Topic: Case No. 250Alpha357

Jill Mckerras

Date: 2011-05-31 13:31 EST
3:15:252A - (4/17/2010)
Case No. 250Alpha357
Agent's Personal Notes

Got a ping on Luo's tunneler this morning. He's gone to Cassiopeia, landed somewhere in Northern California, near San Francisco. Of course, he disappeared off grid shortly after landing. Damn him anyway. Two years now of getting us all hot and bothered when his tunneler comes online, only to have him pull out and leave us without a damned orgasm. And then we find another PUV dead and realize the f*cker's moved on to the next place.

I know he's dicking us around on purpose, despite what the brass say. He's a former agent. He knows all the tricks ? don't leave the tunneler on after landing and don't fire it up again until you're absolutely ready to jump out; don't stay in one place for very long; get in, shank the PUV, get out. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am. He knows we're hunting him. He's not stupid, not by a long shot, and after 123 kills under his belt, he's got it down to a science.

So now we'll be tracking him through an area with 7 million people living in it, and at least 20% of that population is Asian, which just compounds the problem. But I'll put on my big girl panties and go and do the job, even though that job seems to have become Clean Up Crew, instead of Apprehension and Retrieval. I know you're going to be reading this, so I'll say it again even though I'm beating a dead horse ? if you had just let me do things my way back in Lupus, we would have ended this fiasco a year ago. There's a reason you promoted me to Senior Field Agent after Monocerus, right? Trust me.

Jill Mckerras

Date: 2011-06-07 23:46 EST
4:26:252A - (5/28/2010)
Case No. 250Alpha357
Agent's Personal Notes

Hub's all a kerfluffle now. Luo's tunneler came online tonight and then appeared in the middle of the street, just a block or so from Point Zero. After it was retrieved, we determined that it was broken, so it was ostensibly returning to be fixed; the homing beacon worked perfectly, in other words. But just in case he's come back home to kill us all, Hub went into lock-down and all agents present in the city have been recalled, leaving just the drones out to scout.

I don't think he'd be that stupid, honestly. He wouldn't come back here, not unless he really was the last one and if that were the case, wouldn't we know it somehow? I mean, a mortal ascends to godhood and the rest of humanity, all 125 Universes of it, would surely feel it or something. So I'm thinking somehow the tunneler got busted and ported back here and now he's stuck in Cassiopeia. Hopefully you'll actually take a suggestion from the senior agent on this case and keep people there to hunt for him.

Jill Mckerras

Date: 2011-06-13 18:32 EST
5:8:252A - (6/6/2010)
Case No. 250Alpha357
Agent's Personal Notes

It's not him. Let me repeat that using bold, all caps, and far too many exclamation marks for emphasis:


And you'd realize it if you could just back up and think about it logically. Luo knows we're looking for him. He knows we're hunting him. He knows we're going to stick him in his own personal cell at the Stygian colony on Hades if we catch him. So why would he show up at Point Zero wearing a freakin' Watchman's Uniform?! Why would he flirt inappropriately with his boss, the Minister of Justice? Why would he take an apartment one floor above the Minister of Justice and her boyfriend?

It's illogical. It doesn't line up. It doesn't make a lick of sense. It's not Luo. That man is who he says he is ? David Lo, former San Francisco patrol officer, and I suspect, Luo's last PUV. When Luo's tunneler showed up here last week, it must have been because Lo triggered it somehow and went along for the ride.

Our best bet now is to keep an eye on this Lo. Maybe he's the last one; maybe he took care of our problem for us. I'd like to formally request observational duty. I'm already familiar with the case, and as has been pointed out in numerous reports filed with your department, as well as performance reviews and the testimony of other field agents, I know what I'm doing and I'm damned good at it.

Jill Mckerras

Date: 2011-06-15 17:39 EST
5:13:252A - (6/11/2010)
Case No. 250Alpha357
Agent's Personal Notes

I can't believe he'd be such a frakkin' clich? and sleep with his boss. I mean, c'mon! Sure, she's tall and leggy and stupidly gorgeous and smart and can handle herself in a fight, but really? Bangin' the boss after less than a week on the job? It's disgusting...and hot. Wow. Wait. I'd better delete that.

Nah, let it stand. These are supposed to be personal notes, right? The observational report will read like a text book, but you want personal reactions, too. So. That's my personal reaction. I think it's sad and clich?d and outrageously stupid and really frakkin' hot and I need to get laid, Pete. Desperately.

I'm glad that you've decided to keep the team in Cassiopeia searching for Luo. It gives me faith in you that you obviously have such faith in the investigatory skills and gut reactions of the senior field agent on this case. Yes, that is sarcasm you hear in my voice. Don't be alarmed.

Jill Mckerras

Date: 2011-06-17 17:03 EST
6:23:252A - (7/21/2010)
Case No. 250Alpha357
Agent's Personal Notes

We heard from the Cassiopeia team two days ago. Using David Lo's life ? the address SFPD had on file ? they found Luo. It's just as we suspected: he's stranded in Cassiopeia and has slipped comfortably into Lo's life. Unfortunately, he made some drastic changes.

I don't know if it's because he's bored there or if he's taking out his frustrations about being stranded on Lo's loved ones, but Dave's systematically killed everyone close to Lo. First his parents, then his ex-girlfriend.

I don't know this man anymore, Pete. I look at that photo taken of us three years ago after that run through Serpens and he looks...well, he looks normal. Happy. I don't know what happened to change him so fundamentally. He's not the same Dave anymore. It scares me just as much as it disgusts me. Could that happen to me? Could it happen to any of us?

I'm just going to turn this off now and go and have a good cry. You can give me drek about it later.

Jill Mckerras

Date: 2011-06-21 21:23 EST
7:22:252A - (8/20/2010)
Case No. 250Alpha357
Agent's Personal Notes

I'm so sorry, Pete. I don't...

I don't know what to say. The team we sent to Cassiopeia ? Rex and Chris and Burt and Tina ? they're all...

They're all dead. He killed them, Pete. They pinpointed his location, they went after him ? by the book. And he frakkin' killed them all, that evil, mother...

He's here, Pete. Somewhere in Hub. Tina's tunneler came online for a brief moment down south, near Mount Yasuo. He killed them for their tunnelers and now he's come for Lo. Probably us, too. We need to assemble a team right away. We need to protect Lo and O'Rourke, too. Don't dick around on this, Pete. Take my advice and assemble the team ASAP.

Jill Mckerras

Date: 2011-07-17 14:20 EST
8:21:252A - (9/19/2010)
Case No. 250Alpha357
Agent's Personal Notes

Since the completely inept team created to track down Luo cannot find him in a city of only 50,000 people after a month, I've been asked ? and I use the term in a completely sardonic way ? by the Brass to consult on the case. Which means leaving my monitoring station and reviewing all of their useless intel and telling them how to find their asses with both hands. And a map and a flashlight. Which, of course, means leaving our one and only concrete link to this psycho alone and unprotected.

Can I just remind you that Dave's here for Lo? That he's here for Lo alone? Dave won't go anywhere near Hub. He won't go anywhere near Point Zero. Quit treating him like one of the mindless morons we usually track and retrieve, and realize that he's smarter, faster, stronger than any of us. Lo is the only thing standing between him and mastery over the 125 Universes!

But since I'm a good little worker bee, I'll meekly submit to the Brass's wishes and turn all my monitoring equipment to full auto and queue up the recording equipment on the drones and help out your completely inept team. Just know right now that I'm asking for double time on all the overtime it'll take for me to review all the footage. Hell, I should ask for hazard pay, too, since I know damned well I'm not getting any sleep until all the tapes have been looked at.