Topic: Math, Procrastination, and Instant Messages


Date: 2012-10-09 00:33 EST
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Sometime after midnight

Math. If there was one subject that Terry could focus her eternal hate into - it would be the dreaded MATH. She hated it with such passion that in the past many homework's went undone because she simply wouldn't allow herself to be bored out of her mind by sitting around for hours trying to figure it out. Though that was the past -- and this was the now. Gabby had been trying her best to help Terry along, but it could be almost like a brick wall when it came to number crunching. Terry was fine and dandy with a calculator in front of her.. but doing things off the top of her head? Almost impossible. The test sheet she was working on was starting to make her head hurt. That, along with the study guides and other books that littered that small desk.

At least math was a good distraction from thoughts of Christina..

"Unnnn.." King groaned out. Her arms stretching above her head. She went to work on cracking her neck, but was soon distracted by a ringing chime from her laptop. She had been using it to look up more math help and promised herself she wouldn't procrastinate on it.. but she knew that sound, and the messenger name it was attached to.

".. She's up late." King mumbled to herself. Mechanical pencil tapped lightly against her paper a few times. That inner struggle now going on in her head. Did she answer Alex, or should she continue to study? It wasn't much of a battle. It must of been a good five seconds before she reached to take hold of that laptop, lifted it up, and placed it down right in front of herself. Torra ♥

Terry! :) The King

Torra! When did you start learning how to use the internet?! Torra ♥

LOL! Raaawwwwr! My owner misses you! :(
You're such a nerd! :) The King

Says the one who went along with it.
Turn on your webcam. It's boring here. Torra ♥

Nope!! :3
No live shows your you! Sooooorrrryyyy. The King

You're killing me. Seriously. I'm dying over here.
Why are you up anyway? You have mass in the morning, girl! Torra ♥
Wahahahaha! Diiiiiieeeee! My stomach hurts that's why :( The King

I'll kiss it and make it better. Torra ♥

Kiss? My stomach? :) The King

Well.. it's on the way down. Sooooo.. yeah? Torra ♥

:o You're so bad!
I got some good news!
:( The King

Sorry. Had to put on some pants. Torra ♥

.. What were you doing? The King

NOTHING! It's cold! Torra ♥

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure! winkwinknudgenudge The King

Now who's the pervert?
What's the good news? Torra ♥

Ok Ms. No pants.
Guess who's playing Jack Frost in the Christmas play?! The King

? Torra ♥

You. :)
Well that's if you accept it..?
There's going to be auditions for the other parts but Elizabeth wants you to play Jack Frost.
Do it and I'll try and get the Ice Queen and we can have a kissing scene!
Terrrrrryyyyyy! The King

Tell her I'll do it.
Hey I need to really go back to studying and I'll talk to you later okay? Torra ♥

Booooo! Fine. I'll text you after mass.
btw I saw the picture of you and Gabby. You sleaze you totally kissed her! :( I'm jealous. The King

There's going to be a kiss for you later if you get the ice queen part so stop complaining. I'll talk to you later. Torra ♥

OKOK! You owe me! Goodnight!

".. Jack Frost." King said after closing the laptop.

She really did need to get back to studying. After all, she had a promise to keep. But thoughts of the Christmas play couldn't help but linger in her mind. With elbows pressed to the desk, her fingers intertwined; thumbs propped up her chin while index's pressed to her lips. She wondered what type of costume she might have to wear.. She needed to get the script, that was the first thing she needed to do. The play was obviously going to be something custom -- written by Elizabeth. They were in the same grade, and this would be one of her last plays of her high school life.. King played The Beast for her drama club when Elizabeth wasn't even the president of it yet; the first of her many roles throughout the years. if she wanted her to play Jack Frost - Terry wouldn't deny her.

It was strange how she felt so aggravated only an hour ago. After what happened at the Arena with Gabby. But now, it didn't seem to matter at all to her. King was even smiling! Her lips moving away from those fingers, only to have her forehead replace them. With her chin tucked, she looked down at the desk and snickered quietly to herself. ".. Looks lke this ain't gonna be a borin' Christmas after all.."

Christmas was still months away.. but it was nice to have something planned.

"Focus!" She snapped out. Slapping her cheeks a few times then gathering up her pencil. Right, she had math problems to try and figure out and a test to prepare for. She glanced over to the clock, and then to the door. The mechanical pencil's eraser found her lips as she stared for a good thirty seconds.

".. Wonder when she'll get back.."

The spoken thought brought back memories of Gabby and the man she had been speaking with. Memories, along with some of those annoyed feelings she had bottled away.

".. Tsk, she can do what she wants.. she's grown." King told herself.

She shifted some in that seat so that she faced the desk once more. That candle she bought Gabby catching her eye. She stared at it.. the poor thing serving as another object that preoccupied the teen. The pencil was placed down so that she could use that hand to instead grab for the candle. That plastic lighter was taken hold of with her other hand and she'd spark up a light. While holding the candle sideways, she lit the three wicks. The candle then set back into place. King stared at it while tapping the lighters bottom against the desk.

Tap, tap, tap..

"Okay.. now back to work." Motivation. She tried to give herself it. Sure, she would cast one last glance toward that door.. but after? It was back to studying.


Date: 2012-10-11 10:31 EST
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Early Morning

Waking up to the sight of a purple and black mess of hair. The back of Gabby?s head was something Terry had slowly been getting used to seeing in the morning. They slept in the same bed.. and sleeping was what they mostly did. To think, the only time she really shared a bed with another person? It had something sexual in nature. But all she was doing here was sleeping; not to say she didn?t enjoy it. Sleeping was sleeping.. and at times she might wish she could do it alone ( because sharing a bed meant lack of stretching-room ), but it did feel somewhat comforting to wake up and not be there by your lonesome. Maybe that?s what Terry?s real problem was, she disliked being alone. It was a troubling thing, not wanting to be alone, when you are quick to jump from one bed to another. Making enemies out of lovers and alienating yourself even more.

Not wanting to be alone and wanting to keep your independence. That isn?t a great mix. It was something cliche -- overdone, but that was Terry?s life.

This room. This girl. This everything right now. That was her life. Noah could still be lurking around every corner, and she was hiding away here in an attempt to make Gabby feel somewhat safer about this situation. The passing minutes, hours, days, it was starting to take it?s toll on Terry. She couldn?t believe she actually missed St. Mary?s. But that had been her life for three years now, and all of this threw her life into a spiral.

Get up.. she told herself.

It was 6 AM. The usual time she woke up for school. Sleeping in was nice, but she had a habit she kept up. Get up, get motivated, get ready to go. But there was a lack of go where in that. The Ivy had things for her to do when she got bored, but there?s only so much she could do with working her body or training with her sword. It passed the time, it made her feel better, but at the same time it could be mind numbingly boring when there wasn?t much else to stimulate her brain. Well -- there was tutoring with Gabby, but studying was never fun.. Well, maybe those times of more unconventional study could be counted as fun.

King wondered at times if all that studying even worked..

Up.. Up. This time action came with her thoughts. Face lifting from the softness of her pillow, then soon enough her upper body as she moved to sit up and dangle legs off the side of the bed. Her shoulders began to work themselves, all while back arched and her head bent back. Her posture could of looked almost flawless then, but that changed when she hunched over after a long yawn. The vibe of laziness ran through her and it was almost too much of a hassle to move to stand, but she?d do it. It took a good minute -- and a few thumb swipes to get sleep out of her eyes, but she did stand up finally.

First on the `to do` list was simple. Bathroom. It was a slow trek over there, but she?d get it done -- along with her business, easy enough. With some hand washing and face splashing later, she?d come out of there feeling more awake and alert. Sock covered feet led her over to a small box found on top of the dresser next. This was her breakfast.. Unless Gabby felt like finishing the box off the night before. When Terry took hold, she could feel the weight of items inside. Sweet, sweet items -- the sweetest treat one could have for breakfast. Honeybuns. Terry was relieved that she wouldn?t need to shop for another box just yet and gave it a tilt so one of those wrapped delights could fall into her waiting hand.

It wasn?t eggs, sausage, and other foods she?d normally get for breakfast at St. Mary?s, but she enjoyed it either way. Since Gabby was still sleeping, Terry made sure to keep quiet in her attempt to open up that thin package that held the honeybun inside, but once that was out of the way -- she went to town eating it. Already half done with it when she settled her ghost and pumpkin?s pajama pant covered rump down at that desk. She?d stuff the honeybun between her lips so that she could use both hands to grab hold of her laptop and set it before her. Then, along with a bite of her breakfast, she?d open the laptop up and go about her normal business.

First things first. She needed to check her email. Since she hadn?t been going to classes normally, she was forced to communicate with her teachers through email now. It beat having to speak with them face to face, but she could still see some of their characteristics in the way they typed. One of the sisters rambled on, another was quick and to the point. The second-type was what she had in front of her now.. and what it said surprised her.

83%. Surprising. Maybe this home-study is a good thing? Do better next test.

Her math test.. she passed. Not just passed, but it wasn?t just getting by -- she actually made a good grade.

King stared at the screen dumbfounded.

?.. Holy sh*t.? An 83 was an 83, sure -- but it was something she hadn?t done in math in a long while. She?d mostly just skirt by with a D and not care much about what else happened, but ever since starting this new year.. it?s been one F after another - but now. Terry rubbed at her eyes some. Wanting to make sure she was seeing right. Yes, it was still there. This wasn?t some weird dream.

?Is this real life?? She said, jokingly. Her lips pulling back to expose a huge grin.

?AYO, BABYGIRL!? King yelled out then. ?Get your a** up! I?m takin? you out for breakfast!?

Today was going to be a good day.