Topic: Confessions of a lost soul

Arlene James

Date: 2016-08-07 14:49 EST
I vaguely remember the first time I rode on a train. My mother had decided we were going to visit relatives in Bomeek. I remember I didn?t sit and watch the landscape race by at a blistering pace like I am doing now, but I was such a child back then. I do remember skipping down the aisle between the endless rows of seats. I remember the boy I had met on the train.

Christopher. I remember his name was Christopher, but he insisted I called him Chris. The only real thing I remember about Christopher was that we played together on the train and he introduced me to the wonders of putty. In fact, he gave me my first red plastic egg filled with this pink putty. He taught me that, besides being able to mold the putty, I could imprint the ink from a newspaper onto the putty. I did that for months after learning the little trick from Christopher. It had become my obsession for a time.

I didn?t have any putty with me to imprint newspaper ink on during this trip, but I did have my other distractions. A phone to fiddle with, a book that desperately needed to be read, and a hardly used journal were among some of the items. I wasn?t that kid anymore who imprinted putty for the sake of fun and distraction. I was an adult trying to find my place.

For some reason, this train trip keeps bringing my mind back to Christopher. I hardly knew him and I hardly remembered him until I found a picture one day. I had been a teen then and I was helping my mother to clean out boxes. I remember seeing this boy holding a dog up. He had brown hair like mine and bowl cut, but his eyes were crystal blue. He didn?t smile in his picture. He seemed more?anxious, surprised or even annoyed with having to take a picture in the first place. Who knew? I didn?t and I wasn?t going to dwell on it. I asked my mother about who the older boy was because I knew we had family I had never met. That?s when she reminded about the train trip and Christopher. I asked her what happened to him and she said that we simply stopped talking one day.

As I sit here thinking about the past and what my future could be, I wonder if that moment to remember Christopher or even the encounter with him was a sign of my life. People coming and going, remembering and letting go. The simplicity of just not being there anymore.

I know with my family I have been the one to let go. I have been the one to not be there now. But I know this needed to be done. I needed to go and find who I am and where I want to be. How can I know what world fits me when I don?t know the world to begin with. My world, the world of my family and those in my hometown, that?s what I know and I needed something more.

Besides, I needed space for this stifling affliction I have. My family couldn?t really help me and I couldn?t tell them that it was making me feel so much worse. Maybe with a new town, new people, and more resources I might finally have some peace of mind and body. I just have to remind myself to be strong, be brave, and I can get through anything.

Arlene James

Date: 2016-08-07 19:10 EST
I decided not to wear make-up for this train trip. I probably make that decision most days of my life. It?s easier just to get up, shower quickly, get ready and go. I like make-up because it?s basically painting another canvas, but lately I just can?t bring myself to put the effort in save my something on my lips, but that?s mostly for moisture.

I must have dozed off at some point because I noticed that some of the other passengers have changed. I didn?t even realize we had made a stop, but I had no intention to get out to explore even if we did. I just want to get to the main town of Rhydin and be done with it.

I?m glad my napping was interrupted by the noise of talking. I don?t want to sleep too deeply and lose where I am. Sometimes it?s a hard road to come back to after a deep sleep and a dream or two. I really don?t want to say or do anything in my sleep that might draw attention to myself. I really just want to be left alone right now. Left to think and hope for something new. Something more. Something better.

What would be better though?

I?m working with another family and child. This mother just had to have me since she met my former employer. The mother seems nice enough, but she is terribly particular about everything. The child seems nice, but they usually do seem nice at first meetings away from home. It?s when they tend to be the most shy. At home, though, children can cause a ruckus. I don?t mind a ruckus, not really, but the parents often do. They usually want everything pristine and the children to be so academically advanced beyond age development. It can happen, but children still need to be able to be children.

I was hoping with this opportunity to have my own place. A place where I could find some space to work with clay and start pottery again. It was soothing and could consume me the way I need it to. Maybe I could even start selling again. I don?t need to be rich, but have just enough to live and enjoy a little of life.

To even find something to stop my ailment. I?ve been trying to save money for that, but this move will hurt the funds. Once I?m settled I?ll start saving again, which gives me time to find what will help.

Arlene James

Date: 2016-08-07 20:42 EST
Ever since I decided to leave home to become a nanny for Hilda and her son I haven?t slept very well at all. I?m nervous and feel anxiety at times. I have to remember to breathe and think about what makes me so anxious about the move.

Is it that I?m leaving home? Of course. Is it that I?ll be working with a new family and child? Absolutely. Is it that I will be on my own for the first time and it?s thrilling yet so terrifying? One hundred percent accurate. Am I scared about failing? Yes.

I know Hilda thinks the world of me since we met back home during her visit. I?m confident that I can work with her child. I?m certain I will be able to find a place I can afford and I?m perfectly fine staying at some hotel room until I find the right place. Hilda offered me a room at her estate, but I really need to separate my personal and work lives. I get the sense she would have me with her son all day and night if I lived there, and I?ve made it a priority not to live where my clients live.

I?ll miss my mom. I know she?ll miss me. But she knows I need to do this for my own sake rather any anyone else?s. She knows I need to find what I feel I?m lacking. She understands, but I know she?ll worry. Besides, it gives me a chance to fully realize how appreciative I am of her.

I?m tired of this worry and anxiousness. I?m tired of being tired. I?m not close to arriving just yet, so I should try to take another light nap. I don?t know that it?ll help and I don?t trust myself with sleep amongst all these strangers. I won?t force it. If I doze off then I do and I?ll deal with any consequences later. I just hope I wake up where I?m supposed to be.

Arlene James

Date: 2016-08-09 21:18 EST
It?s an odd feeling to have some random guy on the train come over, sit across from you, smile and stare. It?s like he expected something from me. I didn?t know him so I had no interest in meeting his expectations.

We talked a bit. This stranger kept smiling and complimenting me. I smiled, nodded, and said ?thank you.? He tried to touch my knee a couple times, but I would shift before he got too close. His stop came before mine, so he tried to give me a hug before he walked away. I stopped that with a deft block of my backpack and hand. Hell no, buddy. Hugs are way beyond strangers on a train. Besides, he probably had gropey hands. And who knows where those hands have been. Blech.

I wonder if my mental sigh is as long and full of suffering like my physical sigh. This encounter brings back the words of my mother. She is worried about my moving away from home. She is worried I will be a loner. That all I will do is work and go home. No socialization. She doesn?t want me to be alone. She wants me to live a life.

I know she would prefer my living a life at home, but she understands my need to go. She doesn?t understand that I don?t mind being alone or on my own. She doesn?t understand there are so many times when I crave the quiet. I?ve been surrounded by so many people all of my life that I don?t know what it means to be alone. To have the quiet.

I imagine being alone would be peaceful. I imagine having my own space would be a glorious dream. To not have to trip over other people?s things or hearing loud arguments, noises, and general mayhem when all a person wants to do is relax. For some, I know that is relaxation, but I get noise at work and I want peace at home sometimes.

Besides, my mother forgets I?m not a total shut in. I like to go out and I like to socialize. But I like to do the social things on my terms. I like to be comfortable, confident, and aware. I had to be social to meet Daylin. To have had the brief time with Jeremiah?

The mental sigh again. Jeremiah and Daylin. They come to mind first because I had unique relationships with them. There have been other people in my life, but I will never forget them. They helped to influence me in different ways.

Maybe I?ll have such again with the new people in this new town. Maybe I?ll be forced to be more social. Maybe I?ll be different here.

Arlene James

Date: 2016-08-13 11:33 EST
I?m going to be arriving to town earlier than Hilda expects. I?m not going to tell her, but I won?t lie if she asks me. I simply won?t make any attempt at mentioning my plans.

I wanted time to get settled into a rented room and wander the town a little first. A rented room. It makes me sigh again, but it?s just a temporary thing until I find something reasonable that I can live in. I needed this change so badly I didn?t want to wait until I already had my chosen den of solitude.

Hilda plans to pay me well, which she would have if she wanted me to work for her. It?s not that I will just be the nanny, but I will essentially be homeschooling her child for a while. She wants him to learn certain things, I can teach him those things, and continue to help him be a child a while longer.

Hilda is nice enough to me, but she always wants to hug. I?m not a hugger. Hugging wasn?t something we did in my family. She?s going to have to learn that and she probably will since I?ve been told I can express my boundaries fairly well. I can even be standoffish if I want to be.

I suppose I could have established more rules with Hilda like about the hugging, but I didn?t want to nitpick. Mostly, I wanted to be clear of when I will be working. We also had to talk about overnight care.

Some nannies don?t mind working overnight care, but I?m not one of them. Most of the time, I won?t work overnights. It?s not because I value my evenings for some romantic interlude or late night partying, but I don?t want to run the chance of falling asleep while on the job. There?s too much risk that I won?t be there when someone wakes up or arrives home. Worse, what if I injure myself during one of my episodes and the kid finds me like that?

How horrible for the kid.

I won?t say I?ll never work an overnight shift because I have before and I have stayed awake all night. It?ll be rare for me to work overnight, but I know there can be circumstances where I might need to. It?s rare and I?ll try to give myself plenty of time to prepare. Besides, I know some tricks on how to keep myself awake.

Like during this soon to be ending train ride.

Arlene James

Date: 2016-08-13 12:52 EST
During the train trip to town, this mother and her two-year-old daughter were sitting in the same car as me. The little girl was cute with her brown hair and deep brown eyes. She would smile when I?d wiggle my fingers at her in a playful gesture. The mother would also smile every time her daughter would smile and laugh. The little girl and I played a few times on the train and colored. I enjoyed the time with her because it was simple and free.

Before the train was at our stop, the mother came over with the little girl, Jolene. She mentioned she didn?t know what to do with her daughter to keep her from fussing. I smiled and gave the mother a few tips on how to occupy her daughter. She was two. Not an adult, who could almost wait patiently for a train to reach its destination.

Jolene wanted to explore or at least play with something rather than be made to sit with nothing to do. Before I left the train, I gave the mother my information as a way to contact me for services. I have been known to have more than one client (if the clients are willing to share space and time) or set up a playdate for Hilda?s son and Jolene. I also gave her a small notebook and a pack of markers, which I keep on me for doodling. I told her not to worry about the lines Jolene makes, just be happy she is making them. She can learn with just the scribbles.

We departed ways with a smile and a little hug for Jolene. They were on their own family adventure. And I was on my own personal journey of discovery.

Arlene James

Date: 2016-08-14 12:22 EST
I?m feeling very exhausted. It?s probably because I haven?t had much sleep, but I didn?t feel comfortable sleeping too deeply while on a journey. It makes me less aware, my mind wanders, and often I end up wandering too. It?s not a good feeling to wake up in place you were never meant to be in.

So I?ve rented a room at a little inn. It?s not at the heart of the town, which is fine for me. Less I need to wade through if I happen to have an episode. The room is quaint and simple enough with a bed, night table and lamp, a bathroom and small wardrobe. The room is what I need it to be and for the amount of time. I have some money saved up to find a little apartment. I don?t need anything fancy or too large at the moment. Besides, the bigger the place then easier it is for me to wander around in.

I didn?t bring anything that was for settling in yet. I will send for most of my things once I have a place I can be happy with. I brought essentials for now along with items for Hilda?s son. Some of my essentials may not seem important to other people, but they definitely give me some measure of comfort. The first and foremost that I needed to get set up was my dream catcher.

I don?t know if I keep it for the craftsmanship, the sentiment, or if it does keep some of what I need it to at bay. It was meant for aid and comfort when everything started, but now?I don?t know if it?s just out of my control or if I?m simply cursed.

The ones who know say it?s not a curse. They say I should see it as a gift or an opportunity to overcome my weaknesses. I know some say it has progressed the way it has because I didn?t learn about it soon enough. And mostly the people back home just feel sorry for me because I was the only person to have it so young. Regardless, I will hang on to my dream catcher and other doodads that at least give me the sense that everything will be okay.

Photo searched on Google. Located from Pinterest.

Arlene James

Date: 2016-08-14 12:44 EST
After, sort of, settling into the room and talking to mother. I feel asleep. It wasn?t anything to cause me concern because I was so restless. My body was uncomfortable, perhaps from the feeling of a different bed and pillows. Maybe I was worried about what could happen if I slept too deeply. I could have still been nervous by taking this leap of faith in a new job and town. Or maybe I wasn?t as tired as I thought. At least I got a little bit of shut eye until I felt my stomach gnaw away at me in that hungered state.

I hadn?t eaten much on the train because I wasn?t very hungry. I didn?t really want to spend money on train food so I had packed snacks with fruits, nuts, and a few sandwiches. I guess it wasn?t as filling as I thought it would be. Great.

I know what sucks about this whole adventure so far. Not having a kitchen. I?m so used to cooking my own food, growing a few of the things I like to cook with, and just being able to eat when I want to. Granted, I wasn?t a hefty eater but I did enjoy what I had. I would probably enjoy eating more, and would eat more, if my stomach hadn?t been in so many knots over the last few years. It was probably due to all my anxiety over this affliction. It?s not like I never came away unscathed after an episode.

I supposed I?ll need to leave the quiet of the room to venture out to find something to eat. I know I can pay for a meal here at the inn, I should probably do some walking around so I can get used to the area and see what type of local market they may have. Maybe I can find something to soothe my nerves. I definitely want to stock up on more snack items, so I don?t always have to go out for a little something when I have that hankering to eat.

UGH. I better wash up a bit before I go. Damn, I look worse than when I arrived. Claudia wouldn?t let me leave the room if she saw me like this. Good thing she?s not here or it?d be even more stressful. At least I can take a few pictures for mom while I?m out and about, so she can see I?m doing fine for my first time on my own.

Arlene James

Date: 2016-08-14 16:53 EST
The sunshine was nice during my walk around town. I enjoyed feeling the warmth on my cheeks and just feeling this sense of peace. I was never much of an outdoorsy kind of gal, but several months before my decision to move I had started to appreciate being outside. I started talking longer walks, breathing in the air, enjoying the scenery, and letting the peace overcome me. I?ve always known I needed the quiet peace, but I just never gave myself time to really feel it. To really enjoy it. To let it seep into my bones and burrow into my heart.

I found a little marketplace that sold a variety of items from food to personal care things. I enjoyed it. The vendors were friendly enough and it was nice to just have something simple. I made sure to pick up some snack items that didn?t require being cold (and I took pictures for my mom to see).
I wonder if I?ll start counting down days and times like I did back home. When I?ll start making a list of things that bother me. I?ve read when you start counting what upsets you then it?s time to move on or just buck up and keep going strong. I hope I don?t do the count down. But then it did take over twenty years for things at home to bother me. And it mostly became worse when I did. My patience had simply worn out by then and I just needed a change. I needed?.something.

Hell, I don?t even know what I completely need at this point in my life. I think?eventually I?ll need to sleep. I know for sure I?ll need a good meal. I saw a couple little places to pick up something to eat or order something at the inn. Either way I can eat in my room this afternoon and maybe go out again tonight, if I have the energy. I definitely will need to give mom another call, but maybe the pictures will be enough to pacify her.

Images found on Google.

Arlene James

Date: 2016-08-14 17:11 EST
So I caved and bought something absolutely gluttonous. Chicken tenders and waffle fries. I did get a few packets of ketchup. I did take a picture to send to mom. I know I?m not eating that great, but mom knows fries are probably my biggest indulgence. It?s kind of my comfort food.

Fries with ketchup. The chicken tenders are more for the protein because that?ll keep me full longer. Neither was that greasy, which was good otherwise my stomach would be absolutely hating me right now. I have to say I enjoyed the food and I?m incredibly full. I actually made myself eat every single morsel because I don?t have a fridge to keep it good or anything to reheat it with. I?m stuffed, but it feels good. I also managed to pick up some more bottles of water and a few juices. I can drink them at room temp, even though I prefer chilled. Such is life.

I need to get working on finding a place. I doubt I?ll do it today because with my belly as full as it is I?ll probably end up taking a nap. And, I really would like to check out the town at night. Seeing the lights in full glory and hear the bustling of nightlife always did seem to perk me up.

Don?t get me wrong, I enjoy the day time for different reasons. But?there is just something about the nightlife that is a little extra thrilling. Inhibitions seem to be more at a minimum. I wonder what sort of things they have going on when the sun goes down. I wonder what sort of people and creatures come out at night. I won?t think about it too hard and just wait for the town to show me what it has to offer.

For now, time to sleep. Dream catcher keep me safe.
Image searched on Google. Seems to be from Yelp.

Arlene James

Date: 2016-08-15 20:38 EST
After my nap I explored some of the town. I heard about something called a BoozeFest. I didn?t partake nor really spend time at the fest. I mostly watched from around the edges before deciding to go elsewhere. I wasn?t feeling very boozy, I guess.

Don?t get me wrong. I?ll drink booze. I don?t mind it, but I am picky about my drinks. I just felt it would be better for me to not be influenced while trying to navigate my first night. It?s hard enough figuring out where I am without have liquor in my system.

The city seems nice enough. Lots of trees. Lots of people and creatures. I didn?t really talk to anyone in a social way yet. Mostly I?m just taking it all in and trying to figuring out my next move. Really, though, I?m not ready. Meeting new people can be so damn intimidating and I?m not exactly full of social grace. I?m not completely awkward, but I?m not someone to crash into a group or go and perk someone up if they look all upset.

I might watch. I might ask. I might even offer to buy the person a drink or meal. It just depends. I?m still tired, though, so I?ll probably go back to sleep and just wait until tomorrow before I do anything else.

Arlene James

Date: 2016-08-15 20:39 EST
So I woke up with bruises around my arm. I don?t know how they got there or what happened. I don?t remember anything. I must have had an episode after I feel asleep last night. At least I woke up in my hotel bed. At least it?s just a few bruises that I can hide away under clothes.

I really hate not remembering or knowing what happened. Sometimes if I think hard enough I can remember glimpses. It?s almost like looking through the bottom of a glass bottle and seeing something. It?s vague, but it?s something. It gives me a chance to connect the dots.

Sometimes, though, I know exactly what happened. The when, the where, and the why. Sometimes the picture is so clear that it replays in my head like a movie I watched or a book I?ve read. I?ve often wondered if I?m really just remembering something I saw or read rather than experienced. The clear pictures only happen if I?ve woken up somewhere else. Usually if I wake up in my bed then the memory of the when, where, and why is so unclear.

I really need to find a place. It?s easier to set up the protections I need from my episodes. Less traveling around, less bumps and bruises, and really just less of everything. I took the chance that the lone dream catcher would be enough, but I suppose it wasn?t. I?ll need to find some local herbs, start writing everything down again, and just let it be fresh. At least I?m not as broken hearted about all this like I used to be. Now, I just need to be proactive and figure it all out.

Arlene James

Date: 2016-08-17 20:31 EST
Daylin called me again. I didn?t recognize the number, but I know it was him. No voicemail was left or any other message, but I just know it was him. He has never left a message when we were together. The calls just seemed insistent, one right after the other. It?s just like him to do that. He probably just wants to ask me why we broke up like he doesn?t know. Granted, I wasn?t completely honest to the why because I thought it was easier to say some of the more obvious reasons instead of the simple fact that I didn?t love him and he desperately wanted me to. He used to say we were an old married couple already because we didn?t spend time together anymore, but I know that it was all me. I was over the relationship. I was over him. I was over the way he was going about life. I was over the things he did to me.

He said I was the cruel one, but I wasn?t the one who tried to hurt the other one. He was only brave when he was drunk. And he was drunk more often than not, but I always told him the first time he ever laid a hand on me was going to be the last time. He sealed the deal the moment he put his hands on my neck. If I had been in a rage then I probably would have done something to him, but the simple fact was my stare was all it took for him to back off. My words slicing into his wrists to make him bleed. That was the last straw. I couldn?t take it anymore.

I know I should have ended it sooner. Hell, it never should have begun. I knew he and I were not a good mix from the beginning. He was trying to be the bad boy and I was the good girl. But I thought he wanted what I did. He talked so much about what he planned to do and he had this masculine way about him. I was also testing the waters with the idea of romance and he was romantic in the beginning. I should have ended it the first time he completely disregarded how I felt and tried to make me feel punished because I didn?t do what he wanted. I should have ended it when he threw a tantrum when I didn?t say I loved him after a couple nights of dating. He said he knew he loved me then, but I didn?t feel it. I didn?t agree and when I couldn?t say it back I let him make me feel guilty. I let him have his way.

I know a relationship is a two way street. I know that. I know I played my role in it. I know I let things happen and progress the way they did. I know I didn?t confront and just be sincere with everything, but I also didn?t know how. I also didn?t know how he would react. He did scare me in some ways. His reactions to things that didn?t go his way wasn?t the best and he admitted to becoming destructive and volatile.

I think I was hoping that we could make it work. That we could change, that we could be there for each other, that the things we had in common would be enough and what we wanted from life, and I thought who else would accept me the way I am? He didn?t ask me to be anything else and I didn?t ask him. Until I stopped being around and he kept disappearing. After that it just went downhill.

I admit, I don?t need a man to be happy. I am good on my own. I think what I like is having someone there to lean on when I need it. I miss having someone to do things with. I miss the tender moments that a couple shares. But I also know you don?t need to be a couple to have the moments. Sometimes, though, it?s just nice.

I just wish Daylin would move on and realize I will never speak to him again. I warned him in the beginning that once I let a person go I let them go completely. I don?t look back and wonder what if we had stayed together. I don?t call or look for a reconnection. I don?t come to the decision lightly, but once I finally reach that point then it?s done. There?s a reason why I had to come to the decision to begin with and I don?t plan to chance the same mistakes with the same person happening again. Typically, the trust has been broken so profoundly that I don?t think I could ever get it back.

Besides, I?m no peach and who wants to deal with me when I choose to be raving lunatic or a frigid snow queen? Sometimes I don?t want to deal with myself. Why should I expect someone else to?

Arlene James

Date: 2016-08-19 21:09 EST
I had a dream about my father. It has been such a long time since I had a dream about him. Each dream is different in its own way, but the story is still the same. He?s returned home after a long absence and I?m shocked to see him because he wasn?t even supposed to be alive.

I had seen him die. The tears were shed. He was laid out for the families to pay their respect over him. We mourned. We celebrated his life. We moved on.

Then?he?s there with his jokester laugh and playful eyes. He?s there telling me he?s come home and everything needs to go back the way it was. I need to go back to being a shut in again because his little girl wasn?t going to be out in a world and tempting fate.

Don?t get me wrong. I loved my father, but he was such a strict parent that I couldn?t walk down the road from home without an escort. I wasn?t allowed to do anything without someone with me, I couldn?t wear feminine clothing or doing anything even remotely associated with femininity. He was one of those fathers that worried I would fall into the wrong group of people if I was allowed too much freedom. I could have friends, but I could only see them at my house and under supervision.

It was awkward growing into a teenager while he was alive then one day he was gone. I had come downstairs and saw him on the ground. He was curled up and holding his head like he did when he usually had a headache. My uncle screamed at me to get out of there, while the adults dealt with it all. The next thing I knew my mother had come back from the healer to say he was dead. I cried. I sobbed my heart out while my grandmother, surprisingly, held me close and tried to soothe the heartache.

I remember the day the families came to pay their respect. One of my aunts had pushed me until I came face to face with my dead father. She made me look even though I didn?t want to. She made me see until my mother was able to break away from the people distracting her and retrieved me. It?s an image burned into my head and heart. I hate that I was made to see him that way. He didn?t even look real.

To this day I haven?t been to the land he was laid to rest at. I don?t know that I ever will go there. My brothers go, my mother goes, and other family have gone to see his resting place. But I just can?t go. I can?t bring myself to see it. I don?t know how I will react and I?m really scared I?ll break down with emotion that I?ve kept inside for so long. I?m afraid it?ll be like the time I was made to see him after he died. That it will be something that burns inside me and not in a good way.

I remember after he died I had heard him calling to me in a song. I don?t know if the voice I heard was real or imaginary, but I heard my name being called with his voice. It was always the same song in the same spot every time then as the years went on and I stopped listening to the song I never heard my name called by him again. I used to always have the vague dreams of him appearing and saying he?s come home and not dead, but he needed a vacation and he was healthy again. Like with the song, as I grew older the dreams became less and less but every now and then I have a dream about him returning to us and being healthy. I dream about us needing to adjust our lives for him because we had gotten used to a life without him.

I wonder what sort of person I would have been if he was still alive as I grew into an adult. Or what would happen if he really was alive and suddenly returned. I wonder if I could welcome him back into my life so easily because in my dreams I didn?t feel elation at having him back. No, I felt betrayed.

Good thing dreams are supposed to be just seeds in the mind, right? Good thing some of my dreams don?t really happen. Good thing some of my dreams are just my subconscious.

Arlene James

Date: 2016-08-20 14:52 EST
What an odd day. I was out looking for possible apartments when a call came in. I didn?t recognize the number. Hell, I didn?t even recognize that my phone was ringing. It was such an odd sound for me because I don?t get very many phone calls. Most people just send messages nowadays. I let the call ring until the voicemail took over.

The call was from Daylin?s mother. It?s been at least two years since I ended it with Daylin. At least two years since he left some of his stuff with me and left with some of my stuff. He had been angry and said for me not to worry about my things because they weren?t my concern. He said he would come back for his stuff when I was away at work. I didn?t wait for that moment. When he was gone I packed up all his stuff in a box and left it out in the front for someone to give him if he showed up. I just happened to be home when he did come for his things. He said it hurt him that I had his things ready for him.

It might have hurt him, but I was ready to move on. And I didn?t want to give him a chance to be able to go rummaging through my stuff for the taking while I was gone. It was bad enough that he wouldn?t give me back anything he borrowed from me like my camera. Good thing I had already taken everything off of it while we had been dating otherwise I would have lost those little bits of visual memories.

Did I care that I hurt him? Yes, I did. I didn?t want to hurt him, but I didn?t get the impression that he was aware that he had been hurting me. His words were all about how everything was my fault. I didn?t try hard enough for the both of us. I expected too much. I shouldn?t have been serious when I said if he physically hurt me that it would be over. He did physically hurt me, more than once but the biggest was when he tried to choke me, and I did end it.

The physical choking wasn?t the only thing. I remember times when I felt like he was trying to demean and demoralize me in public and in private. He was choking me in every way. In turn, it made me distance myself. It made me come to feel disgust, anger, and an overall sense of dislike for him. I became the snow queen he often said I was. I became the bully he claimed I was because I was becoming a mouthy woman and I was pushing back. I was trying to intimidate him as he had tried to do with me. I was not going to be submissive to his supposed dominance.

Daylin?s mother interesting because she expected responsibility of her son and voiced anything and everything to him. I don?t know if Daylin and his mother realized how alike they were. Even the drinking was similar because she could get quite mean after once she became drunk. I remember this party where she had started to fall backward on the stairs she was climbing after a night of drinking, but I caught her before she fell back because I had been watching her when she stumbled to the stairs. She was belligerent when people offered to help her, but she wanted to go up the stairs to her bed alone. Daylin had been outside with his other family members, so after I caught her, and someone stronger had come to help her upstairs I went out to get Daylin, who got mad at what happened and stormed off. When I found him he was so angry that the family was still at his mother?s house while she went upstairs. He blamed them for the incident, for everything, when it had been him and his mother who had invited the guests and it had been his mother who had chosen to drink. I didn?t want to add fuel to Daylin?s fire by voicing these thoughts, so I kept silent and just listened.

This was the nature of our relationship, really. I was the listener, while he was the one who had the outbursts. I was the giver, while he took and said I didn?t need anything. I never asked him to give me much of anything, mind you. In fact, I often said I didn?t need presents but I did want some sentiment of sweetness. If we went anywhere I was to pack everything, carry everything, and generally prepare all plans. He said if I wanted to do anything then it was up to me to do all the work. And if I struggled then he grew impatient and simply left me behind to find him when I could manage. I didn?t ask him for help because I wasn?t going to fight a battle that I knew I would end up with war wounds and no resolution. Besides, the battle would have never ended. It would have kept going in small ways that would prick and bleed me out slowly.

I never told Daylin how I felt about our entire relationship when we broke up. I simply said I couldn?t deal with his lack of doing in other facets of his life other than when he had hurt me during the biggest incident. I didn?t bring up everything because I don?t think he realized how much he had hurt me. I never told anyone, really. I kept it all to myself, even to this day. Everyone believes me to be strong and capable, but to tell them that I let someone hurt me in so many ways is not something I know how to do. Besides, I don?t see any reason to make others think badly of Daylin. It?s not my responsibility to ensure that others view him negatively.

When we first broke up, he used to send me letters asking why we broke up because he couldn?t remember. He used to write that he missed me. He used to write about us changing and growing together. I never answered him. Then it went to phone calls with no messages left. I never answer or call back. Now his mother has called me. Is this another ploy? She just asked that when I have time if I could call her. I don?t know why she would call me. I can?t help her in anything and I have no deep ties to her family. The odd part is she asked me not to call her on the number that shows up on my phone. She even started to say a number then caught herself and said a different number. The entire message makes me wonder if this is some way for Daylin to be able to get me to respond and talk. It?s not a door I want to open. It?s a door I want to keep padlocked shut and hopefully cemented over.

Besides, I had let him go. I meant it when I let him go. I always mean it.

Arlene James

Date: 2016-08-21 14:49 EST
I had a dream about water. Water and modeling, which is odd as I have never modeled for anything in my life. I have had dreams about water before, but each time has been different from the last except for one thing. In each of my water dreams there has always been a shadow of danger lurking about and I can feel it to my core, but I?m never scared. I know I could be hurt at any moment, but I face the danger with courage because I believe nothing can hurt me.

In this dream I?m modeling on a sandbar. The water is a murky blue and is so deep that no one can see below. Water splashes around me. There?s a sense of unease because the water is known for shark attacks. It?s almost like I?m waiting for the sharks to come and get me. The uneasiness is soon replaced with exhilaration and confidence because just as I think a shark attack is coming I?m up and flying through the air. My fingers skim the water and I search for another sandbar. I?m looking for just the right one because it needs to be perfect. I know the sharks are still waiting beneath the water, but I simply just don?t care.

Before anything else can happen I wake up. Luckily, I was still in my bed, but I wasn?t drowsy enough to go back to sleep. I checked my phone to see that it was early morning and I had a missed call with a voicemail left. My first thought went to Daylin after the last voicemail from his mother, but it wasn?t him. It was a ministry asking if I needed help. The ministry wanted me to call them back for spiritual guidance. They wanted me to come to a sermon.

I didn?t listen to the message with disdain, but more of a wondering of why. I find it odd that I?d receive such a message during a time when I have questions of my path. I used to hear how signs came during times of question, so maybe this was a sign that I?m headed in the right direction or that I need to pick a direction. Coupled with a dream, the voicemail leaves me thinking about my future.

Murky water in dream suggests my thoughts might be controlling how I feel about a situation and my thoughts could be negative. I need to try to be more positive or confident like in the dream. The shark waters could have so many different meanings. Being a model in a dream can be interpreted that I?ll have some sort of love affair leading to trouble, but I don?t foresee that happening any time soon. The closest meaning I can relate to the dream is that I am nervous and have serious doubts about where I?m headed in my journey. I?m questioning what I?m doing and why I?m doing it. I?m unclear and doubtful that I?ll accomplish what I want.

All of these interpretations of dreams could be very true to how I?m feeling right now. I could also be looking for validation of how I feel and I?m using the dreams for that. Either way, I?m just glad I stayed in my bed and didn?t end up in bath tub, lake, or somewhere else entirely. At least this dream is more interpretative instead of physical.

Arlene James

Date: 2016-08-25 20:43 EST
Another dream. Another memory in my head that I can?t completely place if it was me or someone else. At least I woke up in bed and nothing else was amiss other than the purplish bruise just below the inside crook of my left elbow. It?ll fade over time just like I hope the memory of this dream.

Hilda called to say she was taking her son on an unexpected vacation, so I?d have more time before I start my real work. She felt bad, but I told her not to worry about it. As a consolation, we met up and she paid me and gave me some money to purchase some things I think I?ll need to work with her son. We also talked about the terms of my work with her as I have no plans to stay employed by Hilda for a long time. Just long enough for me to get some more work done, save up some money, get settled (or not) and find her a good replacement.

It feels odd arranging work even though I know I won?t be doing it long term. But I always told myself I would not work as a nanny forever. I have other plans and I?d like to see them fulfilled. I want to work more on my pottery and I?m okay if I work with kids, but maybe not as the nanny. Maybe someone a little different, but I always go back to my pottery and I?ve toyed with the idea of starting my own shop. I think that?d be cool.

Arlene the shop owner. I wonder what I?d name my store. Maybe I could teach classes. I wouldn?t stop the other lessons and things I do, but it?d be kind of nice being able to make my own schedule instead of running on someone else?s.

I?m noticing that as I think of everything else I can?t stop looking at my bruise. It just reminds me that I need to find a good healer, someone who won?t ask a ton of questions. I also need to find some good spices and herbs. I won?t look for the spices and herbs until I find a place though. I doubt the innkeeper would want her room filled with various scents. Besides, I don?t want to have to transport it all when I do find an apartment.

Here?s to the search.

Arlene James

Date: 2016-09-03 13:29 EST
So I?ve finally found a place. It wasn?t what I was expecting at all. I thought I?d get some tiny apartment several floors up. The town seemed to have different offering than I assumed and I had more cash to spare than I realized (saving money since I knew the value of it came in handy).

I guess it made an ass out of me.

It?s an odd sort of place to live in, but I find the oddness charming because it looks like watchtower. It?s not so much in the city but on the outskirts. Sort of between the city and forest. I like that because I can look for natural growing plants and herbs. I might even be able to find some of the items I need to grind up my own spices. Less noise and less crowd, plus I like the scenery and having something beautiful to look at is important to me.

I?m going to use the top floor as the bedroom. It?s surrounded by windows and filled with lighting, but I love it. I can hang up curtains and throw them open to see the morning sun or the evening stars. I?ll be able to catch a cool breeze. The dream catchers will look beautiful along some of the windows and they?ll be in just the right spots to catch the sunlight, which lore says that is when the nightmares burn away. I?ll be able to set up some of my other charms as well. I took a picture to send to mom so she can see I will finally have a place to settle in.

On a side note, Hilda might not have need for me full time, which is fine. She might be moving to another town for work, so she?ll only need me until the move (if it happens). I have other things I can do as I?ve spoken with some shopkeepers about possible market work and I saw a poster up for a theater looking for performers. I?m not a dancer, but I can play instruments and pretend well so I?m thinking about applying for band work and maybe the acting. I also saw something about duels. I?ve been told I should try boxing to work out any frustrations, so maybe. They do have swords and magic too. I might try these duels out some time, but I want to work on my new place and see about this theater band. It?d be nice to pick up music again.

All in all, this has been good for me. I?m still dreaming and waking up with the occasional bruise but nothing too serious yet. Now with finding a nice place to live I can start setting up my herbs, spices, and other charms that I need. It might curb things if they get worse.

Arlene James

Date: 2016-09-04 15:03 EST
The first thing I had sent over from home was my guitar. I had learned to use one since I was child because my mother thought it would be good for me and my father found a good deal on a beautiful guitar. I remember practicing every day for hours on end and being absolutely horrible, but I didn?t care. Playing the guitar was thrilling for me and it gave me something to do besides read books. Sometimes I?d sing while I played and other times I just wanted a melody. As I grew older, I continued to play and even played in high school. I tended to play with less words and once the dreams started more vigorously I played more soothingly. It?s almost like I was reliving every dream through the strings of the guitar, so not all the melodies were soothing.

Now that I have a place I?m going to have my piano sent over. It?s not anything huge nor terribly expensive, but I can play it in my bedroom as I look out through one of the many windows. Playing the piano was more of a chore than the guitar. My grandmother taught me to play and she was strict. I remember when she used to hit her cane against the leg of the bench or do something else surprisingly sharp when I made a mistake. So I had to learn to be perfect on the piano. My love for playing isn?t as strong as my guitar but I enjoy the piano greatly as it?s just another extension of me.

Knowing these two instruments have helped me in my life greatly. In fact, I just received a letter from the Shanachie Theater. I?ve been hired to play on as a band member, which is what I wanted more so than being an actress in the theater. I can play other musical instruments but my preferences are guitar and piano, of which I am second to both and that?s fine. I don?t need to be a first for anything, really. I just want to be me and do what I enjoy most. I want to enjoy my passions in life. This works out great since Hilda will eventually be moving and I?ll need a job.

It seems like my life is starting to get some order again. I?ve been out buying a few items for my new home and trying to make it more livable. My mother has confirmed that she has started shipping boxes to me so that I can have more of my stuff and I don?t have to buy everything new. She said the family prepared a home welcoming box for me filled with items I might need. I?ll have to invite them out once I?m more settled and steeled for having the family around. I still need to find a herbs and spice shop, just in case I don?t find what I need in the wild and until I start growing some of my own. I also need to find a good healer who isn?t too nosy. I?ll ask around with some of the locals soon enough. I am grateful for the owner of the Pewter Leaf for letting me use her place for mail and receiving of my boxes. She even said she?ll have her nephew help with carting my boxes over to the new place.

For some reason all the changes has me thinking about Jeremiah. I don?t know why and I don?t want to know. I won?t contact him as I?ve been there and done that. He never answers, though I was a different person back then. He probably has changed too. Hell, for all I know he could be with someone else and I definitely wouldn?t ruin that for him. I always wanted him to find a place for his heart. He seemed like he needed that. I just?I don?t know. I miss him. We always had this bond that seemed so mystical like we were meant to be connected. We have the same middle name just with different spellings and we used to be able to talk for hours on end just about random stuff. Then I don?t know what happened, but we stopped talking. He got busy and I didn?t want to beg for his attention. But that?s always been the way between Jeremiah and myself. He was the world traveler, the drifter, the explorer who knew everyone and did everything and I wasn?t. I wasn?t brave enough to go with him then, but I am now.

I?m doing what you wanted me to do, Jeremiah. I?m taking the leap and I?m being the explorer you wanted me to be back then. I?m just doing it without you. I?m doing it on my own terms, at my own pace, and on my own. Being the adventurer makes me think of you, Jeremiah, and our past but it doesn?t make me regret the choices I made back then. All this adventure does is remind about how strong I really am.

Arlene James

Date: 2016-09-05 12:39 EST
I spent a couple nights playing my guitar in the marketplace with a few other local artists. It felt so damn good to get back into playing. I embraced my guitar like a lover I hadn?t touched in a long time. Gripping and caressing with the want of one who had been without for so long that I could hardly stand it. I didn?t play anything over the top or anything I felt deep in my soul. No, the marketplace play was just for the practice and to see if I still had heart for the melody. I did and it was beautiful. I wasn?t playing for the money, but people dropped coins and bills regardless. I offered my money over to the artists that were playing for money, but in the end I kept a little so it didn?t feel like charity to them.

I have a few leads on some good healers who won?t ask too many questions. I also found I can buy most of my herbs and spices from the marketplace, though there are a few specialty shops around town that might sell more of my special needs stuff. That?s good to know, but I won?t seek them out yet. For now, I?ll see what I can do on my own.

I had a dream about the dog I used to have when I was a kid. She was the sweetest dog. All black and curly hair. I swear when she barked at me I thought it was her nagging me about something I?ve forgotten about, and most of the time that?s what it was. She recognized words like if I said ?going for a ride? then she knew we were going to go walking and she?d tilt her head with her ears up. She knew what ?dinner? and ?treat? meant. She always stayed with me when I was sick and would try to lick me, which I always thought it was her trying to heal me. I remember she loved her butt smack so much that she?d run into me or anyone else just to have the top of her butt hit. She couldn?t get enough of it. I think my hand would sting more than her rear end did. I miss her, especially when I go through the more difficult times in my life. Missing her makes me wonder if I should get another dog while I?m here.

Pets are a lot of work and time. I?m going to be working two jobs for a little while until Hilda moves and I don?t know what the schedule will be like for the theater. I don?t know that I can dedicate enough time to a dog or a cat. If I got a pet then maybe it could be something else like a snake or a turtle. Or even a fish. I definitely don?t want a bird. I did the whole bird gig with my second employer, Maria, and it was a hot mess. No thank you. I?ll think about the turtle thing, though.

Arlene James

Date: 2016-09-12 21:24 EST
UGH. I don?t know who or what it was, but I know the feeling. It?s that feeling of eyes watching you with more than a casual glance, but more a predator spying a prey. I hate it. And I don?t mean the whole predator and prey scenario.

What I hate is that some person or being gets that look and passes it on to someone else. But you know what? How do you know you aren?t the one being preyed upon? You get the look like you?re the snake about to eat the mouse, but maybe that damn mouse is just a trap for someone?s machete to come and chop of your head.

I didn?t bother to see who it was nor did I care to look, but I am no prey. I may not look like I?m tough, but I?m stronger than I look. Besides, in this town, maybe I can transform or spew fire or hex someone. Maybe I carry the guitar around to eventually smash it into some poor soul?s face and break fingers.

?Okay?..probably not smash the guitar as I don?t want to buy another one, but I?m not opposed to breaking someone?s limb if I have to. Or hex. Or whatever I have to do to survive. I?m not a saint and I?m not a butcher. I am simply someone who isn?t going to be afraid of someone else. I have lived through other terrors and continue to do so now.

Whoever you think you are, big ol? baddie, you are nothing that I am scared of. Piss off. And maybe I?ll let you keep your fingers intact.

Arlene James

Date: 2016-09-18 12:02 EST
So I had a night that I?ve never had before. Don?t get me wrong, I?m no saint but I usually don?t engage in as much mayhem as I did with someone I just met. I don?t think I ever was as destructive either. I mean, it wasn?t like I tore down a building, but smashing a few abandoned glassware in some abandoned building was a bit of fun. I always heard it was a good way to relieve stress or some emotion a person is trying to work through.

I know I?m feeling some stress. I feel it in my neck and head. My muscles are tight. I feel that nagging in the back of my mind. Someone is reaching out and I don?t know who, but then I never know who. Soon enough I know the call will reach the forefront and it will all begin. I?ll answer the call without knowing then I?ll be forced to deal with the consequences afterward. My sleep is already so poor, but waking up somewhere else instead of just with unexplained wounds is always worse to me. Especially if I wake up somewhere wet or muddy. Ugh.

I was about to crawl into bed after my night out but mom decided to call since I hadn?t responded to any messages. Ugh. I had left my phone at home when I went out so she had gotten a little worried. Of course, I answered her ring because I assigned her a specific sound of wind chimes. She loves wind chimes.

The conversation started as it usually does. The pleasantries of how each of us is doing and she briefly talks about the family. She mentioned that she shared the picture I sent her of my new place. Some of the family questions my logic of my choice. Most of them think I should have been more practical and in the heart of town where I can be safe. They think I?ll have too much work to do to make it livable. Sometimes they?re a bunch of judgmental wretches, I swear. I think my mom can hear the annoyance growing in my voice as I remind her that they don?t need to bother with where I?m living as it?s not where they are going to be. She then reminds me that they say these things because they care. It?s a battle of wills at this point because she doesn?t want me to be mad at my family and I just want them to leave their opinions to themselves. If they had it their way I?d still be at home puttering away with my usual work and being the good little girl they all remember me as.

I left home. I?m grown up. I?m going to be living a life that will have risk and I?m going to damn well enjoy all of it. Sure, the path I?m taking is unclear but the experience of the journey is all of the fun. At least my mom understands, for the most part, and she supports me. My mom just wants me to be safe because it?d break her heart if anything happened to me. She did remind me if I needed anything to ask. She also wanted to know if I wanted my wheel and kiln for pottery because I had loved the craft, but I declined right now. I?m deciding how I want that to go as my place is shaped differently and maybe I?ll have a separate smaller building made just for that so I don?t have to worry about any of it. Besides, I?ve really been enjoying playing for the Shanachie Theater. It?s been so long since I?ve enjoyed playing music this much and making money from it, especially now that Hilda and her son are gone. My official nanny days are over and I?ve already moved on. I do that easily.

As for my new place, I don?t know what I?ll do with it completely. I just love that it?s different and reminds me of when I was a child. I used to climb the bank of my mother?s garden. My father had pillars to keep it up and they had steps and an arching trellis for the grape vines. Beautiful strawberries lined the ground and fruit trees grew around all the mounds of dirt. I?d stand there and pretend I was the princess waiting for my knight in shining armor to save me from the wicked king who kept me prisoner. Granted, I was always playing alone so no prince ever came but I didn?t care and eventually the princess that I was would eventually sneak her way out of the prison, especially once I found some juicy berries to eat.

My house reminds me of that bank, especially when I?m out on the deck looking out at the land and can simply enjoy the scenery. The difference is I?m not waiting for some knight to save me. I?m saving myself. It?s not even saving. I?m living for me. I?m doing what I want to do and when. I?m taking the leap and seeing where I land. I?ve done it for others when they weren?t strong enough, but while I?m awake I?m doing it for me. Besides, I just discovered an entrance that leads directly to the kitchen and was hidden from view because the house is designed by levels. It?s cool and unique. If I ever get tired of climbing stairs or it becomes unsafe because of the land then I?ll move, but for now I?m enjoying it. I doubt any of that would happen and the owner of the land said I could make additions or some changes because it?s mostly unused. In fact, if I ever get enough money I could probably buy some of the land from him and completely make it my own.

Either way, after thinking of everything, I?m way too tired to think about any of it anymore. I?m hoping this isn?t the moment when I have an episode because all I want to do is sleep. All I want to do is just be.

Arlene James

Date: 2016-11-29 21:10 EST
I?don?t know. I just don?t. I want to say he?s found a way to me again, and it wouldn?t be that surprising if he did, but I don?t need this now.

With every generation there has been one to go. His kind usually chooses, no seduces, and she follows willingly. I didn?t go. I didn?t?no?that?s a lie. I was seduced. I was tempted and we had that link. It was instantaneous. He knows and feels it, but I didn?t go. I wasn?t going to have someone decide for me and I wasn?t going to be one those shells of a girl.

The girls who existed and walked amongst us, but you knew she wasn?t there. You knew in the shadows that her beast was there holding the leash. I wasn?t going to be someone?s pet or toy. I told him that and I tried to sever the bond, but I know I wasn?t successful because he always had this way to weasel his way through and get to me.

I won?t be his pet. The dream was a memory of a time. I felt his touch and his kiss. We had the passion we always did and I relived the moments. They were so gloriously delicious, but I broke it before I went too far. Before it became too real and he sucked me in fully. It?ll be a matter of time before he comes at me directly. Nothing has changed. I won?t be the pet. I will be the one who breaks the chain.

Arlene James

Date: 2017-02-04 17:21 EST
The stairs and ladders were everywhere. I was trapped in a maze. I knew he was there tracking me. I felt him but I couldn?t see him. Every move I made then he made a countermove. We were in our game of chess, but it felt like he knew the moves I was going to make before I did. And he most likely did know. He had the kind of mind that was quick and could piece together the solutions to problems in the most inventive ways. And he knew me better than most.

I knew my sleep was fitful, more than any other time when I am living as someone else. This time, though, I was struggling to find the surface. He was dragging me further into the maze and the deeper I went then the harder it was for me to get out. He knew that. He knew we?d find each other there, but it was a matter of time and I think he wanted me a little off kilter so I couldn?t resist as much.

He just doesn?t know me as well as he thinks he does. I?ve changed since we last played out cat and mouse game. I?ve picked up some tricks and I?m much stronger than I used to be. I also picked up some lessons on swinging a bat from a masked bat wielding attitude. So I chose to swing my bat and break the dream maze he had me locked in. I?ll have to strengthen my protection spells and talismans. I feel like he?s close and it?ll be a matter of time until we?re face to face and the temptation will be at its greatest.

Arlene James

Date: 2017-04-01 17:04 EST
He made actual contact with me today. It was a moment, but it was enough to make me pause and catch my breath. It was one of those touches that was so feather soft, but jarring enough to cause me shudder. He didn?t say anything or do anything overt, but he was there just brushing against the edge of my consciousness to acknowledge where I had been and what I had been doing.

I had been having weird dreams, but nothing life transporting. Just enough of my own self-doubts coming to the surface to haunt me. I swear he has this uncanny timing to surface just when I think I?m settling in and finding my footing then I might get just a bit of doubt and there he is. I don?t know if he feels me that well or just has that ability to know, but it never fails and it makes me question myself all the more.

But I know I have to maintain my resolve. I can?t let myself be sucked into the pull that he has. I won?t seek him out or call out to him in any way. It leads me into a world where I lose myself so completely that it?s hard to ever recover?if recovery is even possible. I?m strong, I?m capable, and I know I?m better off with our worlds not colliding. Now I just need my heart and mind to release the hold on that final chain.

Arlene James

Date: 2017-04-30 17:20 EST
My cousin is dead. They found her dead and with no certain answer as to the how. The why as to her death shall never be discovered unless someone tries to seek her out, but none would dare and I had lost connection with her long before I moved to Rhydin.

We had been close once. People used to say we were sisters. We never wanted the same things in life or never were the same person, but we could talk and trust. We had the best for each other at heart. There were times I wanted her confidence, beauty and bravery. People loved her and she could make friends with anyone and everyone. She had the largest circle of friends and people would do anything for her. I wanted to that person. The social butterfly, the commander of attention, and a person to be sought after. I was never and will never be that person. I simply just don?t know how to be and I don?t need to be.

I don?t know when her world started to spiral, but I stayed by her and I tried my best to support her. If she needed someone to comfort her, if she needed money, if she needed a listener, or to escape then I was there. I stayed with her even when I didn?t agree with what she was doing and I never passed my judgement on to her because her choices were not mine to judge. All I wanted was for her to be happy and safe. I wanted my sister, but I wasn?t going to get her back and I had to let her go.

If she wanted people to hurt her then it was her choice, but I couldn?t accept her letting them hurt me. My sister, the girl who had so fiercely protected me as a child, had left the door open and let me be violated. She broke my trust?.and for what? She didn?t get money, power, or glory. She didn?t get anything but continued pain. I stood strong through it all and I moved on and eventually I moved away. I didn?t rage at her as I wanted to do. All I did was stop acknowledging. I broke the connections we had built and she was a nonfactor in my world.

My mother says I hurt her for that. She knew the trust would never be repaired and she wanted me to forgive, but I just didn?t want to put the effort into the care it took to forgive. I wouldn?t forget, but I just was too damn over it all to care. Besides, I had a life to build and remake. I had my own problems to deal with. I had my own demon to contend with.

They want me to try to connect to her in the realm of the dead. They want me to find some inkling of information. It takes me to a brink that?s hard to return from, but I don?t know that I?ll do it. I don?t want to do it. I don?t want to know. I don?t want to be involved. I would never have wished her death, but I?ve spent years just blocking her out from my life that I don?t know that I want any part of her back in, even in death.

Arlene James

Date: 2017-06-04 19:40 EST
It has almost been a year since I had to make a choice to live or live with such an excruciating pain until the day I die. I chose to live without pain, only I didn?t really escape unscathed. My pain is no longer of the physical but of the emotional, heart wrenching type.

Some people have said I should be grateful for being alive now. That I should regret my choice, but I do regret it because I have not yet come to terms with the decision I felt I had to make. The consequences of my decision now leads me down a new path, but it?s a path I would?ve had to take but in a more chemically induced state. So either way?.was there ever really a choice?

Sure. I?m not ingesting pills to keep me from the edge of feeling constant pain, but I am trying to find my balance and peace of mind with the decision I made. Deep inside I feel like part of my heart is broken and part of my soul is damaged. My mind tries to keep the balance as I repeat how I am doing great, how I living out my dreams, and how I will keep myself strong and I try to propel myself back into a state of mind that does not fill with a deep sadness or regret. A space that does not want to make a deal with the devil just so I can feel whole again.

There are plenty of devils to make deals with, but I know I can?t go back. I won?t go back. Sometimes, though, I start thinking?what if? My mind wanders and I start to feel that regret. I still function during this time and I try to hide how I?m feeling. I guess it?s good I don?t have family here or too many friends otherwise this whole trying to heal on my own would be much more difficult.

I know there will come a day when everything will hurt less and less. But I know I?m not the same person and I don?t look at things the same way anymore. What I want from life has changed and I just need to find some way to come to terms with that. Hopefully I can do it sooner than later.

I can do this. I will keep going because I?m too stubborn to stop. I just need to breathe. Maybe I?ll do something to celebrate the anniversary of the piece of myself I gave away so I could live. Then I?ll need to start figuring out how I can live my life to fullest without the heart of regret weighing me down.