Topic: Rapport - 18 and Over

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-06-08 22:38 EST
David pointedly didn't look at Riley, though his body treacherously decided to flush when her elbow brushed against his bare arm. What the hell was wrong with him? He muttered something unintelligible under his breath and walked a little faster, hardly noticing the dead weight of one Judah Bishop slung over his shoulder. They were slowly making their way through the streets between the Red Dragon and the Precinct One Watch House. Salvador Delahada had attacked and seemingly killed Judah...again...and Riley had asked Neo Eternity, fellow Watch Constable and some kind of angel with a magical glowing sword, to take Sal into custody, while Riley and David took Judah #2 and put him on ice in the morgue at the Watch House.

Riley glanced sharply at him, hearing the grumbling but wasn't able to make out the words.? She frowned softly and figured that her accidental touch had somehow upset him so she took a big step to the side, putting further distance between them.? "Why are you so pissed off at me?" she asked, trying to keep the accusation out of her voice.? The last thing she wanted or needed right now was to put him on the defence.

"Deals with murderers?" he asked, glancing briefly at her as she stepped further from him. He wasn't about to mention the other reason for his grumbling; neither of them needed that sort of complication at the moment. Of course, it didn't help that he had the sneaking suspicion that she somehow already knew exactly how he was feeling towards her. Hell, maybe she could smell it. She had so many other animalistic characteristics, it would only follow that her senses were much better than his. He looked surreptitiously at her again, trying to see whether it looked like she was smelling him.

She was determinedly not looking at him.? Her arms were folded over her chest and her eyes were on the street in front of them.? "Oh, come on.? How long did you work for the Force?? Didn't the DA ever make deals with defendants?"

He stopped and turned to face her. "Not before the f*cking arrest."

She turned to face him, an exasperated expression clouding her eyes.? "You are not on Earth, anymore, David.? You have to get out of that mindset.? Earth rules, Earth laws do no - cannot - work here.? You have to be willing to adjust and adapt.? I hired you because I thought you could do that.? Don't prove me wrong."

Okay, she totally had him there. He looked down at the ground and nodded slowly. "Yeah." Then he looked up again, still mad, even if it was less now. "Still. Facing down killers yourself? Ordering Watchmen to back off?" He shook his head. "You hired me for a job you're not letting me do."

"Ever work with the Bureau's HRT or SWAT?"


"Did you ever learn about hostage negotiations?"? She turned away from him again and began walking towards the Watch House.

"Of course. Did you? Part of lawyer training, now?" He shifted the corpse to a more comfortable position and followed behind her.

"Are you always such a brusque assh*le?? I'm trying to make a point to you about rapport.? Something you clearly need to learn."

"What you need to learn is that the time for f*cking rapport comes after the goddamn psychopath who just broke a man's neck in plain sight of all us and is now preparing to take a knife and carve his f*cking eyes out has been arrested and restrained. Not while he's still waving the motherf*cking knife around!" Apparently, David can be quite long-winded if someone pisses him off enough. "You also need to learn that a f*cking judge doesn't climb rooftops to face the same psychopath while some other f*cking psycopath is shooting crossbows at her. That's a cop's job." He fell silent, breathing hard and somewhat red in the face, glaring defiantly at her.

"Oh, right.? Well, excuse the f*ck outta me, Constable.? Next time, I'll just let you get your butt handed to you by something that's not human and could snap your spine just by looking at you cross-eyed.? I'll just make sure that I'm well out of the way and in no way, shape, or form anywhere near so you can do your f*cking job."

"Something like you, maybe?" he snapped back. "I haven't seen anything here yet that I couldn't handle."

She stopped walking again and turned very slowly to face him.? She cocked her head to the side, as if studying him.? She was debating the merits of Shifting into her War form just to prove a point. He waited, stubbornly silent, not even putting down the corpse that still adorned one shoulder. She finally just shook her head and turned back to continue the walk to the Watch House.? "One of these days, you'll run up against a mage or a really pissed off dragon or an ancient vampire and you'll wish you'd learned rapport."

"If you want someone who's going to have a goddamn tea party for the killers and rapists and ask them why their mommies and daddies didn't pay enough attention to them, you really did hire the wrong guy." He said to her back, not moving yet.

Oh.? He should not have said that.? She turned on her heel and stalked back to him, anger radiating off her in waves.? She got right up in his face, and in her shoes tonight, they were standing eye to eye.? In a low, inhuman growl, she said, "F*ck.? You."

"Rapport," he said, quietly, and very, very dryly. Then he stepped around her and continued in the direction of the Watch house. And tried very hard to ignore the part of him that was pointing out how totally hot she was when she was pissed off like that.

She turned to watch him go, letting out the breath she'd taken in preparation for having a punch thrown at her head.? It was rather like letting the air out of a balloon.? She muttered, ?Chikusho! Mou, manuke!*? and trotted after him, catching him up quickly and falling into step next to him.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-06-08 22:39 EST
He looked over at her and exhaled slowly, pushing away the anger and letting his calm center return. "Look," he said quietly. "Just tell me why. I'll listen." Because, in all honesty, now that he was just starting to feel like he had a place here he didn't really want to blow it all by getting into a fistfight with his boss. She'd probably bill him for her clothes.

"When Sal first killed Judah, Neo arrested him.? Did you know that?"? She wasn't trying to be a know-it-all and shove her knowledge of the situation in his face like a smarty-pants, uppity b*tch.? She was just trying to figure out how much of the situation he did actually know.

He shook his head. Must have happened before he arrived in this crazy place.

"Sal just sat in the interrogation room for hours, completely silent, not saying a word to Neo or to anyone else.? He refused to talk to anyone.? And then, Friday night...he started talking to me."? She paused for a moment and glanced at him.

"So you figured you could get him to talk if everyone else backed off," he said. Look at that, another full sentence, and he's not even pissed now.

"Yes.? And then this morning, when I got into the office, there was a box on my desk from him.? That mug shot in the paper today?? The one of Judah?? It was in the box, along with a note from Sal."? She purposefully left out mentioning the dress that had also been in the box. She was pretty sure that if Fenner ever got wind of it, he'd start questioning her ethics. She could see the headline now: ?MoJ Accepts Bribe From Murder Suspect?.

"What's the deal with this Judah guy, anyway?" he asked, shrugging his shoulder so the body on it bounced up and down a few times.

"I have no idea.? That's what I'm hoping to get out of Sal, if Neo can keep him long enough, that is."? The Watch House was less than a block away now and she was exceedingly happy to see it.? The sooner they got there and turned over the body, the sooner she could go home.

He nodded. What she was saying made sense. He was beginning to understand why she was putting so much effort into Sal. He nodded again, coming to a decision.? "Okay," he said, "I'll follow your lead." Then he paused and looked over at her. "Just...don't leave me in the dark, okay? I can't do my job without the facts."

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-06-08 22:40 EST
She nodded and tugged open the door to the Watch House.? It was pretty quiet, just one elderly, greying Watchman behind the desk.? His eyes grew wide when he saw his boss and another Constable behind her, a Constable who was carrying a body.? He snapped to attention and scurried around the desk to give David a hand.

David let the other Watchman help, even though it wasn't really necessary. "Putting this one on ice, too?" he asked her.

She nodded and slipped around to the other side of the desk to begin looking for the correct forms to fill out.? "Yeah, put him next to the body in cooler number 3."? The Watchman helping David gave Riley a round-eyed look and glanced at the body in his arms.? "Holy Mother of God," he said.? "How is that possible?"

David snorted. "Good question." He took the body to the cooler, dumped it in, the came back up to see if Riley wanted help with the paperwork.

The Watchman shook his head.? "Lived here my entire life, and I'm still not used to it."? He moved to stand next to Riley and handed her a file.? "Here's the file on number 3.? Just copy it for the new one."

Riley smirked and took the file from him.? "Can I use the Commander's office?"? The Watchman nodded and Riley jerked her chin towards the rear of the building, inviting David along if he wanted to help or hear more. He definitely wanted to hear more, and would suffer through helping with paperwork in order to do so. She seated herself behind the Commander's desk and opened the files, set them side by side and began copying information from one into the other.? "So."? She didn't expand on that.? She left it for him to fill in.

He thought for a moment, then just cut to the chase. "What do you need from me?"

She glanced up at him, across the desk and shrugged a little.? "Honestly?? I need you to trust me.? I do actually know what I'm doing.? I may not be a cop, I may not have had your training, but I'm not a babe in the woods."

He nodded. She'd earned some trust, at least. More would have to wait until he understood the situation a little better. "Okay. What else?"

She shrugged and turned back to her paperwork. He waited for a few moments, until it became obvious she wasn't going to say anything else. "There's nothing else?"

She shook her head slowly, looking up at him from under the fan of her lashes.? "No.? Do you have something you need from me?"

Christ. That kind of straight line could land a man in serious trouble. He had to bite his tongue in order to stop it from blurting out exactly what he wanted from her. This resulted in a muffled exclamation of pain and no words at all.

She blinked at his outburst and raised a brow.? "Problem, Constable?"

He shook his head. Nothing a cold shower wouldn't fix, at least. "No problem," he said.

She nodded and went back to her paperwork.? "This might take a while.? Do you wanna stick around?? I won't be upset if you want to cut out and head home."

"I'll wait," he said. After the way he'd yelled at her earlier, it didn't seem fair to just bug out. It had nothing at all to do with how she looked in that dress, of course.

Twenty minutes later, the paperwork was finished and filed and Riley and David were leaving the Watch House.? "Oh, crap," she said.

"What?" David asked, looking over at her.

"I'm supposed to go to see Neo and Sal tonight."? She sighed heavily and started digging through her bag for her cell phone.

"Little late, isn't it?" he asked.

"Justice waits for no...woman."? She dialled her home phone number and waited for Daniel to pick up.? Once he did, she explained that she mightn't be home tonight, and then told him why. "No, I'm going to be questioning a suspect," she said in answer to his question about whether he should join her.? After saying good-bye, she hung up and turned to David.? "You can probably go home, too."

"He's dangerous," he replied, obliquely hinting that another Watchman might be a good idea.

"Neo?"? She was deliberately being obtuse and reminding David that there would be another Watchman there with her.

He just shook his head. "Right."

She reached out and lightly laid her hand on his arm.? "I'll be fine, David."

He looked down at her hand; it was hot against his skin, hotter than a hand ought to be. Maybe that was just him, though.? A little quiver went through the muscles of his arm before he nodded and turned away. "Better be," he said over his shoulder, walking out of the Commander's office.

She smirked and followed him out into the night.? She wisely did not comment on the insane amount of pheromones he was sending out, or the quiver of his muscles under her hand. When they reached the Red Dragon, she gave him a slight smile and a wave before heading inside. David continued his journey back to the Zen Gardens Building in WestEnd. He had a feeling that he wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight.

((* Japanese translation: ?Damn it! Enough, silly man!?

Adapted from live scene. Thanks to David Lo's player.))

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-06-11 19:03 EST
((Note: This next series takes place the night of the first City Watch Training session, which can be found here.))

Riley followed David outside the Great Hall where they'd just had their first training session for the new Rhy'Din City Watch, taking a moment to sniff the air before turning to head towards WestEnd.? She was quiet, mind on two distinct conversations she'd had a few nights ago. It was a beautiful night, warm, but cloudy.? She missed the stars suddenly, missed being able to just glance up at the sky and see them...even if they weren't the ones she was used to.? It would have been a nice distraction from the presence of the silent Watchman beside her.

Quiet was fine with him, it was his normal state of existence.? If she didn't want to talk, he didn't feel the need to press conversation on her. He did, however, take careful note of the sniff of the air as he walked along with her. It kind of confirmed his suspicious from the other night. While walking along silently was normal for him, it certainly wasn't for her, or so he'd gathered in the two weeks or he'd known her.? He glanced sidelong at her, trying to read her face and body language. The set of her jaw suggested something was bothering her, but her body didn't reinforce that. He reminded himself that she wasn't human, though, and her body language might be completely foreign to him. Still, he decided it was probably best to wait for her to say something. She was definitely the kind of woman who didn't like to be pushed. He'd figured that part out already.

She licked her lips and glanced sidelong at him, catching him looking at her.? She arched a brow challengingly. His face mirrored hers, one brow rising a bit. She wasn't going to beat him in the quiet game, that was for sure.

"How did you like Fiora?" she asked after a while.

He considered for a moment, then, "Seems fun. Flighty, though."

She smiled and looked back out over the road.? "She's cute, huh?? You should ask her out.? I know a very intimate, romantic Italian place near the Market."

He frowned a bit, wondering what she was up to. "I don't know," he replied finally. "Might not be a good idea."

Her brow arched.? "What?? Why not?? She's cute.? She's single."? She's not me was the silent, unspoken continuation.

He stopped, turning to face her, and took a breath. "Since I...changed...I haven't been...intimate...with anyone." He wasn't entirely sure why he was telling her this, he'd certainly never said it to anyone else.

She blinked, her mouth forming a small O of surprise.? She had absolutely no response to that.? She frowned, grasping at straws for something to say.? What ended up coming out was both vacuous and insipid.? "Don't you want to?"

He gave her a 'duh' look. "Of course."

She nodded, having the grace to look ashamed at asking the question.? "So...uh...wouldn't you...uh...have to..."? She trailed off, her mouth shutting violently closed with an audible clicking of her teeth.? Just stop, Riley.? Just shut up.

After a moment, he figured out what the hell she was getting at, and nodded. "Obviously. But...," he trailed off, then looked around, spotting a piece of rebar similar to the one the Mako had been swinging. They said a picture was worth a thousand words, so... He held up the rebar for her to see the inch-thick steel bar, then effortlessly twisted it into a pretzel shape, accompanied by the groan of tortured metal. Then he took one of the bent corners and squeezed it, crushing the metal nearly flat. He handed the bent and misshapen bar to her and nodded at it. "What if I lost control?" He figured she'd be able to imagine what that kind of force would do to a human body.

Well.? That was graphic, wasn't it.? She took the rebar and looked it over before dropping it to the ground.? "You've made your point."? She frowned and opened her mouth to add something, but closed her mouth almost immediately and shook her head.

"Yeah," he said, simply.

She swallowed and now, she did cross her arms over her chest before turning back to face the Gardens building which was just now visible on the horizon. Great, so now he'd unnerved her with that little display. Way to go, Dave, he said to himself. "Sorry," he said, as if that would actually help.

"Why would you be sorry?? You can't help what you are anymore than I can help what I am.? And believe it or not, I do know what you mean about control."? Oh, yeah.? She and control are on very intimate terms.

"Figured as much," he answered. Then he paused. "Uh. What are you, anyway?" Now there was some smooth talking, right?

"Lycanthrope.? Were-jaguar, to be exact."

"Huh," he said. Now that she'd said it, he realized she really did move like a cat. "Explains the claws."

She smiled.? "And you?? You're not human.? Not a Lycan, either."

"I am human," he replied quickly. "At least, I think." He still had no real ideas about what happened to him, and what it had to do with the other guy who looked just like him; the one who tried to kill him.

Her brow arched.? "No human I know can do that."? She nodded down to the rebar pretzel at her feet.

"I know." He sighed. That was the trouble, wasn't it? No human could do what he could do, or more importantly, survive what he could do. "I don't know what's caused it."

She licked her lips and looked back at him, her eyes moving over his body.? "Well...? I guess the key to your problem is...finding someone who can"

Yup, that was exactly it. He needed someone with inhuman durability. Someone he wouldn't kill by accident. The way she was looking at him was more than a little distracting, not to mention arousing. "Exactly..." he said.

She swallowed and nodded, looking away.? Oh, f*ckity f*ck.? This was not going the way she had intended.? She didn't know what else to say.? She didn't know what to do, other than turn and finish the walk towards the Gardens...and the safety that the building offered.? So...that was what she did. He stood there for a moment, watching her turn and walk away. Now he felt like a complete tool; he must have been misreading her completely. Not to mention she already had a guy. He wondered if Daniel was a Lycanthrope too. Probably. He'd felt the same crazy energy coming off the guy the night of the fight. This was bad. Really bad. He couldn't remember a woman ever having this strong an effect on him before. Well, he couldn't just stand there all night. He started walking again, following her to the building.

She stopped and turned to face him.? A million thoughts were swirling around in her head.? And the one she settled on?? "What else can you do?? Besides the strength?"

He stopped in surprise when she turned around again, blinking at her for a moment after her question. "I can outrun a car. Dodge bullets. Usual superhero stuff." He ventured a brief smile.

She nodded.? "Sounds familiar.? need to find yourself a nice Lycanthrope.? A...wolf or maybe another cat.? There's plenty out there."? She waved a vague hand at the city.

That was such a surreal statement. He hardly knew what to make of it. So he just shrugged it off. Curiosity gave him an opening to talk about something else, at least. "What can you do?"

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-06-11 19:03 EST
"All of that.? Heal nearly instantaneously...and this."? She closed her eyes for a moment and then Shifted.? Black fur poured over her body like water as she grew nearly a foot and a half in height and doubled her weight - all muscles.? Her hands and feet became paws, tipped in lethal claws.? Her face elongated, becoming vaguely feline, mouth and nose becoming a muzzle that was lined with razor-sharp teeth, her ears moved to the top of her head and became triangles.? And ooh!? A tail, too.

He took a step back, eyes widening a bit. Christ, it was like something out of a high-budget horror flick. Only standing right in front of him. If he'd seen that a month ago, he'd probably have sh*t himself and ran away screaming like a school girl. The effect was a little lessened now, after spending two weeks mingling with dragons and vampires and who knew what else. Still, it was a shock and a half. "Damn," he said. She looked like she could have a dozen of those Makos for breakfast without working up a sweat. If they were fool enough not to run like scared rabbits.

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and the process began, only in reversal, leaving her standing before him again, Human, utterly naked, and weak with exhaustion.? Shifting like she'd done in such a brief span of time was extremely taxing. She stumbled a bit, reaching out and catching herself on David's arm so she didn't land face first in the dirt at his feet.

"Jesus," he said, reaching forward quickly to support her. In the shock of seeing her change, he hadn't even noticed that her clothes didn't change with her...they were lying in the street now, torn to rags. His eyes moved over her without conscious volition.? Her body was everything he'd expected it to be; strong, supple, and scarily sexy. He was surprised to see the amount of scars on her, but somehow it didn't diminish her attractiveness one bit. After a second or two of frozen immobility, he managed to ask, "You okay?"

She nodded and let go of him, straightening and holding herself proudly.? Each of those scars had a story and she could point to any of them and tell him where and when it'd happened, though the majority of them had happened at the hands of a vindictive, sadistic Faerie Queen.? "We should probably go inside."

He nodded. "Yeah, we should." He remembered the bundled Watch uniform he was still carrying and held it hesitantly out to her. "Want this?" he asked. He was trying hard to keep his eyes on her face, and mostly succeeded.

She plucked the shirt from him and slid it on.? It hung down to mid-thigh, covering her up nicely.? "Thanks.? Uh...want some coffee or something?"? She headed inside, her fingers lovingly moving over Harry and Sally as she passed by them.

"Hell yes," he said, more strongly than he'd meant to. Yeah, he was a bit flustered. He followed her in, staring at her long, strong legs. Even after standing there naked and apparently exhausted, she moved better than some martial arts instructors he'd known.

She nodded and headed to the only door that marked the right side of the ground floor hallway.? She opened it and stepped inside, waiting for David to follow. He came in behind her and looked around. He'd never been in this room before, though he'd glanced through the windows a couple times on the way in or out. This was an interesting looking room. He glanced to either side where large open archways led to what looked some of kind of gym or dance studio. He remembered that he'd seen signs for yoga and dance classes around the building, so dance studio seemed more likely.

She passed a desk, the computer that sat atop it was turned off, and went to another closed door.? This one she knocked on before opening it after there was no answer.? Inside, there was another desk, another computer, a bookshelf, a coffee maker and a comfy looking couch.? She headed to the coffee maker and flipped the lid open. He stood in the doorway to it, watching her.

She glanced over her shoulder at him.? "Come on in.? Mr Cheung's apparently gone home...wherever that is.? You've met him, right?"? She began making coffee - adding the filter, the ground beans, the water - and then sat down on the couch while it brewed.

He almost smiled at the mention of the little Communist super. "Yeah," he said, coming into the office and standing irresolutely near the couch.

She looked up at him and crossed her legs demurely, tugging the hem of the shirt down as far as it would go, trying to cover as much of her thighs as possible.? "You're too tall."

"I'm not," he retorted, tearing his eyes away from her legs to look into her eyes. He was usually pretty good at reading how a person was feeling, but it seemed a lot harder tonight. He could guess why, though.

She laughed.? "Sit.? You're making me nervous.? You can sit at the desk, though I promise I won't bite if you sit next to me."

That was assuming her didn't want her to bite him, which was more than a little debatable at this point. He sat down next to her on the couch and glanced over at the coffee maker, then back to her. "I'm making you nervous?" he asked. He was, needless to say, wound pretty tight just then.

She nodded.? "As nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs."? She grinned and stood up, smoothly, gracefully, flashing more than a little of that long length of muscular thigh as she moved to the coffee pot.? She poured two mugs and added sugar and cream to hers and nothing to his.? She brought both back to the couch and hand David's to him, before settling down on again, curling one long leg beneath her and tugging the shirt down again.

Okay, now he was pretty sure she was teasing him. With what she'd told him about her abilities, and what he'd already seen, she had to know exactly what kind of effect she was having on him. That realization, of course, did nothing at all to stop him from staring at the revealed flesh as she went to the coffee maker and back. He accepted the coffee she offered and took a gulp of it, not even noticing that it was still too hot. "Funny," he said.

She gave him a soft smile and sipped her coffee, caramel-brown eyes resting lightly, curiously, on his face.

"What?" At least it was easier for him to keep his eyes on her face when she was sitting that close to him. He could feel the heat coming off of her body, though, which offered its own set of distractions.

She shrugged a little, but didn't stop staring at him.? "I'm curious about you."

He shrugged right back. "Ask."

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-06-11 19:05 EST
"How old are you?"? She sipped more coffee and slowly started to relax a bit, the tension draining from her shoulders.

'Thirty-six," he said, trying to relax as well, with moderate success. She was curious about him, which was a good thing, at least.

She nodded, filing that way.? "When's your birthday?"

"March first."

"Pisces, right?? Year of the...Tiger?"

"That's right," he said. He wondered why she was asking him about his Zodiac sign, of all things, but, hell, if she was interested enough to keep talking to him, who was he to complain?

"Did you go to college?"

He nodded. "Criminal Justice at San Francisco State."

She nodded again and sipped more coffee, falling silent and giving him the opportunity to ask her whatever he wanted.

"Where'd you go?"

"Boston University for undergrad and Boston College for law."

He nodded. He'd heard Boston in her voice, though he hadn't been quite sure where on the East Coast it was until then.

Her gaze flicked briefly to the clock on the wall and then back to his face.? "Siblings?? Parents still alive?"

"No siblings," he replied. "Parents live in Chinatown. You?"

"No siblings, either.? My parents live just outside Boston.? My mother teaches Japanese culture and the language at Tufts, and my father is a heart surgeon."

He raised a brow. "Rich family, eh? My parents run an herbal medicine store."

She smiled and gave him a light shrug.? Yes, her parents were obscenely rich.? After all, she'd gone to a high school that cost more than most people made in a year.? But it wasn't something that clouded her attitude or her outlook on life.? "Traditional Chinese?"

"Yeah, pretty much." He was definitely starting to relax a bit more, now, and it showed, his sentences were getting longer. "They got me into baguazhang."


The expression on her face was so perfect, he couldn't help but laugh. An actual, real laugh. She grinned at that and felt the knife in her heart twisting just a little more.? God, he was hot, and made hotter by the expression of humor on his face now.? She took a deep breath and looked away, a hand coming up to idly twist a tendril of sable hair around her finger.

He leaned forward a bit, and very nearly reached out to touch that lock of hair. He caught himself just in time, and used the motion to hold his open palm up in front of her. "Baguazhang. Eight trigrams Palm. It's one of the three internal styles of Chinese Martial arts."

She glanced at his hand, feeling the urge to reach up and grasp it, drag it to her mouth and kiss it.? Instead she looked into his eyes ... which was a mistake.? "Oh, the circle stuff?" she said, her voice thready, breathy.

"That's right," he said, smiling a genuine smile. This was one of his great passions in life they were talking about here, and it showed. "It's based on the theory of continuously changing in response to the situation at hand in order to overcome an opponent with skill rather than brute force." Unconsciously, he leaned in even more, his eyes fixed on hers now.

"And that's what you're going to teach me?"? She was aware of his closeness, her body singing with tension now.

He nodded. "With your agility and grace, you could be great," he said. Even without the incredible, mind-numbing attraction he felt towards her, he would have been thrilled to have a student with her potential. His hand dropped to her knee before he even realized it was moving. "You could be better than I am," he said softly.

She snorted and shook her head...and then froze at the touch.? She looked down at his hand, resting so innocently on her knee, and then up into his eyes.? She was certain her expression as akin to that of a deer caught in the beams of a car's headlights.

When his brain informed him that his hand was on her bare skin, he froze too, staring at her. Every muscle in his body seemed locked into place. He couldn't have taken his hand off of her even if he wanted to, which he assuredly did not.

She blinked at long last, breaking the eye contact.? She gently shifted under his hand, removing it from her knee so that it fell to the seat of the couch..., while at the same time somehow moving closer to him.? She could hear his heart hammering in his chest, could smell the heady scent of his desire - and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that they'd reached a critical juncture in their relationship, a fork in the road, as it were.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-06-11 19:07 EST
((Note: This post contains mature content. If don't want to read it, please skip to the next post.))

His paralysis broke when she moved closed to him, and so did the chains of propriety and common sense that had been holding him back all along. He leaned in the rest of way, brushing his lips very gently against hers. He was more than half-expecting her shove him violently away, but there was no way he was stopping now, short of her actually doing so.

She froze again for a moment, too shocked to believe that he was actually kissing her.? Some small part of her brain - it was probably called the conscience - was screaming at her to remember that she'd practically promised both Mindy and Danny that she would keep her relationship with David on a purely professional level.? And unless she'd suddenly become a prostitute, this was not professional.? But...then she kissed him back, her hands sliding up his arms, over his shoulders to cup his face gently and hold his mouth against hers.

He could hardly believe she was not only accepting his kiss, but returning it with clear passion. The heat of her mouth was a purely pleasurable burning sensation against his. He made a soft sound, somewhere between a moan and groan, sliding both hands onto her bare legs, moving slowly higher. He wanted to tear that shirt off of her and touch every part of her at once, but he forced himself to move slowly, still expecting her to pull away.

She beat him to the punch, as it were, and fumbled with the buttons of the borrowed shirt and then shrugged it off her now-bare shoulders, tossing it aside.? She climbed to her knees, her mouth still locked onto his, and pressed herself against him.? Now that the floodgates were open, there was no holding back.? She was fully committed to the current course they found themselves on.

He realized then that she wanted this as much as he did, had probably wanted it all along. His hands slid up her legs, tracing lightly over the lines of the scars on her thighs, then up over her hips to her sides. He pulled his mouth away from hers, moving it down the edge of her jaw to her throat, kissing every inch of skin on the way.

She growled softly as his mouth left hers and her hands busied themselves with tugging his shirt out of his jeans, running her hands up that deliciously washboard stomach, her fingers curling not-so-delicately to dig her nails into his muscles.

He bit down on the side of her neck, little shivers running through the muscles of his stomach under her fingers. It hurt some, but it was a good pain, one that he welcomed. He liked rough play, and the long, self-imposed restraint he'd put on himself had only heightened it.

She pushed herself against him harder, pushing him down so that she was lying atop him, straddling him, one knee on either side of his hips.? Her hands grabbed hold of his shirt and a brief tearing sound indicated that she'd ripped it from his body.? She let her hands wander over his chest and stomach and sides, while her mouth captured his again, kissing him now hungrily, lips and teeth devouring him.

His hunger matched hers perfectly, one hand rising to the back of her head, crushing her mouth against his. The other hand slid over the scars on her stomach, then up to her breast, pressing his fingers into her flesh. His body strained upwards, lifting her with him.

She was making small, needful noises in her throat, somewhere between a moan and a growl and a sigh.? Her hands slipped down to fumble with the belt at his waist, finally growing impatient with it and ripping it from him.? She left a trail of fiery hot, wet kisses across his cheek and captured his earlobe between her front teeth.

His hand left her head and joined the other, fingers teasing and pulling on her nipples almost roughly. The sheer heat of her body on his was making it hard to think, but he didn't need to think right now anyway. He arched his neck enough to get his mouth onto her shoulder, biting and kissing in succession.

Next came the buttons on the fly of his jeans.? Luckily she managed to undo them without having to resort to shredding the offending garment from his body.? She kissed down his neck, nipping gently at the big tendon in the side of his neck as she moved lower.

He groaned softly, tipping his head back, one hand reaching down to help shuck his jeans and boxers off. The other hand clawed down her back, nails digging into her skin hard enough to leave marks.

She arched her back against him, her head tipping back as a soft growl of pleasure escaped her parted lips.? She rose up a bit, bracing her hands on his shoulders, and looked down into his eyes, a soft subsonic purr rumbling forth from her as she ground her hips down against him, teasing and taunting with the promise of tight, wet heat.

His hands found those teasing hips, fingers digging in as he pushed up to meet her. That purr seemed to reverberate right through him, forcefully remind him, once more, that she wasn't human. It didn't matter. He didn't think he'd ever been harder in his life. It almost hurt, but again, it was the kind of pain a person didn't want to stop.

She stopped for a moment, having reached another apex in the night's activities.? She opened her eyes and looked down into his face, searching it for something, permission, a request, some kind of clue as to what he wanted.

What he wanted was her. Wanted her so badly that he was practically shaking with need. He didn't know what he'd do if she stopped now, but he met her eyes, ready to do whatever she wanted.

She leaned forward, capturing his mouth again and then shifted her hips so that she was balanced right above him.? Slowly, carefully, she lowered herself down onto him, enveloping him within her body.? She held herself perfectly still, kissing him still as she adapted to the feeling of him inside her - so different from Danny, who'd been her only lover in the past year.

It was like being slowly immersed in pleasurable fire. His muscles trembled, but he didn't move, savoring the sensation of her taking him in. His teeth closed on her lower lip, and he exhaled in a soft hiss. His hands slipped up her back to hold her shoulders. Then his hips started to move, very slowly.

Just that tiny movement was enough to set off a spark within her and she began thrusting her hips, grinding down atop him, meeting his movements even as she devoured his mouth.? Her fingers tightened in their grip on his shoulders, nails scoring his flesh.

He gasped when her nails bit in, arching his hips harder against her, driving up into her and kissing her mouth hungrily. His hands pressed into the hard muscles of her back, fingers digging hard. There was something incredible about being under a woman so strong. It was far beyond anything he'd ever felt with a normal woman, a human woman. He didn't want it to stop.

She lifted up off him, straightening and changing the pitch and roll of her hips so that it was a smooth, though driving, pace.? She trailed her fingers down over her breasts, down her sides, over her hips.? She tipped her head back a bit, her eyes fluttering closed, her bottom lip caught between her lower teeth as she lost herself to the sensations.

His hands caught hers for a moment at her hips, holding them against her as he matched that exhilarating pace. Then they slid up her body again to cup her breasts, kneading them in the same rhythm as she was moving on him. His breath came hard and fast, a barely audible moan accompanying each exhalation.

Faster and faster she drove her hips, rocking back and forth, side to side atop him.? She was breathless now, gasping for air as she began the long downward spiral to oblivion.

He was lost in the ecstasy of the moment, lifting her body easily with each smooth thrust, fingers never once ceasing their play over her body. He felt how close she was and drove even harder into her, moaning louder now.

The scent of his body, the sounds he was making, the touch of his hands - all these conspired to drive her closer and closer to the edge and eventually shove her over.? She shuddered once...twice...three times as her orgasm rocked her body.? A long, gasping moan escaped her lips and she collapsed atop him, her face pressed into the side of his neck, arms coming up to snake around his shoulders to pull him closer against her.

He cried out when her orgasm gripped him, hands crushing her hips against his. For a moment, he tried to hold back his own explosion, but it was losing battle. His body tensed and quivered as he came into her, groaning deeply. He was drenched in sweat, gasping for breath and holding her against him.

Coasting down from the high of her climax, she shivered as the cool air hit her body.? She snuggled closer to him, eyes closed as she pressed sweet, butterfly wing kisses into the side of his neck.? Her mind was a blissful blank, all her senses attuned to him.

His arms wrapped tightly around her as if was afraid she would disappear. He heaved a deep sigh, relaxing and turning to kiss the side of her face. He wanted to say something, tell her how incredible that was, but he couldn't find the words.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-06-11 19:08 EST
She sighed audibly, a tiny happy sound, and stirred in his arms.? She raised up on her elbows a little so she could look down into his eyes.

He opened his eyes and looked into hers, a faint smile curving his lips.

She snorted softly, a sound of amusement and not a small amount of chagrin.? "So much for keeping things professional."

"What?" That was all he could manage at the moment, so it was a good thing he really didn't have any idea what she was talking about.

She shook her head and slid off of him, curling around his side, gently throwing one legs over his and laying her head on his shoulder.? "Nothing.? Not important."? She cuddled close to him and closed her eyes, blowing out a sigh and relaxing once more into his embrace.

This was nice. Very nice. It had been way too long since he'd been with a woman. Not just sex, although that had been mind-blowingly good, but the simple cuddling too. "Okay," he said.

She was dozing off, safe and warm in the circle of his arms when her eyes suddenly flew open and her body went tense.? "Sh*t," she said softly, vehemently.

He jumped a bit when she cursed suddenly, eyes popping open. His arms tightened around for an instant before relaxing. His mind had been lazily recounting the events of the past few hours, a very enjoyable reverie. "What?" he asked.

"Daniel," she said, with extreme regret, and sat up, moving away from David, turning her back to him and hugging herself tightly.? "Sh*t."

Sh*t indeed. He pushed himself to a sitting position, and glanced around, noting the shredded remains of both his belt and his shirt discarded on the floor. That would have to be cleaned up, or the little Commie super would have a two-headed cow. He returned his attention to her slender back, wondering if he should say something. He had the urge to apologize, but something told him that would probably just piss her off.

She stood then and glanced around the room.? A wry smile formed on her lips and she spoke the words that he was thinking.? "Mr Cheung will have a hissy fit if we leave his office looking like this.? Never mind that it's technically my office..." she trailed off and stooped to pick up the shredded bits of his shirt.? She studiously avoided looking at him while she cleared up.

He slid off the couch and found his jeans, which had miraculously survived intact, and pulled them on. "That's for sure," he said, trying to gauge her mood. Obviously, he knew she was freaked out about what had just happened, but was she mad at him? Hating him for pushing her to this? He couldn't tell, so he fell back on his usual refuge, silence.

Having cleared away any evidence of their presence in the room, she turned to face him, eyes dragging over his naked torso with a physical weight.? Wow.? He was delicious...which made the next words that came from her mouth that much harder to say.? "I have to tell him."? Her gaze was weighing heavily on his face now, her expression sober and tinged with a little fright.

He nodded, knowing she was right. "Tell him it was my fault," he said. "He'll hate me and forgive you. I saw in his eyes how he feels about you." He met her eyes for a long moment, then looked away. The coffee maker was still on, he noted distractedly.? His eyes slid over towards her again, standing there nude and gorgeous.

She snorted.? "Don't throw yourself on your own sword, David.? I'm a big girl.? I'm as much to blame for this as you are.? I could have said no at any time."? She followed his gaze and reached over to turn off the coffee maker, then sighed heavily.? "I'm gonna go grab a shower and then...go face him."

He nodded again. She was right about that, too. It just impressed him even more that she didn't accept the easy out he'd offered her. He took a few steps towards the door, then stopped and looked back at her. "I'm not sorry for what happened," he said quietly. "I am sorry for putting you in this position, though. I'll understand if you want me to stay away from you."? Then he went quickly out the door, hurrying down the hall before she could say anything.

She stood there for a moment, staring after him, her mouth hanging open.? She wanted to call him back to her, kiss him, hold him close - something to let him know that she had no regrets about what they'd done.? But he was gone too quickly.?

She sighed and stepped out of the office, closing the door behind her.? Moving into the women's locker room, she flipped on the lights and then cranked up the hot water in one of the showers stalls as high as she could stand it.? Twenty minutes later, she was headed up the stairs, still naked, though now with the added bonus of being slightly damp.