Topic: Hunters: Did I have a dream...or did the dream have me?

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-12-17 13:18 EST
Flying through hallucination
Distant voices, signal fires
Lighting up my unconscious
And the secret places of the heart

Dream - temporary madness
Dream - a voice in the wilderness
Dream - unconscious revelations
The morning says, the answer is yes

"Nocturne" - Rush

The snow had just finished falling as they made their way up the Red Dragon's street. It was fluffy, happy snow that fell, painting over the lingering, dirty snow with a fresh coat of white, sparkling in the trees and on the roofs of the buildings. Bundled up in wool and silk and leathers, black and purple mostly, but the scarf and gloves were striped in bright colours as a contrast, the Cat was walking through the streets with her head tilted up, eyes slitted closed, tongue poking out from between full, lush lips. She realised that she probably looked absolutely ridiculous, but fresh snow always made her feel like a girl again.

David glanced back and forth between her and the street, chuckling softly at the expression on her face. "You look like you're about twelve," he said. It was definitely cute, though. He reached a playful finger out towards the tip of her tongue, grinning. It was kind of funny how much she liked the snow, all things considered.

"Ew!" she squealed as he touched the tip of her tongue. With a not-quite-gentle elbow to his ribs, she turned her head and glared at him. "I don't know where that finger has been. And I do not look like I'm twelve." She stamped her foot, the very picture of a five-year-old winding up for a temper tantrum.

He laughed, pulling his hand back. "Oof." Then he made a show of looking her over. "Okay, maybe not twelve."

She gave him a coy little smile and executed a perfect pirouette, showing off the new dress and stockings and cardigan and boots and... "You look great, la mei," David said. "As always."

"I'm hot," she said sagely. "And freezing. Buy a girl a drink?"

"You bet." He took her hand and lead her up the stairs to the porch, then pulled the door open and glanced inside. Looked pretty quiet in there. He looked over at her, then walked inside, unzipping the light coat he wore. "What're you in the mood for?"

"I think I want hot cocoa and marshmallows tonight." She gave him a lopsided smirk. "Because if I look like I'm 12, I should probably stay away from the alcohol, huh? Wouldn't want a former Watch constable to get brought up on charges of aiding to the delinquency of a minor." She stripped off the gloves and shoved them into the pockets of her trench coat before unbuttoning it as she followed him to the bar. Once there, she slipped out of the coat and laid it very carefully over the stool next to her.

He snorted. "Be the least of my troubles if you were," he muttered as he walked up to the bar. Like magic, a 'tender appeared where none had been before. "Good timing," he commented. "Can I get a couple of mugs of hot cocoa with marshmallows, please?" He flashed the tender a quick grin as he ordered.

From the back of the tavern, where few might notice, the portal had started to shimmer with a strange golden light. The shimmering seemed to grow stronger, brighter, as if emanating from the portal into the room. A warm, almost comforting light. All of a sudden, the golden light brightened, like sun shining from the portal into the inn and then there was a brighter flash of light and a man appeared as if out of thin air at the back of the tavern.

The bright flash caught David and Riley's attention, and they turned just in time to see the man materialize. The expression on the man's face was one of bewilderment, to put it mildly. He was dressed in jeans and a t shirt, beneath a brown jacket, and he was literally holding a smoking gun in his hand. The first words out of his mouth were a pretty strong but muttered expletive that sounded like "What the f*ck??

Her nostrils flaring, threat assessment taken like others breathe. The Cat smelled cordite, leather, confusion and something else that tugged at memories long buried. She frowned in confusion, trying to place the source of those memories.

David reached into a pocket and pulled out a couple of coins, handing them over to the tender before taking the two mugs. He handed one to Riley, then turned to keep an eye on the guy with the smoking gun. It was a familiar look on the guy's face. He'd seen it on any number of new arrivals. The gun was of a bit more concern, though. He shifted slightly, letting go of his mug to free his hands up.

The scent... She whipped her head around, the mug of cocoa falling to the floor and shattering against the wooden boards, sending hot chocolate in all directions. "Rhys," she breathed and slipped off the stool, her eyes fixed on the man, wide with fear and concern.

The man looked at the woman who was addressing him, his mouth forming words but nothing came out. He still had the gun gripped tightly in his hand, as if he was frozen to the spot.

"What?" David stared at Riley, not sure he'd heard her correctly.

She took a few steps closer, her hands open, palms out towards him. "Rhys? Is it...really you?" Part of her, that small part of her that was removed from her conscious as a whole was commenting on the fact that she'd just become a cliche.

The man turned toward the familiar voice and his heart leaped into his throat. No, it couldn't be her... could it? "Riley?" he asked, doubtfully. He must be dreaming or something. It was a trick.

Their eyes locked and she smiled softly, automatically. "It is, isn't it?" She moved closer, reaching out, her hand hovering in the distance between them like a humming bird deciding where to land. David pushed away from the bar, following a step or two behind her.

As she approached him, he finally lowered the gun. "What the hell...?"

She chuckled at his reaction and her hand curled away from him, balling into a loose fist and coming to rest at her side. She opened her mouth to speak - so many questions! - but nothing came out. She glanced at David as if he could help some how.

"Uh," he said slowly. "This is Rhys?" Not much help there.

The man Riley had named as Rhys followed her glance toward the man with Riley, not recognizing him. Not recognizing anyone but her. "Where am I?"

"Yeah, this is Rhys." Oh, god. Rhys and David. In the same room. Together. "This is Rhy'Din. Remember?" Oh, god. He still didn't remember...

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-12-17 13:20 EST
Rhys noticed how she had reached out for him but hadn't touched him. He slipped the gun back into his jacket finally, realizing it was probably not needed.

David nodded, falling silent again. He was kind of out of things to say for the moment. At least the gun was away now. He relaxed slightly, unconsciously.

"Rhydin?" he repeated. It sounded vaguely familiar. He looked her over. "I thought you were in Boston."

She, too, relaxed when he holstered the gun and gave him another smile. "I was. I came home, though. What...what are you doing here?"

"Hell if I know." He looked around again, furrowing his brows at the place and the people. "I need a drink."

One side of David's mouth curved into a brief grin at that. He knew exactly how Rhys felt.

"Yeah, me, too." She chuckled softly and then glanced towards David, a brow raised. "The good stuff?" she asked him.

"Definitely," he answered immediately. If any situation called for the good stuff, this was it.

She headed towards the bar again, only a supreme act of will keeping her upright. She sat back on the stool and pressed her hands tightly against her thighs, blotting the nervous sweat from them. "Keaton, love?" she called out to the tender, impressed that her voice wasn't shaking.

Rhys looked over at David again, wondering who the hell he was and more importantly what he was to Riley. "Hey, Ri... did you do something to your hair?"

"What?" Rhys's question caught her off guard and her hand rose to pat at her hair. "No. Why does everyone keep asking me that?" She turned back to Keaton. "Under the bar, next to the till, is a bottle of 20-year-old port-aged Glenmorangie scotch. That and three highball glasses and I won't tell anyone where you keep your tails."

"I don't know. You look different." But maybe that was just due to his memory lapse. He settled himself on a stool, mostly because he wasn't sure if he'd be able to remain standing without passing out much longer. He was doing his best to take things in stride, but some things you just didn't take in stride.

That was a look he'd seen on her face before, too. He didn't say anything else, just leaned back against the bar again, pressing his shoulder against hers. He could feel the tremors going through her, and reached up to squeeze her shoulder gently. "Take a breath, la mei," he whispered.

Rhys looked over at David, who seemed to be Riley's shadow. His initial reaction was to make a smart remark, but he wasn't feeling comfortable enough to do that just yet. "So, are you going to introduce us or should I just guess?"

She grabbed the bottle and the glasses and then nodded to a booth across from them. "Maybe...uh...maybe we should go over there?"

"We as in the three of us?" He was looking between David and Riley again.

"Yeah, maybe that's a good idea." David headed over to the indicated booth, going through everything she'd told him about Rhys again. How he hadn't remembered her at all last time she'd seen him. He seemed to recognize her now, though.

"Yes, as in the three of us. David, this is Rhys Bristol. Rhys, this is David Lo." She took a deep breath, seeking her Center and headed towards a booth. The bottle and the glasses rattled together softly.

"Awesome," Rhys muttered under his breath, meaning exactly the opposite.

This didn't seem like the best time to be shaking hands, so he just nodded in response to the introductions. "Rhys," he said. "I've...heard a lot about you." The cliche disease was catching, clearly.

"Yeah, maybe you can fill me in because I don't remember sh*t." He followed Riley to the booth, really needing that drink now. He slid himself onto the banquette opposite David, forcing Riley to choose sides.

She settled into the booth next to David and across from Rhys. Sides had been chosen. She set the bottle on the table and poured out three rather hefty drinks, the neck of the bottle rattling against the glasses with a pronounced clink. New nightmare come to life.

David slid over a bit to let her in and rested his hands on the table. When she poured the drink, he took a hefty slug from it and forced himself to relax, leaning back against the wall of the booth.

She mirrored David, nearly draining the glass before refilling it. She was silent for a long time, just staring at Rhys, her eyes moving over his face as if trying to convince herself that she was not imagining things or dreaming.

"So, tell me...? Rhys said. ?Am I dreaming? Is this some trick? Because if it is, I'd like to wake up now."

She laughed as Rhys spoke her thoughts. "No, I'm pretty sure this isn't a dream." She didn't touch on tricks though, considering their shared history. Under the table, she reached for David's hand. He squeezed her hand a little desperately, though his face never changed.

Rhys closed a hand around the glass, tipped it back, and down the scotch went down his throat. He immediately reached for the bottle and refilled their glasses.

"So, uh..." she started, intelligently. Give her a second and she'd be drooling.

"Okay, so if it's not a dream then... why am I here and maybe more importantly... how did I get here? Oh, wait... let me guess. Demons." He tossed back the second glass like it was water and poured a third. He'd take his time with the third. Maybe.

She went perfectly still, not breathing, not blinking. A chill stair-stepped up her spine, lifting the hairs on the back of her neck and along her forearms. When she was finally capable of drawing breath, she asked in a harsh voice, ?What do you remember??

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-12-17 13:20 EST
"What do I remember? I remember f*cking Namaah, that's what I remember." He was getting angry now. He'd just about had it with demons screwing with his life.

"Oh, god," she whispered, clenching the glass in her hand hard enough that it squeaked in protest. She set it down quickly before it shattered. "Namaah? You''re sure?"

Rhys shrugged. "Said her name was Namaah. She was wearing a dental hygienest." He sighed and leaned back, shoving a hand through his hair and realizing the full implications not only of what he'd done but of what was happening. "Christ... I think I shot her."

She glanced towards the bar, saw that they had an audience, and reached for the curtains, ticking them closed and blocking out the view. "So you..." She paused and cleared her throat around the lump her heart had made. "You don't know Namaah, then? You don't...remember last year still?"

"What the hell am I doing here, Riley? I can't stay here." Her question took him aback and he frowned. "Know her? She's a demon. That's all I know. She said she was going to..." He broke off. "You're not safe here."

She reached out to touch his hand with just the very tips of her fingers. "It's okay," she said softly. She shook her head and glanced at David. "I'm fine. You're fine. Just...tell me what happened before you stepped out of that portal. Tell me exactly what happened, okay? Don't leave anything out."

Rhys took a deep breath and set the glass down, noticing that his hands were starting to shake. "I was in Chicago... staying with a friend." Okay, more than a friend, but she didn't need to know that. "We were going to Dylan's place. You know who Dylan is, right?" He glanced between them again, not really know how much David knew about their past.

"Yes, I know Dylan." She gave David a look that said she'd explain later. Under the table she squeezed his hand, infinitely grateful that he was there.

He tried to refocus his thoughts. "I was packing the truck and this girl shows up. Not bad looking. Under other circumstances..." He paused. "Anyway.... She had black eyes. I mean black black. No pupils."

"Demon," she said softly, mostly for David's benefit.

"She... seemed to know me." He averted his gaze, looking to the shot glass and having to stifle a shiver that ran down his spine. "I've been reading my journal. The one I wrote before... the accident. I might not remember what happened, but my own words don't lie. She said if I went with her, she'd spare your life." The bravado left him suddenly and he felt sick with guilt. "And I shot her."

She bit her lip and sighed softly. "Self-defense, Rhys. You had to."

"Jesus, I shouldn't have shot her, Ri." He shoved his fingers through his hair.

"Maybe you're still a crap shot and it went wide."

Another drink. That's what he needed. He lifted the glass but found his hand was shaking too much and he set it back on the table. He seemed to finally be realizing the reality of the situation. "It didn't go wide." He knew it didn't go wide. He'd seen the blood.

"What were you doing in Chicago? You were living in New York in April."

"What are you doing in Rhydin?" He turned the question back around on her and he looked to David. "Are you a couple?"

David glanced at Riley, then back at Rhys. "Yes."

"I'm living here. I told you... No, I didn't. I told Gina that." She glanced at David when Rhys asked about them being together. She turned back to answer Rhys, but David beat her to it.

Rhys merely nodded, seeming to take that in. Well, what did he expect? Of course, she'd moved on. He didn't remember her and she'd moved on. He was happy for her, sort of. The demons had screwed that up, too. "I'm happy for you." The look on his face didn't match his words, but he'd had his chance and he'd lost any claim to her heart long ago. He reached for the cross he always wore about his neck, but it was gone.

One corner of her mouth twitched in a reflexive smile. "Thanks," she said softly. Then she frowned severely and raised an elegant hand to rub against her temple. "So...Namaah showed up, tried to convince you to go with her, you shot her and ended up here? That about right?"

"That's the Readers Digest version."

"And this was the first time you'd seen Namaah or any of the others since...uh...last year?"

"Yeah, but... something or someone was trailing me in Iowa."

"Iowa? What the hell... Oh... I get it. You've started remembering things, right?"

"I went back home to try and sort things out, yeah. I called Adam. Do you know Adam?" He wasn't sure what she did and did not know.

She shook her head slowly and took a sip of the scotch. "No, I don't know Adam."

"Adam is David's nephew." From what he'd read in his journal, he assumed she knew David. "He's F.B.I."

"David... Dylan's friend? The Apache, Navajo, whatever?"

"Yeah... He set me up with a hunter in Chicago. I holed up there for a few days, and we were getting ready to head to PA when the demon b*tch showed up. But..." He furrowed his brows again, as if trying to puzzle it all out. "I don't think she sent me here."

"Maybe you hit something besides just her when you shot her," David offered. His own trip to Rhy'Din had been due to something similar.

Rhys looked at David. "Like what?"

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-12-17 13:21 EST
David shrugged a bit. "I got here when I kicked a high-tech cell-phone off...a guy's...belt. Maybe this demon had something for traveling places on her, and you winged it."

He shook his head, not that he didn't believe David or that it wasn't a possibly explanation. He just didn't think demons needed any high-tech devices that helped them travel. They just seemed able to be where they wanted to be when they wanted to be there. But... so far, no one had followed him. He drew back the curtain and looked over at the portal. "There's something else... Two things..."

"Lovely," she muttered and drained her glass before pouring more scotch into it.

"She took Dylan's cross." That was the first thing.

Riley nodded. "I know."

He looked back at Riley, wrinkling his forehead. "What do you mean?"

"I...I dreamt about it last week."

David glanced quickly at her when she said she knew, remembering the nightmare she'd told him about. "Sh*t," he muttered quietly.

"You dreamed about what? About me?" Rhys asked, confused.

She glanced at David, her eyes going wide. "You told me not to ignore it. Oh, hell..."

"Sucks being right sometimes," he answered.

Rhys was looking between them again, curiously. "What's going on?"

She sipped more scotch and cleared her throat. "Namaah came to me in this dream. She had your cross, said that you were kicking over rocks and she popped out from underneath one. She...she threatened me. She said she'd have you soon, and then she'd kill everyone I know and love and then...then me. She said you were trying to remember what happened last summer."

Rhys was getting really confused now. Confused and angry again. "Last week? But I just saw her..."

"Yeah, last week." She gave Rhys a wry smile. "The nexus is...cantankerous. What day is it?"

"I..." He broke off. "What month is it? Hell, what year is it?"

"You tell me."

?May,? Rhys answered.

"May," she repeated and glanced sidelong at David. He met her look, shook his head.

"May 2010." The day seemed irrelevant, at least, for now.

She tugged open the curtain that enclosed the booth and pointed to the windows. Snow was steadily falling outside, piling up on snow that had clearly been there for at least two or three weeks. "It's December the sixteenth."

He turned his head to look out the windows, getting a sinking feeling in his pit of his stomach. "December," he repeated. Where had he been for the last seven months?

She sat back in the booth, letting the curtain fall closed once more, arms crossing over her chest, and exhaled sharply. "So. You've been digging around, trying to remember your past, and... and Hell seems disturbed by this. Like they're...afraid or something."

"Afraid of what you might remember, or do in remembering," David added.

"I don't think it was demons that brought me here, Ri. I don't think this is where they wanted me to go." He heard them both, and was trying to puzzle it all out with them.

"If it's not Hell, then the only alternative is..." Blood drained from her face. "Sh*t," she swore viciously.

"Yeah," he echoed her expletive in his heart if not his words. "They're screwing with our lives again."

She laughed, but it was a bitter, mirthless sound. She gave David a soft smile, her tone only half-joking. "It's not too late to call it off, David." He just stared at her.

"I should go back. You know how to send me back?" He broke off, looking between them and sensing something going on between them that he was definitely not a part of.

"I was joking," she said softly then turned and looked at Rhys. "No, you can't go back. I mean, you were sent here for a reason. So...maybe we should figure that out before we do anything too rash."

"Someone sent me here for a reason. It's not a coincidence that you're here. They sent me here because you're here." It was pretty obvious once he thought about it a little. "The question is... why?"

She nodded. "Yeah, that's my thinking, too. But I have no idea why. I mean... The Trinity is broken. John is..." She cleared her throat again and looked down. "John's gone."

"If they're working against the demons,? David said, ?they think having you both in the same place will make it easier to stop them." He gave her hand another squeeze, letting her know that he knew she was joking, and wasn't bothered by it.

"To kill two birds with one stone or..." He trailed off, another thought coming to mind. "We're stronger together than apart."

David nodded. "It's simple tactics. A lone person is easier to take out than a group."

She clenched her jaw, the look on her face probably quite familiar to both men - the look of sheer, bloody-minded stubbornness. "I am not dancing to their tune again. I have no intentions of going back to Earth. I'm not... I'm not a part of this bullsh*t anymore."

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-12-17 13:22 EST
The mention of John made his heart ache, but he didn't really remember John, only what he'd read and been told of him. "Maybe you should send me back, Riley. Live your life. Be happy."

"Oh, sure.? she snapped. ?Send you back to have whatever memories you have now completely erased, or so you can watch Gina and Janet slaughtered before they kill you, too." She snorted and by-passed the glass this time, drinking straight from the bottle.

"You said it yourself... You're not part of this anymore. It's me they want. It's always been me. You shouldn't have to deal with this bullshit. John died because of me. Dylan and David and... I don't want you to be part of that list!"

"That's crap, Rhys. Don't pull the martyr card now. Not after..." She trailed off and shook her head.

"It's not the martyr card. It's the truth. If you'd never met me, you'd be soaking up the sun right now back in Tucson. Orla would still be alive. John and Gina would be married." The list went on and on, and yes, he thought it was all his fault somehow.

She snorted. "Right, 'cos that's all on you. I certainly didn't bring the f*cking Fae into everything, or leave you in New York to go home to Tucson alone or anything."

"He doesn't want it either." He nodded his head to David.

David shook his head. "No, I don't, but what I want won't change reality. She's already been threatened. If you go back now, all you're doing is making yourself an easier target."

She clenched her teeth so tightly that the muscles in the corners of her jaw jumped wildly. "This is counter-productive. We don't have time to waste playing the blame game. What happened, happened. There's no point in second guessing decisions that were made over 18 months ago."

He glowered at them both. He was stubborn and hated it when other people were right, which was more often than not, the case. "Okay, so what do we do now? We have a menage a trois and wait for the sons of bitches to find us?"

"We...stop drinking, for one and..." She broke off and blinked in shock. "A what?" The comment brought a startled burst of laughter from David.

?Never mind." Stop drinking? He had a third glass sitting there and he wasn't giving it up. He pulled it closer, almost covetously. He was looking between them again. "It was a joke. A menage a trois... a threesome?" He sighed. "Never mind.?

She glanced at David, a brow raised and a nervous little giggle escaping her. "I need air. I'm going outside.? She tugged open the curtains again and slid out of the booth, a little wobbly on those long legs for a moment. Too much shock, too much scotch, just too much. She slipped her coat on, tugged on the gloves she dug out of a pocket and with Rhys's explanation burning in her cheeks, headed for the door. Once she was out, David pushed himself out of the booth as well and went to the door, not even pausing to zip up his light jacket.

Pushing through the door, she stepped out onto the porch, taking a deep breath of...cigarette smoke. Please excuse her while she doubles over coughing and sneezing and just generally dying of asphyxia. She grabbed the wall and edged towards the opposite side of the porch, trying to calm the coughing and sneezing and her hammering heart. Once there she transferred that grip to the railing and leaned out over it, inhaling the cold, clean air.

David put his hand on her back, just lightly resting it there. "You okay?" He wasn't just talking about the smoke.

The touch of David's hand had her spinning and pressing her face into his chest, a fine trembling racing up and down her body. "No," she said, her voice muffled. "I am very not okay."

He put both arms around her, leaning down to rest his forehead on the top of her head. "Shhh," he murmured. "I got you."

"What the hell, David? Why can't they just leave me alone, for god's sake? I don't want any part of whatever nonsense they're stirring up."

"I know."

She raised her head and looked up at him, tears shining in her eyes. "I just... I want to live a quiet life."

He kissed her quickly, just a light brush of lips. "Me too. We'll get it one day."

She brushed angrily at her eyes, horrified at the thought that people who were not David seeing her cry. "So...what do we do? We can't just leave him here. I feel...responsible for him. Would you mind putting him up in the spare bedroom?" Ooh. That's right, Riley. Ask currently fiance to put former fiance up in your house. That's gonna win major brownie points!

He'd been about to suggest the Gardens, himself. "Uh... Sure." That wouldn't be uncomfortable at all. Nope.

Nostrils flared and she caught David's scent. She had the grace to blush. "The Gardens, instead?"

When she blushed, he suddenly felt like a heel. "I... Of course it's weird, how could it not be? But honestly, I was thinking the wards there would be safer."

She nodded and gave him a sheepish smile. "Fiora's inside. I'll go talk to her, ask her what's open."

A familiar looking guy was thrown violently through the front door and roll out onto the porch. David started to speak, then broke off when Rhys came through the door like an unwilling bowling ball. "The hell?" David glanced in through the open door, trying to see if someone had thrown Rhys, or what.

She went and knelt next to Rhys, hooking her hand under his elbow to draw him up onto his feet. "What did you do?" she asked him.

"Huh?" He looked up at Riley... or Rileys. There were three of her.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-12-17 13:23 EST
"Get up, Rhys. You're gonna freeze your butt off, laying down there."

"Five more minutes, Mom," he muttered as he staggered to his feet.

She handed him off to David, a quick, "Keep an eye on him," and she headed inside once more, looking around for Fiora. Oh, look. John Benandanti. Apparently it was old home week at the Red Dragon Inn. If Eamon walked in, she was going home and hiding under her bed. Spotting Fiora, she made a beeline for her. After speaking with the Gardens' manager, she discovered that Rhys would have his choice of three lofts. Fiora said she'd leave the keys to unit 3A with Cheung. Riley thanked her and headed back to the porch. Once back outside, she took in the scene, caramel gaze jumping from Rhae to the unnamed Granger, to Rhys, to David. Then she closed her eyes and wished fervently to be somewhere else right now.

David turned and looked at Riley when she came back out. "I think he's okay."

She nodded. "So, I need to go to the Gardens and pick up the key for the loft at some point."

"We should do it soon. I think he needs some rest," David said softly.

She nodded and glanced down at Rhys. "Rhys? Can you walk a little?"

"I can walk." The man had his pride, after all.

"Good, 'cos I'm not carrying your butt anywhere." She hooked her hand under his arm and dragged him to his feet again. "Let's go then."

Rhys got up off the bench, with her help, swaying a little. "Where are we going?"

"Your home away from home," she said and carefully guided him down the steps. David stepped around to the other side of Rhys, but didn't touch him again, just kept ready in case. She could handle him just fine.

Rhys tried not to lean into her too much, but he didn't have much choice. ?Congratulations," he muttered.

She frowned as they made their way towards WestEnd. "Congratulations on what?"

"Your engagement."

"Oh. Thank you," she said softly. Awkward.

David was in full cop mode as they went down the street, checking every shadow and motion. There was no telling if someone or something was coming after Rhys soon. Her own Super-Kitty senses were on overload - her nose was working overtime, scenting everything and everyone, ears strained above the blanket of silence the falling snow created.? Soon, they came to the WestEnd and the Zen Gardens building loomed welcoming in the distance. The building was four stories and very obviously Asian in design.? On either side of the front door sat two enormous bronze Foo Dog statues, which were in turn surrounded by small groves of bamboo.? Just above the roof line, more trees were visible, their naked branches still somehow beautiful in the snow.

Once they'd retrieved the key from Mr Cheung, the building's grumpy super, Riley realised that the heat and water had long been turned off in the loft that Rhys would be staying in. With David's permission, Rhys could stay with them at Twin Oaks until his new loft was habitable. They all trooped back over the bridge, through the dale, to Riley and David's house they went.

When they got home, David unlocked the door and pushed it open, standing back to let them both go in before him. She ducked inside, nostrils flaring as a matter of course, testing the air both in and around Twin Oaks, so named for the two huge oak trees that stood sentinel on either side of the house.? She nodded through the archway opposite the front door.? "Kitchen's there," she explained and then pointed to a closed door off to the right.? "Our bedroom's there.? Yours is at the top of the stairs, first door on the left." David waited a few moments, checking the street again, then came inside and locked the door, double-checked it.?

Rhys's hands were shoved in his pockets and he withdrew them as he stepped into the house, blowing on them to warm them. "Nice place." Beat the hell out of his crappy little garage apartment back in Brooklyn.

"Thanks.? We just finished remodeling it a little while ago."?

"You a cop or something?" Rhys just got that feeling about David, and there had been a time before he'd lost his memory when he'd had some stirrings of psychic abilities.

David turned and nodded at Rhys.? "I was a cop, yeah.? Ten years." Then he headed towards the kitchen. "Either of you hungry?"

She shook her head at David's question, "Not hungry, but I'll make some tea or something.? Sound good?"

"Speak for yourself. I'm starving," Rhys said.

She smiled; same old Rhys, even if he couldn't remember.? She headed into the kitchen, grabbing the tea kettle to fill it with water and set it on the stove to heat.? Then she opened the fridge, grabbing out bread, butter, mozzarella cheese, balsamic vinegar and fresh basil leaves - the makings of Grilled Cheese O'Rourke.

"How'd you end up here?" he asked David, as he started wandering around, looking at this thing and that.

"A guy who looked just like me came to kill me one day."

Rhys arched a brow. He could only relate in terms of things he knew about. "Doppelganger?"

David shook his head.? "He was...well, he was me.? Only not from the same universe.? Dimension.? I don't know."

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-12-17 13:24 EST
She listened to them talking while she made the sandwiches and tea.? A thousand different thoughts were chasing each other like kittens playing through her head.? Why was Rhys here?? How'd he get here?? What did she do with him?? What could she do for him?? Were the Fae far behind?? Demons?? Angels?

"Why was he trying to kill you?" Rhys was looking around, taking in the decor. It was comfortable and stylish but it was their home, not his. He picked up the... what was that... an elephant? He picked it up and looked at it idly, for no other reason that to keep his hands busy and then set it back down.

"Power,? David answered. ?He thought that if he killed all of the other...hims...that he would become a god. Maybe he was right, too.? Each time he killed one...the rest of us got stronger."

Rhys's brow lifted again as he looked over at David, curiously. "What happened? I mean, you're obviously you."

"He's dead."? There was a lot going on in those two words.? Anger, regret, worry, and more.

The tea kettle shrilled and Riley took it off the heat, pouring water into one of three mugs, then added green tea with jasmine to each cup.? The sandwiches were done soon after.? She slid them off the skillet and onto a platter.? "Come eat, guys," she called as she shuttled the platter from the counter to the table, followed by the tea mugs, plates, and silverware.

"You killed him?" He heard Riley, but he didn't budge from the spot until he had David's answer.

He nodded.? "I killed him."? Then he turned and went into the kitchen. Fair enough. So, the guy was a cop and he'd had his own crap to deal with. He wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty. That was good to know.

She was seated with her back against the wall, facing the archway that led in from the kitchen, both hands wrapped around a mug of tea.? Her expression was pensive, thoughtful, her eyes distant. David went over to her and rested his hand on her arm for a moment, then picked up a mug and sat down. She glanced up at him, smiled softly and bumped his knee with hers under the table.? She sipped her tea quietly, still thinking, still putting pieces together.

He followed David into the kitchen, not missing the brief but tender show of affection, frowning a little enviously. He wasn't going to go over the what ifs and if onlys in his head or it would drive him crazy. But he had that feeling again that he was the third wheel. He had just thrown a monkey wrench into their lives and all he could do was try to stay out of their way as much as possible. He joined them at the table, quietly taking a seat.

She nodded to the platter of sandwiches.? "You loved these," she said to Rhys.? "Grilled cheese O'Rourke.? About the only thing I could cook when we were...? Last summer."

Rhys nodded slightly and reached for a sandwich, not sure if he was hungry or not anymore. What was he supposed to say to that? He didn't remember her cooking or anything about last summer. "Looks and smells good."

David took half a sandwich and bit into it, glad for the excuse not to have to say anything for a little while.?

"I think...? I think I'm gonna head to bed,? Riley said at length. ?Make yourself at home, Rhys.? I mean that, okay?"

"Been a long day," David said after swallowing the bite he was working on.? Awkwardness abounded.

Rhys looked up at Riley and his composure almost shattered, unable to hide the pain he was feeling inside, but knowing they were probably just as confused as he was. "You don't have to babysit me. Either of you. I can take care of myself. Go to bed. I'll clean up."

"Be longer tomorrow."? Her eyes flew open in shocked realisation.? "Sh*t, sh*t sh*t!"? She stood up and flew to the phone on the wall of the kitchen, hurriedly dialing a number and speaking in hushed tones once her call was answered. David stared after her for a moment, then realized she'd missed her show.? He hoped she had someone to sub for her, or whatever they called it.?

"What's the matter?" Rhys asked.

She hung up and blew out a relieved breath.? "I completely forgot the show tonight," she said to David.?

"What show?"

David nodded.? "Did someone cover for you?"

"Yeah, my understudy did."? She glanced at Rhys, with a little lopsided smile.? "The Nutcracker ballet," she explained.

"You're dancing? I thought you were a lawyer." Rhys frowned in confusion.

"I started out as a dancer.? It was my first love. Law just pays the bills now."? She finished her tea and stood, trailing her fingers over David's shoulders.? "I'll see you in the morning, Rhys.? Sleep well."? She headed out of the kitchen and the sound of their bedroom door could be heard, opening and closing.

Rhys watched Riley depart and then turned to David. "Aren't you going with her?"

David nodded, standing.? "Yeah.? You should try to get some sleep, too."? He paused for a moment, but there wasn't really anything he could say, so he just nodded again before leaving the kitchen.

"Sleep. Right." Rhys took another bite of the sandwich and dropped into onto the plate. He sat there alone for a while, before cleaning up, like he said he would.

((Adapted from a live scene. Great big thanks to Rhys and David's players!))

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-12-18 00:07 EST
The alarm went off all too soon.? Riley's eyes popped open in the early-morning gloom of their bedroom and she stared at the ceiling.? She reached out her right arm, felt David's warm, bare shoulder and smiled softly.? Turning on her side, she studied him silently for a moment...and then heard the toilet flushing upstairs.? She groaned and hid her face against David.? "Oh, no," she said.? "It wasn't a dream."

The shrill sound of the alarm interrupted a rather pleasant dream he was having.? Opening his eyes and finding the main subject of that dream lying against him was pretty nice, though.? At least until the circumstances of the previous night returned to him.? "Christ," he muttered.? "It really happened, didn't it?"

She sighed deeply and cuddled closer to him, draping her arm across his stomach and gently kissing his shoulder.? "I can't stay home this morning," she said reluctantly.? "And I have to go this afternoon, too.? Will you be okay?"

He ducked his head and inhaled the scent of her hair, sighed softly.? He didn't want her to leave, and it wasn't entirely because of their unexpected guest, either.? "Yeah, of course.? Will you?"? As awkward and uncomfortable as it was for him, he couldn't even imagine how much worse it must be for her.

She shook her head and propped herself up on her elbow so she could look down at him.? "I don't...? It's really weird, you know?"? Her eyes narrowed slightly in thought.? "It's like...? He's Rhys Bristol and there's all of this emotional baggage attached to that name - both good and bad.? But at the same time...? He's a stranger."

"Yeah, I know.? I was trying to imagine what it would be like to have Charlotte show up suddenly, and not really know who I was."? He shook his head.? "But...I don't think I really loved her to begin with, so it's not the same."? It wasn't the first time he'd thought that last bit, but it was definitely the first time he'd ever said it.

"You didn't?? were going to marry her."? Despite her relative certainty of his feelings towards her, she was still more than a little alarmed at that revelation.

He shrugged one shoulder slightly.? "Maybe.? Or maybe I would've realized we wouldn't have been happy.? That our relationship was more like convenience than love."? Talk about an unexpected conversation, especially now.? It felt good to be saying it, though.

Her brows rose and she reluctantly glanced at the clock.? If she didn't wash her hair, she wouldn't have to blow-dry it and she'd have another ten minutes to talk.? "Because all the guys on the force had wives or girlfriends?" she guessed.? She'd been involved with a cop, after all; she sort of knew the culture.

"Yeah, that was part of it.? We're always a little suspicious of the loners."

She chuckled softly at that.? Then she sobered as bits of the conversation from last night filtered in.? "David..." she started, but hesitated before she finished the thought.

"What is it?"

"I'm...? I'm terrified of what Rhys being here means to us."

"You don't think he's going to try to get you back, do you?"

She shook her head.? "He doesn't remember what we had.? All he knows is what people have told him...and what he saw here last night.? He's not...? He's reckless and unthinking and impulsive, but he's not stupid."? She sat up then, shivering as the cold air hit her sleep-warmed body and goose-pimples broke out across her skin.? "Besides, even if he looked like Brad Pitt and was as funny as Robin Williams and as smart as Bill Gates, there's no way he could take me away form you."

He grinned at that, and leaned forward to kiss the side of her thigh, the only thing he could easily reach without getting up.? "Good, because I'm not willing to let you go."? Then he sobered.? "What scares you, then?"

She slipped out of bed and went to their dresser and began pulling clothes out and piling them on her side of the bed.? "The implications of him being here.? Heaven - or Hell, or both, I guess - clearly aren't done with me yet, despite John being gone and the Trinity being broken.? Also, when angels and demons are, usually the Fae aren't too far behind and frankly, that scares me more than anything else."

Now he sat up, too.? "You're going to have to fill me in on all the details of what's happened in the past, and soon," he said.? "For now, though, if you think something is going to be coming after us, we should start making preparations."

She paused, a pile of clothes in her arms, and turned to face him, her lower lip caught between her teeth as she mused.? "Well, I'm not sure we really can prepare.? I mean...? This-" she reached to touch a small gold and glass phial that hung at her neck, "and this-" she trailed a finger across the Sig Sauer P250 lying on top of the dresser. The gun had become her constant companion. "These are about the only things that will protect against the Fae.? I don't know what will protect against angels or demons since they're not my bag."

"Hell, I don't either, but someone has to.? I mean, it's Rhy'Din.? You can find anything here."? He smiled grimly.? "I'm not sure I believe in destiny.? If Heaven and Hell have plans for you, nothing says we have to roll over and take it.? You said Rhys was demon hunter.? If he knew how to handle them, others must, too."

She nodded and set her clothes down on the bed.? "Mesteno said something about demons the last time I spoke to him.? If he doesn't hate me now, maybe I'll ask him.? I'm gonna hop in the shower.? Will there be coffee upon my exit?"?

"Yeah, I'll go make some."? He got out of bed and threw on a pair of pants.? "I'll go down to the station and ask around there, too.? Like I said, someone's got to know something."?

She nodded and then paused just outside the bathroom door and glanced back at him over her shoulder.? "I love that you said 'we'," she said softly, a tiny smile playing about her lips.

He stopped, smiling back at her.? "We're in this together, babe, however it turns out."? And that was what love was all about, wasn't it??

"I love you, David," she said a smile and slipped inside the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.? The sound of the shower commenced a few moments later.

"I love you, too," he said to the closed door, knowing her super-kitty ears would catch it anyway.? Then he turned and went into the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee so it would be ready when she finished. As the coffee was bubbling its way down into the pot, he thought about what she'd told him about demons, and what he'd gathered from Rhys' story.? Guns could slow them down, but not kill the demon inside the body.? There had to be some kind of weapon that would hurt them, though.? They just had to find out what it was...hell, maybe they knew what it was.?

He thought about Rhys for a moment, then.? You had to feel bad to the guy, really.? Sure, it was awkward as sh*t, him showing up and all, but it clearly wasn't his fault.? Without memory of what had happened, he was a victim, too.? It helped to think of Rhys that way, and not dwell on his past with Riley.? The past was the past, and he trusted her completely.? Besides, what kind of jerk would he be if he wasn't ready to help someone she cared about, no matter what had happened?

The coffee was ready now, so he grabbed a pair of mugs.? After a second's hesitation, he grabbed a third, too.? He didn't know if Rhys would be awake anytime soon, but he'd leave a mug near the pot.? He filled two mugs, adding a liberal dose of milk and sugar to hers.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-12-18 00:11 EST
The shower soon silenced and ten minutes later, Riley emerged, squeaky-clean and freshly-scrubbed.? She was dressed in black tights, running shoes and thick socks, an athletic tank in blue and purple paisleys and a black warm-up jacket.? She grabbed the mug of coffee-flavoured sweetened milk and settled at the table, sitting the same place as she'd been last night.? A quick glance out the window showed that the sun was just now peering over the horizon.? "He's gonna be hung over," she said softly, turning from the window and looking over at David.

"Sure is," he said, nodding in agreement.? He sat down next to her, resting his free hand on hers.?

She raised an elegant hand and rubbed at her temple, the beginnings of a stress-induced headache forming.? "I'll be back as quickly as I can be after class.? Maybe, if he gets up before I'm back, you can talk to him?? See what, if anything, he remembers about Hunting."

He reached out to massage the back of her neck for a moment as he answered.? "Yeah, I'll do that.? He said something about a journal.? Maybe he's got something in there that could help."

She closed her eyes, letting her head drop forward.? She purred softly at his touch, the tension in her neck evaporating slowly.? "I should go," she said, not moving to get up.

He stood, moving behind her to use both hands in the massage.? "You should," he said softly, though it was clearly not what he was thinking.

She sighed softly, the purr growing louder as she relaxed further.? Then she shook her head and sat up, raising her hands to cover his.? "For real," she said, and glanced up at him with a lopsided smirk.

He nodded.? "Yeah, I know."? He lifted both of her hands to his lips, planting a kiss on each one, then let go and stepped back to let her get up.

She stood and turned, her arms going around his waist, her face pressing into the hollow of his collar bone.? She closed her eyes and stilled, listening to his heart and his breath and his blood, smelling him - the coffee, traces of the scotch they'd drunk last night, herself, and underneath it all, the scent of David, what made him unique.? She remained like that for as long as she could and then raised her head, kissed him softly and headed for the door.? She paused in the archway to the living room and said over her shoulder to him, "Be nice.? Don't shout or break out the brass band or anything."? With a grin and a saucy wink, she disappeared, the front door opening and closing just a few moments later.

He laughed at her remark, watching her go.? The little smile stayed on his lips as he cleaned up the coffee mugs and headed out to the backyard to start his daily practice early.? The extra focus would help.