Topic: Day of Thanks

Race Bannen

Date: 2011-11-23 17:05 EST
((tied to this playable ))

Not one who's too proud to sweep floors, the Mogul maneuvered the push-broom across the cement, listening to some of the volunteers talk about the dinner tomorrow. Getting all of the little dust particles and bits of paper into a pile he kept humming a soft tune. He didn't know why the urge to help the displaced souls came so strong, but part of him considered it simple the will of another. Using his golden intentions to draw people together in one place. However if he doubted himself now, there'd be no gaining his confidence back.

Propping the broom against the wall he turned to look over the room, still humming that soft tune. A slew of emtpy tables stood along the farthest wall with small signs labeled 'Donations' spread out along the edge. A few businesses had all ready brought in some blankets, children's toys, and shoes. The wall opposite the donations was set to contain all of the food, just one long assembly line. He'd dipped into his own coffers to procure meal trays, not plastic ones, but military issue chow trays.

A make-shift kitchen was all ready up and running with a handful of men and women discussing the menu. Deciding who'd be in charge of making hams, turkies, pheasant, even some venison along with desserts and sides. Taking the broom back up he continued his sweeping, working his way to the other volunteers as the last of the dining tables were put up. All ready others were hauling in benches and chairs from the truck idling.

"Hey Race, I saw you're setting up housing for these people. Don't you think they've gotten more than enough handouts from the Scaths, Batten Industries, and others?" Looking up from his sweeping, Race saw it was one if the volunteers that'd just finished bringing in the last table who spoke.

Choosing his words, the Mogul got closer. "Well, despite everything...they still have their pride. This is a hand up, not a hand out. They don't need handouts. Offering housing along with what the Welcome Centers are doing is to see them back on their feet and take some strain off of the Priestesses of the C.O.S, and other Scathachian temples. It's going to take time to rebuilt their Abbey, if that's what these men and women want. Along with the others."

"So, you're not doing this to help them, but to get them out of the hair of others?" the way the ginger kid narrowed his eyes made Race want to smile.

"Even I'm not that much of a dick, kid." he responded sharply. "They've had their world literally pulled down around their ears. Just helping them rebuild the foundations, they can take it from there when they're ready." the tune returned to his lips as he continued his sweeping. One of the other volunteers smiling a little as he recognized the tune and started singing softly along with the Moguel.

"When push comes to shove, you taste what you're made of..." the man began while wiping down a table. "You bend till you break, and think you've had all you can take. You get mad, you get strong, brush it off, then you stand..."


Date: 2011-11-23 20:22 EST
There was the sound of an opening and closing door before the blonde bombshell entered the main hall where most of the volunteers were gathered in readying the place for the dinner feast. Her shape was unmistakable, even beneath the clothes she was wearing. As the weather took a turn for the colder, Janie mourned the absence of herself wandering around in little more than a bikini; and she was sure most of the others in Rhydin did as well. Quite modest, this one. Instead, she was dressed in the easy slouch of drawstring linen trousers which sat low on her hips, and a t-shirt that was probably meant for some prepubescent boy somewhere.

"Oy! Got a trundleful of produce here, mate? Where's it goin?" Her accent was inescapable, her volume was palpable. She was in the process of piling her buttery locks atop her head with a few hairpins as she looked around for someone in charge. The cart outside had been piled high with fresh, ripe produce from the Scathachian Sanctuary's gardens. Delphinea, in particular, was quite proud of the bounty. Heads of lettuce, squash, carrots, parsnips and onions as well as persimmons, apples and pomegranates were ready to be a part of the Mogul's great feast. "There someone named Race here?" She thought it an odd name, but she had come to accept just about everything in this odd city.

Little was the Scathachian aware of, but volunteers from the kitchens had heard her barracking and had taken it upon themselves to begin bringing crates of fruits and vegetables back to the kitchens. Janie, being herself, began to wander around the joint, taking in the cleaning efforts and decorating efforts. She was in the midst of checking out one of the volunteers who was up on a ladder and reaching to string a bit of bunting across a portion of the wall. The more he stretched, the more her smile grew. "If that's dessert, there needn't be a meal," the surfer girl mused to herself as she walked by, looking around.

Risa Jones

Date: 2011-11-24 10:16 EST
What do you donate when you guesstimate there'll probably be everything of everything, and at least two of them already? You donate yourself, of course--for volunteer work that is--and you come trundling toward Cantath-Cantak industries warehouse in bright pink, pulling a wagon full of boxes connected to another wagon full of boxes connected to another.

It was a very long, very careful journey with very squeaky wheels. By the time she made it to a place that looked like the right door to go through, Risa jiggled the jury-rigged wagon full of things through it and made her way inside.

Eventually when other volunteers had the chance to bound over, Risa excitedly pointed out that she'd brought even more decorations. Wreathes of bright and fading Autumn colors; horns of plenty that weren't filled with plastics; but real fruit, grapes and cantaloupes and apples and oranges and strawberries in the middle of winter. Small gourds and pumpkins and squashes; real so they could be taken and eaten later or at the very least, recycled into someone's garden. They could be set on tables or handed out.

Another wagon held empty cups of plenty; re-useable, re-washable cups with rubber tops to be taken and kept: With them were huge, bulky blue thermoses filled with thanksgiving appropriate coffee. Kona coffee with a pinch of cinnamon, ginger, allspice, and nutmeg. The thermoses would ensure they stayed hot for a very long time. The other wagons held empty acrylic tumblers with acrylic straws. They were paired with gigantic thermoses of green which held cold drinks: pumpkin puree mixed with apple cider and a dollop of spicy ginger ale. Risa was as happy to let volunteers try some of it as much as she was to watch them being carried to tables.

She brought more bunting of course: ridiculous ones with silly looking turkeys and bright ones with delicate leaves, table center pieces and candle sticks with little leaves. Small touches to bright up the tables if wanted.

Last but never least, she brought a modest donation. Three boxes (or 300 pair) of those black stretch gloves in small, medium, and large. Made to expand over most size hands and not the best of gloves, but good in a pinch to keep hands warm.

She flashed a dimply smile to the room at large before removing coat and scarf and bouncing happily over toward those in charge of decorating to make herself useful.


Date: 2011-11-24 13:20 EST
She came early, after taking a basket of food to Nissa's family and leaving Raza with her for the afternoon. Lirssa was planning to spend the day helping at High Spires, though she might stop by - that had been left to be decided later. And so Fio came alone to the facility where Cantath-Cantak had set up to provide dinner.

She wasn't surprised to see it bustling as people got ready for the guests that would be coming later. An older woman in blue was directing volunteer laborers to set up tables and chairs, in the great, empty floor of the warehouse. Fionna, dressed plainly in jeans, a sweater and workboots, filed in with them, pushed up her sleeves, and got to work.

Katt Batten

Date: 2011-11-24 15:30 EST
She knew she wasn't asked and quite frankly she had no clue about Thanksgiving but..she was told that they were gathering food for people so she wanted to do her share. She wanted to assist and then it was Race doing it? Of course she wanted to help him out!

While she didn't show up in person there was a delivery made consisting of a number of baskets of various breads, boxes of pies, cakes, and cookies.

Ebon Ilnaren

Date: 2011-11-24 23:42 EST
It had been a long day, but it was worth it. Not content merely to donate food and supplies, Ebon had taken a post in the kitchens, carving slices of ham to be loaded onto serving trays or checking to make sure that the turkeys didn't overcook. He looked out with a smile at what Race had accomplished, watching volunteers help distribute clothing or dish out warm meals that were much needed.

The recipients took the aid with good grace, for the most part, and that was a message in itself. "People don't like to be carried," he said softly, "but everyone needs a hand to help lift themselves up now and then."

Race Bannen

Date: 2011-11-25 10:59 EST
"Janie right?" he said approaching the Scathachian woman with a pleasant smile on his face. Never actually introduced to her, but he'd made a point of learning about the more public sisters. "Enjoying the decorations?" Having caught her ogling he just smirks.

From his spot near the Janie, the Mogul saw Risa's grand entrance and just stares at the carts. Truly surprised by the generosity of Rhydin's citizens considering how much had all ready been given, and there were people doling out more. Before he can whistle more of the volunteers are taking crates and boxes from both both the Scath donation and Risa's and getting them where they needed to go.

Waves to Fio and Ebon when he saw them, a grin now plastered on his face as everything picks up. Turning back to Janie "There's plenty for everyone, find a spot and go elbow deep. Glad you and your Sister's could lend the help. A yelp has him bolting for the kitchens as someone screamed about a turkey catching fire! That one...would get served to the volunteers he decided. Turning around he caught the gingerkid who'd asked him about the feast carrying a box stamped with the Bon Bon's logo and his grin grew to the point of painful. He'd owe Katt another thing of flowers for that.

An hour later as the found found its way to being ready to serve, those they were out to help started to file in, working there way tables and the food line. The Mogul didn't stick to any one spot, he was helping wherever it was needed. From ladling out gravy, to handing out gloves from Risa, even back in kitchen area washing dirty trays. The whole time humming a little tune. Moving back to the food table he found a spot spooning out stuffing. Softly he sang... "Some times in our lives, we all have pain..we all have sorrow. But, if we are wise. We' know that there's always tomorrow..." after a few more bars he caught one or two of the other volunteers taking up the song.

(song is 'Lean on Me' by Bill Withers)
(song in previous post was 'Stand' by Rascall Flatts)


Date: 2011-11-25 11:18 EST
She had been asked to join in the volunteer efforts. She hadn't known until Race had told her about it. Then again several of her own Capoeiristas had been amongst the poor and the displaced and she worked with them as she trained with them.

And so it was she came with a group of families for the dinner. Many did not know the meanings behind the Holiday, herself, she vaguely knew, but Holiday's that weren't sponsored by the Corporations of her time were forbidden and had lost many of the traditional meanings.

Still it was worth seeing these families not going hungry for this one night. The children could be children and, for the moment, worries were forgotten. Of the group she came with, several of the adults took it upon themselves to help in the serving and cooking. After all, how else to pay things forward than to lend a hand to others that have the same needs.

She herself was staying away from the kitchen, taking up a position in the food line to serve anyone that needed it. She was absolutely abysmal in the kitchen and it often showed. She could make simple things and things that had directions.

Still watching the kids like Kitten and her younger siblings laughing and playing with other, her her smiling.


Date: 2011-11-25 22:53 EST

The beach bunny smirked as she canted her head to the side to watch Race to dashing off to the kitchens. "Nice local talent," the blonde mused as she let her hungry gaze roam. She knew of Risa, but hadn't formally been introduced. Her upnod, however, was aimed at a few she did recognize: The Governor, Ebon, Katt and the Doc.

The decor was beginning to fall into place and the smells erupting from the kitchen were out of this world. The surfer girl smiled to herself and knew that she'd be serving, and possibly eating, her weight in scrumptious food tonight. A happy tummy made for a happy Scathachian. And when this particular Scathachian was happy? Things were always sunny.