Topic: Ruadh

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-03-25 15:50 EST
Ruadh lifted her head and walked to the edge of the corral. An awful racket sounded down the lane. A donkey brayed, bawling in pain; with it, a puppy screamed. Benjamin's flock of crows took flight at the sudden racket. Ears flicking, Ruadh calmly let herself out of the corral and trotted down the road, following the sounds.

The land where Benjamin lived had once been a huge, sprawling manor. Over time, the manor house had collapsed, the land left to go wild, some lots sold off as ranch homes and dairy farms. Closer to town, there was an upscale neighborhood with its back to the half-wild grounds.

Much had been forgotten, old structures still stood hidden in the woods. Ruadh could just make out a roof in the trees about a quarter mile from Benjamin's property, an abandoned hunter's hut a few yards away from the road in the brush.

"Ugly crows!" a girl snarled, and Ruadh skittered back as a BB gun fired several times among the birds. The matriarch screamed, scattering the flock for safety, but the old bird landed beside a younger bird who had been shot.

Ruadh's ears flicked. The little mustang had been born wild, and ill treated until Thorn had rescued the little herd destined for some European butcher. Patient and loving training had turned Ruadh's worst qualities to strengths. Fear had turned to bravery, and even anger when she heard that all too familiar pop and pump of BB gun.

The donkey screamed piteously, the sound reminding Ruadh of bad times on the prairie, when all she could do was run and run and run. Not this time. Ruadh gathered herself up and pushed through the brush, squealing and snorting anger.

"Aw! Horsie! How pretty!" a young girl cooed. Ruadh stopped short, finding herself before a small shed, mostly hidden in the brush. A beautiful little lass of thirteen or so, with lovely red ringlets of hair, a sweet little rosebud mouth, big brown eyes stood smiling at the mare. In a darling white dress splattered with blood.

Struggling in a wicked cat's cradle of old barbed wire and cord, a donkey brayed and wailed for help. Near the animal, a pup lay bleeding, too hurt and hopeless to even cry. The girl still held the BB gun in her daintily gloved hands.

"I wonder if your eyes pop when a BB hits them!" the girl giggled, lifting the gun. Ruadh
felt that old stab of fear, but she let it spur her into the fray that time. Letting out an jangling and bizarre warcry, the mustang sprang at the girl, hooves up and out, mowing the girl down in an instant.

The girl screamed pain and fury, trying to lift the BB gun once more. The old she crow launched at the girl, cawing furiously, pecking at her eyes and clawing her face. The girl managed to throw the crow aside, just as Ruadh turned to kick the girl with both hind hooves, throwing her across the little clearing like a rag doll.

The she-crow fluttered to Ruadh's head. The donkey stared at them. The pup tried to wag its tail. The injured crow staggered from the brush. Ruadh nattered to the old she crow. Bobbing her head and cawing, the bird fluttered away.

Moments later, Elsa came trotting into the clearing. The old otter hound looked over the scene, then gave a few quiet woofs, carefully picking the battered pup up in her jaws. She carried the animal to the stable, settling it carefully in a woolen blanket before going back.

The wounded crow was put beside the pup, and Elsa turned back to help Ruadh limp the donkey, still bound in the wire and cord, to the stable. The dog regarded Ruadh's rescues in some concern, laying down to lick the pup back to its senses, to try and soothe the crow. Ruadh stood alongside the donkey, biting at the cords as she could.

Their people would be there soon. It would all be taken care of.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-03-26 14:22 EST
Finley was in his own mindspace as he walked to Benjamin's home after working at the forge. He scarcely noticed Bob the evil rooster perched on the corral, squawking and yelling. He heard a donkey bray, but it wasn't unusual, there were a few small ranches scattered around.

The little white donkey, however, wasn't usually in the corral, and Fin realized in a moment's horror that the animal was cut and bound up in wires. Its light colored coat showed blood all too well. Ruadh called to Fin anxiously, nudging at him as he approached slowly.

"We need to get this off o' ye, sweeting," he murmured to the distressed animal. To his surprise, the donkey snuffed his hand gently before lowering her head, seeming to try and show him where her worst hurts were.

This wasn't a habitually abused animal. She had been in good condition up until... Fin frowned as he cut and carefully drew cords out of the animal's skin and flesh. The wounds were anywhere from a few days old to fresh.

Bob crackled and yelled once more like a demented alarm clock, the flock of crows started keening. Fin looked up and grinned in relief as Star came cantering in. The big vanner whickered and grunted, ears twisting and turning, looking from the donkey to Ruadh. Ruadh seemed to answer the stallion, with plenty of angry sounding barks and hoof stomps.

Benjamin slid from Star's back, appalled at what he was seeing. He took several moments to calm himself before approaching.

"What the hell happened to her?" he asked Fin quietly, "Is that barbed wire...?"

"I dunno. Aye, tis. D'ye have shears for the wire...?"

Benjamin exhaled, nodding. The donkey was remarkably calm, quiet and docile, lipping a bit at Fin's hair and snuffling at Benjamin's palm when he offered it. A good thing, too, if she'd thrashed about, she would have been wounded far worse.

Elsa woofed to Benjamin as he walked into the shed to grab a pair of clippers. He stopped short and stared. The crow peered at Benjamin, Elsa had grown a strange and shaggy lump at her side that shivered and hid its head under her foreleg.

Shaking his head, he stepped out to hand Fin the clippers.

"It's worse. There's a dog and crow in the shed that look wounded."

Fin lifted his head to stare at Benjamin.

"Tell me how they are. Does... any o' the animals know how the hell this happened? Where they came from?" Fin had seen Benjamin patiently drilling messages into the crows with food treats, and he knew that crows were snitches.

"I'm not sure yet, the old woman crow hasn't come down," Benjamin replied, looking up and into the trees. The flock watched in hunkered silence. He whistled, and the matriarch flew down. Instead of landing near the young man, she perched on his shoulder.

Benjamin stepped back to the shed, frowning as he listened to crow. They communicated, they were intelligent, they remembered faces. He knew how to listen to them, but it took patience and focus. What he was gleaning from the old woman was strange.

Finley watched Benjamin a moment before returning to the grim work of pulling the cord and wire from the donkey's flesh. Ruadh sidled close enough to the donkey that she'd been punctured a few times, keeping the smaller mare warm, their noses touching every few breaths. Star stood over both, quiet.

"Fin, when you're done, come give me a hand," Benjamin called. He picked up the wounded crow, quickly catching its wings down, and ignoring as it pecked at him and keened. "Hush, little devil, look. Your Gram's right there..." he muttered.

"Where are they?" Fin asked as he followed Benjamin in. The actor managed to tuck the crow into the crook of his arm and fished out his phone.

"Elsa's got the pup. BB gun, looks like... Doc? Doc, I've got three wounded animals here. I can't heal them, they're all traumatized, I don't even know... Donkey, crow, puppy, donkey's in bad..."

Finley turned from Benjamin to Elsa and the miserable little ball of wet fur with the old otterhound. Elsa thumped her tail as Fin moved in, then lowered her head to nudge at the pup. It cringed, trembling at the sound of human voices. Fin's heart broke as he gently whispered to the pup. How could anyone want to harm anything so helpless?

Elsa nosed Fin gently, then the pup, gently getting the little creature to lift its head. Slowly, the pup turned and looked at Fin, her dark eyes full of woe and fear, with just the tiniest glimmer of hope that she wouldn't be hurt anymore.

Fin stared back at the scruffy little face. Something moved in Fin deeply. Maybe he saw something of himself in the pup, or just couldn't stand for something so trusting to be in pain, but he fell in love right then and there.

"Ssssh, I will no' let anythin' happen to ye," he whispered as he looked the pup over. There were BB pellet wounds, a few burns, she was swollen from bruises, and her forepaw looked broken. He grimaced, holding his fingers for the pup to sniff. Elsa sniffed at them, encouraging the pup.

A little ear tipped, and though the pup cringed at first at Fin's movement, Elsa's sniffing soothed the dog as much as Fin's gentle words. The pup stretched out to sniff, all the while staring at Fin. The little tail wagged hesitantly, and when nothing bad happened, the pup sniffed again, this time with a little lick.

Fin smile slowly and carefully caressed the pup's ears. He could see the return of hope into the dog just with the shine of her gaze and thump of her tail.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-03-28 12:42 EST

The red haired girl lay in a broken heap, just comeuppance for the torment she had given the innocent.

An inhuman hissing escaped from her lips, carrying a black vapor that wound around her. Abrupt as a marionette in a drunken puppeteers hand, she jerked to her feet. Her head and shoulder straightened with sickening crackles and wet sounding pops. She snarled.

Her lovely play house wasn't as far distant from others as she had thought. She was just going to have to find something better. Something with electricity. She had her eye on her daddy's power tools, and he never used them.

She sneered at the shack. She'd get even. The black miasma sucked back into her pretty lips, and she threw herself back down in the dirt. She worked up a good cry and hysterical hitches before she took out her phone and called for her mother.

"Oh Mumsie it's so horrible I'm so frightened my own bestest friend ever Brooke! She beat me up Mumsie she said she was going to k-k-kill me because Carter Brass likes me better and oh please help me I'm so hurt and frightened!" she sobbed, "She was hurting animals here Mumsie! It's so hideous! I couldn't help them! Mummmmssiieee!"

Far from being concerned about the state of her child, the girl's mother merely snorted.

"Save it for the cops. Where are you and you better have your story straight."

The girl sniffled and blubbered as she relayed the directions to the hut, though her glassy gaze was keen and sneering on the hut.

A half an hour later, a large Humvee pulled up on the road. A woman stepped out, the perfect MILF Soccer Mom, red hair perfectly coifed, expensively dressed. She looked herself over and checked her makeup in the vehicle mirror before she twisted her face into the brave but frightened and terribly worried face of a woman called to find her injured child.

Though once she realized there wasn't an audience, she exhaled, eying her daughter in annoyance.

"Just get in the damn car. You just remember, Debby, I will not help you if you get caught."

"I love you, too, Mumsie," the girl sneered as she climbed into the Humvee.

"Then why the hell do you keep having to call me to pick you up? You know, screw this. You're grounded for the next six months, and Abaddon curse you if your father catches you torturing the neighbor's pets."

"It's not my fault people are stupid!" Debby complained, outraged.

"But it is that you're not ready for them to be stupid," her mother snapped, starting the car up, "Now shut the hell up. If I were you, I'd be working on my story for the cops."

Debby flounced, arms folded over her chest. She smirked nastily as they passed an old telegraph pole with several fliers for missing animals tacked to it. She'd had her fun in the old shack, but it was time for an upgrade.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2015-03-31 15:24 EST
The veterinarian and his assistants arrived quickly, taking over the wounded animals with ease and horror alike. Benjamin and Fin moved to the corral, and let Star out. The vanner promptly started down the road.
"The crow said it was a small evil person," Benjamin murmured to Fin, falling in after Star, "And it wasn't far from here."

Fin nodded, making sure his knives were ready and at hand as they walked. A few crows flew with them, leading them to the hidden shack. When Star walked from the road into the brush, Benjamin turned and looked back at his property. It was in easy eyeshot.

Whoever had been torturing the animals could have easily taken his pets. Elsa, the crows, Star. His brows beetled before he abruptly laughed once, soft and relieved.

One of the first things Lirenel had done on coming to Benjamin's home was to raise a shielding over it.

'There's nothing here, nothing to see, no reason to be here...' the elf had murmured as he crafted the wards. He taught Benjamin to make his own with his own power, and daily, the actor lifted that protection over his land. Ragged and imperfect at first, but as his skills grew, so did the shields.

Star rushed into the clearing with a bellow and snort, stopping short, ears back, tail lashing side to side. But there was nothing there. Benjamin and Fin followed the animal cautiously, Fin with his knives drawn, Benjamin clutching his right fist, holding the reins of his power.

They found the old barbed wire, the cord, several tools with blood smeared on them. The blood where someone had fallen remained, fresh and with a foul taint to it. Though neither Benjamin nor Fin could smell it, Star could. Fin frowned, looking to Benjamin. A strange moaning sound came from the hut.

The two young men turned to the shack, Benjamin quickly kicking open the door, Fin ready to cover him. A cat, seeming to be missing a good deal of its fur, bloodied, streaked out of the building the moment the door was open.

"That's the cat! Some kids were going door to door looking for him!" Benjamin blurted out. Fin watched the animal run, frowning. It was heading home as fast as it could go, but why was it there at all?

"D'ye think someone was catchin' and doin' ...this... to people's pets...?" he asked, quiet and horrified.

"...Yeah," Benjamin replied, his gorge rising. The stench of death and putrid flesh filled the hut. As he walked in, he could see hideous trophies that had once been living and loved animals.

There was little else in the shack. A daily planner and that detailed each animal and its fate. An old bed, broken chairs, a few tables. Benjamin stopped short as the moaning sounded once more. He and Fin slowly leaned over and stared at a young girl, as cruelly bound as the donkey had been, a filthy gag in her mouth. She tried to scream and squirm away from the young men, terrorized.

"It's okay, it's okay," Benjamin soothed, reaching in and pulling the gag away. Fin remained quiet, his blood boiling in acid fury at whoever had done this. He wanted nothing more than to bash in the head of the man he imagined it must be.

"She did it!" the girl screeched, hysterical, "Debby! Debby Roster! I thought she was my friend! She brought me here to see a cat she thought was lost! Then she hit me and said she was going to kill me and she had killed other animals and she was torturing a donkey and a dog and she was going to kill me because she never killed a person yet and..."

A lass had done this? A wee lass no bigger or older than the girl before him? Fin's mind reeled even as he moved in carefully to cut her bounds. He had so many dark ideas for punishing a man who would do this, but finding it was a young girl changed everything. He shot a look to Benjamin, seeing the constrained fury behind the empathy for the girl.

Once she was free, the girl lashed out at Benjamin's offering of help, struggling to get away from them as best she could. Yet, she could hardly stand, hardly move, after her ordeal. Benjamin grimaced, then tossed her his phone.

"Call your Mum."

"This canna be, Benjamin, a little lassy did this...?" Fin whispered, appalled.

"It happens sometimes, Fin. People born without consciences or empathy..." Benjamin replied quietly. A sociopath. A little girl sociopath. No one would want to believe something so awful of a child.

The girl finally managed to call her mother, but the sobbing fear of her tale turned suddenly to shock.

"...What?! I never laid a ? she did it, not me! She hit me on the head and tied me up here!"

Benjamin and Fin exchanged glances. Benjamin reached to take the phone from the girl.

"Ma'am, my mate and I found your daughter tied up in a shed where someone had been torturing animals. She didn't hurt anyone."

Soon, the police arrived. Benjamin and Fin answered the officer's question. Benjamin felt a familiar presence, then smiled in relief as Lirenel arrived, quietly taking charge of matters. He had Benjamin and Fin's names withheld from public record, assured himself that the police had the evidence they needed. Finally, he walked the two young men back to Benjamin's home.

"This is sure to get on the news, but as long as no one knows who either of you are, there shouldn't be any more to this regarding you two," Lirenel noted quietly, though he frowned.

He knew demonic blood when he smelled it, and it was thick around the hut.

(Lurve to FinMack and Lirenel!)