Topic: St. Mary's Catholic School for Girls


Date: 2012-10-06 19:02 EST
St. Mary's Catholic School for Girls
? Setting / Other Information

School Grounds
- More Will be Added -

Dorm Rooms

Summer Uniform

Winter Uniform
- Will be Added -

NPC's : School Students / Staff


Terry's former roommate, now roommate of Anya. She and Anya stay in the right dorm room that's attached - by shared bathroom - to Terry's room on the left. Alex is eighteen, captain of the swim team, and is currently ( along with Terry ) in her last year at St. Mary's. She holds feelings for King and has pointed this out many times, but has always been told that the two of them are "Friends and nothing more". Even though Terry would like to say they are just friends, she is actually something more; as Terry usually always comes to her first for help or advice. Loves beanbag-buddies and has a collection of over a 100 of them.

Thinks Jamie is a weirdo, but in a good way. Is her number of buyer of weed, and when late night cram-studying for tests comes - Adderall. Stays clear of anything else.

Kind of can't keep little secrets to herself.


"Damn, Jia's fine." - Terry King

10/10 on the finest scale if it was up to King.

Jia is a tease. She isn't, at all, a good girlfriend to Kiyomi. Rumor is that she's just using Kiyomi for study-guides and easy answers to homework/tests.


Quiet, shy. Or at least she acts that way until a person touches something that she claims as her own.

Weapon of choice: Any blunt object that she can get her hands on.
Mode of combat: Cheap shots from behind.
Threat Level: S+++++

She's a bookworm who usually keeps to herself. Reclusive type, when spotted out and about she's usually holding hands with Jia.. or trying to find her.
God help whoever gets on her bad side.


Misty White

"Cat got your tongue?" - Jamie Barker

Misty has been Jamie's roommate ever since she arrived at St.Mary's for one good reason -- the girl has never spoken in her life, considering she was born mute. She was the first person Jamie ever got close to at the school, due to her large ego and pride. Misty proved to be the only person Jamie could confide in without fear of her insecurities and weakness being spread around the school.

Misty's silence proved her value as a partner to Jamie as she progressed at the school and began to set up her criminal enterprise. Besides being unable to speak sometimes Jamie swore the girl was deaf and blind as well, or at least knew when she needed to be which was just as good. She mainly communicates by text written on a tablet PC, and carries around a small pad and pen for emergencies and speaks in signs to those that know how. She has an aggressive personality and throws tantrums often due to her short temper and the frustration that often sinks in to her due to the difficulty of communicating with people. She has a penchant for art and is often seen spending her afternoons in detention scrubbing graffiti off walls she painted the previous night, or in the art club when she isn't cleaning up her transgressions.

Despite her rough personality she is one of the most loyal people in the school if you're her friend (which she has few enough of) and is one of Jamie's closest and most trusted companions. Though King is one of her closest friends she possesses a small amount of jealousy and envy directed towards her due to Misty's interpretation of Jamie and Kings relationship, and their ability to easily communicate and understand each other via the spoken word, which is only exacerbated by Jamie's wild and uncommitted personality.


Date: 2012-10-06 19:10 EST
" Crap, where did I put it... There we go! " The sound of metal on metal rung out softly down the hallway as Jamie slipped her room key into the door handle, followed by the soft click of the lock disengaging as the key was turned and a few creaks as the knob was turned and the door opened. She stepped inside quickly, turning to shut the door softly and engage the lock once again from the inside of the room, letting out a soft sigh before turning around and stretching her arms up into the air. " It's good to be back, tonight was rough. "

Another sigh escaped her lips as she slung the damp towel around her shoulders into a nearby hamper, afterwards walking over to her bedside table. Right hand extended and digits wrapped around a wood knob on the uppermost drawer before tugging it open and reaching inside to grab her phone, left hand slid the drawer shut quickly. " Maaaan, so many SMS messages, too tired. Stop bugging me people.. " Thumbs played across the touch-screen artistically before the device was set on top of the table by her right hand, left coming up to quickly stifle a yawn.

" Hmph, fourth place huh... " Jamie sat down on her bed with care, soft sheets provided padding for her sore posterior, something she was infinitely grateful for as many times as she got thrown on her a** earlier in the night by rival duelers. Hands reached out to plug the phone into its' charger before she rocked back and splayed out across the sheets.

" ... I can do better. "

Brown eyes glanced sideways at a calender hung on the wall to her right, Wednesday on the coming week circled in bright red sharpie, her own handiwork before hitting the showers. " I know I can do better! " Reassurance in the tone of her voice, if only for self comfort. Eyes flickered to the ceiling of the small dorm room, lost in thought for a moment. " But I guess I did well, can't beat myself up over it, tomorrow is another day after all, guess I better get some rest, can't climb the ranks beat up and tired. " Left hand reached out to touch a metal lamp on the bedside table and the light immediately left the room. Jamie snuggled into a nearby pillow for some well deserved shut-eye, not bothering to slip beneath the sheets, a nearby fan blowing on her was much to comforting.


Date: 2012-10-06 19:11 EST
Early Morning - July 16, 2012
After the Panther's Claw Tournament

A visible wisp of smoke bellowed out open lips as the teen exhaled. Lips that kept parted to suck in another breath. ".. Fifty points, huh?" she said. There was a lack of excitement in her voice. Fatigue having done away with most of the happiness she felt after winning the tournament. All Terry wanted to do now was sit back, relax, and smoke.. but, she was all out of cigarettes. That was the last of them, and she was already done with it. Terry dropped it into the ashtray and set her arm back down against the bed.

Waiting for the pills to kick in was the worse part. Along with the constant reminder that even if she won, she still felt like she got her ass royally kicked every time she moved even the smallest muscle. ".. Going to look terrible." said to herself in a low tone. Already trying to imagine how black and blue she'd look in the mirror once she got the chance to look at herself. The thought itself caused a small groan to leave her lips.

"But I won.. right?" Terry said with a huff. Her brown eyes looking to the photo that rested upon that small table beside her bed. The framed photo that held the image of herself -- two years younger, and her Mother. ".. Would you be proud?" There was a thought then. Should she call her; should she tell her that she won?

That got a laugh. ".. and say what, idiot.. `Hey, Mom.. I beat the sh*t out of some people and got myself a cats paw` .. Right."

Terry closed her eyes. The effects of the medication seemed to be working. Everything felt heavy, too heavy to even move in the slightest. All that was left for her to do was allow sleep to take her. As she waited, things came to mind.. pictures - names. Sartan, Matthew Simon, Harris D'Artanian, Mur Ollavan, Jaycy Ashleana. Only a few names she remembered from the many hanging portraits. Diamonds. All of them.

".. Hey, Mom.." It took everything she had to open her eyes. Terry looked to the photo again and quietly spoke. "I wanna be a fighter.."


Date: 2012-10-06 19:12 EST
After Midnight - Early Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"Sorry we couldn't go out to dinner like you wanted.. It's just." King started to say. The two girls sat within the shared bathroom that connected their two rooms together. King sat upon the toilet, using it as a chair while the now one year older Alex would be sitting Indian style against the hard floor. The door that led to King's room being cracked open, allowing the two the chance to listen for the slumbering Gabby that laid resting in bed on the other side.

"It's fine.. you really don't need to explain yourself. I got it the first time." Alex said. Tucking stray strands of blonde hair behind an ear. She was peering to that slightly ajar door, and then turned her attention back to King; who then paused upon reaction at seeing those deep blues stare right into her light browns. At times like this, Terry couldn't help but be reminded just how beautiful this girl was. They've known each other for so long now.. When she first came to this school, Alex was her roommate. The blonde dragged her out of angsty self-loathing and told her she could spend her time doing something active instead of sitting alone and smoking after school. The swim team.. then basketball, it was her who made her feel more welcome at this school. Through her, she became more popular - and the rest was history now.

"But.." King tried again, but Alex was quick to stop her words with a shake of her head. Once more, Terry was captivated by the way her hair swayed about. Sure.. it wasn't brushed, and it could be almost called bed-head since she had woken her up only ten minutes ago; but still - it was beautiful. Especially with the smile she was now giving her.

"I'm proud of you, Terry.. You've really grown up."

This caught King by surprise. If her cheeks weren't so tanned, there might of been a blush showing. The teen shot a look off to the side and pursed her lips, then turned it back onto Alex. ".. whatcha' talkin' about..?"

This only got a small chuckle out of the girl. "When you're older, you'll understand." A waggle of the brow followed. Terry could only sigh out. ".. You're only older by a few months, stop actin' all important just 'cus you turned eighteen.."

"But it's fun." Alex exclaimed. There was another chuckle that time around too. King just smiled.

"I'll make it up to you, I swear.. Once things settle down, I'll take ya out for that dinner you wanted. Wherever you want. Don't get anal about prices an' stuff." King slid off from her `throne` and crouched in front of the blonde. Her lips brushing against her forehead, then pressing for a soft kiss. "I promise.. you hear me? Real talk."

"I'd like that.." Alex said. A genuine smile gracing her lips. Terry saw it, and felt the need to exploit them. She lowered to press a kiss to those very lips, but she felt something pressing against her shoulders. King opened her eyes and blinked in confusion. Alex only looked to her with a sly little smile while pushing her away. "You shouldn't go kissing other girls when you have one sleeping in your bed.."

That caught King. She shot a look toward that slightly opened door and her heart sunk. What was she doing.. Gabby was in there, hopped up on pain medication and sleeping away like nothing mattered; and here she was, about to kiss another girl only half a room away. They weren't a couple -- her and Gabby were just friends, but even so - it felt strange. She looked back to Alex, who then perked a brow at her. Terry then shook her head and pressed her forehead right against the other girls own. "You know I love ya'.. I don't say that to a lot of people, you know that."

"Yeah.. but you love a lot of people, that's the problem.." Alex's voice cut through her. King settled back to sit across from her on the hard floor. ".. I ain't in love with them." King reached out to press fingers to her healed ankle. A small peering up of those eyes to glance at the other girl. "Well.. for an hour or so, you do." Alex replied, and that only made King click her tongue. "Why we even talkin' about this.."

"Well.. like I said, you're the one trying to kiss me while another girl sleeps in your bed."

"it ain't like that.. she's hurt..!" Kings voice picked up. Alex pressed a finger to her lips, which caused King to quiet up instantly. "I'm not saying it like it's perverted.. What I'm saying is, you shouldn't be in here trying to kiss me." Alex looked to the object that was resting within her lap. That wrapped box. Unopened. ".. you sure it isn't anything? I know you, Terry.. You keep looking at the door, but it's not like you're worried she'll catch us. It's.. something else."

Terry pursed her lips and looked to the toilet. Those ankle rubbing fingers now gripped against her leg. She remained quiet. It was better to stay quiet when you were too confused to make anything but an honest answer. "I don't know what it is.." She couldn't keep up the silent treatment - so she just spoke what she felt.

"That's cute." and so the return of the chuckling Alex. King shot her a semi-glare and then let out an exaggerated sigh. "Stop bein' such a bitch, Jesus Christ.." Crossing her own legs then. King leaned to press her back against the wall. "Just open your damn gift.. Makin' me sit here all night, we got class in the mornin' an' sh*t.." Becoming antsy with annoyance. Or was it embarrassment?

"Fine, fine." King didn't look as Alex responded to her in such a submissive fashion. She glanced around, here and there, then finally - when she couldn't think of anywhere else to look - settled her eyes upon the blonde. There Alex sat. In her hands one of those beanbag-buddies she loved so much. King knew about it, how couldn't she? It was something Alex first told her about when they shared a room together. The one King got was special, or that's what the website said. From the betting going on and the fact that she was forced to stay up till 5 AM to make sure she constantly outbid someone else, it had to be good. A little Bengal tiger. That's what it was. Hell if King knew why it was so expensive. Something about it being rare, but it was a damn stuffed tiger.. but whatever floats peoples boats.

King had taken the time to tie a little ribbon around the beanbag tigers neck that read.. "Roar. Lonely tiger looking for a home. Please take good care of me." Alex read it, lacking the enthusiasm Terry put into the note. All those exclamation points would probably wake up everyone in the building if she read it how it was written. Hearing it now, it sounded corny to King's ears. It even made the teen look away in embarrassment. But that was the perfect time for Alex to strike, and King found herself hugged. "I always wanted Tora and Tiger.. How'd you know?" Alex was squeezing her like crazy, but it didn't last long since the girl pulled away and sat down. Leaving Terry to watch while she inspected her new gift.

"Well.. uh, I just knew?" Terry tried to think up a good reason, but that's all that really came out. `Smooth, Terry..` came to mind when she thought her words over. But it didn't matter in the end, not when she saw that happy smile on the girls lips when she made the beanbag tiger wave its paw at her.

"Happy birthday." King gave her a wink, then leaned in to poke at the tiger.


Date: 2012-10-06 19:13 EST
Arms Dealer

The halls of St. Mary's this time of night weren't quite the best place for a student at night. Even in the dorms, there were Nun's lurking around every corner. Well.. not Nun's, but the security team hired by the school to do routine patrols. They needed to keep these girls safe and unharmed or else their Mommy's and Daddy's might not feel like giving donations. A prep school like this had a reputation to uphold as well. They needed to keep up appearances. Which was why it was to bed by 10 and lights out by 11.

Still, there were some lurking these halls at this late time night -- and the girl known as Terry King was one of them. Dressed in an over-sized black shirt that hung about her knees. The sag of the piece of clothing even exposing a good bit of her right shoulder. It wasn't quite October 31st yet, but King had felt like breaking out those pumpkin 'n bats pajama pants early so they made up her lower half.. they also provided enough quietness to allow her stealthy walk to stay perfectly quiet, while also providing her a good bit of warmth through these nippy halls.

White sock covered feet pressed quietly, step by step, around corner. She didn't need to move slow, but she didn't go all out running down those halls -- a calm, easy pace was good enough for her. Kept ears alert and eyes ready to see the shimmer of a flashlights light coming from another hall. When she saw just that, the half and half quickly ducked into a bathroom and waited. Peeking around the corner of the doorway slowly to spot the security guard continuing her patrol through the other hallway. Once she was out of sight, King moved out from her hiding spot and continued down the hall.

It didn't take long. Ten, maybe twelve footsteps and she'd be at the door of the room she made this whole trip for. She took hold of the doorknob and gave it a little jiggle. Jiggle here, jiggle there, not so loud -- but just enough to hopefully catch the attention of someone inside.

She better not be listenin' to music.. King rolled her eyes.

"Hey.. Psst.. Ayo, Jamie.." She quietly spoke out.


Date: 2012-10-06 19:16 EST
Tap tap tap, tap.

Jamie's fingers raged furiously across the keyboard of her slim net book while her eyebrows furrowed in anger and disgust, she tilted forward slightly to get closer to the LCD monitor and make sure she was reading correctly.

" A week? I can't wait a week. Unacceptable. Tell him tomorrow or bust and don't skimp on the angry face either. " The words were translated to text as they came out of the girls mouth, a sharp depression of the enter key sent a small mail icon zooming towards the name Graffiti on a large contact list pulled up in the bottom right corner of the screen. " I can't deal with this bulls**t... " Jamie's left hand shot up and swatted the LCD screen down like a fly, a large clap ringing out as the screen and keyboard met in the net books closing.

" ARGH! " Knees were quickly pulled up into her chair so she could bring her chin to rest on them, a brooding, gloomy expression set itself deeper and deeper into her face the longer she stared at the wall on the opposite side of her desk, until the soft jingle of her doorknob turned the gloomy expression quickly into an alert and cautious one. Jamie left her seat slowly and silently, toes and feet pressing silently against the floor as she made her way to the racket that disturbed her. What time was it? She couldn't remember exactly but just looking at how dark it was outside and the silence in the next room she could guess it was past lights out.

Jamie was nearly upon the entryway, left hand drifting slowly to the grip of a wooden baseball bat propped up in the corner beside the door when King's voice came out in rushed silence. Jamie stood stiffly while the girl spoke, why was she here this late? What did she want? A small smirk started to appear across her lips as she thought of the possibilities.

The only response King received was the soft click of the lock on the door disengaging and the sound of soft footsteps traveling deeper into the dorm room.


Date: 2012-10-06 19:16 EST
The light click was all she needed. King did the rest of the work. Fingers curled about and gripped at the doorknob, then gave it a twist and finally a push to allow the girl full passage inside. King made her way inside, then brought that arm about to press hand to door so that she could close it behind her.

"Tsk." Clicking her tongue. Feigning annoyance right now. "What, no kiss or `Welcome home, honey`? I'm feelin' a little under appreciated right now."

She followed after those faint footsteps and moved deeper into the room. Of course, this would be after she made sure to lock the door behind her. Nostrils flared just a bit as she snorted back, and soon enough a knuckle went brushing against her nose while she looked about. Trying to spot anything new that she could possibly mess around with.

"Soo.. What's up?" Obviously -- she was here to make small talk. Maybe the next thing that would slip past her lips would be `How's the weather?`. Either way, as King ventured deeper into the room - she be making her way over to a bed to collapse down onto.


Date: 2012-10-06 19:21 EST
By the time King had closed and locked the door Jamie would be spread out belly down on her own bed. Chin rested on palms propped up by elbows pushing down into the comforter, and both legs swayed back and forth in tune with the soft hum vibrating along her vocal chords. Jamie's brown oculars almost seemed to bathe Terry in amusement as she made her offhand comments coming through the door.

" I was kinda' hopin' you were here to steal off with me into the night, I was trying to be... Dramatic. "

While the last word left her lips both legs would come to rest on the bed and Jamie would roll to her left side onto her back, swishing hair and head backwards haphazardly while the back of her left hand came to rest upon her forehead just to emphasize the feigned drama. A soft giggle escaped her lips as she rolled back over and propped her chin on palms once more, watching Terry with that disturbing amused look across her visage while the other girl glanced curiously around the room.

" Not much, just taking care of some logistics and messing around on the net. Y'know, trolling around on forums and such seeing how much I can make people seethe hatred. Guess you're not here to steal me away huh? "

Pout face shot in Kings direction as she delivered herself on to the sheets beside Jamie with a soft creak as the springboard depressed against Terry's sudden collapse, those legs went to kicking at the air again while she glared curiously at the other girl.

" What about you? Caved in any faces or done any maiming in the ring recently? "


Date: 2012-10-06 19:21 EST
"Night's still young, there's always time for that later."

Back first against the bed. Her legs sort of dangling since she'd be laying sideways. King turned her head and glanced over to the other girl. Her comment about caving faces hitting a little too close to home with the way Terry looked at the moment. Black eye and that wrapped right hand of hers -- but that look was a few days old already and enough people knew about it. She then pursed her lips and closed her eyes. A happy little hum let out.

"You shouldn't go around pissin' off people.. one day your a** is gonna get found out and just sayin' `You mad` ain't gonna get you outta' trouble."

King reached out as she said that line. Her fingers moving to pinch at the other girls thigh. "I got a lil' more business for you if you ain't busy.." That sort of bratty tone being replaced by one with a little hint of something more serious.

"I need ya'.. and I ain't talkin' in that It's-Christmas-Vacation-and-no-one-else-is-around -for-me-to-crawl-in-bed-with kinda' need.. but that'll be comin' up soon, so keep your calender clear."