Topic: Quid Pro Quo and Strip Monopoly

David Lo

Date: 2010-08-05 17:26 EST
David put his arm around Riley's shoulders and leaned over to press his face into her hair. Even after what had clearly been a long, rough day, she smelled good enough to eat. Riley heaved a great sigh, incredibly grateful for his strong presence next to her. She laid her head against his shoulder and fell silent as they continued to walk.? They left behind the Inn and the Marketplace and were now crossing the bridge into the Central District.? Only a few blocks 'til home.

He glanced down at her, then looked out over the water. "I stopped into the Cafe this morning," he said.

"Did you?"? She paused at the apex of the bridge and turned them so they were facing the water.? The waning moon and the waxing moon behind it spilled light across the surface of the river like diamonds on a jewelers cloth.? "To see Danny?? Or to grab lunch?"

He nodded, leaning up against the railing when the stopped. "Both." He looked up at the sky, then back at the water. The two moons still weirded him out a bit.

She smiled.? "Did you talk to him or was he too busy?? And what did you eat?"

"Sure, we talked. I ate some kind of chicken. It was good."

She tilted her head up from its perch on his shoulder to look at him.? "Talking to you is like trying to squeeze blood out a f*cking turnip."? A touch of irritation flared in her eyes and she looked away, returning her gaze to the water.

"I'm sorry," he said, reaching up to cup her chin gently and turn her face back to his. "I've gotten used to not saying much. It'll take time to break that."

She let him turn her face back to his, caramel meeting dark chocolate.? "I'm sorry," she said quietly.? "I'm just...I've left the job but I can't get away from it."

"I know." He glanced around again, saw that the bridge was deserted other than the two of them, and leaned closer, pressing his lips to hers. He understood exactly how she felt. She kissed him softly, almost hesitantly, only a ghost of the previous passion in the gesture.? She was all rounded corners and soft lines tonight; there was nothing of the sharp angles that normally comprised the Cat.

He pulled back a little and looked at her. "What is it?"

She frowned softly, her eyes slowly opening as his face swam into focus.? "What is what?"

"Felt like you didn't want it, " he explained.

She laughed softly and shook her head.? "No, far from the truth.? I want it too much."? And to prove it to him, she cupped his face with her free hand and kissed him, lips and teeth and tongue exploring his mouth. He made a soft sound of pleasure, and his tongue darted out to meet hers, then retreat playfully. His fingers slid up into her hair, holding her head against him. She pulled away with a growl, her hand sliding down his arm to twine with his fingers.? She gave him a gentle tug.? "Let's go home."

Sounded good to him. He nodded and set off across the bridge again. Soon, the Gardens building was within sight. Riley slowed her steps a bit.? "Should we go see if Danny's up?"

"Do you want to?"

A faint frown crossed her face.? "It's okay to be selfish sometimes, David."

"It's in my best interests to keep you happy," he said seriously. "I am being selfish."

She chewed her lip for a moment and then continued walking into the building.? She moved up the stairs and headed into 2A, leaving the door open for David to follow. He stopped on the threshold and sighed. There were reasons he didn't talk much, and this was one of them. It was easier not to piss people off if he kept his mouth shut.

There was a note on the kitchen counter, stuck to a single orange rose in a frosted-glass bud vase.? She read the note and one half of her mouth curled in a bemused smile when she got to the PS.? She glanced up at David, a brow raised.? "He says to thank you for the match.? What's that about?? Also, scotch or a beer or something else?"

He finally came into the loft. Clearly she wasn't that pissed. He let a little grin show. "When we were talking, I asked him if he was as strong as you. He said stronger. So we arm-wrestled. If I have scotch, I'll be tipsy," he finished, not really saying he didn't want more.

She grinned and found two clean glasses in the drying rack next to the sink.? She poured some scotch into both glasses and handed him his.? "Who won?"? She took her drink out into the living area and settled down on the couch, curling up and sweeping her legs beneath her.

He accepted the scotch and took another sip, following her to the couch before answering. "I did," he said quietly, thinking for a moment about the conversation with Jin a month ago, wondering if the Deputy Minister could become as strong as Daniel, or even Riley. If he couldn't, then it couldn't have been something like him who was the attacking clone-thing.

David Lo

Date: 2010-08-05 17:26 EST
She watched him and reached out to touch a gentle forefinger to the spot between his eyebrows.? "What's wrong?" she asked softly.

"Just thinking about a conversation I had with Jin last month," he answered. "Wondering if it was something like him who attacked me."

She chewed her bottom lip lightly and shrugged.? "Has Danny ever explained to you about where he and I come from?"

"No, not really." He'd always been a bit confused about that, since they both claimed to be from Earth, yet there wasn't anything like them on Earth that he knew of.

She took a sip of her scotch and then set the glass down on the floor at her feet.? "Okay.? Well...? This is gonna sound absolutely insane, but I need you to bear with me."

"No more insane than being here, I bet," he said, leaning back on the couch.

She smiled.? "You've got a point.? So...? There's not just one Earth."? She paused and waited for his reaction to that bit of...Earth-shattering news.

He was silent for a moment, thinking. Then he nodded. "Okay, you're right. That's crazy. I believe you, though."

She chuckled.? "Danny and I are from an Earth where Lycans and vampires and Faeries are all...? Well, they're not in the closet any more, so to speak."

"Wow. That must be have been a hell of a time," he said. He knew quite well how easily mobs could form over the stupidest of reasons. Finding out the girl next door was a vampire must have sent people right over the edge.

"Yes.? It was pure anarchy for at least six months, until the US Senate and House ratified bills that guaranteed the Preternatural community the same kind of rights as the...uh...humans."? She did not mention what a large part she and some friends had had in this.

"You were practicing law then?"

She nodded.? "As a DA and then after the laws passed, as defence."

"People know you were a Lycan?"

Ah, now they came to it.? "Yeah, I was...sorta involved in outing us."

"Sorta involved?"

She sighed.? "A friend of mine, a 3,000-year-old vampire, decided that he was tired of hiding what he was, after a big battle with a couple of sorcerers was caught on tape.? I uh...arranged a press conference and sorta got caught up in the moment.? I Shifted on camera."

He laughed, a full-blown, genuine laugh. "You get a copy of that? I totally want to see that conference," he said when he recovered.

"Yeah, there's a copy at home.? My parents have it.? Anyway...? What the hell was I saying?? Oh, right.? Different Earths."? She cocked her head to the side.? "It's possible that the guy who attacked you wasn't what Jin is.? Maybe he's you, just from a different Earth."

It sounded weirder than hell, but it was honestly no crazier than Lycanthropes, changelings, and this whole city. "Maybe I should tell you about my life the past couple years."

She nodded and moved, turning around so that her back was facing him.? She slowly lowered her torso until her head was resting comfortably in his lap, her long, long legs stretched out along the length of the couch, heels resting on the arm.? She looked up into his face.? "Yes.? I want to hear all of it."

David Lo

Date: 2010-08-05 17:27 EST
He looked down at her, lying there, and smiled, moving his hand over to stroke her hair. A little thrill ran through his body, as it did almost every time he looked at her. He didn't know how it was that she had such an effect on him, but he sure liked it. He shook himself out of his reverie, and started his story. "Two years ago, I was just your average guy. A pretty good cop. Nothing special, though. Maybe looking at a Shield in the next year or two. I had a girlfriend, was thinking about popping the question, maybe, if I made Detective. We lived in a decent apartment. Had a dog. Normal, you know?" She nodded slowly, a tiny part of her aching in an unavoidable way.? She'd never had a chance at that.

"I was pretty happy, I think. Then, things started to change. Really small, at first. Just felt a little lighter on my feet. The most complex bagua moves seemed a little easier." He smirked a bit. "Took a little less effort to open a jar of pickles. I figured it was just my body hitting its stride, you know? Almost thirty years of daily training. I didn't smoke, didn't drink much, etc, etc." She nodded again, reaching up over her head to stroke his chest gently, just the tips of her fingers touching him.

He shivered again, stuttered for a second. "Bu..but it didn't stop. It wasn't like a constant thing. Just, some days I would wake up feeling better than the day before. Everything got easier, and better. My training, my exercise, my job. Even my sex life. It was great, at first. Only it kept happening. After a few months, people started noticing. Like in the gym. I was always in good shape; had to be for the job. But now, when I used to bench 220, I was pushing 300 with the same effort."

Her brows rose at this and she looked up at him.? "What happened?" she asked when she could no longer stand not knowing.? It had already been established that he wasn't a Lycan.

"I don't know. That's part of the problem. My Captain got suspicious and had me tested for drugs after I chased a perp on a bike for more than a mile, and kicked his ass when I caught him. I came up clean, so he had nothing to do but commend me."

She chuckled at that.? "How long did it last?? Or is it still happening?"

"Calm down, I'm getting there," he said, grinning a bit. She looked properly chastised and nodded. He ran his fingers along her hairline, pressing lightly into her scalp as they slid through her hair. "My girlfriend noticed, too, of course. She got worried. Said 'People get older, Dave. They don't get stronger. They don't get faster all of a sudden.' I had no explanation, so I just sort of shrugged it off. It didn't stop, though. As the months passed, I got stronger and stronger. Faster and faster. Beyond what seemed possible. I had to go to the gym in the middle of the night because either the guys stared, or I had to fake it and not get any real exercise. Right around a year after it started, I went down and pushed a thousand pounds. I knew it wasn't possible, but there I was, holding up half a ton of iron."

She blinked and her eyes grew wide.? "I have a hard time doing that," she said softly.

He nodded. "Six months later, things changed again. The days when I woke up feeling stronger didn't happen as often, but when they did, it was a lot more than before. Like I could suddenly lift 500 pounds more than I could the day before. I had to think about every movement carefully, or risk breaking something. It was rough. I've never been that talkative. You've probably guessed that much. That was when I started really withdrawing, though."

She looked pained and grabbed one of his hands, bringing it to her mouth and kissing the back of it.? "I'm sorry," she whispered.? "It must have been horrible."

He closed his eyes and nodded. "I stopped touching my girlfriend," he said softly. "I was afraid of hurting her. I tried to explain, but how do you cope with something like that? I barely said ten words a day. My job performance fell to almost nil, because I couldn't grab a guy without crushing his bones to powder." She turned onto her side and then sat up so that she was facing him.? Leaning into him, she pressed a soft kiss against his cheek. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her close, then laid his head on her shoulder. "After one too many fights with her screaming and me sitting silent, she left, took the dog with her. That same evening, I called the station and quit. I was afraid to leave the house. What if I got so strong that I couldn't open a door, or get into a car without wrecking it. I sat in my apartment for weeks without leaving."

She kissed his temple softly, her hands moving softly over his back over and over.? "What happened?? You obviously left."

He sighed softly, relaxing against her. "One of those days I was just sitting there, and realized it had been an entire month without one of those days happening. It had never been more than two weeks before that. I started thinking maybe it was over. And it was. At least that part. I seemed to be at the peak of whatever happened. I don't even know what that peak is. I've never been able to test it for sure." She nodded, encouraging him to go on.

"Instead of getting better, though, it got worse. I started getting used to the changes, but then... I started having these horrible feelings, like someone was staring at me. Like something bad was waiting just out of sight, looking for the right time to strike. At first, I felt it a couple times a day. Then every hour or so. After a few days, I felt it all the time. My nerves were shot. I was on edge all the time."

David Lo

Date: 2010-08-05 17:28 EST
"Something was hunting you," she said softly.? She'd been on the giving side of that feeling many, many times after all.

"Yeah. I didn't know it then, but yeah. I went to my old teacher. I hadn't seen him in a few years. There's a point where you can't learn from a teacher anymore, where you have to be the teacher in order to learn more. He listened to my whole story without interrupting, then just nodded and said I was feeling the chi of someone who wanted to do me harm. So, I started looking. I'd leave the house in the morning and walk around the city all day, looking for whoever it was. One day, I found him. Well. He found me. I turned around, and saw myself standing ten feet away."

"What was he doing?? Just watching you??

?He was smiling. Not a nice smile. Like sharks smile." She gave him her own version of that smile. Yeah, like that. Only with added malice. When he saw me looking, he pulled a gun and started firing. If I hadn't been so on edge already, I would have died right there. He was almost too fast to see. Only, I was, too. I hit the dirt, and he missed."

"Did anyone else get hurt?"

"A few mannequins. I was in front of a store display." She chuckled at that. ?I jumped on him,? he went on. ?He was as strong as me, and skilled, too. Not the same style, but just as much training. We could have fought all day. That's how even it was."

"So?"? She shifted again, her posture mirroring her interest in his story.? She leaned into him, eyes fixed on his face, intently looking at him.

"We threw each other around. Caused some property damage, for sure. He had this thing on his belt, like a cell phone from another planet. Or the future. I tagged it with a kick he almost didn't dodge. It flew off his belt and started making this sound like a warning klaxon. I guess it was important, because he looked over at it. I knocked him on his ass, of course. It was a stupid mistake on his part, taking his eyes off an opponent like that. It was a good hit. He flew back a ways. Twenty, thirty feet or so. While he was getting up, I picked up the cell phone thing. It was important enough to distract him, so maybe I could use it against him somehow. Next thing I knew, this beam of light like a helicopter spotlight hit me, and the ground shook. Then, it was like I was torn into a million pieces and hurled through the air while still conscious. A moment later, I hit the ground hard, and found myself lying on f*cking cobblestones. Everything hurt. Hurt like you'd expect from being taken apart and put back together. I couldn't move for a couple minutes, and when I did finally drag myself to my feet, there I was, a couple buildings down from the Inn. It was the only lit building, so I staggered my aching ass over to it. There was someone outside it, a cute little Chinese girl. I asked where the hell I was, and she told me Rhy'Din, at the Red Dragon Inn. I didn't know what the hell that was, of course. She went inside, and I followed. You know the rest. You were there."

She nodded slowly.? "And you've not felt those...eyes on you again?? Since coming here?"

"Not once."

Her eyes narrowed slightly for a moment and she frowned in thought.? "You wanna know what I think?"

"Of course."

She licked her lips and then said softly, almost hesitantly, "That cell phone thing?? I think it was a mini-Nexus."? She paused and looked at him.? "Do you know what the Nexus is?"

He nodded. "Yeah, some people talk about it in the Inn. It's like a gate to other words, right?"

"Exactly.? So that...cell phone thing was a mini Nexus.? Created a time tunnel or whatever.? Basically it made it easy for him to hop from world to world.? It's not that crazy - Mindy's got a friend who's actually a Feeb and they have their own Nexus. They stash a lot of their witness protection people here."

"Why am I not surprised the f*cking Feebs already found this place?" he said wryly.

David Lo

Date: 2010-08-05 17:28 EST
She laughed.? "Yeah, they've got their fingers in crazy sh*t.? So...what happens if Bad David shows up here?? We need like a safe word or something."

"Sh*t, yeah.? I've been thinking about that a lot. He looks like me, even feels like me. When I fought him, it was like hitting myself, without the pain. I bet he sounds just like me, too. Probably even smells like me."

"We definitely need some sort of safe word.? For when you start acting all crazy and stuff.? How"


She grinned and laughed.? "I don't know.? We could be all cloak and dagger.? 'The cock crows at midnight,' Danny and I could say and the correct response could be 'The pearl is in the river'."

"You're a goofball," he said, grinning.

"You're just now figuring that out?"

"Nah, just reaffirming."

She giggled, like a goofy little girl.? Then she sobered and gave him a concerned look.? "Why do you think he wants to kill you so badly?"

"Hell, I wish I knew. Maybe he doesn't like anyone who looks like him."

She shook her head and then sighed deeply.? "I think this place attracts freaks and weirdos like honey attracts ants."

"That's for damn sure. Which one am I?"

"A freaky weirdo."? She gave him a little lopsided smile.

"Okay. I can work with that." He kissed her softly, gently peeling the dress from her body, revealing a matched set of shell pink underwear. He grinned at finding it; it was so unlike her to wear anything pink and he was surprised at the tiny touches of ultra-femininity with her. She was normally so hard, so unyielding. His clothes soon joined hers on the floor and they were spooned together on the couch, touching and kissing gently, exploring each other, taking their time.

Riley pulled away from him a little, looking into his eyes, something like uncertainty lurking in her face. "David..." she began in a soft voice.


"What happened to your girlfriend?"

"After she left?" He shrugged slightly. "I don't know. She never came back. I called once, a week or two later, but she'd changed her number. I just sort of gave up, then."

She was silent for a long time, thinking this over.? "What if Daniel and I get married?" her voice was even softer than before and she reached for him, holding him tighter suddenly.

"I probably wouldn't want me around, then," he said slowly.

She shook her head and looked up at him.? "I...? I don't know if that's true."

"Well," he said, hesitating. He was a little at a loss for words.

She shook her head again and stepped back.? "I'm sorry.? I'm ruining the moment, aren't I?"

"The moment will come back, I can guarantee that," he said. "Getting this out is more important."

She pulled her legs against her chest, resting her chin on her bent knees.? "I don't know how to do this."? She glanced at him.

He sat down next to her, meeting her eyes. "Do what?"

"Have this kind of relationship.? I'm not sure what's right for me to feel.? I'm not sure if I'm just supposed to view you as a friend with benefits or if I'm allowed to ... fall... feel more than that."

"If it helps any, I'm as new to this as you are," he said, offering a small, wry smile. "What do you think Daniel would say?"

She cocked her head to the side, laying her cheek against her knees now.? "I think...? I think he'd remind us that I said I wanted us to be family...and a certain amount of feelings have to be had in order for us to be that close, right? And...? And I think that he'd be okay with that.? Us...having feelings for each other," she ventured.

"He'd probably point out it was completely natural for feelings to develop, or something," he said, nodding.

David Lo

Date: 2010-08-05 17:29 EST
She nodded slowly, her eyes moving over his face.? "I'm sorry.? Your life was pretty damned complicated without adding in a couple of whack-a-doo Cats."

"No apologizing. I mean it. I'm just starting to feel like I could be happy again."

She smiled softly, his words touching her deeply.? "It's not...It's not just about the sex for you, is it?"

"Not really. Don't get me wrong, the sex is incredible. But there's also the feeling like I belong. Like there's someone I can count on if I need it. Hell, two someones." He nodded decisively.

The smile grew a touch.? "Do you think I'm crazy for wanting that for the three of us?"

"If you are, then I'm just as crazy."

She smiled softly.? "My friend, the vampire, would tell me I'm thinking too much.? He'd tell me to disengage my brain and do more feeling."

"Bruce Lee said the same thing. 'Don't think. Feel.'"

"Bruce Lee and a 3,000-year-old vampire sure do give good advice." She chuckled and then unfolded, setting her feet flat on the floor and reaching for his hand.? "So.? Crisis adverted.? We're sitting on a the couch, in our underwear.? What shall we do?" That earned her a 'duh' look. "Right.? The board's in the table by the door.? We can put it between us on the couch."

His eyes narrowed. "What board?"

She gave him a confused look, her forehead furrowing a little.? "The Monopoly board.? I thought...? I thought you wanted to play?"

"Right," he said, standing up. She asked for it. He walked over to the indicated table and started looking for the board. It was in the top, centre drawer of the table next to the front door.? She folding her legs in a full lotus position.? She watched him, wondering how far he'd take it.

He found the board, and brought it over to the couch. He sat down and asked that most important of questions. "Who gets to be banker?"

"I'll let you do it, if I can be the hat."

"I always liked the dog, anyway." She frowned and pouted a bit.? She reached for the box. "If they made Jaguars, I'd want to be that one. But they don't. So quit pouting."

"Set it up, Mr Mouth." He unfolded the board and set it down between them. He started counting out the money they'd start with. At that moment, the door opened up, and Daniel walked in. He paused at the sight of them sitting in their underwear at the couch with the Monopoly board between them. "What's this, strip Monopoly? Can I get in on it?"