Topic: Glimmering Haint

Der Erlkonig

Date: 2010-04-24 20:05 EST
The cat should have figured that he would find a way out of his oath. He had promised her on his powers as The Erlking, The Hunter, and Annwn that he wouldn't ever interfere with her again. But he was no longer those things. He was just Eamon now, courtless Sidhe without alliances. He owed no favors. To anyone. He had cut his ties with the Unseelie Queen when he'd thrown his sword at her feet and renounced the titles she'd given him. Let her call a different Hunter if she wanted. He was done with the politicking and the duplicity and the backstabbing.

He returned to the strange little world of Rhydin. He walked the streets once more but saw them with different eyes. Diminished eyes. He felt naked without his Power. He still had his glamour and his fighting skills. But the other-worldly Power that came with the titles was gone. Stripped from him by Maeve.

He sat night after night for a week in the Inn and watched the crowd for the cat or the siren. Neither of them showed. He listened to conversations. He drank. He plotted a way to seek the forgiveness of the cat and a way back into the siren's bed. One taste of that honeyed skin had been too much. The siren might have freed him from his slavery but not from his addiction.

And then he heard from a Red Cap who heard from a Hag who heard from Brownie who heard from a Pixie that Sevier had contacted Nerida the Dryad about Aolani, Riley and himself. The Queen was still nosing about. Of course that was an assumption but Bane was indeed the Queen's man. Two plus two always adds up to four.

He would seek out Sevier. To figure out what the Queen wanted. The bargain had been struck. The cat had been released. The Erlking was no more. Why the interest still? Sevier would have the answers. Eamon was certain of that.

Sevier Bane

Date: 2010-04-25 22:54 EST
((Crossed posted from Of Pelf And Prey ))

"What do you mean...back?" Sevier asked as he tightened his black leather gloves, the thin brow that hovered above his left eye arching in dramatic inquiry.

"Ipromiseboss,Iain'tlying.Isawhimwithmyowntwoeye s,bothofthem,andIknowitwashim." The Quickling explained, a slight shiver adding to his amalgamated sentiment, though it was hard to tell if this shiver derived from a sense of fear due to speaking about the former Erlking, or if it was just a residual effect of the small Fey's inability to hold still for very long.

"And what was he doing when you saw him, Brackenbli?"


Sevier's head tilted as he tried to decipher the rushed response which came out as more of a sound than an understandable word, ignoring the sing-song laughter of children that permeated from the Orphanage just to the south of their meeting place. "Come again?"

"Sttng!" Brackenbli said with a stomp of his foot before exploding into a blur of motion, racing in a quick and tight circle around the Dark Hunter. It was impossible to count the amount of laps the Quickling accomplished before coming to a standstill at Sevier's feet due to his preternatural speed.

"Sitting?" He guessed.

The velocity in which Brackenbli nodded distorted the details of his Faerie visage briefly.

"Where?" Sevier tried hard to mask the edge of frustration that crept below the tone of his voice. The Quicklings were wonderful infiltrators and spies, able to get in and out of most places without ever being noticed along with assessing a mass of information thanks to their accelerated mental processing, but the one drawback that was a constant hindrance was the relaying of the information they obtained. The phrase 'pulling teeth' was a severe understatement.


"For how long?"


Eyes the color of ocean-water fell closed in mathematical calculation momentarily. Because of their fast-paced lives, Quicklings did not keep time in hours, but in seconds. "Seven days. He sat in the Red Dragon Inn for seven days?" Though the crux of the question was lost to rhetoric as he nodded in self-confirmation. "Thank you, Brackenbli, you've been most helpful." He nodded before turning on a heel to begin away.

"Waitboss!" The Quickling protested, moving so fast that he seemed to simply materialize in front of Sevier. "Whatdoyouwantmetodonow?"

Sevier stopped and eyed the small Faerie. There was much to consider. Eamon was far too savvy not to eventually notice a creature as impatient as Brackenbli, and when he did, he would be able to siphon answers from the Quickling with relative ease. Sevier was not a big fan of loose ends, and with that thought in mind he reached into the inner-breast pocket of his blazer where his Harrow Rod was sheathed and fingered it curiously. He watched Brackenbli, who returned a questioning look with his own gilded stare, ever anxious to serve.

It was this loyalty that spared him, the black-gloved hand returning from its jaunt within his jacket empty. "Go home. Your service is done here. I require nothing else from you." Upon seeing the sadness that filled the Quickling's golden gaze he added. "Be diligent with your patience, Brackenbli. One with your services will not stand idle for long."

This was enough to uplift the Faerie's expression from sorrow, and with a rapid hand clapping he spun away and shot off in a blur of motion.

It was obvious to Sevier the purpose of Eamon's reasoning. There was only one explanation why he would be in one place for such a long time: He was waiting - and while Sevier didn't know exactly what he was waiting for, he was willing to bet it had something to do with Aolani or Riley. He would have to expedite his meeting with the Institute's groundkeeper, and perhaps lead their discussion in a more aggressive direction. Undoubtedly he and Eamon's paths would cross, and he was determined to know as much as he could about Mr. Wylde since his departure from the court.

This sparked another line of thought. If the Queen were to find out that Eamon had returned, this might rekindle what had become a smoldering interest in the Erlking. Having been recently promoted to her right hand, her most recognized Dark Hunter, he was not exactly keen to the idea of being replaced so soon.

He turned to the south and began away, heading toward the Glen and the School that resided nearby. Without question he and Eamon would soon meet, and Sevier decided right then that during this meeting he would be more than obliged to Introduce the fallen Huntsman to the instrument that rested just above his heart.

Der Erlkonig

Date: 2010-04-26 17:14 EST
((Adapted from live roleplay. Thank you to the players of Daniel Tej and RileyORourke.))

Daily shopping had suddenly become a way of life. Every day, between classes and right around lunchtime, Riley found herself in the Marketplace, finding food for that night's dinner. Fresh veggies and fruit, fish, sometimes a nice fillet - these all made their way into her basket. Today was no different.

Eamon remembered her building of course. He had been standing on the street opposite it masked in his glamour when she left this afternoon. Now he was following her through the Marketplace. She seemed different somehow. Not quite what he expected. He had witnessed her torture, and he expected her to be a shell, quaking and shivering. She was happy. Alive. It made him smile.

She was, indeed, happy. Happier than she'd been in a very long time. She'd laid the ghosts of her past, seen her parents, spent time in her hometown. She felt optimistic about her life for the first time since graduating from law school.

He stood in the shadows of a jeweler's cart. Running his fingers over a selection of semi-precious stone necklaces. The green, blue, and purple one. He pointed to it and handed the jeweler's girl a bit of dross that would quickly turn to a leaf after he left.

Business at the cafe was slow this afternoon, so Daniel felt comfortable leaving it in Anisha's capable hands, even during the lunch rush. He decided to head over to the Marketplace, since she went there everyday around this time to get food for the day. He figured it would be a nice surprise to catch her there. He headed towards her favorite stalls, scenting the air, casting about for her trail.

With a thoughtful moue on her face, she stood looking down at a display of early vegetables. Carrots, corn, some cabbages. Mushrooms. Did Danny like mushrooms? Hmmm...

Eamon approached her carefully, looking like a blandly handsome man. "Excuse me, miss?" he said, careful to disguise his real voice. Bland. Forgettable. That was what he was right now. Except for his eyes. He couldn't hide the centuries of existence in his eyes. They had always been his giveaway.

And there was her trail. Daniel grinned when the first hint of her scent reached his nose, and sped up a bit, following the path.

Attention captured both by the approach of the Leopard and the cute, polite guy, she cocked her head to the side and studied the newcomer. She figured he was asking for directions or something. "Yes? Can I help you?" she asked him. She was too distracted by mushrooms and Danny to notice his eyes.

Eamon held the necklace up to her. "It goes so well with your coloring, miss. Would you accept it?" He smiled safely. He was just a random guy on the street, chatting up a pretty girl, hoping for at least her name.

Daniel didn't recognize the guy talking to her, but he looked pretty unremarkable. His scent matched his appearance, too. Unremarkable. He stopped next to her, but didn't interrupt.

She looked at the necklace in his hand and then back up into his eyes. She blinked and took an involuntary step back. Something familiar about those eyes... She took a step closer to Danny when he arrived at her side. "No, no thank you. You're sweet and it is a lovely necklace, but I can't accept it. I don't even know you."

Eamon looked to the other cat. The same one who had been at her side on his last night as the Huntsman. "Please, miss? You remind me of my late wife." It wasn't a lie, not a complete lie. She did look like someone he had once loved. Someone who had been his wife when he was mortal.

Daniel nodded politely to the man, but still didn't say anything, just brushed his shoulder against her arm and raised a brow at the late wife comment. That was an interesting way to strike up a conversation.

She glanced sidelong at Danny, a brow raised. Then she turned back to Mr Blandly Handsome and nodded a little, reaching for the necklace. It was beautiful and would perfectly accentuate the dress she'd picked out for Lilliana's pre-Beltane bash. "Thank you," she said softly. "I'm...I'm sorry to hear about her death." And it was true - she knew what it was like to lose someone with whom you were in love.

Eamon's fingers brushed against hers as she took the necklace from him. His control slipped a little and his image wavered. Like a mirage in the dessert. For a split second he was Eamon.

"No," she said and took another step back, bumping into Danny, the necklace falling from her hand. "You swore!" She could feel the Jaguar waking and pressing against her, filling her head with growls and the soft brush of fur.

Daniel looked over at her and shrugged a bit. There didn't seem to be any harm in accepting the gift. When he looked back, however, and saw the man's form suddenly shift like a bad TV image, he tensed and a low growl involuntarily escaped his lips. He stepped forward, weaving around her when she backed up, putting himself in between them.

He dropped the glamour all together. He was himself once more. But less. He no longer had the Power of his place as Huntsman. He didn't reek of the stuff now. He was just a courtless Sidhe now. Powerful but not scary. He glared at the other cat as he stood between them. "This is none of your business."

She peered at Eamon over Danny's shoulder, both grateful for the Leopard's protection and finding that it chafed a little, too. "You are an oathbreaker. I name you oathbreaker!" She could feel the air around them still - like the world was holding its breath to see how the Fae responded. She was completely unaware of the diminished power. He was still Eamon, her Betrayer.

"I swore on my Power as the Huntsman. As the Erlking. As Annwn. I am those things no longer. I am not an Oathbreaker. I am courtless now. Because of you." The world exhaled. The Fae had spoken truly.

"Not my business?? Daniel growled. ?I was there when you swore to leave her alone. If nothing else, I'm a witness to your oath."

She frowned, a little shocked at this news. "What do you mean, because of me? I didn't do anything to you." She stopped when Danny spoke up. Yeah, she thought. What he said.

"I am not interfering. That was my oath. Not to interfere with her." He looked to Riley again. A sad and tired expression on his face. "When I saw the way she treated you I left. I threw my sword at her feet, and I renounced my titles. I am courtless. Bound to no one but myself."

"Well, whoopie-doo for you." Then the rest of his statement caught up with her and her eyes burned with outrage. "The way she treated me?! You delivered me to her! You sent me into that sh*t hole!" She tried to push past Danny to gut the Fae as he stood there.

Der Erlkonig

Date: 2010-04-26 17:14 EST
"Riley Brighid O'Rourke," he said and wove some glamour into the speaking of her Name. She would feel an urge to remain calm, to listen to him, and to give him a chance to explain.

She felt a sudden and completely unexpected wave of calm. She gritted her teeth, seeing it for what it really was. "No," she said and took a step forward moving around Danny to stand in front of the Fae. "You're not using your mojo on me!"

Now that wasn't what Daniel had expected. Whatever could be expected from a Faerie, it wasn't that. He remembered Riley telling him that the Fae couldn't tell a direct lie, they could only twist the that meant the Fae really had renounced his titles. He felt her push, and stepped aside. It was still her fight, if she wanted it.

Eamon did not know this word. But he suspected it meant his magic. She was resisting. He dropped the glamour, knowing it was useless. "Please, Riley." He held his hands up to the cats, showing that they were empty. He meant no harm. "I only want to talk to you. I want to explain to you what happened."

"What makes you think I want to hear your bullsh*t?" she barked at him.

This was not working. He took a step back, still keeping his hands up and fighting the urge to clobber them both with glamour. He turned to the man. Maybe he would understand. "I need to explain to her what happened. I need to ask for her forgiveness."

Daniel reached up and put one hand on her shoulder, letting her know he was behind her, whatever choice she made. It seemed to him that using glamour on her would surely be considered interference, but he kept his silence, even when the Fae spoke to him. It was Riley's show.

She pursed her lips in annoyance. "Hello? 'Her' is right here. Stop talking about me like I'm not."

"I apologize," Eamon sighed heavily. "I was compelled. I couldn't refuse the Queen. Do you understand? I was under a geas."

Her eyes narrowed. She didn't want to be standing here, listening to a rational, calm, logical explanation from him. She wanted to hate him. She wanted to always feel the overwhelming desire to eat his face. It was hard to in the face of his diminished nature. He said he'd given up his Power for her. The Fae couldn't lie. She swallowed and nodded once, curtly, allowing him to continue if he wanted.

Eamon gave her a grateful and relieved look. "The Queen forced me to take you. I honestly did not want to. I-" he looked to the other cat, feeling guilty and not wanting to explain the next part. Riley needed to know. "I loved you a little bit," he said in a whisper.

Daniel squeezed her shoulder lightly in approval. He was proud of her for controlling her anger like that. Well, he certainly couldn't fault the Fae's taste.

She was very nearly horrified. She shuddered involuntarily and cast about for Danny's hand, needing his touch to ward off the knowledge that Eamon had fallen for her. "Well, yanno, my f*cking heart breaks for you."

Daniel took her hand, holding it firmly, even glancing at her for a moment before returning his attention to the Sidhe.

Eamon frowned. There was that biting humor that he disliked so much. He shook his head. "I am sorry. Truly. Please. You must believe me."

Knowing what Daniel did about the Fae, it was hard not to believe him. He wasn't sure, though, how much it mattered if Eamon was telling the truth or not. Actions louder than words, and all.

She licked her lips and reluctantly nodded. She did believe him. So help her, she believed him. "And what was Aolani's part in all of this?"

"The Sierene surrendered to the Queen in exchange for your freedom. She destroyed me. Made me her slave. To prove her worth to Maeve. This, too, was done for you."

She snorted and shook her head. "On your life, Sidhe - tell me the truth." She'd been told nearly the same thing by the succubus on the night of her return. The explanation had fallen flat.

"On my life, Riley. Aolani destroyed me for a night, made me her slave, just to prove her worth to Maeve. She exchanged one use of this power for your freedom."

Daniel remembered his few encounters with the Sierene, and had no trouble believing that she would do something like that. She was truly evil, that one. Self-serving without exception.

Riley's breath was stolen from her. She staggered and would have fallen if she'd not been holding Danny's hand. Lani had told her the truth. She'd thrown away her relationship with the succubus and the Phantom because of an erroneous assumption. She'd declared war on the Sovereignty because she'd thought she knew better. She turned to Danny, throwing herself into his arms. It was too much to accept. It was too much to deal with, so close on the heels of her encounter with Rhys.

Eamon looked to the man. Confusion was plain on his face. This was not the reaction he had been expecting. Always the cat was confusing, keeping him off balance.

Her relationship with the succubus had always been, and still remained, a bit of a mystery to Daniel because she never spoke of it. He didn't quite understand why she'd reacted the way she did, either. That didn't stop him from wrapping his arms around her and holding her tightly, though. Whatever else, he'd give her the comfort he could.

"Is she-" he started to ask Daniel, but stopped because he felt he had no right to inquire about her. He looked to the woman and reached out to touch her back, but he stopped again, his hand hanging in the air between them for a moment. No, he had no right to touch her either. "I am sorry, Riley."

Eamon's words didn't fall on deaf ears; some small part of her heard them and accepted them. "Take me home," she whispered to Danny. She wanted to curl up with him and have a good cry.

Eamon nodded, knowing she'd heard him, and looked to the man. "There are other Fae here, in the City," he said to Daniel. "They are searching for answers on the Queen's behalf. Be aware." He turned to leave. He wanted to say more, to ask the man to keep the cat safe. But he knew even without asking that Daniel would. Without words he knew that there was love between them.

Daniel nodded as well, both to her request and in response to the Fae's warning. He wasn't sure what to make of this seeming reversal of enemies, but there was no way he'd push the issue now. He had someone more important to take care of. So he just turned and lead her away towards home.

Der Erlkonig

Date: 2010-06-27 21:45 EST
He knew what she dreamed of. He knew what spirits and specters haunted her nights. He could feel the feverish buzzing of her dream self when it went traveling into the Nevernever. He could even see it when she dreamed of Faeries and demons. He felt her agony and confusion when the succubus's sentinel killed her dream self. He knew when her will diminished under Maeve's heavy handed force and when it made its triumphant resurgence.

And then there came the curious day when she entered Faerie. Her presence rang out with the clear clarion call of a church bell. He rushed to the spot only to see her shoved back into reality by a stranger who himself them disappeared by going deeper into the Nevernever. The former leader of the Wild Hunt was confused by this. Why had she been in Faerie and who was the stranger who had apparently shoved her back out into safety?

Eamon himself could not enter reality until after the Summer Solstice. Despite renouncing his titles and leaving the Winter Court, he was still bound by their laws somehow. He was still at his core Unseelie and now was the Summer Court's time. Their powers were at their strongest from Spring Equinox until Fall Equinox. However these powers began waning enough for the Unseelie to move through the Veil after the Solstice. He would wait and bide his time until he could see her once more. He would watch for her though, hoping she came back to Faerie and stayed long enough for him to find her.