Topic: Not Just A Case Anymore

David Lo

Date: 2011-06-17 00:29 EST
Jill was breaking about forty different regulations tonight but it was about time she shook things up. People had become far too complacent lately. They needed to be reminded why they were doing this job and more importantly, why she was doing this job. With furtive glances right and left, trying hard to spot the watcher drones she knew were everywhere outside Point Zero - and within as well - she slipped inside and headed for the bar.

Having seen the interior of this building a thousand times still didn't prepare her for the smells or the noise. She felt a bit like a tourist as she moved behind the bar and helped herself to a bottle of that beer she's seen him drink scores of times. Tilling some coins, she moved now for a table near the door and settled down with the beer.

Uncapping the beer, she took an exploratory sip and found much to her delight that it was quite tasty. She settled back in her chair and cast a glance around the room, staring a touch too long at each face, trying to match them up to faces in his file. He didn't know anyone here so that meant neither did she. Then with a shake of her head, she sat forward and dragged a pad of paper and a pencil nub out of the back pocket of her jeans and then settled in to jot down some notes.

Since Riley had gone to see 'The Importance of Being Earnest' at the Shanachie with one of her dance students, and Dan was out with his new lady friend, David was heading to the Inn. It wasn't his kind of show, otherwise he would've gone with Riley, but she didn't mind him sitting this one out. The night was too nice to sit around at home. Maybe he'd run into someone he knew.

He wasn't in any particular hurry, just strolling down the street towards the familiar building. He went up the stairs to the porch, glancing in through the window as was his habit before entering. No familiar faces in there. He went in anyway, tugging the door open and stepping inside.

Blue eyes went wide for a moment when he walked in, and then she recovered smoothly, pretending to be shocked at something she'd just written. Which on second thought probably wasn't the smoothest recovery on record. God. She was a trained field agent! And now she was acting like a school girl who'd just seen the cute boy she was crushing on. Next thing you knew she'd be blushing and giggling like an idiot. She drank more beer and kept her eyes averted.

He crossed the room to the bar, pausing briefly to see if anyone was tending. Not this time, so he went behind the bar and to the cooler where he grabbed himself a Newcastle. He went back around to the patron side, pausing to toss a coin into the till for the drink, then picked a stool at random and settled down onto it. He turned to face the room, leaning his back against the counter.

She watched out of the corner of her eye as he went to the bar and selected his beer. Finishing hers, she flipped over a page in her notebook and continued writing. This time, though, it was slower and more deliberate and there were many lines she erased and rewrote.

He flicked the cap off the bottle with one finger and took a sip, idly scanning the crowd. Pretty usual group for the Inn. It was kind of amazing, when you thought about it, how easily a person could get used to all the strange things this city held. No one was being shot, stabbed, or beaten. Not that he was complaining. Slow nights were great, after the kind of life he and Riley usually ended up leading. He watched the red-headed woman who was scribbling in her notebook. She was kind of cute, in a shy sort of way. But then he looked away. Riley would eat the poor girl's face if she caught him staring.

Tearing out the sheet she'd just written on, she carefully began folding the sheet of paper into the form of a crane. She set the completed crane down on the table and leaned forward a bit to slip the notebook and pencil back into her pocket. Then she glanced towards the bar, eyes moving smoothly over the people there to stare at the water clock thingy above the mirror. "Oh, crap," she muttered softly. Time to go. She stood up and grabbed the empty beer bottle and the origami bird. Then she headed to the bar to deposit the empty bottle on the counter and to drop the crane in front of David before heading for the doors. A single glance over her shoulder to make sure he picked up the bird - and not someone else - and then she was gone.

One brow lifted in surprise as the redhead dropped the crane in front of him. That was different. He reached out and picked it up before he watched her leave the Inn. He looked at the crane again; he could see writing through the paper. Well, clearly he had to open the thing.

He unfolded the paper crane carefully, and this time both eyebrows went up. The message was in neatly written Mandarin ideograms. He looked at the door again, as if he could see through it to wherever the redhead had gone. "Okay, this is more than a little off," he muttered, reading the note. You're being watched. Meet me at the Opera House in fifteen minutes. Not enough time for even someone as fast as him to get to the Theatre to get Riley and still make it in time. Did he ignore the note, or go? Common sense said ignore it. What kind of idiot went blindly to a meeting with someone he'd never met. Yet...the crane, the Mandarin... The woman couldn't have chosen a better way to get his attention.

"Sh*t." He stood, leaving his half empty beer on the counter and headed for the door. He couldn't ignore it. Not after everything that had happened in the past year. Damned if he was going to walk blindly into it, though. His hand dropped automatically the Sig Sauer holstered at his belt. If he ran, he could be at the Opera house with at least ten minutes to spare. Not much time, but enough to check the place out, see if there was ambush waiting. As soon as he was outside, he broke into a run, heading south, accelerating rapidly beyond anything resembling human speed.

David Lo

Date: 2011-06-17 00:30 EST
Jill had chosen the Rhy'Din Opera House as the place to meet David because its front portico was a blind spot in the MVA's system of drones and building-mounted cameras.? She stood on the top step, dead center in the middle of a cone of light, her hands relaxed and hanging loosely at her sides - obviously empty.? She'd taken care to wear form-fitting clothing in a single layer, not because she desperately wanted David to notice her as a woman - which she did - but because it lessened the chance of him thinking she was carrying something concealed.

The Opera House was only four blocks away from the Inn--seconds of travel at his speed.? When he was half a block away, he slowed, taking a side street so he could approach it from the side.? The place was closed, all the lights inside off, though the outside was still lit.? Using the dark streets to his advantage, he slipped around until he could see the front of it.? At the top of the steps, the redheaded woman stood in full view, under a light.? No obvious weapons, and with those clothes ? jeans and a tank top ? any concealed weapon would take so long to pull out that he'd be all over her.? Not in the nice way, either.

She sighed softly, wondering how she would get out of the deep sh*t hole she'd dug herself into.? Hub would be furious that she'd broken protocol by being in the same room as a subject and when they found out that she'd spoken to him, they'd have kittens.? Oh, and then when they found out that she'd outed them and explained everything they'd been doing for the past year, she'd be sacked and probably brought up on charges.?

She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, peering out into the darkness, but standing directly beneath a somewhat bright light had completely ruined her night vision and she could see nothing beyond the bottom step.? She hoped David would recognize that and not shoot her on sight, which if she was perfectly honest with herself, she fully expected.

He glanced at his watch.? Still eight minutes before the fifteen were up.? He remained in a deep patch of shadow, watching her and the street all around.? No one else was near, and if she had friends, they were damn good at hiding from his trained eye.? He was patient, though.? If she stood around for a bit, she might give something away.

Maybe he wouldn't come.? Maybe she'd messed up the Mandarin characters and had told him she liked his goat and would he want a saucepan full of rubber duckies?? She giggled at that thought; it was a slightly hysterical noise and she glanced around, wondering if anyone had seen or heard the crazy woman laughing at nothing.

Was she laughing?? What the hell was going on?? He was about to have a meeting with a crazy woman, apparently. He sat and watched her for another five minutes, and aside from that odd giggle-at-nothing moment, the woman didn't do a damn thing.? He closed his eyes and focused inwardly, trying to get a sense of the chi of anyone else around, if there was anyone.? Nothing.? Just her.? Opening his eyes again, he made sure she hadn't moved, then slowly moved towards the Opera House, keeping to the shadows.? Standing in the light like she was, she probably couldn't see much past the steps.

She exhaled sharply and glanced at her wrist, turning it over to look at the face of her watch.? It was just about time for him to show up...if he showed up at all.? She squinted out into the dark, raising her hand to shield her eyes a bit, straining to see anything beyond the bottom step.? Did she just see movement?

With one last glance around the building and surrounding street, he stepped out of the shadows and onto the lit steps, looking steadily at her.? His hand rested next to the pistol holstered at his hip, not touching it, but very obvious to anyone with half a brain and at least one functional eye.

She gasped suddenly, her hand flying up to her chest in surprise.? "I'm...I'm not armed," she managed to say around her stomach, which had suddenly taken up residence in her throat.? "I'm alone, too."? She raised her hands, holding them out to him, empty palms showing.

Either she was one hell of an actress, or she was telling the truth.? He didn't think anyone could fake that kind of surprise so perfectly, either.? "Who are you?" he asked, voice low and controlled.? Not threatening, but definitely a no-bullsh*t tone.

"M-my name is Jill Mckerras.? I'm a s-senior tracking and retrieval field agent for the M-multi-Verse Authority."? Stupid frakkin' stutter.? Of all the times to spring up...

"What the hell is the Multi-Verse Authority?? And why are you watching me?"

"B-because of Luo," she said before taking a deep breath and holding it.? She slowly exhaled, trying to relax enough that the stutter went away.? "Do you remember the device he had on him?? The cell phone-looking thing that brought you here last year?"

His mouth turned down at the corners when she mentioned Luo, but he simply nodded at her question.? Of course he remembered the thing; it was the whole reason he was in RhyDin.

"The MVA developed that technology.? It's called a Quantum Tunneling Device."? She was silent for a moment and then tackled his second question.? "We're watching you because...well, it's complicated."

So the people she worked for were responsible for the device that brought him to RhyDin.? The device that Luo had used to kill all of his other selves.? "You called me here," he reminded her.? She'd better start explaining things soon.

She nodded and then took a step forward before freezing and shooting her hands up into the air, holding them out to palms-up again.? "I'm just going to sit down here on this top step, okay?"

"Go ahead," he said, confident in his ability to react to anything she might try well before she could complete the motion.? He remained standing where he was.

David Lo

Date: 2011-06-17 00:31 EST
She sat down slowly and then took a deep breath.? "The MVA was started in the Alpha Universe 250 years ago.? About fifty years ago, we discovered this place and realized that it was the center of everything.? So we moved the entire operation here.? Uh...Our training facilities, monitoring stations, repair facilities, agent living quarters, administration, everything is in this city.

"The whole purpose of the MVA is to track criminals who look to escape punishment by jumping through the tunnels to different universes.? My job is to track them and bring them back to Hub - here, I mean, Rhy'Din - to stand trial.? Then they're sent to a universe called Hades, which is home to the Stygian Penal Colony."? She paused for a second.? "Dave Luo was my boss," she said softly.

The frown deepened.? "Your boss was a f*cking psychopath."? His hand inched over, touching the Sig now.? If she was here for some misguided revenge attempt, he wasn't going to let her being a woman stop him from dropping her where she stood. Or sat.

"Yes, he was," she replied sincerely.? "I'm...well...I'm glad you killed him."

Well.? That was unexpected.? "You and me both," he muttered.

A ghost of a smile crossed her face.? "We've been watching you since the night you showed up for your first shift at Point Zero.? Oh, um...The Red Dragon.? At first it was because we thought - well, my supervisors thought - that you were Luo."

Since all the way back then?? "Christ.? Watching me how closely?"? Jesus.? All things he'd been through since there. She blushed deeply and looked away. It was more than enough of answer for him.? "Sh*t.? F*cking perverts.? People's lives are just some sick game, huh?"

Her eyes flew open in horror and she shook her head vehemently.? "No, no.? It's nothing like that!? No.? Oh, God.? No.? We...we wanted to make sure that you weren't Luo.? And then...well, then we thought about recruiting you, but I told them that you'd never take the position because it would mean too much time away from Riley."? She spoke of David's wife as if she was a close friend.? There was such an intimacy in her tone, in her words.

He bristled at that intimate tone.? Who the hell was this woman to talk about Riley like she knew her.? And then he realized.? "It was you.? You've been watching me.? Watching us."? It wasn't a question, and there was more than a little anger in his voice.

She nodded and looked away.? She couldn't meet his eyes, couldn't admit to being a voyeur in his most intimate moments, a watcher of his heart-break and his joy.

"Did you get a kick out of it?" he asked harshly.? "I bet you and your friends had a field day when I moved in with Riley and Dan."? Yeah, he was pissed off now, and not even trying to hold it back;? a rare event for him indeed.

She clenched her jaw, pursing her lips into a tight, thin line so that she wouldn't burst into tears.? This was not at all how she'd anticipated this meeting going.? It was getting out of her control and away from why she'd wanted to break protocol.? "They're going to use you, David," she said softly.? "They're going to pull your strings and make you dance like a puppet.? I came here to warn you."? She stood up slowly, her hands stretched out once more in front of her.

Christ, was she about to start crying?? None of this was making any sense.? "Who's going to use me?? Your MVA?? Why would you warn me, then?"? He took a step closer to her, lifting one hand as if he was going to grab her arm.

"Daniel mentioned a name to Riley on Saturday afternoon, when they were on Zen's rooftop.? Makepeace.? He's a criminal we've been tracking for years and this is the first real lead we've gotten.? My bosses and their bosses are going to try to use you and Riley and Daniel to take him down so that we can bring him back here for trial."

"What the hell kind of sense does that make?? If you have the technology to travel between universes, why can't you catch this guy yourself?"? She'd already admitted they were watching; it didn't surprise him any that they knew about Riley and Dan's conversation.

"He's a weapons specialist," she explained, her voice growing firmer now that she was on solid ground once more.? "He develops these amazing weapons in his universe and then takes them to Riley and Daniel's to sell them.? He's like...? He's like a little boy who goes and stirs up trouble between two of his friends and then leaves when it comes to a head.? He doesn't care what happens to the Hydra universe, because it's not his.? No one he loves will die if he destroys it."

"I repeat.? Why can't you stop him yourselves?"

"He's not using our tech to tunnel," she explained in a very tight, very angry voice.? "We can't get sanction to use a team against him because he invented his own tunneler, so the Director's decided to use outside sources for an off-the-books mission."

"Great.? Now why the hell are you telling me all this?"

"I don't want you get hurt.? I don't want any of you to get hurt," she added hastily, hoping to hide her feelings for him.? "I don't want you to get used, either."

He stared at her for a long minute, no doubt a very uncomfortable minute for her.? The way she'd said that, and the way she'd covered it overly quickly...? "It's been you watching me right from the start, hasn't it?? All this time.? Almost a year now."

She nodded woodenly.? "Yes," she whispered.

David Lo

Date: 2011-06-17 00:32 EST
"You feel like you know me.? Like we're almost friends.? And now your boss is going to throw me, and the people I care most about under the bus to make himself look good.? And you don't like that thought."? She'd been watching him so long, she didn't think of him as a subject under surveillance anymore.? It wasn't the first time such a thing had happened.? He'd heard stories.

She nodded again.? She took a step closer to him, pulled towards him like iron filings to a lodestone.? "I'd hate myself if I let that happen," she whispered, blue eyes wide, staring up into his face.? She was so much smaller than Riley, at least six inches shorter, though much curvier than the Cat.

His hand dropped away from the butt of his gun.? If nothing else, she'd convinced him that she actually wanted to help, that this wasn't some kind of trick.? It was weird and more than a little creepy that she'd been watching everything he'd said and done for nearly a year, but he didn't think she meant any harm by it.? He nodded slowly. "Sounds like you're sticking your neck out for us, then.? I'm guessing your boss wouldn't want you tell me all this.? You going to get yourself canned?"

She nodded and moved a little closer to him, still looking up into his eyes.? "Probably brought up on charges, too," she said softly.

He lifted one eyebrow in surprise.? "Seriously?? They'd arrest you for it?"? He really hadn't expected that.

"We're sort of like the military.? It'd be like a court martial, you know?? Misappropriations of Authority funds, man-hours, resources, and personnel.? That kind of thing."

"Christ.? So you don't want to see hurt, and you're willing to throw away your career and probably your freedom for it.? Why?"? He had a feeling he knew the answer to his question already, and he was pretty sure he wasn't very comfortable with that.

She shrugged and looked away, unable to meet his eyes.? "I care about you, David.? You and Riley," she added because she was so used to lying to herself about her feelings for him that it only seemed natural to tell him what she thought he wanted to hear.

"We've never met before tonight," he said quietly.? After he spoke, he realized that it was only her that was a stranger to him.? She knew practically everything about him.

"But I know everything about you.? I know that your parents pushed you into bagua because they were terrified that you'd join the Triads.? I know that your first kiss was when you were in sixth grade, with a girl named Sally Cho.? I know that your favorite song is Private Investigation, by Dire Straits."

He stared at her, kind of speechless.? It was the weirdest feeling to be talking to a complete stranger who happened to know you better than practically anyone else.

She gave him a tiny smile and then took a step back.? "I want to help you, David.? I want to keep you safe.? Is that wrong?"

She had him there.? He wasn't sure about her reasons for wanting to help him, though.? It felt like she had an attachment to him that was a little...extreme.? He sighed softly.? "No, it's not wrong..."

"Then let me help you.? Please."? She sighed softly.? "I feel like I've done so many things wrong since I first got assigned to Dave's case and I have to make it up somehow."

"All right," he said, coming to a decision.? "I'm willing to listen to what you have to say.? I'm not promising anything, but I'll keep an open mind."

"We should go inside," she said and hooked her thumb over her shoulder at the doors to the Opera House's lobby.? "We're too exposed out here.? I've been away from my post for longer than I should be, so they're going to send out mobile drones to look for me very soon."

"It's closed," he pointed out.? Mobile drones?? Was that how they spied on him and Riley?? What other gadgets did these MVA people have access to?? Dimensional tunnelers, spy drones...? it sounded like a sci-fi novel.

"I can pick the lock," she said as she turned away from him and headed back into the darkness of the portico.? "And so can you, for that matter."

He shook his head at her retreating back.? This was too weird.? Suddenly, he wondered if this would be what it was like to talk to God, if there was one.? The thought made him snort a little laugh.

She glanced over her shoulder at him, a dark red brow raised in question.? "Something funny?"? Then as she turned back to face the doors, she pulled something out of her pocket and bent over the lock on the door.

"Nothing important," he said, watching her bend over the lock, and feeling slightly guilty for noticing that she had a nice a**. Well.? He was married, not dead.? Looking never hurt anything.

David Lo

Date: 2011-06-17 00:33 EST
She had it opened in ten seconds flat and then was inside mere moments after, going to an alarm panel hidden behind a potted palm tree at one side of the lobby.? She punched in the code and the lights went from flashing red to steady green.

"Been in here before?" he asked.? She clearly knew the code, and where the alarm panel was.? Maybe she watched this place, too.

"I watch a lot of TV," she said with a tiny smirk.? Then she explained, "My roommate watches this part of the city and we've been in here after hours a lot.? You'd be surprised at the amount of business that have been quietly broken into after hours by bored or curious MVA agents."

"Huh."? Okay, maybe it was time to try to get some information from her.? "So do you live here in RhyDin?"? He was starting it off casually, to put her at ease, keep her from getting defensive or nervous.

"For ten months of the year, yes.? Up in Star's End.? Then I go home for R&R for the other two months."? She moved through the lobby to a door that was marked 'Authorized Persons Only'.? "Think we're authorized?"

"Where's home?"? He followed her through the 'Authorized Persons' door, and even cracked a little smile at her quip.? "Looks like."

"Alpha Universe.? Manhattan."? She pushed on the door, revealing a long, narrow hallway that led to the theatre manager's office, dressing rooms, and the props department.? "The prima ballerina's dressing room is posh," she said and headed towards it.

"New York, huh?? I just met someone else from there last night.? Uh...what's Alpha Universe?"? He trailed along behind her, very definitely having the feeling that he was way behind in comprehension here.

"No, Kansas," she corrected him.? "Manhattan, Kansas.? Alpha Universe is what we call our Universe because it's where the MVA originated and we're very ego-centric."? She tossed a casual smile over her shoulder and then stopped at a door that was marked, 'K. Smith'.? She pushed open the door and reached aside to flip the lights on.? Inside was a lit vanity table, covered with makeup and barrettes and other girlie accessories.? There was a clothes rack, a makeup stool, and a very comfortable looking couch as well.

He'd had no idea there was a Manhattan in Kansas.? Oops.? "Sorry.? So the MVA isn't from here?"? He glanced around the room, realizing he knew whose dressing room he was in.? Katarina Smith, the RhyDin Ballet Troupe lady.? She worked with the Theatre sometimes.? He'd seen her perform.

Jill went and sat down on the couch.? She seemed much more relaxed than when he'd first appeared.? "No, we moved here about 50 years ago, like I said earlier.? Since Rhy'Din has the Nexus and our scientists are studying it and trying to figure out how it works, it was thought it would be better if we just moved operations here."

Christ.? She'd told him that already.? He was more rattled than he thought.? He took a calming breath, seeking focus.? He sat down on the makeup stool.? "Good luck with that," he muttered, meaning figuring out how the Nexus worked.? No one seemed to have a clue about it.

"Yeah.? They've been studying it for the last 45 years.? They still don't have a clue.? Some think that it's sentient, though.? I sorta like that theory."

He snorted.? "If it's sentient, it's a dickhead."

"Oh, I don't know about that.? What if it can see into our hearts and it gives us what we most want?? Even if we don't consciously know that we want it?"

He grunted, his standard noncommittal reply when he didn't agree, but didn't think it was worth arguing about.? She probably knew what it meant, after all.

She did know what that little noise meant and it made her smile.? She leaned forward then, resting her elbows on the tops of her knees and placing her chin in her palms.? "You must be reeling.? How can I help you understand all of this?? What questions do you have that I can answer?"

He gave her a small smile.? "Thanks...yeah, I kind of am.? All right.? Let's start from the beginning.? Well, the beginning for me.? You've been watching me because Luo was hunting me, and all of's.? And he worked for your agency.? So he was basically a cop, like me."

She nodded.? "Yes, he was.? He was my supervisor once I was promoted to retrievals.? He was a very good agent and one day, when we were in the Procyon universe, he accidentally killed one of his PUVs.? Uh, his parallel universe version.? You probably felt it.? All of you did."

"That was the first time.? When things started to change for me."? He assumed she knew all about the changes.? Even the ones he kept mostly secret, like his telekinetic ability.

"Right.? The PUV was called David Lao.? He was a Chinese Triad enforcer.? I think they call them Red Poles or something.? Anyway, something in Dave went wrong after that.? He got...hooked on the energies and started taking unsanctioned jumps to track down and kill more of his PUVs."

"Lao?" he exclaimed, shocked.? It was quite a reaction from such a normally stoic person.? "Holy sh*t."

She frowned and sat up.? "What?? You know that name?"

He stared at her.? "You don't?? I thought you knew everything about me."

"There are places we can't go.? Like when you went to London, or the Maldives, or Japan.? It would take too long to assemble a team, get the approval, blah blah blah.? I've had to piece together everything that happened to you there based on your conversations after you come back."

It was good to know that they weren't completely omniscient.? "Interesting," he murmured.

"Yeah.? So anytime you want to escape, just go to a different universe.? 'Course the way I've frakked up this whole case, they'll probably be pulling the team off you very soon."

"Good," he said shortly.? He really didn't like the idea that a team of people was watching him, or even just one person. "Not that you screwed it up," he added, realizing how rude that might have sounded.? "That the team will be pulled."

David Lo

Date: 2011-06-17 00:34 EST
A ghost of a smile floated across her face and she reached up to tuck a lock of her hair over her ear before turning those big, incredibly blue eyes back on him.? "For what it's worth, I'm sorry," she said in a small voice.? "I tried to help you as much as I could within protocol.? I sent Riley some clues when I finally figured out that Dave had you."

"You did what?? What clues?"? He leaned slightly forward, looking into those amazingly blue eyes.? They were really quite pretty eyes, he realized.

"Calico's tarot cards.? I left one in Riley's yoga studio and one on her pillow at Twin Oaks."

"That was you?? Christ, we spent days trying to figure out what the hell that meant."? Though his face didn't change, pain swam through his eyes as he thought of poor little Calico, and her brutal death.? She'd seemed like such a sweet, innocent girl.

She reached out and gently touched his forearm, the pain in his eyes mirrored in her own glass face.? "I'm so sorry, David.? I tried to do more, hands were tied.? I was written up and given three days' suspension for leaving those cards."

"She didn't deserve to die," he said quietly.? "That alone was enough for him to deserve it."? The muscles in his forearm tensed slightly at her touch, but he didn't pull away immediately.? The obvious concern and sorrow on her face touched him.? She really did care.

"I'm glad that you're okay," she said softly and gave his arm a squeeze before pulling away.? She knew he was uncomfortable with their closeness.? Hell, he was uncomfortable with her.? But she couldn't help herself; she had to touch him.? She needed to touch him.

He nodded, glancing down at her hand as she took it from his arm.? "Thank you for trying to help," he said.? "I'm sorry you got suspended."

"I'd have done it again.? I am doing it again.? It's not right, what they've done.? What we're still doing.? I told them in November last year that you wouldn't take an agent's job.? I told them that you wouldn't leave Riley alone for that long.? But they didn't listen.? They kept me on you, watching you, trying to figure out a way to convince you to take the job."

"You were right.? I wouldn't."? He shook his head slightly.? "I just met you, and already I owe you a lot.? It's a weird feeling."

"You don't owe me anything, David.? It's your life that was invaded.? We owe you."

He nodded.? "I was, yes.? But you didn't have to put yourself at risk for me.? Thank you."

She gave him a coy smile.? "It's what people do when they're in..."? Her eyes grew wide and she looked away, crimson staining her cheeks.

Christ on a pogo stick.? No wonder she was willing to risk so much.? The girl had obviously fallen for him during her year-long observation of him.? "Uh...," he said, at a loss for words for the second time in their conversation.

"I'm sorry.? I shouldn't...I shouldn't have said that.? You're married and Riley is wonderful.? You're perfect together."

"She is wonderful," he said very quietly.? "And I love her, more than life."

"I envy you that," she said quietly.

He looked away uncomfortably.? Her face was so open--he could see the naked longing written in capital letters across it.? Worse, he felt himself flushing a little in response.? It was something beyond thought, the automatic reaction to being next to an attractive woman who was clearly very, very interested in him.?

"Do you think I could...k-kiss you?? Just once.? That's all.? I swear.? Just one kiss."

"It wouldn't be right," he said after a moment's pause.? It wasn't exactly a denial.

"She'll never find out," she said softly and slid off the couch to her knees.? "How can I be here with you, David, and not want this?? I've watched you for a year.? I've seen your highest highs and your lowest lows.? I cried with you when Daniel left.? I celebrated when you asked Riley to marry you and she said yes.? I've made love to you a thousand times in my mind.? I've touched you and laughed with you and screamed out your name in ecstasy.? How could I not ask for this?"

Christ.? No one could fail to be moved by such an impassioned plea.? And when you combined it with the desire he could clearly see in her...? His breathing sped up, heart thumping loudly in his ears.? Would it be so wrong to kiss her just once?? She was throwing away her life for him.? Didn't he owe her?? But how could he do that to Riley?? She would be hurt, and he never, ever wanted to hurt her.? Just a kiss, though...? how mad could she be?? It wasn't like he had feelings for Jill.? They'd just met.? It was payment.? Payment for what she'd done for them.? Right?

When he hesitated just a touch too long, she moved between his knees and reached for his head, slipping her fingers into his hair and pulling his face down closer to his.? She stole a kiss...and another...and a third, the last one more impassioned and hungry the the first two.

He was surprised enough when she kissed him that he didn't react right away, but her third, deeper kiss shocked him out of it, and he jerked his head back, putting his hands on her shoulders and pushing her away from him.? "No," he said.? "No.? I can't do this to Riley.? I won't do this to Riley.? I love her."

She blushed even deeper than she had before and scrambled to her feet.? "I'm...s-so s-s-sorry, D-david.? I'll...? I'll g-go."? She turned and ran for the door, fumbling with it in her hurry to get away.

Christ, what a clusterf*ck.? He made no move to stop her from leaving, and once she was gone, he scrubbed his hands over his face and sighed.? He felt guilty and disgusted with himself for even being tempted. Yet he also felt bad for crushing someone's feelings like that. Even if she had to know there could never be anything between them. He sighed again. Riley was going to go ballistic when he told her about all of this.? He just hoped she wouldn't go hunting for Jill.? They did owe her for what she'd done.? He stood, and went out of the Opera House, heading for home.

((Thanks to Jill Mckerras's player for this scene.))

David Lo

Date: 2011-06-19 04:11 EST
((The following posts contain strong language and mature themes. Reader discretion is advised.))

David spent most of the walk back home cursing himself for being an idiot, for letting the situation with Jill get out of hand.? He should've just kept her at arm's length the whole time, especially once he realized her feelings for him.? Christ.? And this crap with Makepeace...he didn't even know how to figure that one out.? How did this MVA boss guy intend to use them?? He'd never even heard of the place before tonight; could they have that much affect on his life?? Sure, they watched him all the time, but according to Jill, no one ever interfered ? except her.

When he got to Twin Oaks, no one was there.? Riley was still at the show, and Dan...well, he didn't know where Dan might be.? With Lelah, probably, though she was usually filming still at this hour.? Maybe he was out hunting or something.? He spent a lot more time in leopard form now than he used to. David threw himself onto the couch and scowled at the wall.? There was nothing to do but wait for Riley to get home, and tell her.? That wasn't going to be any fun.

Riley came home shortly after 10:30.? She'd had a wonderful time at the theatre with two of her best students.? They'd thoroughly enjoyed Oscar Wilde's play and the Shanachie's production.? Coming up the front walk of Twin Oaks, she saw that the lights in the living room were still on, and she wondered if David was watching Game Seven without her.? She would be very put out if he was. She opened the door, calling out, "Home, honey, I'm high," with a little snicker and then crouching down as Finn barreled into her knees, licking and wriggling and generally being very pleased to see her.

Well.? Sounded like she was a in good mood, at least.? Maybe that would help.? He stood up from the couch, turning to face her.? "Hi."? There was no chance she would miss the anger, guilt and self-recrimination that was no doubt pouring out of him like broken fire hydrant, not to mention a healthy dose of confusion.

She reeled backwards a step when she was confronted with his roiling mood.? "David?" she asked softly, a severe frown on her face.? "What's wrong?? What happened?? Is it Dan?"

"No," he said quickly.? "Dan's fine, as far as I know."? He sighed.? "Come sit down.? I have to tell you something, and you're not going to like it."

A brow arched and she slipped off her shoes, set her bag down, and hung up her wrap.? "I think I'll stand, thanks," she said, crossing her arms over her chest.

Great.? This was starting off wonderfully. She stood in nearly the exact spot she'd been in when she first stepped inside - half-way between the couch and the front door.? She was staring at him, face carefully neutral, arms crossed defensively, as she prepared for the worst.? He wanted a divorce.? He'd met someone else.? He was coming out of the closet. Now where the hell to start?? "I was at the Inn tonight, while you were at the show.? Dan was gone, and I didn't feel like sitting around the house."

"Okay," she said, her voice, like her face, carefully neutral.

"I was sitting at the bar, and this woman I've never seen before walks by and drops an origami crane in front of me." Her eyes narrowed a touch at that and something cold settled into her expression.? She nodded curtly for him to continue. "So I opened it up, and there's a note, written in Mandarin.? 'You're being watched,' it says.? 'Meet me at the Opera House in fifteen minutes.' "

Her brow sketched higher.? "Don't tell me you fell for it.? How much did they want from you?"

He snorted softly.? "Christ, I wish it had been blackmail or something.? A fight would've been simple."

"I think you'd better stop spoon-feeding me and tell me what the f*ck happened tonight, David."

"I'm getting to it, for f*ck's sake.? It's one of the strangest things that's ever happened to me...and that's saying a lot."

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and rolled her head from side to side on her shoulders.? Finn, sensing that something was wrong with his 'parents', slunk off to hide beneath their bed.? "I need a drink," Riley muttered and headed for the kitchen.? There was a bottle of Grey Goose in the freezer with her name on it.

"Me too.? Maybe a couple."

She reached into the freezer and pulled out the bottle of vodka and then grabbed two shot glasses from the cupboards.? Pouring out a measure into each, she settled into a lean against the counter and looked at him while she downed the first shot.

He followed suit, gulping the vodka down with a little grimace, then started speaking.? He laid out the first part of his encounter with Jill, about how the MVA was some kind of dimensional police, how Luo used to be one of them, how they'd been watching him ? them ? for almost a year now.

"You're f*cking kidding me!"? She glanced into the corners of the room, stared hard into the shadows.? "Do we have a flashlight?" she asked David as she dragged a chair over and climbed up on it.

" the drawer," he said, pointing, nonplussed by her actions.? He stared at her climbing up a chair.

"Get it and give it to me.? Now.? These f*ckers think they can invade my f*cking home and f*cking spy on me like I was some kind of f*cking criminal!? Oh, they're f*cking lucky we're not on Earth.? I'd have their asses in f*cking court so fast they wouldn't have time to say f*cking ACLU!" Riley might have been born in Sudbury, educated in North Andover, but when she was angry, she sounded like she was a true-blue Southie.

David Lo

Date: 2011-06-19 04:14 EST
Without saying anything, he grabbed the flashlight from the drawer, handing it over to her.? He stood next to her, looking up where she was looking.

She turned on the light and flashed it up into the corner.? Sure enough, tucked away behind a bit of the moulding, there was a tiny camera with a transmitter antennae attacked to it.? "Ah-ha!" she crowed in triumph and reached up and plucked it from its moorings.? "Say goodnight, Gracie," she said and hopped down from the chair and went over to the kitchen sink.

With all of Jill's talk about drones and the fancy tech the MVA used, he really hadn't expected a plain old bug.? "Son of a b*tch," he muttered.

She dropped it down the drain and ran the disposal, listening as the little camera was munched with a satisfying sound.? "We need to find the rest of them.? God, I wonder if they've bugged Zen, too?"

"Everywhere we go.? They use remote drones, too.? They've seen every minute of our lives for the past year ? except when we were in another dimension."

"F*cking hell!"? She whirled around and stalked out into the living room, her eyes bleeding to amber.? Facing one corner, she flipped it off and then did it to the three others.? "How dare you invade our life like this?"

He was pissed off about it, too, make no mistake.? But he had more he needed to tell her.? "Riley...there's more I need to tell you."

She froze and turned to him, her eyes hard and flinty now, tone deceptively mild.? "More?? There's more?"

He nodded.? Here it came...? "Jill told me that she's been our ? my ? main observer for this whole time."? He sighed softly.? "She's...well, she's been watching me for all this time, and she's convinced herself that she's in love with me."

She blinked and all the breath went out of her body.? "She what now?" she managed to say after a moment's pause.? "She thinks she's in love with you?"

"Yeah.? She knows everything about my whole life."

"She's watched us f*cking, hasn't she?"? She turned around and shouted at a random corner, not even sure if it was the right one; she was relatively certain that she'd get her point across.? "She's watched us f*ck and wished it could be her, right?? Pathetic b*tch, getting your jollies off and then telling my f*cking husband that you love him?"? She whirled back around to face David.? "Where is she, David?? Where do they hide?"

"Yes," he said quietly.? She had watched them f*ck, over and over.? And she did wish it was her.? "Somewhere in Stars End."? As Riley's anger grew, he was withdrawing, retreating to the barely communicative person he'd been when they met.

She stormed into the bedroom and flung open the closet door, quickly stripping out of her dress and replacing it with her Shifting clothing - torn, threadbare clothes that were one step away from being tossed on the rag heap.

"Riley, stop."? He stood in the doorway to the bedroom, watching her, worried she was preparing to hunt down the MVA base and assault it single-handedly.

She did, though it was a close call.? Jaguar felt Riley's anger and was excited by it.? It had been a long time since Riley had let Her completely off leash and She was eager for a hunt.? "What?" Riley barked at David, her eyes still the cold lambent amber of the Cat.

"Think it through," he said. "These people were hunting Luo.? They thought I was him.? Of course they watched.? More importantly, they were prepared to capture him.? Capture Luo.? They knew what he could do." In other words, they'd be able to handle an angry Lycan, too.

"They watched us together, David.? In our most private, most intimate moments.? They watched you and me and Danny together.? They could have turned away, averted their eyes, shut off the cameras.? But no, the f*cking filthy perverts watched us!? How can you just blithely accept that?"

"I'm not blithely accepting it," he growled.? "I'm saying it's not worth f*cking dying for, or being exiled to some prison dimension."

She sat down on their bed and buried her head in her hands.? Tears formed and fell quietly into her lap as she struggled with the news that she hadn't had any privacy for a year now.

"Oh, Christ," he muttered, going over to her and wrapping his arms around her. He stroked her head, holding her tightly to him.? "'t cry, love.? Don't cry."

She clung to him, sobbing now, feeling as if she'd been raped all over again...feeling just as she had when she was ten years old. "You don't understand, David," she said, her voice muffled and thick with tears.? "I feel like...? I feel like...? I feel dirty and unclean."

"No, you're beautiful," he whispered, "Shh."? He held her in his strong arms, trying to somehow project his love into her, to calm her, reassure her.? After a moment, he realized he was shaking; a fine, barely perceptible tremor.? There was so much that had been thrown at him in the past few hours, it was more than even his iron-willed control could suppress.

David Lo

Date: 2011-06-19 04:19 EST
She picked her head up and looked at him, eyes back to their normal warm caramel.? "What are we going to do?? I can't live here anymore.? It's...? It's not safe."

"Screw that," he said fiercely.? "This is our home.? I'm not letting some f*cking monkeys behind a camera chase us out."

She closed her eyes and then nodded.? "So we get rid of the bugs in the house.? And then what?? If they have drones, they'll see us everywhere we go.? Why?? Did she tell you that?? Did she tell you why she's been watching?? What do they want?"

He nodded, and told her that once they figured out he wasn't Luo, they wanted to recruit him, but Jill had dissuaded them, because she knew he wouldn't leave Riley.? Then he told her about Makepeace, and the plan Jill's boss had for them.

She stared at him for a long time, trying to process everything he'd just told her.? "So, they want to use us for a black op, off the books, to clean up a mess that they created?"

"Yes.? And Jill said she'd probably be fired and arrested for telling me."

"Good," she said viciously.? "Serves her right." He just looked at her. She sighed deeply and stood up, going into the bathroom to scrub at her face.? "What are we going to do, David?" she asked once she came back into their bedroom and perched on the edge of the armchair across from the bed.

"We should tell Dan."

"About Makepeace.? Not...not the rest of it.? God, it would undo everything we've done for him since he came back.? I don't...? I don't want to hurt him, David."

"At least about Makepeace," he agreed.

She nodded and then sat back, pulling her knees up and wrapping her arms around her legs.? She was quiet, staring at the corners of the room, squinting and trying to figure out which corner held the camera.? If they had been watching the bed, it was probably one of the corners above her head...

"We can find a way to stop block them.? Jam the cameras somehow.? There's all kinds of tech available here."

She nodded, again not saying anything.? Then after a moment, she said softly, "Is there anything else?"

There was.? He hoped it wouldn't cause another explosion.? "She kissed me." He nodded silently, guilt flaring in him.? Even though he'd pushed her away, he was still disgusted with himself for letting it get that far.

She went still, the blood and emotion draining from her face.? "She kissed you." Her nostrils flared, the only thing in her face or her body that moved.? "Did you f*ck her?" It was out before she could control it, born of insecurity, rage, and the guilt that she could smell on him.

He drew back from her like she'd slapped him.? "Christ, no.? I shoved her away.? Do you really think so little of me?"? The guilt he'd been feeling was washed away by hurt now.? How could she think he'd do that to her?

"You reek of guilt, David.? What am I supposed to think?"? She popped up out of the chair and threw open the doors that lead to the private patio just off their bedroom.? She went outside and stared up at the sky.? It was cloudless and Arabrab was just a thumbnail hanging low above the western horizon.? She could feel its call in her blood, just as she felt the Moon back on Earth.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2011-06-19 12:49 EST
She returned inside and went into the living room long enough to retrieve her cell phone from her bag by the front door, then she went back out to patio.? Sitting down in one of the chairs, she dialled Danny's cell phone, praying that he'd pick up and that he wasn' busy.

Daniel was sitting in the driver's seat of Lelah's Alfa, outside 21twelve's gates when the phone rang.? He glanced at it in surprise, which quickly became concern when he saw it was Riley calling.? She wouldn't call this late unless something was wrong. He flipped it open.? "Hello?? Sundari?"

"Oh, thank god," she said in a voice that was thick with unshed tears.? "Danny...? Danny, I need you.? I need to talk to you."

"What's wrong, Riley?"? He heard the urgency, the upset in her voice.? "I'm here, tell me what's the matter."

"I don't even know where to begin," she said softly and wiped away the tears that were streaking down her cheeks with her wrist.? "David met this woman tonight.? And...and she's been watching him for a year.? She had cameras in our house, Danny!? She watched us f*cking and somehow she got it in her head that she's in love with him.? And she kissed him, Danny.? She f*cking kissed him."

It was a lot of information to process all at once, and he was silent for several moments, trying to digest what he'd just heard.? "Is David all right?"

"What?"? It was honestly the last thing she'd expected to hear and it completely threw her for a loop.

"Is David all right?" he repeated.? "Where is he?"

"In the house...somewhere."

"All right, good," he said, relief clear in his voice that David was home with her.? "Why is this woman watching him?"

"She's involved in some multi-dimensional police force or whatever.? He said that she told him that Luo was her boss.? She kissed him, Daniel.? She f*cking told him that she's in love with him."

"Did he return the kiss?"? He glanced around automatically, as if expecting there to be people watching him right now.? It was very in keeping with Riley's nature that she seemed far more concerned about someone kissing David than mysterious strangers watching them.

"He sure smelled guilty.? He positively reeked of it.? To me, that means he enjoyed it perhaps a little too much."? She sighed, the wind taken from her sails.? "F*ck," she said viciously.

"Riley," he said softly.? "What did he tell you?"

"That he pushed her away." The words were drawn from her with a great reluctance. She was beginning to catch onto the fact that she was being the world's most selfish assh*le right now.

"Do you not believe him?"

"Why would he do that?? Why would he let someone, some disgusting voyeur who's just admitted to watching his entire f*cking life - to invading his privacy, for god's sake! - kiss him?"

"If he pushed her away, he wasn't letting her," he pointed out as reasonably as he could.? "Riley...sundari...surely you must know David would never willingly hurt you."

"F*ck," she said again.? "Danny..."? Tears welled up again and she closed her eyes, hung her head.? "I don't know what to do.? I'm lost, Danny.? Help me."? The last words were whispered in a pain-stricken, agonised voice.

"Don't blame David for this," he said firmly.? "Let me tell you something.? In my entire life, in all my travels, never have I seen two people more in love than you and he.? You are his world, Riley.? I don't care what this woman says or does, she couldn't possibly come between the two of you.? He loves you more than...more than anyone ever has."? Even himself, he had to admit, though he would never say such a thing.

"I don't blame him for it.? I don't," she said sincerely.? "I blame the f*cking perverts for it.? For all of it.? They're trying to get us to do their dirty work, Danny.? Against that Makepeace guy.? They want to use us to clean up their messes."

"I believe you," he said softly.? "But you must tell him that.? I know you, and I know him.? He's probably sitting somewhere right now, hating himself for not somehow knowing she would try to kiss him.? Hating himself for upsetting you...? and terrified that you don't trust him."? He was more than a little surprised that this had something to do with Makepeace, but that could be dealt with later.? "Forget about this police force, and Makepeace for the moment.? We can figure that out later."

She sighed heavily, sniffed and shook her head.? "I'm terrified of going back inside.? I don't want to give them any more material."

"Are they more important than David?"

"Nothing is more important than David. Nothing," she repeated for emphasis.

"Ignore it, then.? Let them watch and listen.? Show them how little they mean."

She nodded, realised he couldn't see that and said, "All right."? Her voice was soft; she sounded drained and defeated.

He smiled, knowing she would hear it in his voice.? "You're stronger than they are, mon coeur."

She didn't say anything, not entirely believing that he was right.? She couldn't get past the knowledge that they'd had absolutely no privacy for more than a year, nor could she get over the way it made her feel so violated.

"We can find a way to stop their spying, sundari.? But first you should take care of your husband.? My brother."?

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Anytime," he replied softly.? "I'm here for you."

"Good-night," she said softly and waited until he hung up before rising up from the chair and going back inside.

David Lo

Date: 2011-06-20 11:40 EST
"David?" she called out softly, leaving the bedroom and headed into the living room.? "Sweetheart, where are you?" There was no reply. She went to the bottom of the staircase and sniffed.? Nope.? Not up there.? Then she headed into the kitchen and glanced through the window above the sink.? He was out in the back garden, apparently contemplating the pond.? She watched him for a moment and then headed through the door and went to stand next to him.

He heard her come out of the kitchen door, glanced over his shoulder at her, but went back to looking into the pond without saying anything.

"I'm sorry," she said softly but didn't move to touch him or take his hand.? She didn't even look at him.? She just stood at his side, watching the fish swimming, their scales catching the full moon's light and reflecting it back like mobile gold coins.

He remained silent for a while, clearly looking for something to say, and coming up empty.? "Forget it," he finally said. He was never good at handling being apologized to.

"I can't, David.? I can't just forget it."? Now she did turn to look at him, studied his profile in the silver light.? "And neither can you."

"No.? I can't."? He saw her turn out of the corner of his eye, felt her looking at him.

"Why would you say that then?? Why would you willingly tell me to forget something that I did that obviously hurt you?"

"I couldn't think of anything else to say."

She laughed, a mirthless, slightly derisive sound.? "What about 'I forgive you'?? What about 'I love you'?? What about 'Don't ever do it again, you psycho b*tch'?"

He shook his head slightly.? "How could you think I'd ever do something like that?"? That being sleep with Jill, obviously.

She immediately went into defensive mode and opened her mouth to shout something accusatory at him.? She stopped, though, before more damage could be done.? In a soft, completely neutral voice, she said, "I never thought you would be in a position where I would wonder something like that."? There was nothing accusatory in her voice.

"I wasn't," he said shortly.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.? "You kissed a woman, David.? A woman who is not me."

"No.? She kissed me."

"Oh, come on," she said with a sardonic shake of her head.? "Don't play that card.? You deliberately put yourself into a compromising position with someone who had confessed all sorts of really f*cked up things to you - including the fact that she's invaded our privacy for a year and oh, she's in love with you.? And you let her kiss you."

"Right.? It's all my fault."? He turned his back on her, walked across the yard.

She stayed next to the pond, turning to watch him as he walked away.? "F*cking awesome," she muttered and went to sit on the wall that overlooked the river.? "I hope you're happy, Jill.? Hey, maybe he'll leave me and then you can be with him."

He leaned his head against a tree and sighed.? At the moment, his fondest wish was that Jill Mckerras never existed, her or her goddamn MVA.

She watched him from her perch on the wall, suddenly wishing that she'd never stopped smoking.? It was a bizarre time for the craving to show its ugly head, but she needed something to take the edge off.? Jaguar poked and prodded at her - Shift, hunt the b*tch down, kill her, eat her.? Problem solved.? Riley growled softly and shoved hard at the alien killer in her head.? "F*ck off," she hissed.

He thumped his head softly on the tree trunk, then again harder when it didn't help.? Why did all this sh*t have to happen to them?? A normal life would be awesome once in a while.

"This is ridiculous," she called out to him.

"Yup," he said softly.? She'd hear it anyway.

"What are we going to do?"

"Not fight would be a good start."

She sighed deeply and hopped off the wall, walking past him and heading into the house.? She was still dressed in raggedy, thread-bare clothing, and she was cold, though it had very little to do with the temperature outside.? Once in their bedroom, she undressed and slipped into a black silk kimono with blue and silver lotus embroidered on it.? Then she went back into the kitchen and put the kettle on.

He cursed softly and thudded his head into the tree again, a lot harder this time.? Chips of bark rained down at his feet.

"Dabo," she called out to him, calling him a complete idiot.? "You're going to break my tree.? Come inside and behave like a grown-up."

He'd thought he was behaving like a grownup when he didn't f*ck some other woman and came home to tell her about it instead.? He walked inside.

David Lo

Date: 2011-06-20 11:42 EST
She watched him, a brow arched at his continuing silence.? Fine.? If he wanted to play that game, she'd willingly participate.? She grabbed the jar of green tea leaves and held it up to him - did he want some, too? He nodded, sitting down at the kitchen table.

She got out two cups and added loose tea to each before covering them with hot water and carrying them to the table.? Putting his down in front of him, she went over and sat down, curling her legs up underneath her as she blew softly on the surface of her tea.

He took a sip of the tea, watching her.? He wondered if Jill was watching them right now.? He didn't want her to be, but at the same time, he did, wanting her to feel guilty for causing this.

She remained just as silent as he while she sipped her tea.? Since she'd removed the bug in the kitchen, she felt certain that the b*tch wasn't observing them...unless there was another camera somewhere in the kitchen.? She wouldn't doubt it if there was.? They'd been watching while she and David had been building the house; who knows what sorts of gadgets and doo-hickeys they'd added while the construction site sat empty overnight.

"F*ck it," he growled.? "You win.? I caused all of this.? It's all my fault."? He slammed the teacup down on the table and stood, pacing back and forth in frustrated anger.

She just shook her head silently, still calm even in the face of his anger.? Maybe if she let him explode, he'd settle down long enough so that they could have a meaningful conversation that did not consist of hurled accusations and harsh, angry insults.

"I give up.? I should never have gone to see what she wanted.? Fine.? I should have somehow guessed she would kiss me and prevented it.? Fine.? I can't be trusted, even by my own wife.? Fine."

"I apologised to you, David," she said softly.? "And you brushed it off.? I tried to talk to you and you gave me outlandish, ridiculous excuses.? I tried to seek your opinion on what we do now, where we go from here, and I'm met with stoney silence.? I can't do anything with any of that."

"Yup.? Ridiculous excuses.? Since you've already decided I wanted to screw this girl I never met before today.? Even though you can smell it if I lie, could smell it if anything had happened, I can't be trusted."

She fell silent again, turning slightly away from him to look out the window and watch the moonlight on the waves as they lapped against the shore just beyond the edge of their property.

"It hurts me more than I thought possible that you'd think it of me." He tapped his hand against his chest, above his heart.? "Did I accuse you when Rhys came back and you kissed him not once, but twice?? No.? I didn't even return it when Jill kissed me.? I shoved her away and told her I wouldn't do that to you.? Then I come home and tell you about it, and what do I get?? Distrust.? Accusation."? He shook his head, running out of steam, a a sadly angry expression twisting his face.

She turned to look at him, tears filling her eyes.? "I said I was sorry, David.? You brushed it off, like it didn't matter to you, like you couldn't care less that I regretted what I said to you.? Like you don't give a sh*t about how f*cking awful I feel."? She picked up her tea cup, her hand shaking, sloshing the hot liquid all over the table.? She lowered her eyes and stared into the cup, then slowly lowered it to the table and covered her face with her hands.

"F*ck," he said.? "Sh*t."? He couldn't stand seeing her like that.? He had to fix it somehow.? "Riley.? I love you.? I would never, ever, cheat on you.? I don't give a crap about anything but how you feel.? You mean everything to me.? Absolutely everything."? He went over to her, hand hovering an inch from her shoulder, wanting to hold her, but scared she would push him away.

She lowered her hands from her face and grabbed him, arms circling his waist as she buried her face in his stomach.? She clung to him, squeezing him hard as her shoulders shook with silent sobs. Tears slid from his eyes, too, as he held her, petting her back and hair softly.? "I'm sorry," he whispered.? "I'm sorry." She nodded, letting him know that she'd heard him, even if she couldn't speak yet. He fell silent, just holding her tightly against him, eyes closed, tears still falling softly from them.?

"What are we going to do?" she asked when the tears finally ran down.? She glanced up at him, eyes red, nose red, and drew a deep breath, finding her shattered Centre and slowly rebuilding it, sinking once more into a calmness that allowed her to think.

"I think we should try to find out more about this Makepeace guy.? I don't know why the MVA would think we could do something they can't."

She nodded, agreeing with him.? "If they're a governmental agency that draws its funding from said government, they can't even wipe their own asses without first seeking approval.? If this Makepeace isn't using their equipment or there's some other loophole, they'll seek independent contractors who are not affiliated with them to do their dirty work."

"Yeah, that follows.? But why me?? Why us?? We're not mercs.? What could they possibly think to use to entice us?"

"It's my Universe, right?? Danny's and mine?"

"Jill never said...she used some weird name that sounded like it was from Greek myths.? But since Dan's heard of Makepeace, it would follow, right?"

She nodded.? "Well, there's all the carrot they need right there."

"That it's your world?"

"Yep.? They've gotta know that we'll do anything to protect it, right?? They've been watching us for a year, after all."

"So they tell us Makepeace is going to wreck your world or something like that, and then sit back and watch us go to work."? He shook his head, giving a grim little smile.? "It's sneaky and underhanded, but brilliant."

She nodded.? He was right; it had a certain disgusting elegance.? "You know, she might have thought she was doing the right thing by telling us what they planned on doing, but really?? Is it any different?? We', I'm...still going to track this guy down and kill him.? Their mission is still accomplished."

"Sh*t.? You know I'm coming, and we both know Dan will, too."

"I didn't want to speak for you.? God only knows what's going to happen, what kind of crap we're going to step in."

He snorted softly.? "Can it be any worse than what we've already been through?"

"I don't know.? You didn't hear Danny when he described the weaponry he was up against," she said softly.

"You're right, but...weapons are only as good as the people holding them."

She nodded and then sighed softly.? "Take me to bed, David.? I don't want to talk about this anymore." He nodded, taking her hands and tugging her gently to her feet before leading her into the bedroom.