Topic: A Fairytale Flatmate

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2011-05-25 13:20 EST
Fiora still wasn't sure what had happened at the Inn. She only knew that Piper had experienced some kind of panic attack but wasn't sure what it had to do with Sevier or herself. Sevier's lack of a home had struck the little realtor as dismally inappropriate and she hadn't thought twice about offering him a place to crash. She'd even held onto his things after he'd disappeared for awhile. Not that he'd owned all that much. She still wasn't sure why he'd thought he'd needed two rooms at the Gardens. The plants had been the hardest thing to take care of, they didn't seem to care that she regularly forgot to water them and it was more her guilt over her shoddy care that made it difficult.

After making sure that Riley, Piper and Grem had moved on, she'd nodded her farewell to Pookie, accompanying Sevier to a sandwich shop before heading through West End.

The walk home from the Inn had been enjoyable. There was something about Sevier's presence that kept any interruptions at bay. None accosted them, no one hollered at her, or followed her for awhile; hell, no beggars even asked for the time.

Sevier had some disconcerting habits that made the trek even more interesting. He was always spinning her, twining her about, their progress a dance that kept her laughing and at ease. His touch was always present, a brush here, a squeeze there, and it hadn't taken very long for her to find it commonplace.

He'd been pleased that she'd kept such good care of his things and she'd promised to look into finding out about the availability of his former room in the morning. They'd never gotten around to the demonstration of a pillow fight as once they'd settled upon the couch she'd lost track of time.

One moment she was talking to him about her friends and the next she was blinking through a blinding headache again. His cool soothing hands had rubbed her temples, stroked her hair, and gently aided her into her bed.

Tucked in, with a glass of water and one of the pain pills left over from her previous prescription, Fiora smiled sleepily, "Thank ye Sevier, it's good to have ye back."

His enigmatic smile lingered upon her as his voice whispered through her descent into slumber, "Sleep well, Fiora Shantalaine."

She always felt the oddest sensation at the way he spoke her full name all the time. A twinge of ....the rest of the thought was lost as she fell into a deep sleep.

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2011-05-26 11:47 EST
She awoke to the scent of...bacon?

Blinkety blink-say-wha?

Pushing up from her mountain of pillows and stuffed animals (don't Judge!) she pushed the heavy weight of her russet curls from her face to blink blearily at the sight of a deliciously defined male back moving about her kitchen with assured grace.

A naked male back.

A very, very scrumptiously delicious male back that was shirtless. His tight noticeably yum rear was cupped by expensive slacks and for just a split second she thought it might be Euriya before she finally dragged her cerulean eyes up to take note of the dark inky hair and the realization that he was entirely too pale to be her lover.

Fiora stumbled up to standing and walked off the edge of her bed. Small feet searching for nearby slippers before she made her way toward what could only be a dream, "Ye realize the kitchen is a deadly place right?"

Sevier Bane turned toward her with a plate in hand.

"I usually just do a barbeque poptart on the way into work, or a--" She blinked as he deftly slipped the egg and bacon onto a slice of toasted bread and magically placed another slice atop it.

Could it be...was it possible...a BREAKfAST SANDWICH?!

"Marry me..." She breathed as she took the plate like it was a holy offering.

"Fiora Shantalaine be wary should I take such banter in seriousness and engage you in such a contract." The magnetic pools of dark eyes watched as the little realtor took her prize with a barely acknowledged nod to his prophetic words.

Oblivious, Fiora plopped down on the couch and settled in to devour what was certainly going to prove to be one of her favorites.

Sevier Bane

Date: 2011-05-27 15:35 EST
He did not sleep that night. Instead he sat in a chair adjacent to the couch where she slumbered and watched her. With no light, no movement about, he simply inspected as she slept the twilight hours away. Though his eyes were intently upon her his mind traveled back over the previous few nights to relive the events that had unfolded. It was a gift of the Sidhe; to walk through steps already taken. While mortals had memories, the Unseelie had something a little more intricate.

Fiora was complex in her simplicity and Sevier could appreciate that. She didn?t try to be more than she was or anything that she wasn?t, and it was that sense of realness that drew the Dark Hunter?s gratitude.

He had never known what a bacon and egg sandwich was before then, but by simply speaking to her while she dreamt he was made aware of her obsession and decided to treat her with it for breakfast. In fact, it was the sizzle and splatter of bacon grease that had spoiled the sleeves of his shirt, and the reason that, when she awoke, she found him naked from the waist up.

Her favorable reaction to his labor was as he expected.

"Marry me..." She breathed as she took the plate like it was a holy offering.

"Fiora Shantalaine, be wary should I take such banter in seriousness and engage you in an actual contract." The magnetic pools of dark gaze watched as the little realtor took her prize with a barely acknowledged nod to his prophetic words.

To the Unseelie the binding of marriage was bit more solid than the exchange of names between humans. Marriage was a pact, a meshing of two worlds ? of two essences ? that strengthened a house. To marry him, she would have to absorb his name ? Becoming Fiora Shantabane ? and then do the same with his very life. They would be one. One soul. One heart. One life. One death.

In that particular case it seemed that her suggestion was a capricious idiom, easily forgotten the moment if left her lips. She ate and he joined her, though never actually consumed any of the food he prepared for himself. He simply sought to be a part of her breakfast festival.

He was just starting to prepare to leave when she mentioned having to go and visit the domain chosen for Piper Davidson. With his interest rekindled, he sat with her and spoke, compelling her mind to request his accompaniment to the home. Guided by his preternatural suggestion, she did just that, asking him to go with her and keep her company. She was proud of the locale and wanted to show it off to him.

Just as he had told her she was.

He agreed and off they went.

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2011-06-16 12:44 EST
Her flatmate kept odd hours. Hell he kept odd days. And she hadn't seen him in a few, but somehow she knew that meant little to him. He'd mentioned the de Montesquieu's and she'd quite nearly squealed in delight. She'd sold them the land deep south from Rhy'Din and was thrilled to discover that they were getting along so wonderfully.

In fact, she wanted to see it. A field trip. A vacation. She hadn't taken one of those before. This made so much sense she almost ... okay she did.... danced around her apartment while singing/shouting a mishmash of lyrics that made sense to her and pretty much no one else.

"WE GOT GAME! Uhhh huhhh! We got it! IT IT IT IT!" She was never sure what "it" was supposed to mean in these occasions but she was pretty sure she could get it.

Later that day after getting dressed for work, she bounced past Mr. Cheung with a cheery, "You got it!" Stopping to let Harry and Sally know that they GOT IT too.

Only seconds after leaving the Gardens she was beset by that same strange sensation of being followed. Watched.

The flicker of cerulean eyes sought the perpetrator but she was soon beset by the more common problems of travel in West End. A familiar street morphing into an unfamiliar one. A weird mist rolling out of nowhere only to be sunny bright a foot from her. Fiora paid it no mind and continued to put one shiny red heeled foot in front of the other.

She had work to do. And a vacation to set up.

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2011-06-17 11:05 EST
It was good seeing Darcy again. While the Nexus was notorious for zapping people away and it was Rhy'Din after all, Fiora could never get used to the way people came and went around her.

Stopping by the Inn always seemed to pay off for her. She had an upcoming meeting with the undoubtedly attractive Fabian Salerno thanks to her most recent stop. And the best fixes for sandwiches could be had there. And you were more likely to run into Katt with her yumtastic beignets. And she was able to bump into both Toby and Riley which answered not one, but two open-ended questions.

Toby and Mayu loved the new place! And Sevier couldn't get his apartment at the Gardens back.

The last one caused a flare of trepidation and as she headed back through West End she sought the best way to let him know. On the one hand she could understand Riley's fear of him if his people were really ruled by such an evil Queen but on the other hand she couldn't understand condemning someone for the actions of another or for their race. There were so many different types of beings in Rhy'Din and so many of them were never what they seemed. From vampires with souls to angels with murderous intent, Fiora had seen a lot in her short time here, too much to ever judge another without personal confirmation of their wrongdoings.

And she was a mite forgiving when it came right down to it.

But it was Riley's place and Fiora would never go against her very real concern for her tenants. She was still mulling over the best way to tell Sevier as she turned the corner and caught the flicker of something out of the corner of her eye. She turned just in time to duck the incoming bottle. Startled, it was old instinct that had her turning the duck into a roll, her pretty little green dress assuredly ruined despite all of her careful attempts to keep it clean. Coming up on her apple-red heels with the grace of an acrobat, she whirled around to face her attacker and promptly lit into the bearded ruffian with a shriek, "Ye arse! Just what in the hell do y'think yer doin? This dress cost a fortune! Ye have no idea how hard it is to keep this kinda fabric clean. Pixies and mustard and now a drunken oaf with a bad attitude! GRRR!"

"Listen here Zenner!" The man belched as he weaved on his feet, "Yew don' belong in the WestEnd! Take your fancy clothes and your--"

She blasted him in the balls. A square on kick planted securely between his spread legs. As his face contorted and he fell to his knees Fiora found a target for her angst, "This is Rhy'Din BUDDY! We all belong! And no one can tell us different!"

Storming past Harry and Sally, Fiora was reminded of the stupid sign that Redwick had posted on the wall of the Inn and was thankful that the Inn itself would make it disappear come morning, because no matter what people thought about this place, it always remained standing. Always remained open.

To Everybody.

"I love Rhy'Din." She said defiantly to Mr. Cheung as she breezed past him and up the stairs.

Sevier Bane

Date: 2011-06-17 16:56 EST
Weeks had come to pass.

He'd been absent from Fiora's gracious offering, leaving her flat unoccupied as he tended to matters of a more pressing nature.

The first of which was his reacquainting with the Mistress living sin, Aolani Malvlasta. Hours became a blur of entwined bodies that seemed endless in their pursuit of unparalleled pleasure as the temptation of the Siren and her otherworldly Sentinel were utterly irrefutable. The sun rose and fell many times throughout the course of their endeavor, and as limbs shuddered with weak release and exhaustion threatened them all, they pushed through, seeking an endless elation that was nearly achieved.

Pried and peeled from naked flesh, both supple and masculine, he found his way from the labyrinth of desire behind the door of Room 16, and departed with the feeling that he had gained so much, and yet left something significant behind.

The de Montesquieu estate was his next destination, seeking out the lovely Meleigh. He whispered in her ear words of allure and iniquity, a libidinous persuasion that nearly had her surrendering to his prurient desire. Had he not just endured such overwhelming pleasure he may have exploited her concession right there upon the shores of the lake outside her home. But the taste of Aolani still lingered upon his tongue and the touch of her resonated upon his fingertips, and while he was certain that the treasure of Meleigh's body splayed receptively beneath him would be thoroughly enjoyable, he knew that it would pale in comparison to the persistency of the Siren's lustfully haunting presence.

Rounding back into Rhy'din he diverted his path to take up a clandestine visit to the home of Piper Davidison. Halls were walked with a ghostly attendance as cunning eyes performed a patient surveillance of her abode. He outlined the design in his mind, imagining how certain events might lead to fleeting escapes along with the measures he would need to prepare to keep such flights from occurring. Had he not visited the home with Fiora previously he would not have been able to enter so secretly, but luckily he had treaded upon that floor before, which made it open season to the Dark Hunter. A picture of her caught his eye and he paused to study it. He had known only her lips thanks to the decorative perch of an elaborate mask and, in that moment, decided to examine her more prominent features, committing her more fully to memory. He also took note of another: Oliver Granger.

Instantly thoughts turned toward another Granger: Nina. A less romantic variation that seemed destined for failure, she was not his normal specimen of interest. Still, her bloodline seemed rich and the fact that her brother was competent in the ways of magic aided his decision - one that he wished he could reclaim. She was somewhere about, though his awareness of her momentarily dwindled as he considered that the insertion of Alaric would keep her safe. Unknowingly, the young spell caster would be Sevier's watchdog; and with Alaric's devotion to his sibling demanding that he keep her safe, the Dark Hunter would use it to his advantage - leaving the babysitting to another.

The WestEnd was easily navigated and the Zen Gardens found. The twin statues that guarded the complex caused the sable hairs along the nape of his neck to rise, the magic that Harry and Sally were forged from alerting him to their purpose. He knew what they were, knew they were Totems of defense that would spring to life if he (or anyone) sought harm to those living inside. The best way to circumvent their function was to keep his plotting to those outside the complex, which is what he did. He would wage his talents against the golems any day, but for now he needed them intact. As long as they remained unbothered by his presence he could come and go freely without causing alarm.

Just in time with Fiora's arrival, Sevier watched as she stomped past the facility's superintendent, declaring boldly. "I love Rhy'din!"

It seemed that she had been riled up and was in need of something to help settle her incensed state of mind. "Brackenbli." He muttered, a two-count all that was needed before he was joined by the blurring arrival of the small Fae quickling.

"Youcalledmaster?" He asked, running his words together with his swift way of speech.

"I did." Sevier turned from where he faced the stairs to look down into the wide gold eyes of the small creature. "It seems that our frenetic friend is in need of a salutary offering. A basket of beignets from the Inn, some milk and a sandwich large enough for the two of us to split. Understand?"

The rapid nod of Brackenbli was so fast that it muddled the sharp features of his visage. "Gotit.Whatkindofsandwichdoyouwant?"

He looked back, a slow shake of his head given. "I don't really think that it matters."

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2011-07-22 18:55 EST
Her apartment seemed crazily quiet as she let herself in. She'd almost hoped Sevier was still around but she'd give him the speech from Riley. Granted he'd only given her a shrug of his well-set shoulders and fed her a sandwich, she wasn't really sure if that was compliance.

It had been a glorious good time on the cruise and she was pleasantly exhausted. Abandoning her suitcase in her door she headed straight for the shower.

Twenty minutes later she emerged, damp and refreshed, a vibrant vitality glowing about her as the sun had been particularly good to her. Wrapped in a towel, Fiora made her way toward the kitchen, no longer roped out with Caution tape since Sevier had started making himself at home there. The fridge was pretty barren and she wrinkled her nose in disappointment.

It was only then that she noticed his plants...and only because they had turned their large leafy heads in her direction...


She backed toward the door, a babbled apology upon her lips, "Oh dear, I kinda forgot all about ye. I get why ye'd be upset, really I would. I bet yer really thirsty...."

They rustled and twisted about.

"Okay, Okay, I'm just gonna go get ye somethin to drink...I'll...oh holy monkey butts, I'll be just a minute." She stumbled over her suitcase and bumped into her door.

A frantic hand found the knob and she was stumbling free.

And that is how Fiora Shantalaine found herself standing in a towel in the hallway upon the night of her return home.

"Effin' Plants."

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2011-08-24 16:34 EST
"So do ye think she'll want a batch'lette?" No, she had no idea what she was really talking about but she was attempting to sound like she did.

It helped that the Plants that she was holding the conversation with didn't really ever say anything back, otherwise they might've pointed out to her that she had no rhydinly idea what she was speaking about.

The raw hamburger meat that she was currently patting into the base of their potting soil was squishy and moist and she wrinkled her nose in distaste, "I don't see why ye can't just be like other plants and drink water."

Using her forearm to brush back a russet curl she moved to the next plant and reached in her bucket for a slimy bloody hunk of meat, "I bet Piper's plants don't need nothin like this."

The last of it packed in place she pushed up from her knelt position in a fluid roll of lithe muscles, her cutoff shorts riding high upon her thighs and revealing the frayed ends of the pockets beneath. Padding into her kitchen with that same air one reserves for areas they don't feel like they belong in, she put the bucket in the sink and filled it full of water, adding a squirt of soap.

Scrubbing it and her hands at the same time she kept up her stream of chatter, "I'm thinkin Piper might just want a shower. Shower like a party, not shower like here let me get the soap." Suds rose up out of the bucket and spilled into the sink and she couldn't resist clapping her hands and sending a spray of bubbles upward. A giggle as she continued, "I've thrown a baby shower before. For Mindy. But never a wedding one. I wonder if Yanya knows anythin about one?"

Yanya was the sole reason Fiora had the plants to speak with. Having been at a loss after finding herself in the hallway wrapped only in her towel, Fiora had called a Housekeeper. Surely a house keeper would know how to handle house plants gone wrong? And with her usual luck she'd chanced upon the half-gnoll who was familiar with all types of crazy things in RhyDin. Unseelie HousePlants were just one of the many things she'd had to deal with in her time and their care was easily explained to the realtor...for a hefty tip.

Of course if Yanya had known that she was one helpful suggestion away from being Fiora's Go-To person for Answers she might've played dumb.

Plants taken care of, Fiora turned sea-swept eyes toward her living quarters, "Y'know I think I'm gonna ask her. Do ye have any idea where I put the phone?"

And the search was on.