Topic: An Uncomfortable Truth

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-03-05 12:17 EST
The Cat emerges from the back alley door, shoulder slumped, every line of her body expressing exhaustion. She was dressed as per usual in Levis, a blood-red t-shirt, Doc Martens and her father's vintage motorcycle jacket. Caramel brown eyes swept the crowd, a smile given to Icer, the urge to flip Sparky the bird resisted, and the rest quietly observed. She went through the break in the bar and stood for a moment, hands on hips as she studied the ranks of bottles, waiting for one to leap out at her and scream "DRINK ME!" Even after Harris began making kissy-faces and throwing soggy peanuts at her, she ignored him. The evening's drink choice was far too important to trade barbs with him. Besides, she was just too tired to do anything more than pretend he didn't exist. Which considering how obnoxious the man was, was a job and a half.

Her nostrils flare delicately as she caught a particular scent. Glancing over her shoulder, she spied the Phantom and she smiled a bit at him, watching his approach with something close to hunger lurking in the depths of her caramel gaze. Finally, turning back to the ranks of bottles, she reached out and grabbed one at random, hoping and praying desperately that it's not creme de menthe or Amaretto.

Draxcilian glided through the break in the bar and greets her not with words, but with actions. His hands appear from the depths of his cloak to cup her face and steps into her, pulling her against his muscular body even as his lips are drawn to hers in a slow, hot, kiss. The bottle was very nearly dropped as Drax's kiss takes her completely by surprise. She groped about blindly to find a level surface for the bottle, before her arms wrap around his shoulders, fingers snaking through his hair. The passionate embrace lingers, the heat from it a stark contrast to his more common icy demeanor. Finally the kiss is broken, though there is no withdrawal, instead he allowed her to feel the words he speaks upon her lips. "I've been far too patient." Has the Phantom made a joke? Indeed, he has.

She takes a deep breath, her eyes still closed, a big dumb grin curling her lips now. "Well, hi there," she whispered against his mouth, no more than the barest hint of words brushing against his lips.

"Busy?" His typical stoic mien fades as he leans forward again to taste her mouth, just a quick touch before turning slowly away to regard the selection of drinks. His arm snaked out to wrap around her waist and pull her solidly against his side. "What's good here?"

She opened her eyes when he turned away and then glanced at the bottle she'd chosen earlier. She was happily surprised to see that it was Captain Morgan's best. She reached out and picked it up, offering it up to him with a questioning look on her face. "Rum and Coke?"

"Rum and coke it is," he answered, not exactly sure what a coke is, though more than willing to find out. "Booth or table?"

"Table's fine." She leaned down and grabbed a red and silver can, popped both the bottle and soda can open and proceeded to mix drinks. He left her to her work, stepping around the bar once more, picking an empty table somewhere just beyond the reach of the hearth. She picked up the glasses and carried them over. She set the glasses down and then claimed a chair, slouching down in it and stretching out those impossibly long legs, resting her feet in the chair opposite her.

He watched her as she sat, a curious observation, before claiming the chair that her feet rest in, reaching down and lifting them just enough to slide beneath, letting them instead rest in his lap. "You seem tired. Long day?"

"Very. I need to hire someone to help me clean up before the remodel starts. Hell, I need to hire someone to help with the remodel." She sighed deeply and took a sip of the drink, eyes falling half-closed, a low, sub-sonic purr starting up as she slowly began to relax.

"I've heard about this new endeavor, though forgive me if I haven't been kept fully up to speed. What sort of business are you opening?" Deft fingers begin undoing of laces, creating space to slip off one of her boots, and then the other, setting them down beneath their table.

She curled her toes once they were free of her Docs, the purr growing louder now. "A dance and yoga studio."

His head cants, brow arching inquiringly as those hands begin a soothing massage, fingers and knuckles alike used to alleviate tension. "Yoga." The word was obviously just spoken for only the first time.

She bit her lower lip, stifling a giggle as his fingers kneaded a particularly ticklish spot. "Yoga. Yeah, it's A form of calisthenics. It teaches flexibility and improves muscle tone."

He could appreciate such physical training and exertion, nodding slowly. "I see. And is this for...others, "a squeeze to indicate he speaks directly of Lycans, "...or anyone?"

She shrugged. "Anyone."

"I only ask because I assume that others as naturally gifted as you would train at a different pace than those of more mundane makeup."

"I don't actually need to keep up the practise, but I like to. It centres me. You should come check out a class or two."

Drax seemed to be uneasy; he sat back in silence, simply watching the crowd for a moment. Riley looked him over, a brow raising in question. The look appeared to be missed as his gaze never wavered from the crowd. She leaned forward a bit, wriggling her foot in Drax's lap to get his attention. "Where'd you go?" she asked softly.

He blinked, returning to the room with a shift of his eyes to the Cat, the emotionless expression melting away with the arrival of a smile. "Right here," he said, another squeeze of her foot given before again before continuing the skillful massage. "How long do you think it will take you to remodel?"

His smile, such a rare thing, was picked up and answered with one of her own. Then she shrugged a little in response to his question. "I suppose it depends upon how many people I can get to help out. Hopefully no more than a month tops."

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-03-05 12:24 EST
"I see." And with the formalities over, his gaze locks upon her own, the smile fading into seriousness as his voice drops to something a touch above a whisper. "You told me to remind you last time we talked. You said you had something to ask me?"

She dropped her eyes, a hint of crimson creeping into her cheeks, an expression as rare on her face as his smile was on his. "Well...uh..." She fidgeted, obviously finding whatever it was she wanted to talk about rather difficult to express.

He watched her, the sight of her unease provoking confusion in his pale eyes. "What is it?"

"Are to her?" she asked in a whisper, hoping he would know which her she was talking about.

The confusion in his eyes flickered away, replaced with a brilliant flash of turmoil that would quickly dull to simple clarity. Features that were moments ago warm shift, enveloped now in bland stoicism. "I am. Completely, and eternally." It was not merely an answer, but an emphatic statement of utter truth.

She nodded slowly, sipping her drink and avoiding his eyes now. "I see." She was pretty good at hiding her emotions and slipped on the slightly disinterested mask she kept for dealing with disappointment.

He was not prepared for her disconnection. Her unexpected response caused his features to waver for just a moment before settling back into his usual stony countenance. "Why?" He tilted his head and said sternly, "And before you wave off the answer with something simple, I would like to know the truth."

She ran her tongue along her bottom lip before capturing it between her teeth and cocked her head to the side. How to answer truthfully...and yet, safely at the same time? "I don' poaching." She nodded once and then finished her drink, setting the empty glass down on the table between them.

"Poaching? Is that what we are doing? Perhaps I misunderstood your stance on things."

"My stance? I was unaware I had a stance. Do you? Have a stance, I mean."

"I do," he nods. "Though I am unsure it will be to your liking." He paused momentarily before continuing, "And I do not care for your...mask. You are a creature of instinct, Riley. Do not try to be otherwise."

"The Cat is a creature of instinct. I am a creature of intellect, constantly at war with instinct. It creates rather a hardship here." She pointed at the centre of her chest with a long, slender finger.

He considers it for a moment. "Perhaps. Or perhaps you are one in the same, and the war you think that is internally waged is merely denied actuality trying to break free from its prison of condemnation. And if not, if you are actually split between the two, instinct and intellect, then perhaps it is instinct that would bring you more joy. After all, wouldn't you agree that it is intellect that is harboring your disconnect?"

She snorted and sat up, withdrawing her feet from his lap. His words stung, stung more than she was willing to let on or even admit to. She switched topics, moving away from the one that caused her pain and confusion. "Dreams are fine, Drax, but the real thing is better."

He continued to blandly regard her, seemingly unaffected by the loss of her touch. "Oh it is, in so many ways. Though I would assume it has been your intellect that has kept you from experiencing this 'real thing'. Had instinct been in control, I am certain we would have made use of the dark alcoves and hidden booths this establishment is renown for."

Her brow inched higher and she just slowly shook her head, unwilling to express her disinclination for f*cking in public. "Can you answer something for me?" She leaned forward, forearms resting on the table and her voice pitched low.

"Of course," he replied evenly.

"Why does everyone seem so hell bent - you'll pardon the term - on my..." She broke off, frowning a bit as she searched for the right word. "...downfall?"

His brow arches in obvious confusion. "Downfall? Who said anything about downfall?"

"You, your mistress... Eamon." The last name was spoken with a certain hardness to her voice.

"I am not focused on any sort of downfall, Riley. I am focused on your perception. It often seems that you are convinced that there can only be one side to your coin, and which side is up somehow defines your success or failure. I don't think it is we who are so focused on your downfalls, but you."

She licked her lips and took a deep breath. They'd come to the crux of the matter and unknowingly, or perhaps with complete forethought, the Phantom had forced her into a position where she had to admit to her deepest fear. She wondered if he knew. "There can be only one side," she said softly. "If I am the Cat, then I lose Riley."

He stood with little effort and took a single step forward, bending at the waist so that both hands could take hold of the arms of her chair, the nearness of his ghostly face intent on capturing her attention solely, even if for just a moment. She looked up at him, recoiling in her seat just a bit, eyes a bit wide with shock at his sudden closeness. "You or the cat, intellect or instinct, they are fine with me," he said. "I am not concerned with your downfalls, shortcomings, or deficiencies. In fact, I revel in them. They give me a closer look," a slender finger reached forward to push lightly against her chest with no sense of innuendo, "here." He rose then to his full height, giving her space with a step backwards. "I should go."

She blinked, having no answer for that. Finally she just nodded, wanting to ask him to stay but not being able to swallow that big a chunk of her pride. He watched her for a brief time, internal struggle evident within his ashen eyes, betraying his detached countenance. "We are not done. We haven't even truly begun," he says, the promise obvious in his voice, his demeanour. He turned from her, smoothly and quietly. He crossed the room toward the stairs leading to the second level as his arms disappeared within the fold of his robes. Each step is measured, no longer a fluid gait but a planned and executed movement, as though he had to force his legs to continue taking him up the stairs. At the top he paused, back to her, shoulders swaying as though he wanted to turn back to her, a telltale sign of the continual struggle within. His eyes never reappear, though, and finally he moved forward, disappearing beyond her line of sight.

Riley, for her part, turned and watched him leave, gripping the back of her chair with a white-knuckled fist to keep from running after him. She'd never run after a man who was leaving; she wasn't about to start now. "F*ck." The word was spit out, anger and no small amount of self-disgust apparent in it. She turned back around and hooked her stockinged foot around her Docs, sliding them towards her under the table. She leaned down to put on her shoes, before standing and carrying her empty glass to the counter. And then she scooted out the back way, headed home for what would no doubt prove to be a long, sleepless night.