Topic: Past A Field

The Redneck

Date: 2015-05-31 12:47 EST
(Open to any and all who'd like to add something to remember someone lost. Dead, isn't dead in Rhy'din but there are those who are lost, sleeping, or simply absent. This is the first of several memorial parks the redneck has planned, and the beginning of this one came as a promise to a grieving friend.
As of right now, this is basically a blank slate and is intended to be ever evolving as people add their own touches here and there.
In short, have fun with it!)

The build up had been a few weeks in the making. An entire neighborhood had watched with growing hope and excitement as a collection of eyesores had been razed to bare earth. Now, the actual work could begin.

Carts upon carts of green plants, flowers, shrubs, trees. Rolls of sod, bags of grass seed. Stacks of pavers, piles of rocks and boulders. Towers of timbers and metal. A forest of shovels, hoes, pick axes, an armada of wheel-barrows and gardener's wagons. All neatly lined up just inside the entrance of the field.

On a table were sign up sheets, listing pages. Here any, all, who wished to have the name of a lost one shared were encouraged to do just that. Later plaques would be added, once the designated feature was established, with the original requester's chosen wording.

By mid-morning there were already a number of people out and working. Some were planning their additions carefully, others were adding what appealed to them as they saw fit. A few were working together to begin a playground on one end for the children, a few more were working on designing the beginning of a wood in another corner. Path ways were already beginning to meander their way through what would, hopefully, one day, become gently rolling, bumpy little hills for children, and adults, to roll down laughing.

The redneck settled back, waiting and watching, a small smile tugging at the edges of her lips. Her paladin had fallen in, fallen to with a passion to hide the hitch in his heart, to dim the tears in his eyes. Her Beloved was waiting, biding his time with an arm around her waist and a brush of warm, soft lips across her brow in pride.

With a nod she sent the crow winging from her place on the fence. Singing her rust-voiced song, the bird went off to circle 'round a certain actor's yard and home to announce the breaking of ground. And on again, to hunt down a certain scarecrow.

The first of several birthed by a Promise, this memorial park was well underway, though it would never truly be finished.

The Redneck

Date: 2015-06-10 01:57 EST
She'd spent a great deal of time planning and plotting and refining her original design until she'd decided it was exactly what she wanted.

Finally Thorn took up a shovel, commandeered several other backs and sets of hands, and set about bringing this feature to life.

The land near enough to the center of the square was mounded, lifted and formed in a hill with an irregular depression in the middle. This was where she started, another section of the slowly evolving park that drew her. And it was here that she started laying in and forming the first of what would most likely become many water features.

A meandering course delineated with white stones, lined with natural and polished river stones. Bordered in twin, parallel streams of color and texture and lush, velvet grasses. A quiet moving little brook nearly as wide as a man's stride slithered away from a burbling pool fed by a cheery waterfall cascading down a jumbled wall of quartz and granite and fed into another pool just deep enough for wetting your calves.

The mechanisms that kept the water flowing and filtering and feeding back into itself were hidden artfully and in a manner that would allow for being tied into later on if and when the need or desire arose.

The Redneck

Date: 2015-06-13 11:58 EST
Such simple things really. Brightly colored paints and the wooden pallets left over from the deliveries of plantings. A few saws, some hammers and nails and a little ingenuity and voila. Vertical garden walls, shelves of wooden planters in neat little cubbies, herb beds clearly, and adorably labeled.

All it took really was a quick bit of DIY how-to illustrating how to put the various designs together and they were off to the races. Before long a half dozen groups were hard at work putting together their design and creating their masterpiece additions to the park.

With t-post stakes pounded into the ground a simple, waist high maze was built surrounding a central square where the walls were higher, and stacked and blocked rises were built to hold, and support the beds.

The sound of children's squealing laughter and amused bark of adult amusement tangled 'round the sounds of digging and construction, and it made her smile.

(The steps for creating the base of your pallet garden are extremely simple: )

The Redneck

Date: 2015-06-25 14:55 EST
Designs, ideas, flow, vibes, had been discussed, considered, offered, and in very many cases, rejected. In the end (or the beginning) materials were what could be agreed upon most readily.

Once that step was taken planning, construction, design, began in earnest. Memorials or not, this was a park after all, and judging from the amount of children already busily scrambling across the thickening lawns, rolling down the sides of the mounds they called hills (and some called mountains), tearing across and along the paths and walkways fearlessly, it well and truly time.

The placement of the playground equipment was crucial, and had been worried over and picked apart as surely as the overall design had been. In the end, they chose to begin work near the center, at the base of one of the hills.

The area was left as close to natural as possible, though a large-ish patch of ground cover with deep, almost oceanic blue flowers were planted. In other places the grass was left along, others still it was carefully cut and rolled back to be used somewhere else.

Wooden structures were begun, their foundations set in solid and strong to support years and years of play.

In the small field of flowers a pirate ship took shape. With planks to walk and nets and masts to climb and decks to stride and sails to raise and a wheel to steady.

Where the grass had been cleared and the earth exposed, a simple series of wooden disks and planks and poles with thick hempen rope bannisters and rough hewn uprights. A high gloss sheen on the hollowed log slide down into a sand box filled with rich, soft soil designed and planned to never pack down, and always provide drainage. A spill of daffodils and daisy and petunias amid deep green grains and grasses surrounded the steps and bridge and slide.

Two towers stood in the grass, anchoring swings, slides, climbing bar walls, and balance beam alike. Light wood, white pine, sanded smooth as glass and sealed against weather and wear. A pit of sugar fine sand ended where the balance beam began.

The Redneck

Date: 2015-07-22 02:27 EST
She hummed under her breath and let the memories tug and drift, lap at the edges of her mind like the gentle tide of a calm lake.

A woman who, like so many here, was more than she seemed. Strong, even when she was unsure. Straddling more than two worlds with every step she took. A woman who'd taken a moment, now and then, to be kind. To ask, to care.

Perhaps a friendship might have grown out of those first dancing steps. Perhaps they'd have remained on the outer ripples of each others's circles.

The redneck would never know.

And so, as a tribute to the memory of a woman who might have been a friend one day, she put her back and mind to something she felt fitting.

A small wood with lush emerald grass, thick and soft and just cool enough to invite naps or picnics or quiet moments between loves. In the Spring the trees would burst in color. Pale pinks and ethereal whites. A splash of red for a bit of a backdrop, a bit of daffodil yellow spearing up.

In the Spring the delicate petals of cherry blossoms would ride the breeze and offer other-worldly kisses to any who stopped long enough.