavy .45 Colt, in fact. Perhaps ominously, had a handful of cockerel tail feathers. ?He let a them fall into the fire while murmuring over a prayer.

A scarecrow was where he wasn't a moment ago, shaking out what appeared to be sand from the ribbons, a colorful cacophony of silk and satin fixed to his coat. He shook his arms, his shoulders, even his legs. It was a strange dance that might have been going to the unsung tune of the Hokey Pokey.

Benjamin, it seemed to the tall and lanky fellow, was dancing to a different tune.

"Come on," Benjamin turned as Jack appeared, as if he'd been waiting for the old crow.
"Loose boar in the woods." He paused and had to laugh at Jack's version of hip-hop. "You've been visiting Thorn?" Benjamin's smile was ever ready, even when he, himself, was ired. Interestingly, there was no sound of Sterling to him then. He wasn't handing the proverbial reins over.

"You are going boar hunting?" Jack paused, with one foot in the air, to arch a brow at his Bright Star. "Is it malicious?"

"Yes." He paced to Jack and grinned wryly, brushing sand off of him, "It beat up Bob and ate a few hens. I don't want the damn thing thinking this is where it can hang out and have chicken McNuggets every morning when I'm off at work."

More sand spilled out. There was a nice pile of the stuff at the scarecrow's feet. He tilted his gaze to the chicken coop and frowned.

"Hmm. Must be hungry."

"Not after eating my chickens," Benjamin scoffed softly and eyed Jack as he poured out more sand, "Were you shagging mermaids?"

"What? No." He made an 'ew' face. Mermaids. Really. Ew. "I was escorting Lucy Mitford home from a walk on a beach." He shook out more sand.

"And then she buried you to your neck?" Benjamin's head tilted as he eyed Jack, humor returning to green eyes. "And we're not making a pet out of a large, vicious hog. Hams, yes."

"I have told you over and over I dislike water." Jack made another face and then switched feet. "What if it's a sow with piglets?"

"Bacon," Benjamin replied, narrowing his eyes, "I hunt deer and bunnies, you know. Honestly cute animals. And eat them." He bared and gnashed his teeth, leaning close enough to nip at Jack's jaw. "It's a boar, I got home in time to chase the bastard out of the field and got knocked to my ass. Probably would have eaten me, too, if Star hadn't been there."

"Well, no one is allowed to bruise your ass but me." Jack nodded, convinced and still shedding sand.

"The pig touched my ass," he assured Jack haughtily, chin lifting, "I demand satisfaction."

Jack leaned around Benjamin to study the man's ass. He even lifted up the breech clout. Benjamin's ass cheek was about half bruised, and bare. He wasn't letting it all hang out, he did have a thong. He intended to be running, after all. He quirked a brow and watched Jack's inspection of his chassis.


"I see." He nodded, taking advantage of the situation to pat Benjamin on the ass. "That cannot be allowed."

"Plus, Bob is at the vets. They'll give him implants to make him stronger and then he'll beat me up and it's all that damn thing's fault."

Benjamin wasn't going to say he was horrified to find that bastard rooster in a pile of feathers. He tossed his head. He didn't flinch at the pat, he still didn't actually feel the bruising.

"Implants?" Jack scratched his head. Sand fell from his posh hair.

"Magically enhance him to become a super cock," he replied, quirking a brow. He lifted a hand and brushed through Jack's hair. "Mr. Sandman, send me a dream." He had to.

"Make him the cutest that I've ever seen." Jack continued with a grin. "I suppose there is a trail to follow?"

"You're the one with the nose," Benjamin scoffed softly, "Yes, a trail anyone can follow -- chicken feathers and ...bits."

"I see." He looked toward the tree line. He copped one last feel off Benjamin's butt before reluctantly walking that way. He took one step, two... on the third stride he shimmered like heated air above desert ground. Shimmered and sparkled as the glamour changed from scarecrow to loping coyote. The Bright Star had better be quick to catch up.

Benjamin walked backwards a few steps before turning and catching up to Jack, using the spear to point out the rut in the tall grass. Then... he abruptly laughed, and shifted to run after the coyote, light and quiet, a faint limp to his stride.

Benjamin was correct. Jack had a good nose, even better when he wore the coyote's skin. Visual clues were all well and good; Jack followed his nose. The pig stench was palpable.

It was a good sized hog, it left a trail of destruction behind it. Jack would soon find himself at a large bramble along a stream, where the hog had made itself walkways among the berries and thorns. Judging by its hoof prints in the soft earth, it was a good sized animal, a few hundred pounds.

Benjamin kept up with Jack as best he could, but he'd end up tracking coyote and pig if Jack took off at his top speed.

A 300 pound hog was still a youngster. Some of those boars could reach a thousand pounds and lengths of eight to 10 feet. But even a 300 pounder was a formidable opponent for a single coyote.

A pack of coyotes if he were being honest. And he was. The coyote could track the beast, enrage it enough to give the canine chase. Jack would then lead it to Benjamin for the kill.

A fine plan ? As long as Benjamin figured out what the coyote was about. Benjamin, though, eyed the bramble, then Jack. He knit his brows as he abruptly climbed into a tree to get a better look. Not much to be seen other than the thick bramble.

Even he could smell the pig, it rested somewhere within the brambles. Benjamin hopped down lightly and shrugged faintly to the coyote.

The coyote looked back at Benjamin. It yipped once before disappearing in the bramble patch. Hopefully there were no nettles. Nettles were troublesome plants.

No nettles, but a lot of mushrooms, most ripped out and half eaten. The hog had been busy. Benjamin stepped back, eying the passage into the brambles, swinging the lance around to brace the butt into the soft earth. He waited, and watched.

Jack would soon enough find the hog, laying on its side and grunting in the cool and muddy earth. Feathers all over his muzzle and hooves. Definitely, pig was successful at finding food, it was fat and contented.

Jack had liked those hens. And Bob. That rooster had some spirit and look, it took on a wild boar. He would have to find the rooster a rare and wonderful hen to protect. Hmm. These were the coyote's thoughts as it snuck up on the pig.

Quiet and stealthy, seeming to barely move it as it took in the surroundings. Instinctually, it planned its attack and subsequent escape. And then, lightning quick it lunged and snapped at the boar's corkscrew tail.

The pig's tail flicked. It grunted. The tail switched. Switched. Slowly, it lifted its head. It turned and looked down over its belly to see ...

A coyote. Biting. His. Tail. It stared, more astonished that the coyote should do such a thing than in any pain. But that all vanished into a furious squeal and sudden lurch to get its hooves under it. Teeth gnashed before it charged at the impertinent and possibly delicious coyote.

Hogs were quicker than most thought. They appeared ponderously porcine, but they were fast as any animal caught in that fight or flight situation. It was to the coyote's advantage to flee!

And so it did, showing the pig, as it turned to face the canine, its own tail. The race was on!

The pig squalled, furious that its domain and its person had been violated. The coyote ran, it chased, crashing through the brambles and trying to shove through them to get ahead of the coyote in the runs it had previously made.

Benjamin stilled and steeled himself as he heard the racket, watching for the first sign of grizzled fur. He drew in a breath, waiting. Meantime, Mr. Pig crashed through one of the corridors of brambles, almost on Jack's heels. Snapping furiously.

The coyote yelped. Even when you knew it was coming, a three hundred pound pig crashing through a bramble wall at your heels was a startling thing! The tawny-furred canine could not afford to stumble. It tucked in its tail and kept its eyes forward to ferret the way out of this maze.

Fortunately for Jack, the pig smacked into a one of the bramble's trunks. It staggered, rattled, then squealed furiously and took off after the coyote once more.

It didn't hear other coyotes, so figured Jack was some cheeky loner past due to be trampled and eaten. Benjamin was outside the bramble, Jack should be clear of it in a few paces. Hopefully to turn quickly to avoid the spear.

There it was! Daylight? Twilight? Light of some sort. No... the light of his Bright Star! The coyote yipped, a gray blur shooting out of the bramble patch heading directly into the path of the set spear.

Just when it seemed the gray bullet might collide with the spear point, it disappeared. Gone. Leaving only the charging boar.

An eye blink later, it appeared behind Benjamin, low on its front legs and showing its teeth while it snarled.

Benjamin didn't blink, though the spear head jerked slightly before he realized Jack wasn't running headlong into it. Instead, Mad Pig. Benjamin braced himself, the spear, and let the pig run itself onto the weapon.

The spear drove through the pig's open mouth, and out the back of its neck, before the staff cracked, and Benjamin leapt aside as the animal kept coming. It was skidding and screaming, but far from done.

The coyote dove in, aiming low and inside, hoping to cripple one of the beasts rear legs. Problem with pigs was they were solid muscle. If it hit, sharp teeth tore at sinew. Dead leaves were kicked up in the fracas. Jack's ribbons would never be clean.

The pig squalled as it was ham stringed, and Benjamin took Jack's lunge for all it was worth, slamming his knife into the animal's neck just behind its skull. The pig screamed and shook violently, knocking Benjamin aside and then turning on the young man ? Leaving its underbelly open on Jack's side. Benjamin scooted back, wide eyed, to get some room to pull his pistol.

The belly. That was were the bacon was. The bloody muzzled coyote rolled away and onto its feet. It snapped the pig's exposed soft spot, which really wasn't that soft. Pigskin was thick!

Thick but Piggy didn't like all those sharp teeth that close to his underparts. It screamed and turned to lunge at the coyote, and Benjamin managed to fire a shot into the pig's chest. Which just pissed it off more, though it was a large caliber, and threw Benjamin backwards with the recoil.

A .45 is a big difference from a target rifle, and Benjamin was reflecting on that right about then, stumbling to get back to his feet to re-aim for the pig's head. The pig snapped and squealed at Jack, finally starting to slow down.

Pig got some fur with that one swipe of its tusks. The coyote whined, falling back out of the pig's reach. Its ears rang with the shots, but it never took its eyes off the failing beast.

"Sorry," Benjamin called, wincing himself at the report of the pistol. That one struck the back of the pig's skull. Pig still stalked after the coyote several steps before it finally collapsed.

Benjamin exhaled and dropped his arms, pistol held to the side. Still ready should the damn thing get its second wind or go hog-zombie on them.

The coyote circled the corpse, growling at it.

"Is it dead?" Benjamin asked, eying the beast as suspiciously as Jack. "I can't believe delicious bacon comes from these monsters."

The pig's corpse jerked a few times, jaws snapping, before it lay still. Benjamin nearly fumbled the pistol out of his hands, startled. The coyote yipped and then sat on its haunches and howled in victory!

Benjamin choked on a laugh, and threw his head back, howling along with Jack.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-08-21 11:09 EST
~The Paladin~

It was passing strange to realize that not only the wards around Benjamin's home were unseen, but completely unrealized. It was a bit annoying to realize at the same moment that Benjamin simply hadn't warded his home against people of good intentions and family.

The best of intentions and the closest of family could bring about danger, after all. Such was Jack's paranoia, which turned wry as he realized that the woman riding a horse barging into Benjamin's home was nothing less than a paladin.

It didn't matter, Benjamin still needed to lace up that hole.

Halcyon, she named herself, and her steed, an eye popping giant of a Percheon type called Stupid walked right to Jack, Gem, and Benjamin as they enjoyed the evening air.

Once introduced, Stupid cantered off into the back field, where the horses roamed and exercised. Soon after, the big gray and Star were in a cheerful shoving match, kicking, racing, romping around gladly.

Star's grand sire. Benjamin gaped at the beast. That strange creature whose eyes burned with the light of the holy Phoenix...

That was Star's grand sire.

That did explain a lot.

"I see Star has chosen his companion well: Ye are Thunderbird," Halcyon smiled to Benjamin, "We be kin, of sorts, I be thinking."

The paladin was strangely familiar. Waterbird, he knew. They were companions to the celestial Thunderbird. They flew in their own formations.

Familiar, and still alien.

She had known of Gem from long ago, though Gem only recalled the woman as a knight of a mad empire. Knew how strange it was that someone so lawful and good could work in the court she did.

Benjamin could only stare at the woman. She was beautiful, that much was so, but it was not her outwards appearance that held his attention. It was the silvering of her soul, which she made no effort to conceal.

A paladin. A paladin that wasn't a self righteous prig with a stick up her butt. She was kind, she was self effacing, she was warm and friendly.

Benjamin scarce heard the conversation she had with Jack, save that she apologized humbly for walking into the property without asking. She must have said the right things the right ways, though. Jack was soon calling her Daughter.

Daughter. Benjamin could only wonder why, wonder what cord she touched in Jack's mind and soul.

Jack was not forthcoming with any information, but as he allowed the woman to come and join them on the porch, he spoke those all important words to Halcyon:

"Favor us with a story, Daughter."

Halcyon smiled.

"I be nay a bard like me Dad, but I reckon I knows a few tales which may please ye..."

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-09-26 12:06 EST
~Summer's Ending~

It wasn't a summer like the one before. It was a summer of contemplation. Of learning. Of standing alone in the sun and watching the course of the day in silence. Of sitting in the hammock and reading old books, leafing through hand written manuscripts written before he was born.

It was a summer to hone the blade of himself.

Star ran with a precise beat the 400 meter dirt track they'd cut in the back field. Benjamin rode high on the saddle, intent, focussed. He could hear the calm voice of his trainer in his inner mind.

Benjamin moved with Star's rhythm, trusted to the rigging, and leaned downwards, catching one of the straps to the vanner's harness. He hung there, half out of the saddle, half just handspans from falling onto his face while the horse thundered on.

A basin of waterlogged sponges waited ahead. Benjamin watched them, shifting his balance, and snatched one of the sponges as the horse raced by. Controlled power brought Benjamin back up to the saddle even as he pitched the wet sponge at a target on the first turn. He managed to nail it.

Benjamin grinned when heard Lirenel's laughing shouts of encouragement. It had been too long since he'd heard those. Since he'd seen the elf standing as an elf.

Jack had sent the elf to watch for something, Benjamin wasn't sure what. He wasn't quite sure why. He knew that Lirenel had been becoming increasingly agitated in not being able to get through to his son. Bran still lay in that coma that wasn't really a coma, unresponsive to all.

Perhaps it was a kindness, it was hard to say. Jack was quixotic, he could be kind and sweet while coldly brutal.

It didn't matter. Lirenel had returned and seemed to have regained himself. Benjamin grinned as he heard those cheers and promptly showed off.

Moments later, he was hanging upside down, clinging wide eyed to one of Star's shoulder straps. The vanner had grabbed hold Benjamin's butt to hold him steady.

Lirenel laughed as he rescued his thunderbird.

That laughter was worth everything to Benjamin.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-10-11 16:20 EST

Benjamin Piers. Conner snarled the name as he pulled himself onto his motorcycle. They let that freak beat him up. They didn't even press charges. They let Benjamin put him into the hospital and didn't say boo to him.

If Benjamin's fans knew what a raging freak he was...

Conner paused as he fastened his helmet strap, his eyes narrowing.

It was rare that anything regarding Benjamin Piers private life showed up anywhere. If he was at a party, he was with a few other cast members or the show's producer, or more usually, with some fan. He did volunteer work all over the place, but there were never any reporters around to document him. Just people writing on social media that they'd seen him.

Probably was his own people posting crap to make him look like a good guy despite playing a bad guy. Conner smirked as he considered doing the same. It'd be a cheap and easy way to restore his reputation.

He was tired of being the good boy. It rankled. He made money hand over fist, he should be enjoying it old school, with all the groupies, sex, drugs, and alcohol that he could get.

Conner started up the powerful dirt bike and released the clutch to go tearing down a back country road on one wheel. After a few laps of the long dirt track, he slowed the bike down, looking around as he rode.

Supposedly, Benjamin lived in that back country somewhere. Him and his horse. That big black bastard couldn't be too hard to find. Once Conner knew where Benjamin lived, he could find out just what sort of a freak the man really was. No one could be as good as Benjamin made himself out to be.

Winnie had said Benjamin lived in a little ranch style house. That it was on a big piece of land just after a dairy farm. Conner frowned as he passed by the dairy. There were four or five herds of cows on the road, most seemed to have dairies, but there was no sign of a house.

Conner spotted a shack just off the road and stopped, frowning as he dismounted his motorcycle. A small clearing and an abandoned shack. This couldn't be it.

Turning, Conner found himself confronted by the hottest mama he'd ever seen. He stared at her. Five foot nothing. Big purple eyes. Glossy lips. Pale skin. Silver hair. But what drew his attention were the woman's breasts, held cherished within the confines of the luckiest black leather he'd ever seen.

"Hey, Tits," he crooned, his gaze locked onto her chest, "You wouldn't happen to know where Benjamin Piers lives, would you?"

She answered, he didn't pay attention. His brain kicked into overdrive, saying anything it would take to get him in the position to get just one feel of those enormous boobs without the leather in the way.

When he finally left, Conner was convinced that the woman, Gemma or something, was willing to tell him everything he wanted and would meet him later for dinner. She was totally into him, he told himself smugly. She'd help him take Benjamin down a few pegs and she'd slip him all the poon he wanted. He grinned and gunned the motorcycle faster, heading back to his hotel.

Gemethyst stared after the young man, her lips in a thin white line. She tried to find the good in everyone, but Conner had nothing to him. Her fists clenched. If she hadn't needed to know more about who the young man was and why he wanted Benjamin, she would have beaten the pretty clean off of him.

"Tits," Jack snickered from behind her. Gemethyst whirled on him, her eyes snapping with anger. Jack's eyes widened comically, and he turned tail and ran back for Benjamin's property. She tore after him, but was already laughing by the time they passed through the barrier concealing Benjamin's home from outsiders.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-12-19 01:40 EST
~Goodie Two Shoes~

Winnifred sat triumphantly upon Benjamin's back, her knees firmly locked into his armpits, and reached over to pick up a computer pad left abandoned in the grass. Benjamin spat out a few mouthfuls of clover.

"Now that you're listening," Winnifred smirked sweetly, "We can discuss the People's Choice Award Banquet, and what we are going to wear and what we are going to dance to."

"I don't want to go to the People's Choice Award Banquet, take Russel! Take Mark!" Benjamin complained. When he tried to roll over, Winnifred quickly yanked his right arm behind his back and tweaked his wrist. He yowled.

In sober retrospect, insisting that Winnifred take classes in self defense wasn't nearly the great idea he'd thought it was.

"No, I am taking you. It's your turn. You have weaseled out long enough. We are going to be adorable."

"I hate you," Benjamin grumbled.

"Fortunately, we both look fabulous in white," Winnifred purred, flipping through the pad before shoving a page in front of Benjamin, "Adorable but not Bride-like."

"Bloody hell, Winnie! It's it's it's ? are those the costumes from the animated scenes in Mary Poppins?!"

"Yes! Updated a bit. Aren't they fantastic?! And your English accent is way better than Dick Van Dyck's."

"?" Benjamin sputtered but wasn't able to make words happen. Winnifred cackled and rocked back and forth on his back.

"Stop it, you're giving me a chubby," he finally grumbled, annoyed.

"Good. Suffer," she retorted ghoulishly, "Now. We show up all fluffy and precious, and then we will perform our dance..."

"I am not doing the choreography from the Penguin Dance or whatever it was," Benjamin warned. Winnifred rolled her eyes, and tapped at her pad once more. Benjamin promptly perked up at the heavy skip intro from 'Goodie Two-Shoes' started, and he pushed to his hands and knees, grabbing the pad from her to watch the old Adam Ant video.

"Oooh. Okay. This we can do."

"All the dirty parts from the Lindy Shuffle," Winnifred agreed sunnily.

"Come on, then, I'll go clear off the back porch and we can get started," Benjamin grinned, getting to his feet. Winnifred clung to his back cheerfully, bopping to the music while he marched to the back yard.

There was music. There was Winnifred's little Cooper Mini. They must be near to Benjamin's home. Eithne smiled and preened as she walked around the circle of mushrooms and flowers poking out of the leaf litter sheltered under a thick stand of sycamores, blazing gold and orange.

Now she just needed a way to get Benjamin to leave the safety of his land.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2016-06-11 17:47 EST

A far off glimpse of his golden knight through the haze of the lands of Dream led Benjamin on his way. He walked, drifted, flew, peaceful mind and heart carrying him. His hands held out.

It startled Lirenel sometimes. To find that Benjamin held power so well hidden, he was unaware of it himself. Perhaps Jack said it best, that the young man shone. That seemed to answer all.

The Game continued. Lirenel glanced at the other players, and simply lay down his hand. Turning from the game to take well earned respite. He drew Benjamin into his arms and found that perfect fit, that turn of head and rest of cheek, curl of arm and rest of shoulders where the thunderbird belonged so well.

It took little to awaken Benjamin from his meditations, a kiss, a nip of lip, and those verdant eyes opened wide. His smile was warm, welcoming, unsurprised to find that his prayers at his sacred fire had brought back the mortal form of the elf knight.

Benjamin easily fell into Lirenel's arms, returning his passion eagerly, playful, sending them sprawling over the new grown grass. A moments respite, or a months, really, it was impossible to say.

Things were changing. The hands Lirenel had won were beginning to show their course, their influence. New growth, even as the onset of spring, was certain and strong.

Some of those new threads were evident in Benjamin, in the strength of his powers awakening, in the arcane touches around him. Oddly, even in the short cut of his hair. Or perhaps not, Jack never had been fond of long hair on his men.

It wasn't all in vain. That was all that mattered.

A long while later, Benjamin hauled Lirenel to his feet, laughing, smeared in mud, blood, grass and sweat, to lead him into the house. A shower, and then an evening bonding all over again with little Nyx and Jewel, Jack as he arrived.