Topic: Will you be my Squire?


Date: 2012-10-13 22:25 EST
( Taken from Live Play )

The Cardinal Inn was their final destination.. for now. King had separated her hand from Gabby's own as she took those steps onto the porch and reached out. Palm touching against door, opening it just enough before her shoulder did the same so that she could push right on along. King moved inside, but came to a stop and held tha door open so Gabby had easy passage within.

"Yanno, we should just stay here tonight.. The theater is closer, right?" She grinned over to the other girl, then looked about. Franklin was at the bar wiping things down. King wondered why he wasted time doing that, but there wasn't many customers coming around anyway.. the old guy was probably keeping himself busy.

"Ayo. You put it in my room?" King spoke up to catch his attention. The man behind the bar gave a nod of his head. "It's there, moved it right after you called." Leaving out what was moved.. But that was the whole surprise. Another look to Gabby was then made.

"C'mon.. I got a surprise for you."

Gabby walked through the doorway after King held it open and arched a brow at her. "I guess we can? I just don't want Noah to find us...though, I dunno if he even knows about this place."

Gabby listened to the exchange between Franklin and King then perked up. "Surprise? For me? IS IT CUPCAKES? With sprinkles and hearts? Pink marshmallows in hot chocolate? Pixie stix?!?!??!?" Because she obviously needed some sugar right now.

"I'm the Baroness of Old Market.. Plus Frank's gotta' shotty and he knows how to use it." Thumbing over at the man standing behind the bar. His reaction to her words was a soft chuckle while shaking his head. "Noah even tries steppin' one foot in here, he's gonna be kicked before takin' a step."

King backstepped a few times, then turned about and headed for the stairs. "Maybe it's cupcakes.. Maybe it's somethin' else. You just gotta' come see, that's how surprises work."

"If this is some ploy for you to molest me, Terry King...I will never share cupcakes with you again. Do you hear me?" Stomping up the stairs after King in feigned agitation. She was secretly giggling at the anticipation of a surprise.

"I remember some talks about mutual touchin'.. I ain't gotta ploy nothin' to get my hands on you." The ego in her voice was there, and there was no hiding it. King must of been a little excited by the way she sprung up those stairs. Stopping half way to look down at Gabby. She flashed her a smile.

"An' if it was up to you I bet you'd never share your cupcakes anyway."


Date: 2012-10-13 22:27 EST
"I don' remember those talks at all. And you are too cocky for your own good. You dunno what I would do. Hmph." As to that comment about the cupcakes...well, Gabby couldn't lie and get away with it. "The point is that I -do- share them!" She didn't sprint up those steps like King...she mosied along, taking her time.

"Hm.. Well, I really don't know what you'd do." King said with a pause. "But.. isn't that the fun in it?"

She turned back around then and continued her climb up the stairs. "and you don't gotta' share if you don't wanna. I kinda' like watchin' you eat them anyway, instead of eatin' them myself." She spoke truthfully, but her own words made her stop at the top of the stairs in thought. Part of her wanted to look back at Gabby, but for some odd reason - she felt embarrassed.

"So whatcha sayin' is that you liiiiike me.~" Gabby sang the words out and snickered a little as she finally reached the top of those stairs and swatted King's backside to get her to move out of the way. "You even like my cupcake obsession and don' think it is crazy like some people!" Which meant King was likely more crazy than most. Somehow it meant that.

King jolted a little forward at that swat. Her hands instantly reaching back to pat down against her rump while she frowned over in Gabby's direction. It was a forced frown, but she had no reason to keep up with the act in the end.

"I ain't ever denied it, right? I told ya' already. You're the girl I like." She said it at the diner, and she was saying it now. King didn't linger around much after she said that. Her feet on the move once more so she could lead her down the hall, toward the room at the very end.

"Well, how am I to know that it doesn't change from one day to the next! I'm hard to like for long really..." She followed after King, muttering, "There better be some cupcakes at the end of this long a** journey!"

"Stop thinkin' with your gut so much, jeez.." Exaggerated huff added after her words. She'd pull out a key from her pocket and open up the door to her room. Swinging the door open and stepping inside. "Be a pal and close it." She was already on the move, looking around to try and find the item that she had Frank's bring up. When she spotted it on the bed, she turned around to place herself between it and Gabby. A look to the girl.

"Close your eyes."


Date: 2012-10-13 22:29 EST
Gabby followed her in and closed the door with her foot kicked out behind her. "I'm starvin' to death over here, of course I am thinkin' with my gut!" Then King just got a stare. "You are serious?" Gabby sensed she might have been that crazy chick look upon the half and half's face or something so she closed her eyes. And opened her mouth...because there was going to be a cupcake involved in this or else!

"Everything closed?" King inched closer to make sure. Leaning in pretty close to Gabby's face, then side to side. She followed it up by waving a hand in front of her face. "Keep them closed.. Or else this ain't gonna work out." She lingered close by for a few seconds after, and then she'd walk away. Moving over to the case that laid on top of the bed. She'd look over her shoulder, then back. Opening the box and pulling free the item held within. She kept it behind her back after she turned to face Gabby once more.

Stepping closer now.. `.. This is crazy..` she thought. What exactly was crazy? The fact that she took a knee in front of the girl and reached out to gently take hold of her hand. ".. Ayo, open your eyes."

Gabby could feel the breeze from King swiping her hand in front of her face but she kept her eyes closed anyway. "Yo, quit tryin' to smack my face...I can feel you doin' somethin'. Don't be mean, Kingly," she whined.

She felt King move away, heard something open and then King's steps back towards her. Then it was time for the surprise! Her eyes opened as she gaze curiously down at King who was kneeling and holding her hand. "Whatcha up to, chickadee?" She looked around for the cupcakes.

"Eh.. Uh." Her brown eyes blinked. "You're supposed to be blushin'." That's what she thought would happen anyway. She was doing the whole `will you marry me` pose and everything! King let out a small groan then and shook that held hand a little. Not too much, she didn't want to cause any real pain after all thanks to those bandaged knuckles. ".. Down here."

That axe was pulled out from behind her back and held up to the girl. King looked away, maybe a little unamused by her own plan being undone.. She really wanted to see a look of surprise or something on the woman's face. Maybe it was too much to ask for. ".. Gabriella Alexandros, will you be my squire?"


Date: 2012-10-13 22:30 EST
"S'posed to be blushin'...why?" She looked down and really noticed how King was kneeling, -then- understanding dawned on her. "Oh! You're...I dunno what you are doin''re asking me...somethin'? Huh?" Oh there was surprise alright...all King could hope for, maybe even more...there were wide, eyes filled with more shock than surprise.

Then she saw the smallish double sided axe with that green glow. It took her a moment to put that image together with King's words, since she was still in shock, from yanno...a feigned marriage proposal stance. "Will I be your...what?" Gabby lifted one of her hands to scratch at her head a little in confusion. " I don't know what that means. Are you trying to marry me, kill me with this green thing, or am I missing the idea here altogether?" NOW there was a blush...because it just sounded ridiculous to assume King was trying to marry her.

That's what she wanted to see. That blush had her own cheeks feeling heated, yet at the same time she couldn't help but smile. "I told ya'.. a rapier just ain't your style." She rose up then, but still kept Gabby's hand within her own. Fingers worked about to intertwine with the other girls while she stepped in close. ".. If you wanna learn, do it with a weapon more your speed.. I want ya' to have this, I want ya' to be my squire.." She paused. Leaning down some so she could press her lips to Gabby's own. ".. It ain't a forever thing.. I ain't gonna be a baron forever.. But, I want ya by my side for the time I am."

Gabby just kept talking during that attempted kiss by King. "Okay, I heard that part before...but I dunno what the hell a squire is. If you think I will go chop you wood with this thing then you are crazier than I am, Kingly!' Oh, oops...she missed that kiss, didn't she? Lips twitched to the side as she frowned a little then shoulders were shrugged as she leaned in and stood on her tiptoes to return the kiss before muttering, "I'm still not chopping stuff for you! Don't think just because you're cute that I'll change my mind..."

"Jus' think of it as bein' my right hand woman.. but I ain't gonna lie, I am kinda' sad. There's this tree in the back that's been givin' me the evil eye." She paused only to kiss at those lips once more. "Was hopin' you'd go out and take care of business." Leaning back. There was an added wink after her words.

"Here. Try it out." The hand that she held onto was drawn closer to the axe. "Just sayin'.. Bein' a squire is important. Your names gonna be attached to mine now.. You okay with that?"

"So long as you don' go on a serial killin' spree, I'm okay with bein' attached to you. If you do, though, don' tell me 'bout it cause I don' do well in jail." Lookly slightly aghast. "Can you believe they don't serve cupcakes there? That is prisoner abuse, I swear."

Gabby reached out and took the axe, swinging it slightly to feel the weight of it. "It ain' that heavy or nothin'. Bet I could throw it at somethin'..." Notice she didn't say "someone" because she still wasn't putting together that she would need to be chopping and hacking at people if she took the axe.

"Gabby. Squire of Old Market.. I wonder what people'll say." A cheeky sort of grin found itself on King's lips. "Might think you're my girl or somthin'.." She backed away a few steps to give her room to swing. "I guess you can throw it.. but I'd suggest practicin', don't wanna nail a person in the face by accident."


Date: 2012-10-13 22:31 EST
"Nobody would ever think you got a girl...they think you got a ton of them. Prolly more girls than money or more girls than sense or somethin'..." She gave the other girl a sugary smile before stepping away so she could swing her new toy around a few more times. "Why would I nail a person in the face with this? That would be mean, T!"

"Hmm.. Maybe." King looked off to the side. Maybe as if thinking about Gabby's words of just how many girls she might have. She stepped away more, then turned about to settle down against the edge of that large bed. Hands at either side of her, making sure she was nice and propped up to watch the axe-swinging-Gabby show.

"Tsssk, well don't be throwin' it around then. I'm lettin' you use that to fight in the arena.. Then, yanno.. I could be the one cheerin' you on instead of it bein' the other way around."

"Hmph. Maybe I got lots of dudes hangin' 'round. Lots and lots. Tons even. So many you can' count 'em all." She gave the axe a hard swing through the air and grinned a little at the whistling sound it made. Of course then she heard King and looked at her. "You want me to hit people with this thing?" Deadpan. "You are bad...very, very mean and bad."

"Introduce me to them sometime." Playing along. King's head would tilt to the side. Her own expression turning a little deadpanned when she heard the girls words.. but then, she smirked. Her chin lifting up some. "You gonna come over here and punish me?"

"I would but you might stab them in your jealousy and then I would have no one to adore me! I will die without the proper amounts of adoration. Tinkerbell would die without applause."

Gabby narrowed her eyes a little at King. "Somethin' tells me that you want me to do no. I don' reward mean people with bad touching." Or something like that.

".. I thought Tinkerbell died if people didn't believe in her or somethin'." Wait. No, she wasn't trying to debate the nature of Tinkerbell -- that just seemed immature! She huffed out then and smirked.

"But ya' found me out. You're just too good." King let out a sigh then. A fake one, but still a sigh. "But, you shouldn't be callin' it bad touchin'. Your touch is far from bad." She'd lean then. Her back finding the bed. Eyes looking up to the ceiling. Her lower half sort of dangling off the edge of the bed.

"So.. We're connected now. I'ma be a good Baroness to you, I swear."


Date: 2012-10-13 22:32 EST
"Tinkerbell does die if people don' believe in her but when she was 'bout to die in the stage version of Hook...Peter Pan said she needed applause to live! See, she had been poisoned..." Gabby trailed off because King was changing the subject.

"See? I knew it! I *know* you Terry King, whether you wanna admit to it or not. I sorta know what makes you tick!" She didn't reply to the statement about her touch, her cheeks just pinked up.

Saved by the change of subject, she sniffed in feigned disdain. "You betta. Or else!" Gabby was waving her new axe crazily in King's direction. What had King been thinking when she put a sharp object in Gabby's hands?

She was the queen at changing subjects. She peeked down from her ceiling staring to catch a glimpse of those pinked cheeks. How easy did Gabby make it for her to smile? For some reason -- every time she saw her blush, she just couldn't help but smile. It was some sort of natural reaction to it all. She fought back the urge to chuckle, and instead sat up with a sigh. "Stop wavin' that thing around, you're gonna kill me if ya' keep it up.. and like ya' said, who's gonna give ya all that attention if I'm dead?"

"Duhhh...the tons of admirers I told ya 'bout. Betcha don' believe anybody would think I am adorable but you're wrong! Besides...didn' you just tell me to practice? I'm practicin' and now you say to stop!" Gabby stopped and placed her hands on her hips. "Know what your problem is Kingly? You just can' ever make up your mind 'bout nothin'. That's all." But she had gotten Gabby to stop waving the axe around.

"I made up my mind about likin' you. Ain't that enough?" Her legs drawn in as she spoke. Now sitting Indian style on top of that bed. She'd hunch over some, her bent elbows resting against those legs while palms pressed against her cheeks.

"You look real beautiful when you blush. I ever tell you that?" What was this? King was laying that admiring on pretty thick. "Even when you're all peppy 'n hopped up on sugar, I think it's completely adorable.. An' I kinda' can't help but peek at you while you're changing." Her eyes closing when she said that last line. "Lemmy see.. what else?"

Her eyes then opened. Looking right at Gabby. ".. Anyone admire you like that?"


Date: 2012-10-13 22:33 EST
Gabby walked over to lean a hip against the bed as she listened to King. Her head tilted as the girl spoke, and she seemed to be digesting the information. With an entirely blank face. The trouble with Gabby's low self made her disbelieve nearly anything good someone said to her in seriousness, like now. Her only reply, because she was so confused, was..."Maybe. I don' go 'round askin' why they admire me." Then as she chewed her the inside of her lip and lip rings. "Thanks for tellin' me all that." She didn't say she believed her...she just thanked her for the effort.

"You should. Be interestin' to hear what they say.. but, I think mines the most important. No ego or nothin'." King wanted to see her smile. It's what she was waiting for.. but she wouldn't get that. She wondered if her words were odd -- if maybe she shouldn't of said them. Did she sound stupid? It was times like these that made King feel anxious. `it's just a phase..` she heard her mothers voice. It made her wonder sometimes - was Gabby just a phase too? Would she one day wake up and feel disgusted for what she's been doing with King? `I want her to smile..` King told herself.

"Smile.. it's okay, you know.. I wasn't tryin' to sound stupid or nothin'."

"Pfft, you didn' sound stupid, sugar dumplin', you sounded sweet. Maybe I just dunno what to think 'bout you bein' sweet..." Gabby tried to humor the situation into something more comfortable. She flashed King that smile she had requested. "Maybe I just think you're crazy for sayin' that 'bout somebody like me...ever think of that? Maybe you don' gotta problem but I do." Considering they weren't really doing anything with each other, Gabby had no reason to feel disgusted. And considering how she liked her...she likely wouldn't anyway.

"It ain't crazy ta say somethin' that's true." King looked down at her lap. Her hands no longer used to prop up her head, but instead now found themselves grasping hold of one another. Her thumbs pressing to each other, applying pressure at both ends.

"It's crazy if you're the only one to believe somethin' kinda crazy. Like if I said I believe in'd think I was crazy. Same thing with what you said. That or you are just still in shock from how terribad I am or somethin'...your judgement is faulty. I have that effect on peeps a lot." She snickered at her self-deprecating humor. "You are seriously sweet for having such bad judgement, though." Gabby's way of telling King she liked her.

"I'm crazy then." King let out a hmph after her words. She kicked out her legs and leaned forward. Boots finding the floor so she could stand right up. "An' people can call me crazy all they like, you included." She looked to Gabby with a tired smile. "You're just gonna have to deal with it.. 'cus, because I'm crazy - I might do somethin'." She inched closer when she said that. Leaning down so she could be face to face with Gabby.

"I might just try and seduce ya'."


Date: 2012-10-13 22:34 EST
"You scare me sometimes, Kingly." Arching a brow as the girl was face to face with her now.

"Yeah, but you know you love it." and all King could do was smile.

"I'mma hug you now and pretend to be a big girl that ain' scared of nothin', 'kay?" And she did just that; layed her new axe on the bed and put her arms around King's waist and squeezed her like it was the last hug she would ever get. Maybe a rib even popped...who knows.

"Erk.." and what a squeeze that was. King snorted back and let out light chuckle in reaction after her little grunt of discomfort. Wile Gabby's arms seemed to be busy with squeezing her, King's hands were busying themselves by reaching down to gently cup at the girls cheeks. Thumbs brushing against the softness of her skin before she leaned down to press a well placed kiss against her forehead. "You gonna keep squeezin' me like that or are we gonna hit up a movie?"

"See? Ain' skeered!" She released King and laughed a little. "Movie! Now!" She strode away from the half and half and grabbed her bag then moved to the doorway. "C'mon slowpoke...we're gonna be late! All of the food will be gone or somethin'!"

"Tsk. Don't worry, if they run out I'll just punch 'em till they make new." King brushed fingers through her short hair and to tidy things up, then grabbed at her bag and slug it over a shoulder. With one arm draped against that bag, and the other busy having a thumb hooked at her pocket, she'd follow after Gabby.