Topic: Like Donald Trump, but with better hair

Riley ORourke

Date: 2011-06-09 13:50 EST
After David and Riley left the Inn Monday night, they headed quickly back to Twin Oaks.? He could tell she was eager to sit down and talk about her ideas for the hotel she wanted to build.? They didn't talk a lot on the walk home, she was busy thinking, and he was content to let her do so.? He liked it when she got excited like this.? You could almost feel the energy coming off of her.? Once home, he opened the front door, noting with amusement that she as too caught up in her planning to notice or complain that he held the door for her.

She absently kicked off her shoes and stooped down to scoop Finn up and carry him to the kitchen, scritching his ears and the top of his head before setting him gently down on the floor again.? "Want something to drink?? Are you hungry?" she asked David as she checked Finn's water bowl.

"Sure.? If we're going to be brainstorming, we need some brain food.? And drink."? He grinned, following her into the kitchen.? Don't ask what brain drink is.? It might be painful.

"Hmm," she said thoughtfully as she stood in front of the open refrigerator.? "Brain food's usually fish, right?"? She glanced over her shoulder at him.? "You feel like tuna salad or something?"

"Maybe some tuna salad sandwiches?"? He winked at her.? "The kitty likes the fishy, huh?"?

She grinned at him and nodded, getting out ingredients to make sammies.? "The kitty loves the fishy.? Try this," she said, handing him a bottle of Silver Mark's new brew.? "Tell me what you think."

He took the bottle and flicked the cap off with a finger, sniffed it.? It smelled kind of like oranges.? "A hefeweizen? Neat."? He took a sip, nodding in approval.? He'd always liked the citrusy taste of that particular kind of beer, and this one was quite good.? "Yeah, this is nice.? He's doing a good job with that brewery."

"He may have suspect politics and his fingers in way too many pies, but he does brew a great beer."? She finished the sandwiches and carried them over to the table with the rest of the six pack of beer.? "Oh, hang on."? She jumped up and disappeared from the kitchen for a moment.

He snorted softly at her summation of DeMuer's politics, nodding.? He didn't disagree.? When she ran out suddenly, he raised a brow, then sat down at the table. At least she'd left the sandwiches and beer.? He snagged a sandwich and bit into it while he waited for her to return.

She came back only moments later, carrying a slim manilla folder and a spiral-bound notebook.? Take a seat at the table, she opened the folder and the notebook and rifled through loose sheets of paper until she came to what she was looking for.? She handed it to David. It was a financial sheet, covered with payables and receivables, expenditures, income, a list of assets, and a list of all Riley's interest-bearing accounts.? The bottom number was eight figures.? She tapped her nail next to it.? "This isn't including any of your accounts," she said before picking up a sandwich and taking a bite.

He read the number a couple of times, then gave a soft whistle.? "Christ, babe, you're loaded.? Why the hell are we walking everywhere?"

She chuckled softly.? "The only car I own is a 1967 Camaro SS.? Do you honestly think it'd fit in some of these streets?"? She took a sip of the beer and slipped the sheet with her financial information back into the folder, before pulling out a second sheet of paper that was covered with numbers, which were separated into two columns labelled "New Construction" and "Refurbishment".? The bottom line of the first column was $20 million.? The bottom line of the second was $16 million.

"You have a point, I suppose."? He looked over the sheet, and raised a brow.? "You've been thinking about this for a while, haven't you?"? It wasn't a casual set of calculations sitting there on the paper.? It spoke of meticulous and detailed research.? "Sixteen mil.? That's a lot of money."

She never did anything by halves.? If he ever got a peek into the desk in her music room upstairs, he'd find meticulous, detailed research into scores of projects - everything from opening another apartment building, to opening up another yoga and dance studio closer to the Red Dragon.? "It's something that I've wanted to do since I first left Philly to move to Tucson.? But that was a smaller dream, a little bed and breakfast kind of thing."

"It sounds like a cool idea to me."? Even if it didn't, he would've said it did, because there was no way he was going to piss on her ideas.? In this case, however, he actually meant it.? "The cost is a little higher than your bottom line, though...and I'm sure I don't have that kind of cash.? We're going to need someone else's investment."

She nodded and bit her lower lip.? "Danny's got a little in the bank.? I only get quarterly statements for his accounts, but he's got around $750,000.? We could ask Mataya and Max, maybe.? Um...Duci, too."

"You get statements for Dan's accounts?? Why?"

She finished her first sandwich and shrugged lightly.? "He just...? He just left, you know.? I sold the cafe to Anisha and took everything else and gave it to Mr Beetlebrow.? He's invested it, taken care of it...on the off chance Danny came home."

He nodded, giving her a little smile.? It was sweet how she'd taken care of Dan's money, looking out for him even when he was gone.? He reached over and squeezed her hand.? "Well, let's talk to Dan about when he comes home.? Back here, I mean."? It was almost habit to call it home, even if the three of them didn't actually live together anymore. "I'd rather keep it to us if possible.? Whatever money I've got saved, we can use for it.? I'm not doing anything else with it."

She nodded and squeezed his hand in return.? "Wanna see some ideas?"? Without waiting for him to answer, she delved into the file again, withdrawing glossy magazine photos of the Hotel de Paris in Monte Carlo, and handed them to him.? "I thought maybe we could do something very, very swank.? A casino, a four-star restaurant, a day spa, roof-top pool and cabana car.? The whole works."

He smirked.? "Can we live there, too?"

She chuckled and then showed him another magazine photo.? "The Hotel de Paris has two long-term rooms that are really just glorified apartments.? There's a staff, too - a butler, a maid, a personal chef.? We could do two of them, too."

"I was mostly kidding about living there.? I like our house."? He nodded, though.? Long-term rooms for rent sounded like a good idea.? Nice, steady income.? "Obviously, going for the refurbishment seems like the way to go.? We should start looking around for a suitable building.? Any idea where you want it to be located?"

Riley ORourke

Date: 2011-06-09 13:51 EST
"I think in the Temple District, just down the bridge from the Red Dragon.? It seems like the majority of people who wind up here come through the nexus there, and some of them might want to stay somewhere there aren't ...things... living in the beds."

He snorted.? "Yeah, that's for sure.? Okay, so we need to plan a trip to the Temple District and find some buildings for sale or abandoned.? Maybe this weekend?"

She gave him a shy smile.? "I already have the building picked out," she admitted sheepishly.

He laughed, shaking his head.? "Why am I not surprised?"

She bit her lower lip and grinned.? "You know your wife well?"? She collected the magazine articles and photographs and then handed him the notebook.? In her feminine, scrawling handwriting were two complete menus - the a la carte menu and the prix fixe menu, as well.

"I do indeed.? A menu?? You really have been putting a lot of time into this."? It looked pretty tasty, too.? "Man.? I'd get fat on this food in no time."

"Nah.? I'd give you plenty of opportunity to work it off."? She grinned wickedly and then tipped her head to the side.? "I was thinking about doing bi-annual casino nights, where half the house's take could be donated to charities around town.? Maybe Lelah and 'Taya would like to hold some of their after-parties there, too.? It would be a lovely place for weddings, anniversary dinners, birthdays."

"Naughty girl."? He loved it.? "Good idea.? It sounds to me like you've got a real, workable plan here, love.? Granted, I'm no entrepreneur, but I like what I'm hearing."?

"Think it could work?? Think there's enough nouveau riche in the city?"

"Yeah, I think so.? With new people coming into the city all the time, I think it could do pretty well."

"What should we call it then?? I want something swanky, elegant, classy.? French, maybe."

"Uh..."? His knowledge of french was limited to food and some cheesy exclamations like sacre bleu.? "Not really my area."

"What about...? The Imperial Grand Rhy'Din?? Or...? um...? The Rhy'Din Empress Hotel and Casino?"

"With you as the empress of the Empress?"? He chuckled softly.?

She chuckled.? "Hell, yeah."? She finished her beer and reached for another sandwich.? "I kind of like the Imperial Grand Rhy'Din."

"Definitely sounds impressive and upscale."? He put on a British accent that sounded remarkably like Dan's.? "Yes, I'm staying at the Imperial Grand RhyDin, of course."

"Wow.? That was incredibly bad," she teased with a little giggle.? She reached across the table and gave his hand a squeeze.? "I'm excited about this."

He twined his fingers in hers and nodded.? "I know.? I can see it.? It's really cute."

She rolled her eyes and stood up, clearing away the empty beer bottles and plates.? "Think Danny will be in tonight? I really want to talk to him about this now."

He shook his head.? "Not until tomorrow morning, I bet."? He gave her a wicked little grin.? "What do you think he's doing?"

"Playing pinochle," she answered with a little grin before drawing all the blinds, and locking the back door.? "Think Lelah's any good at it?"

"Is that what the kids are calling it these days?? I bet she's got some skills."

Her eyes narrowed dangerously and she cocked her head to the side, fisting one slender hand and putting it on her hip.? "Do you, now.? And what, pray tell, has caused you to come to this conclusion?"

He raised a brow at her.? " 'Cause I saw Dan's face this morning.? There were definitely some card tricks written on it.? And you have to admit her deck is pretty well stacked."

The muscles at the corners of her jaw jumped as she clenched them tightly and her caramel eyes flashed.? "Oh?? I suppose you've checked to make sure she has all 52 cards, then?"

"Me?? Nah.? I'm sticking with my favorite deck."

She chuckled and shook her head.? "You were walking a fine line with that one there, buddy."? She reached for his hand and led him out of the kitchen, flicking off the lights behind her.? "Wanna check out my deck?"

"Come on, la mei, there's no need for jealousy.? You're know you're the only woman for me.? I don't want anyone else.? Ever."? He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it.? "I do like shuffling your cards."

She let the comment about jealousy go for now, knowing that they'd never see eye to eye on the subject.? Despite being - and knowing - she was a beautiful woman, there were still some moments of weakness where she questioned whether or not she was enough for him.? She led him into the bedroom, after locking the front door and turning off all the lights, and melted into his embrace.? She whispered against his ear, "Motorboat?" and then let loose a fountain of bubbling giggles.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2011-06-11 20:15 EST
Riley had seen very little of Danny since they'd scoured the city on Saturday afternoon, looking for a suitable place for him to live.? While she was sad that he was moving out of Twin Oaks so quickly after arriving, she understood his reasons...especially if he and Lelah were going to continue as they had been lately.? He was spending every possible moment with her and on the rare occasions when Riley saw him, he reeked of her...and happiness, which went a long way to helping Riley forgive Lelah for hijacking him in the first place.

Saturday morning, Riley woke an hour or so before dawn and stretched luxuriously.? With a tiny sad smile - she hated leaving the house when David was still cuddled up in bed - and a kiss against her slumbering husband's cheek, she slipped from bed and showered, dressing in her yoga kit and leaving the house dark and peaceful behind her as she headed into Zen for her dawn class on the roof.

After a very good class, she showered once more and headed home, pausing briefly to check out Katt's new bakery.? She was instantly in love with the place and vowed to be a regular.? She bought half a dozen blueberry scones, a dozen croissants, and two cherry beignets.

Riley slipped silently into the house, greeting Finn softly, wondering if David was still snoozing, the lazy sod.? Carrying the box of pastries into the kitchen, she set it down on the counter and started a pot of coffee, since there hadn't been any available at Katt's bakery.? While she waited for the black gold to perk, she opened the back door and let Finn out into the yard, once more wondering if they shouldn't invest in a doggie door, after all.

David wasn't still sleeping, he was out in the backyard when she opened the door, wearing a pair of sweat pants and nothing else.? He was in the midst of a complicated bagua form, circling, hands weaving.? He'd clearly been at his practice for a while now, as a light sheen of sweat covered his body.

Catching that beautiful sight, she leaned against the door frame, arms crossing loosely under her breasts, watching David as he moved through his morning routine.? Finn, who'd learned not to disturb either of them while they were at practise, went and investigated the pond closely and Riley noted with dismay that they would have to build up the stone walls that surrounded the property.? The puppy, who wasn't even 6 months old yet, was nearly as tall as the existing wall; the little dude's head was level with the top of it now.

Finishing the form, David lowered his hands and head for a moment, paying silent respect to his teacher.? Even though he was actually considerably more accomplished than the man who'd taught him these forms by this point, he never forgot where it all started.? When he lifted his head, he saw Riley standing in the doorway, and gave her a warm smile, feeling that little lifting of spirits which happened every time he saw her.? It was one of the many ways he knew he truly loved her.? "Hi," he said softly.

"Hey, gorgeous man," she said and pushed off her lean, heading out into the yard for a proper good morning.? She slipped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him in for a kiss, enjoying the salty tang of his sweat and the scent of him as it filled her head.

He made a soft sound of happiness when their lips met, wrapping bare arms around her back for a firm hug.? "How was class, sexy woman?"

"It was really good," she answered, content to stay in the circle of his arms for as long as he'd have her.? "I stopped by Katt's new bakery on the way home and got some goodies.? No coffee there, though.? She needs an espresso machine and a barrista."

It was around eight in the morning when Lelah woke up.? Daniel had already been awake for several hours, as getting up at dawn was a firmly entrenched habit for him.? He'd let Oscar out for some time with the squirrels, gone for a run, then come back and made a light breakfast for the two of them.? Since she'd been up so late, he'd let her sleep as long as possible, not even waking her up to finish what she'd started the night before.? When it was time for her to go to the studio, he left as well, heading down to Twin Oaks to see Riley and David, after promising to meet Lelah and walk her home again.

Down the street, Daniel walked at an unhurried pace towards Twin Oaks.? He knew the two of them were usually around on weekends, and it was true that he hadn't seen as much of Riley and David lately as he had before things had begun picking up with Lelah.? He felt a little bad about that.

David would gladly hold her forever if he could.? "Oh yeah?? We should get her one, then.? An espresso machine, I mean.? I don't know where to buy barristas."? He gave her a little grin.

She chuckled softly at that.? "There's gotta be at least one former Starbuck's employee wandering around the city.? She could advertise and get one in no time at all."? She tipped her head back a bit as the familiar scent of Leopard hit her nose, and grinned happily.? "Danny's coming."

"Cool.? Haven't seen much of him lately."? Not really since Monday, when the Leopard had come asking about heroin dealers.? "We should go in and meet him, then.? Or call him back here." It was on the tip of his tongue to tell her about that meeting on Monday, but his promise to Dan still held.? It rankled, though.? He was in the habit of being completely open and truthful with her, and didn't like having to keep a secret.

"Yeah, let's go inside.? I'm famished."? She checked on Finn, who was still investigating the pond with intent curiosity.? With a little frown, she tipped her head to the side and inhaled deeply.? "Oh, I see what's going on," she said softly and went over to the edge of the water to peer down into it.? "Apparently we're having nightly bandits coming and stealing our fish," she said to David.

"Nightly bandits?? Stealing fish?"? Yeah, there was a definite doughnut look involved here.

"Racoons," she explained, pointing to a couple of prints that looked just like a tiny human hand, sans thumbs.? "They've been stealing the koi at night.? Cheeky creatures."? She patted Finn's fuzzy head and stood up.? "Guess I'll need to have Jaguar mark Her territory a little better."

Daniel walked up to the front door and opened it, sticking his head inside and taking a sniff.? Riley and David were both home, and not...busy.? He went inside and called out, "Hi guys."

"Huh, I'm surprised they'd come anywhere near this place, with all the Cat and dog smells," David replied.

"We're out back, Danny," she called out and shrugged.? "They're usually fearless little thieves.? We had a huge problem with them in Mass; they were always stealing Mama-san's koi.? She'd get so mad at them."? Riley smirked, remembering one of many tirades the tiny woman had gone on, her language a strange mash-up of English, Japanese, and French cursing.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2011-06-11 20:16 EST
He grinned, picturing an enraged Mama-san.? "Bet that was amusing. Well, maybe we can get Dan to piss on the wall or something."? He snickered softly at that mental image.? And speaking of came the Leopard himself out through the kitchen.

She chuckled and glanced towards Danny when he appeared through the back door.? "Between Leopard, Jaugar, and Finny, we should be able to clear them off in no time."? She gave David a kiss before going and hugging Danny, rubbing her cheek against his and inhaling.? Yep.? He'd been with Lelah last night.

Daniel smiled, purring softly as he rubbed against Riley.? He heard her sniffing, knew she was smelling Lelah on him, and hoped it wouldn't annoy her.? She was doing a good job at repressing her jealousy, but it still flared up on occasion.? "Good morning, sundari," he said.? "David.? How are you two today?"

She darted a look over her shoulder at David and then took a deep breath, shoving away the flare of jealousy and protectiveness that always flared when she smelled the actress on Danny.? "We're good.? We were just discussing raccoon abatement.? They've been stealing the koi right out of the pond."

"Cheeky little buggers," Daniel replied very Britishly.? "Maybe we should lie in wait for them one night, give them a proper scare."? He purposefully ignored the tang of jealousy he smelled coming off her momentarily.

"How's Lelah?" David asked.? He knew Riley didn't especially like how much time Dan was spending with the woman, but he could also see quite clearly how good an effect Lelah was having on the Leopard.? Riley would see it, too, once she got over her possessiveness.

She grinned at Danny's suggestion, an expression that rapidly cooled with David's question.? Giving them both a smile - that didn't quite meet her eyes - she headed back inside to put together some coffee and pastries for the three of them.? They could eat al fresco; it was a gorgeous morning.

"She's good," Daniel replied.? "Very busy with filming."? He watched Riley go inside and couldn't repress a small sigh.? There had to be some way to deal with this.? Maybe he could bring Lelah over for dinner one night, let them talk and be casual together.? He looked back at David, and saw sympathetic understanding in his eyes.

"She'll get over it," David said softly.? "Once she sees that you're becoming happy again."

She closed the door behind her, once she entered the kitchen, shutting out the sounds of their voices while she fixed breakfast and wrestled with her feelings.? Was it just that Danny was seeing Lelah, or would she have felt this way about any woman he was with?? At least part of it was the discovery of Lelah's addiction and time in rehab; that scared her.? Deacon had been an alcoholic and it had been hard to deal with.? She did not want anything like that for Danny.? But it was hard to ignore the fact that he seemed nearly his old self now after these few weeks he'd spent with Lelah.? She couldn't deny him that.

Daniel nodded, giving David's shoulder a grateful little squeeze.? "Shall we go inside?" he asked.?

Give her a minute," David said. The two of them remained outside for a short while, neither of them saying anything, just enjoying the warm, pleasant weather.

She fixed three cups of coffee the way they all liked it and loaded a plate with four scones and the two beignets and carried them outside to the area in front of the outside hearth.? "Come eat," she said and settled down in one of the arm chairs with her coffee and one of the beignets.

The two men took seats on either side of her, as they always tended to do when given the option.? She liked being in the middle of them, in several ways.? "This looks good," Daniel said, picking up a scone and taking a sniff.

"It's from Katt's new bakery, the Bon Bon Boutique."? She took a sip of coffee and then realised Danny probably didn't know Katt.? "She lives in Zen, in our old place," she explained.

"Ah," he replied, nodding.? Katt must be one of the unfamiliar scents he'd noticed in the building.? He took a bite of the scone, and smiled.? "This is very good.? Give her my compliments if you see her again soon."

David scooped up the other beignet and took a big bite of it, nodding in agreement with Dan's words.

"I will.? have you been?" she asked Danny.? "Haven't seen you in a while."? She was fighting to keep her tone - and scent - carefully neutral.

"Good," he said softly.? He wasn't sure at the moment if it was better to just pretend he didn't know how she felt, or to just come straight at it.? For now, maybe discretion was the better part of valor.

"F*ck," she swore softly and leaned forward to put her plate and coffee cup down on the table in front of her.? "Does she make you happy?" she asked Danny, point blank.? She was never one to dance around a subject.

"I haven't felt this happy since before I left," he said simply.? He should have known better than to try to be circumspect.? Neither of them were much for it.? Blunt honesty was always better.

"Then...? Then that's all that matters."? She shifted a bit and looked over at David for a moment, wondering if she should bring up the subject of Lelah's addiction.? Did Danny know?? Was it her place to tell that sort of secret?

David looked back at her, not sure what it was that was on her mind, but it was his opinion that getting everything out in the open was the best idea.? He nodded slightly.

"What is it, sundari?"? Daniel asked.? He could smell that there was something else she wanted to ask.?

She licked her lips and took a deep breath.? "Well, you know how I like to know the sorts of people I'm going to do business with?? Information is power, and all of that?"

And that was enough for him to connect the dots.? He nodded.? "Yes.? And you're wondering if I know about her trouble with drugs.? I do.? She told me herself."? He gave her a small smile.? She had to know something like that couldn't have been kept from him for long, anyway.

"Well, good then.? Just as long as you know what you're getting into, Daniel."? She leaned forward again, successfully resisting the urge to run a grooming hand through her hair, and picked up her breakfast once more.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2011-06-11 20:17 EST
"I do," he said softly.? He leaned forward and caught one her hands as she reached for her breakfast.? "It means a lot to me that you care so much, Riley.? Truly.? I don't want you to be jealous, though."

She gripped his hand hard.? "It's more than just jealousy, Danny," she said softly, hoping he knew that she was being honest.? "After everything you've been through, you don't need drama and drama is part of that girl's entire world."

"I know.? I'm not going in with my eyes closed, I promise.? At the same time, I can't deny how she makes me feel.? Can I?"

She shook her head and let go of his hand.? "No, you can't.? And I don't want you to.? I just want you to be careful."

"I will be," he promised.? He paused for a moment.? "I'd like to bring her here for dinner or something one night soon.? I'd like if you could get to know the real her behind the actress, the director, the movie star.? I think you'd find you have a lot in common.? Would that be all right?"

She glanced at David briefly, seeking his input.? It was important to Danny, so that made it worth the while, but she wasn't entirely comfortable with the idea, truth be told.

"I think it's a good idea," David said slowly.? "For a few reasons.? First, it might help you feel better about them being together.? Second, we're Dan's best friends.? If he's going to be in a relationship, shouldn't we make an effort to get to know the person he's with?? Finally, and slightly more selfishly, Lelah is giving us both roles in her movie production studio.? Don't we owe her some effort for that, if nothing else?"

She sighed deeply, once more foiled by David's perfectly logical logic.? It really took the air out of the sails of her self-righteous boat when he pointed out that she was being beastly.? "Yes.? But it's not for her."? She looked at Danny then.? "It's for you."

"Thank you," Daniel said softly, reaching out to pat both of their hands.? "It's important to me."?? Now that this particular issue was more or less out of the way, he picked up his scone and took a bite, following it with some of the coffee.

She, too, ate in silence, ruminating about having to make nice with someone she really didn't want to make nice with.? Still, it was for Danny and she would literally do anything to make sure that he was happy, up to and including giving up her own life if that's what it took.? She had a very short list of people who she'd willing give up her life for; in fact, a third of it was sitting right there with her.

When Riley remained silent, David swallowed the last of his beignet and said, "There was something we wanted to talk to you about, Dan."? He nudged Riley lightly with his knee after he said it.? It was her idea, after all.

"What?" she asked, rudely pulled out of her thoughts by David's knee colliding with hers.? She looked back and forth between them while her brain struggled to catch up.? "Oh, right!? Yeah, lemme go get the stuff."? She set her plate and coffee cup down on the table and jumped up out of her seat, headed back into the house for her Hotel File and Danny's financial paperwork, too. She came back after only a few moments, two manilla files in her hands.? One she handed to Danny, the other she kept with her as she re-took her seat.?

He accepted the folder automatically, then stared at it.? "What, may I ask, is this?"

"Well," she said hesitantly.? "It's your accounts here, with Mr Beetlebrow.? When you...left...I took care of your money and stuff."

"You took care of my money?" he repeated, touched.? "I...well, thank you."? He was almost speechless with surprise, though he wasn't sure exactly why.? Maybe it was because he hadn't really ever expected to return to RhyDin.

She shrugged.? "I thought maybe you'd come home," she said quietly.? "And I didn't feel right just...taking it.? It wasn't mine.? So after I sold the cafe to Anisha, I gave the proceeds to Mr Beetlebrow and he's been taking care of it, investing it and gaining interest.? It's quite a tidy sum now."

He just shook his head, still blown away by the revelation.? "I had no idea at all."? He focused, then, on the other envelope.? "And what's this one?"

"An idea I've had for some time now."? She handed him the same folder that she'd given to David earlier in the week - the one that was full of the research she'd collected about opening a hotel in the city.

He opened the folder up and read her meticulous notes quickly.? "A hotel in RhyDin," he mused.? "That's rather interesting.? I can imagine there would be people who would rather stay somewhere other than the Inn."

She nodded readily.? "Yeah.? The city needs class.? We've got a wonderful theatre, an opera, ballet, amazing restaurants.? We just need an equally classy place to stay."

"It sounds like a brilliant idea to me."? He was curious, though, as to why she was showing it to him.? He tilted his head at her, waiting for the explanation he was sure would soon follow.

"" she hesitated, not feeling entirely comfortable with asking him for money.? "If you look at the first sheet in there - the one with the financial specs for both new construction and a refurbishment - you'll see our problem."

He looked at the bottom line cost for the two options, then at her financial records, finding the problem immediately.? She was at least a million short for even the cheaper of the two; the refurbishment, and that wasn't taking into account the cost of purchasing a building to refurbish.? "Are you asking me if I want to...go in with you on this hotel idea?"

She nodded, glancing towards David for reinforcements.? She hated talking about money with people; poor David had gotten the cold shoulder on many occasions when finances had been brought up.

And for that, he should have let her squirm over it.? Fortunately, David was nicer than that.? "Yeah," he said.? "The two of us together can't quite swing the cost, and if we're going to bring anyone in on it, we want it to be you.? You're more than just a trusted friend, Dan.? You're like family...and we know the three of us can be in close proximity without friction."

Riley ORourke

Date: 2011-06-11 20:17 EST
"Yeah, what he said," she added, feeling a bit like a bobble-headed Chihuahua in the back window of someone's car.

"Well," Daniel said slowly.? "Since it seems likely that I'll be staying here in RhyDin for the near future, at least, I really ought to get myself involved in some way of making money.? I don't want to take the cafe back, that would be unfair to Anisha."

She grinned then.? "You'll do it, then?? I know that the bottom line's more than what's written there if we go with a refurbishment.? It doesn't include the cost of a building, but I left that out since we haven't really settled on a place yet."? But she had a spot in mind.

Daniel was silent for a minute, thinking it over.? He had all the money from the sale of his parents' estate sitting around in a bank, accruing interest, and now there was this money from his time in RhyDin...? he flipped through his account statement again, surprised to find that it amounted to almost a million USD.? He didn't think the sale of the cafe and its profits from his time running it could have been that high; Mr. Beetlebrow must be a bit of a wizard with investments.? Opening a hotel with Riley and David had its appeal, as well.? It would be nice to work with them, for one.? And the idea itself was interesting.? Slowly, he began to nod.? "Yes.? Yes, I think I will."

She squealed with happiness and launched herself off her chair and into his arms, squeezing him tightly.? "Oh, I'm so glad!? I'm so excited about this.? It's going to be brilliant!"

He laughed, delighted by her reaction and hugged her close for a moment.? "I'll need to meet with Mr. Beetlebrow, to thank him for treating my money here so well, and to see if he can work some kind of financial magic to get my account back on Earth transferred here."

She sat back and looked at him with interest.? "From your parents' estate?"

He nodded.? "I told you that I sold everything.? The house, the cars, all the furnishings...basically everything.? I've hardly spent any of it."? He reached up, tapped his cheek lightly.? "This is about the only expense I've had in the last four years."

She nodded, caramel eyes moving over his face, still not liking it.? "So you're loaded then," she said with a tiny teasing smile.

He chuckled, gesturing to the folder with her own financial information in it.? "You've thrice what I do, even with this money you've kept for me, Mrs. Moneybags."

"Yeah, well.? A few years as a world-famous partner in the leading preternatural defence law firm in the country, combined with being named as the sole beneficiary of Grandpa O'Rourke's hefty estate will do wonders for a girl's bottom line."

"I can well imagine.? Suffice to say, I might look like a homeless vagabond, but my book's cover is misleading."

She grinned and kissed his cheek softly.? "Got some time this afternoon?? David and I were gonna go check out some properties near the temples."

He nodded.? "I do.? I'm going to meet Lelah at the studios after filming for the day is done, but that will likely not be until midnight or later.? Until then, I'm all yours."

"What about you, Mr Lo?? Still up for wandering around looking at old, run-down buildings?"

"Sounds like fun, Mrs. Lo," David said, smirking.? "Maybe we can chat with some hobos, too."

"Danny will fit right in," she said and picked up their empty plates and cups to take back inside before the Leopard could think of retaliation.

He snorted with laughter, raising his brow at the nonplussed expression on Daniel's face.? "She got you good, huh?"

Daniel sighed softly in mock aggrievement.? "That will teach me to open my big mouth, hmm?"

She whistled shrilly for Finn, the specific whistle that meant an outing was in store.? The dog shot past the men, racing through the open door and came to a skidding halt at Riley's feet.? She chuckled and then attached his leash to his collar and called out, "Let's get this show on the road, people!? Day light's wasting!"

Riley ORourke

Date: 2011-08-02 15:32 EST
Six weeks had passed in the blink of an eye, and Riley was truly amazed by the pace of the hotel's reconstruction. Since closing on the property in mid-June, the place had been gutted, walls and ceiling shored up, concrete laid, and a score of other improvements made to the once-abandoned warehouse. The Imperial Grand Rhy'Din Hotel and Casino was coming together nicely. It looked as though they'd easily meet their November opening timetable.

Despite being ridiculously busy with her parts in Lelah's movie and the Shanachie's production of 'Taming of the Shrew', as well as the Dance Studios, Riley still had time to meet with the architects, construction foremen, and the decorator and landscape designers. Fresh from just such a meeting with the decorator, a fussy little Parisian called Jean-Michel, who she'd imported specifically for this job, her head was full of fabric swatches, paint chips, the virtues of 2,000-thread-count Egyptian cotton, and rococo versus baroque. Who would ever have thought that building a hotel would demand so much of her attention and have so many complex little details to agonise over? Of course, her job would be so much easier if she wasn't such a stickler for details.

Once she arrived at home, which was empty except for the cold, wet nose and wriggling tail of her favourite canine companion, she made a quick lunch and settled at the kitchen table with everything Jean-Michel had given her. First, the hotel's entrance lobby, which would be the first look the guests would have of the place and it had to show them immediately that they should expect nothing short of pure opulent luxury from their visit. Riley found herself agreeing with the decorator - gilt and marble with the look and feel of the Sun King, Louis XIV's Versailles, would absolutely be the way to go. There was already a grand, sweeping staircase in the architectural plans that led to the second floor where the casino and the lounge would be located, so perhaps a thickly plush carpet covering the bottom step clear up to the hallways and balconies of the second floor would be appropriate. She made a little notation about that then turned to the restaurant's dining room.

The restaurant was to be called the Temple, a nod to the district in which the hotel was located. Ivory and more gilt was called for, as well as columns and murals of god and goddesses on the walls, and maybe a coffered ceiling from which chandeliers could be suspended. The room would be a place to worship Daniel's amazing menu, which they'd created together last week. It would reflect the best of the city's farmers and ranchers, featuring seasonal choices that were a masterful blend of French, Continental, and American cuisines. Riley made a note to speak to Jake Duncan about getting him to supply the beef.

Moving onto the spa, the casino, rooftop pool and bar, and the Roulette lounge, she made her decisions quickly as the d?cor for these spaces was rather straightforward ? soothing shades of green and blue, lots of wood, and bamboo floors for the spa; emerald green felt and dark mahogany for the tables, burgundy upholstery for the chairs, and of course, lots of bright lights for the casino. The Roulette lounge would be a place to relax and unwind with a drink after the excitement of the casino's floor, so Riley chose royal purple, gold, and more ivory as the predominant colours. She also splurged and asked for a Steinway concert grand for the lounge's stage, envisioning weekly Jazz nights. The rooftop pool would be the easiest choice ? burnished black metal, potted palms, and walls made of glass that would command a 360? view of the city.

Finally, Riley came to the hardest decisions she'd have to make concerning the d?cor and feel of the hotel ? the rooms, which of course were the most important parts. She had three floors of suites to work with ? sixteen junior suites on the floor directly above the casino and lounge, eight superior suites on the floor above that, and two pied-?-terre apartments directly beneath the rooftop pool. Jean-Michel had suggested going with a gemstone theme, further reflecting the luxury and wealthy image she wanted the hotel to promote. So for the junior suites she chose amethyst, garnet, citrine and opal. The eight superior suites would be done in diamond, topaz, ruby, and sapphire. The names of the two pied-?-terre apartments would reflect the poshest areas of Rhy'Din ? New Haven and Seaside ? and would be available for long-term leases and include three daily meals from the restaurant, use of the laundry facilities, and a personal butler as well. Riley made a note to ask Fiora to represent these units as well as Zen Gardens.

Her d?cor decisions made, she left them on the table for David to sign off on, and headed out, taking Finn for his daily constitutional. If only every decision in her life could be made so quickly!