Topic: Open for Business

Mindy McKnight

Date: 2010-03-19 13:47 EST

That was the name she had decided on for the book shop and gallery. She'd spent the days since she signed the papers making the space hers - cleaning and polishing and painting every surface. The walls now gleamed with a coat of Mediterranean aqua highlighted by woodwork whitewashed the color of sand.

Low tables graced seating areas with plush cushions toned in all the jewel hues one might find on a peacock. Bookcases in the same sandy white as the woodwork were tucked between plinths holding statuary. Bright pieces of artwork picked out spots of color on the walls. Prisms hung in each of the windows, dancing rainbows around the room, which occasionally caught on crystal pyramids and spheres, causing more lights to dance and giving the whole place a mystical feel.

The books on the shelves covered every subject imaginable that could even loosely be classed as "New Age". Spell books next to philosophy, tucked in with tomes of herbal remedy recipes. Bestiary shared space with books on theology. All these were arranged in a scattered fashion to prompt long hours of browsing, but inventory was carefully tracked by computer so one question to the former librarian would have a requested volume in hand in moments.

Soft music played over carefully concealed speakers, and added to the restful air in the place. Mindy pinned the last of the fliers advertising the weekly book club meetings she planned to hold on the notice board behind the cash register, and moved to flip the door sign to open for her first day of business.