Topic: Something Wicked... ((18+))

Dave Luo

Date: 2010-08-20 00:54 EST
A day's travel south of Mount Yasuo, late afternoon. An eagle screams in the distance. A shaft of blinding white light suddenly burns down from the sky. An instant later, a man thumps to the ground in the center of the circle of light. The light vanishes, and the man groans softly, then rolls to his hands and knees before pushing himself upright. He looks around, taking in the inhospitable landscape with a cold, arrogant gaze. He dusts himself off, staring at the mountain peaks in the distance. ?Are you hiding there?? he asks the silent mountains, voice low and controlled, yet hinting at a rage buried just beneath the surface. The man sits cross-legged upon the stony ground and closes his eyes, seeming to concentrate deeply on something. His body is entirely motionless, save a breath taken once a minute.

Five minutes after he sat, the man opens his eyes and stands in one smooth motion, pivoting away from the view of the mountain peaks to look south. ?So,? he says, ?this way.? Without further contemplation, the man breaks into an impossibly fast run, ignoring the chilling wind whipping against his face and exposed skin. Five miles pass in as many minutes, then ten, fifteen. Finally, the man slows to a jog, then a walk, breathing betraying just a hint of the exertion from running. He stops, standing amidst the trees of an old forest. He sits again, falling into the same meditative pose as before. Another five minutes pass before he stands, face set in determined impassiveness. He begins to run again, stopping after ten minutes when he reaches a small town. The smell of freshly baked bread and roasted meat brings forth an anticipatory rumble from his stomach, and he follows his nose to a house on the outskirts of the town. A blow from his fist shatters the door into splinters. A startled man jumps to his feet from his spot by a fire and runs towards him, swinging an iron poker in terrified anger. He catches the poker effortlessly in one hand, ripping it from his owner and tossing it over his shoulder with a casual flick of his wrist. The poker buries most of its length into the wall as he snaps a foot into the townsman's stomach, sending him flying backwards, accompanied by the sound of snapping bones.

He doesn't bother watching the flight, turning immediately towards the kitchen. A screaming woman running out the back door is also ignored. All he's interested in is the food, which he quickly devours. After finishing, he walks casually out through the remains of the door, paying no attention to the crowd of people gathering around the house. Before anyone in the crowd can react, he sprints off again, heading directly south. One hapless person happens to be directly in his path, and is knocked aside as though struck by speeding train, landing in a broken heap a dozen yards away.

He travels another twenty miles before the setting sun forces him to slow his pace drastically. Walking across the unfamiliar landscape at merely human speeds is too inefficient, though, so he stops for the night, sitting down with his back to a tree and falling into another meditative trance. This one lasts for hours, until the morning sun streams through the trees and brushes his face. His eyes open, and he stands, looking southward. He stretches and rolls his shoulders, banishing any hints of tension, then sets off running again.

Dave Luo

Date: 2010-09-20 00:54 EST
((DISCLAIMER: This set of posts contains material of a violent and disturbing nature. Reader discretion is advised.))

For weeks now, he had watched.? Watched, and plotted.? Now, it is time for him to act.? First, he plans to make contact with some of his prey's acquaintances.? Perhaps he will learn something useful.? Perhaps he will be able to turn their minds against his prey.? Tonight, he has chosen a tiny blond thing.? She had been seen speaking with his prey only a few times.? Thus, he concludes, she probably does not know him very well.? It will be easy to fool her.? He stands upon the roof of the building across from the Inn, and watches her leave. The buildings are all close together.? It's child's play to leap silently from rooftop to rooftop, never letting her out of his sight.? This area of town is too busy.? While he fears no night watchman or good Samaritan, early exposure might disrupt his plans.? No, he will wait, wait until they reach WestEnd, the slums of this strange and exciting city.

His quarry slips through one of the chinks in the wall that separate the chaotic WestEnd streets from the more neatly ordered Central District and froze in the shadows of a rusted, busted wagon.? The tiny blonde frowns softly and glances around, left-right-forward-backward-but-never-up.? Apparently seeing nothing, hearing nothing further, she moves quickly away from the dubious shelter of the wagon. Now, he speeds up, passing to a roof almost a block ahead of her and scales easily down the side, out of sight of casual travelers.? He stands, hidden in shadows, waiting for her path to intersect his.

She stands at the end of the block, grey-green eyes narrowed in the dim light cast from the moon and the stars.? "Oliver?" she calls out hesitantly.? "Ollie?? It's me, Callie."? She shifts her weight from foot to foot in impatience. He steps silently out of the darkness a few feet from her, a tiny smile on his lips.? It's so easy to fool these weak creatures.? Hard to imagine he was once just like them, puny and pathetic.? He waits, curious to see if she will spot him, even now.

Sudden movement from her right side causes her to squeal in fright and scramble backwards a few feet, end over teakettle when she trips on a rusted bit of rebar.? Landing hard enough to knock the breath from her lungs, she recovers quickly and snatches up the piece of metal in both hands, holding it out in front of her in unsteady hands.? She opens her mouth to cry out in fear...but then stops and frowns.? "Mr David?" she ventures.

They are so laughable, these little creatures.? As if that rusted chunk of metal posed any threat to him.? They should kneel down and worship him.? The smile widens as he imagines this future.? Let her interpret it as though he had some interest in her.? "Calico," he answers.? Yes, he knows who she is.

She gives him a shaky smile and puts down the length of rebar.? "Lawdie mercy, Mr David.? You nearly scared the life out of me, sneaking up like that!? What are you doing out at this time of night anyway?"? She smooths down her skirts and blows out a relieved breath.

"Just walking home," he answers.? He knows she'll believe it; they'll believe anything if it fits with what they wish to hear.? "Where are you going?"? As he speaks, he takes a few steps closer to her.

"Well, I come up busted at the Inn, so I was out here, huntin' up Ollie.? He lets me stay with him when I can't afford a room at the Inn."? She scuffs a bare foot against the ground and gives him a shy smile.? "I'm real sorry to hear 'bout Mr Daniel leavin'.? I'll bet Miss Riley's real broke up 'bout it, huh?"

"Yes," he nods.? "It's very hard."? The street kids are a surprising font of information, especially when one didn't care about false morality.? Street kids went missing all the time; an extra one wouldn't be missed.? He steps closer to her, looking at the ground as though saddened.? "For both of us."

She reaches out hesitantly and pats his shoulder awkwardly where the shirt he was wearing covered his skin.? "So, uh...? You been out walkin' 'round a lot lately, huh?? Can't sleep or somethin'?"

Well, well.? He isn't the only watching David's movements.? This could be interesting.? Perhaps this one even has feelings for his prey.? That will make things all the easier.? He nods.? "Yeah, been having trouble sleeping, especially when I'm alone."

"Alone?? But..."? She frowns in confusion.? "Miss Riley?? She...not...uh...keepin' you company?"

"It hasn't been the same since Daniel left."? The secret to telling believable lies is to give a small amount of information, and let the victim fill in the gaps themselves.? It's far easier to let their minds walk the path on their own than to force them down it.

"Oh," she says softly, her expression sympathetic now.? "She's missing him something fierce then, yeah?? Can't see past her own loss?"

"It's like I'm not even there."? It was pathetically easy to play on her emotions.? He finds it frankly amazing that she survives here.? "I don't like being alone."

"Well, now.? You ain't alone.? You just gotta try talkin' to her, show her that you're feelin' just as bad as she is.? Y'all need each other now."

He forces himself to sigh.? "I keep trying."

She makes a thoughtful face, pursing rosebud lips together and creasing her brow in a tiny frown.? "Maybe...maybe I could talk to her for ya?? I don't know what I'd say, exactly, but...maybe...maybe she just needs a friendly ear is all?"

He shakes his head again.? "Appreciate the offer, but I doubt it would help."? He glances around, as though worried someone might be watching.? "Honestly, she's being so selfish, she wouldn't listen."

"She wouldn't listen to me?"

"She doesn't listen to me.? Losing Daniel hurt me, too.? He was like the brother I never had.? I can't talk to her about it, though."? He sighs again, looks down at the ground.

"Do you wanna talk to me about it?? I'm a real good listener, you know."? She gives him a fragile smile.

He has her now.? He curves his lips into a small smile.?? "Yes, I'd like that."? He looks around.? "Guess we shouldn't stand out here in the street, though."

"Naw, prolly not.? You got somewhere in particular you want to go?"

He glances around again.? "That one looks good."? He points, apparently at random, to one of the many ruined buildings on the street.? Of course it isn't random; he has already scouted out that building and found it to be both structurally stable and fairly soundproof.

She nods and starts moving that way, gingerly picking her way through the debris scattered over the ground.? When she reaches the building in question, she hovers in the doorway, looking inside as if she could see into the interior.? "You got a flashlight or somethin'?" she asks him over her shoulder.

"Sure," he says, pulling a small flashlight out of a pocket.? Preparation is nine tenths of the key to a successful plan.? He clicks it on and points the beam past her, into the building.

"Oh," she says with a little giggle and steps inside the build.? "Hey, this is one that Ollie's set up.? Lemme just grab his stash and we'll have some candlelight and save the battery on your flashlight."? She scurries over to a hidden corner and digs in a specific pile of rubble.

"Great," he says, waiting for her to get the candle out.? Once it's done, he turns and picks up the fallen door, placing it snugly back in the frame.? A subtle twist of the metal ensures it will be all but impossible for one of the weakling creatures to budge.

She sets one of the candles firmly in the crack of a piece of concrete and touches a lit match to it.? "There.? Kinda homey," she says with a little smile. Then she carefully spreads out one of the blankets that was also in the stash and settles down on it, crossing her legs in the tailor position. She tugs her ankle-length skirts down over her knees and smooths them out in a lady-like, demure fashion.

He sits down on the blanket next to her, making sure that his knee is very close to her, but not quite touching.? He looks down, tracing the pattern on the blanket with one finger, the picture of someone feeling unhappy and unsure of how to talk about it.

Dave Luo

Date: 2010-09-20 00:56 EST
"It's okay, David," she says, dropping the honorific.? "You can tell me whatever.? I promise I won't say anything to Miss Riley."

He affects a quaver in his voice, subtly tugging on her heartstrings.? "I feel like it might be my fault he left."

She frowns and reached to pat his knee hesitantly, awkwardly.? "Why would you say that?"

Excellent.? She has initiated a touch twice now.? His guess about her possible feelings for David was correct, as he knew it would be.? "I kind of hinted that I might not want to share her anymore."

"Oh.? I see."? She frowns. "I don't have any kind of experience with that whole...French thing y'all were doin', but it's gotta be hard on a person.? Always wonderin' if she loved him more than you an' all."

"I know she does."

She frows again.? "Then why do you stay?"

He shrugs slightly.? "I don't want to be alone."

"There's worse things than bein' alone.? Bein' miserable fer instance."

He looks up at her now.? "Have you ever loved someone?"

She shakes her head.? "Naw.? Ain't no one ever had the time for a freak like me."

He looks back down at the blanket.? "Hard to believe.? You're very pretty."

"You think?"? She blushes deeply, though the crimson was hidden by the flickering candle flame.? "There's the whole fallin' over if you touch me thing, though.? Most boys can't handle that."

"Of course I think.? I've always thought."? This is a problem, though.? He doesn't know what she's talking about.? Clearly, she has some kind of problem with others touching her.? "Maybe it won't always happen?"? A neutral statement, betraying none of his ignorance.

She shrugs, her small, dexterous fingers playing with the frayed hem of her skirt.? "It don't always happen with everyone.? And sometimes it only happens once...sometimes, three times and then never again.? It ain't something I like takin' chances with, though. So.? I ain't ever been in love.? And I don't hold out hope for it happenin' any time soon, neither."? She shrugs again.? "But got a lovely woman, dontcha?? I seen how you feel about her, after all.? That first readin' I did for yo. You just gotta work it out somehow."

"I'm trying," he says, adding a note of weary sadness to his voice.? "What if she won't listen, though?"

"You gotta make her."

"Make her?? How?"

"I don't know.? Tell her that you're torn up, too.? Let her know that you're hurtin' and you need her.? Women love to be needed, you know.? Makes 'em feel...useful."

She speaks a truth here.? The little creatures love to feel like anyone cares about them.? "You're right," he says.? "Thanks."? Now he's curious, though, about her problems with being touched.? He reaches out as though forgetting about it, yet too fast for her to avoid, and pats her hand, making sure that his skin presses firmly against hers for a moment.

Dave Luo

Date: 2010-09-20 00:56 EST
She falls bonelessly, limply to the ground, ending up on her back, as if she were a marionette and someone had just cut her strings.? Her eyes roll up in her head and her breathing comes in slow, shallow gasps. Now that is interesting, indeed.? He reaches down and pokes her shoulder.

A strange voice comes out of the little Seeress's mouth, a voice that is completely without the thick, Southern Louisiana Bayou-Country accent.? "He knows you're here.? He's been preparing for your arrival.? The one with the most to live for will win."

Her words actually give him pause for a moment.? Is this strange little creature seeing his future?? He flicks his hand against her cheek, wondering if she is conscious of his actions at all.

The slap against her bare skin draws another gasp and her eyelids flutter.? She says again in that strange, monotonous voice, "One of you is restrained.? A basement.? The other is with the Cat in the place of two trees." This is fascinating.? It really does seem as though she's seeing the future.? Perhaps he will, in fact, capture the prey and lock him away for a while.? He could have some fun with that.? And speaking of fun...his touch seems to draw these predictions, so why not have some fun with it?? He shifts around to her head and leans over, sliding his hands down her blouse and under the cups of her bra to squeeze her firm young breasts.? An evil little grin moves across his face.? Very nice indeed.

A strangled, shocked gasp escapes those rosebud lips and she tries, even while unconscious, to draw away from him.? The same eerie voice says, this time in a whisper, "He will win.? Because he is vulnerable, because he has the most to lose, he will win." His grin twists into a snarl at her words.? "You're wrong," he says to her limp form.? "I will be the One."? His fingers tighten cruelly on her breasts, hard enough that bruises will surely result.

She gasps again, her eyelids fluttering as she came back to herself.? Her eyes pop open and she looks up, catching sight of that snarl, feeling the rough, bruising pinches on her breasts and cries out, "David!? What are you doing?? No!"? She struggles to sit upright, to clamber to her feet and flee the building, but he has her pinned down.? She can do no more than beat ineffectually at his arms.

"Don't struggle," he says calmly.? "It won't help you."? It's obvious that he won't get any more predictions out of her.? Her usefulness to him has just about reached its end.? But not quite.? There's one thing she's still good for.? His hands pull out of her blouse, one clamping onto her shoulder and the other bunching up the hem of her skirt.? With an effortless jerk, he lifts her into the air and spins her face down against the floor, hard enough to knock the wind out of her.

"No!" she cries out, over and over, still struggling against his grasp, bucking her hips and screaming until she is hoarse, her throat raw. His hands are stronger than the steel bars that secured the windows of the abandoned building; there's no escape to be had for her.? His choice of building, too, was carefully planned.? No one is around for blocks except for a few squatters and street urchins, both of whom know better than to come searching for the source of screams.? He pins her down easily with one hand in the center of her back, inhumanly strong.? The other hand tears her long skirt from her body like cheap paper.

Tears streak hotly down her face and in a rough, ragged voice, she begs, "Please, David.? Don't do this!? I won't tell her.? I swear, I won't tell anyone.? I'll be a good girl, David.? Please no."? She struggles again, but quickly grew weary, her slender body not nearly a match for this powerful man. "David, no.? Please.? I'm...I'm a virgin, David."

"Not for long," he answers, the vicious grin curves his lips once again.? His hand dips again, this time ripping her panties away, exposing her shapely little behind to the cool night air.? "Very nice,' he says, running his fingers teasingly along her thigh. She cannot speak now, cannot continue to fight, so she just holds as still as possible and whimpers.? The flesh beneath his hands jumps and quivers like a fly-bitten horse.? She thinks of her grandmother, back in Louisiana.? She thinks briefly of the swamps and the sunrises over the bayou.? She thinks briefly of Riley and wonders whether she knows what kind of monster she's allowed into her bed and into her heart.

She is seeing the inevitable now, and has submitted to his power, as it should be.? He forces her thighs apart with his knees, then reaches down and unzips his pants. At the sound of his zipper, she struggles again, the screams starting fresh, torn from her raw throat with a fury born of pure desperation.? Trying to pull her knees up under her body so she can climb to her feet and sprint away, she half-turns onto her side, reaching behind her with one hand, her tiny fingers curled in a semblance of claws and rakes her nails over his exposed thigh, just missing the instrument of his torture.

He hisses at the unexpected pain and shoves her painfully back down against the rough floor.? "Bitch," he says emotionlessly, increasing the pressure from his hand on her back until her ribs creak. Gasping now for air, the fight's completely gone out of her, though her brain still rebels against his attack.? She lies still beneath him, submitting without further protest, seemingly giving in to the inevitable.? She squeezes close her eyes and begins praying softly, whispering the words, "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside still waters."

He wastes no more time, driving into her brutally. She can feel herself tearing as he pushes inside her roughly.? A wave of pain shoots up from her groin into her stomach and she gasps harshly, little moans and whimpers torn from her throat, even through the softly whispered prayer, "He restoreth my soul; he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake."

"Your prayers fall on deaf ears," he says.? "Soon, I will be the One, and all will worship me."? He thrusts his hips roughly against hers as he slides one hand up to roughly squeeze her breast.? The other hand claps over her mouth, stifling her prayers and pulling her head back.

He may have stilled her audible prayers, but they continue on unabated in her head.? There is only one God and He would not do this. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Death, I will fear no evil."? His thrusts inside her bruised and broken body send fresh bolts of pain throughout her and hot tears leak through her closed eyes, rolling down her cheeks.

His time draws near, and his pace increases, rocking her body with the force of his movements.? His hand presses harder against her face, easing up to cover her nose as well as her mouth with an unbreakable seal.? He leans down and whispers, "I'm not David." Her eyes pop open in confusion.? She can't get a breath and her body's desperate need for air has her head thrashing back and forth as she tries to shake his hand off of her face.? Not David?? What did he mean, not David?

He smiled again, feeling her confusion, unaffected by her efforts to shake off his hand.? "That's right.? I'm going to kill David, you see.? And when I do, I will be the last.? The One." Some quiet part of her brain tells her to fight, to endure the assault until she can escape and warn the real David.? But she hasn't the strength, hasn't enough air, can't get enough air.? Her eyelids flutter, she sees stars and the edges of the world go fuzzy and dim.? She suddenly knows she's dying and this kicks a final burst of adrenaline into her veins, starts her heart pumping furiously, giving new life to her limbs.? She bucks, hard enough to dislodge his hand and bites down furiously on his knuckles, until she can feel her teeth grating against bone, until she can taste blood in her mouth.

Coming at this moment, right before his peak, the pain of her teeth in his hand serves only to push him over the edge, driving him to a powerful release, though he makes no sound during it. Then, very deliberately, his hand pulls back on her head until the bones of her neck snap audibly.

She hears a sharp snapping noise and then feels nothing, hears nothing.? There is a flash of blinding white light and an overwhelming sense of peace.? The last thing she is conscious of is the scent of lavender - her long-dead mother's favorite perfume.? And then she knows no more.

He lets the limp head slip from his bleeding hand and fall unceremoniously to the floor as he pulls out of her. He stands, tucking himself back into his pants and zipping up.? Without another glance at her body, he turns and walks to the door, pulling it aside and walking out into the night.? He looks up at the sky and smiles, pleased with the night's events, before disappearing into the darkness, leaving the body behind where it will no doubt soon be discovered by one of the myriad tiny-willed creatures that scuttled around this place.

David Lo

Date: 2010-09-21 15:17 EST
Tuesday morning dawned cloudy and dreary over most of the city, but on the northwestern shore of the Rhy'Din River, a little ray of sunshine was acting as a spotlight over a particular house with two huge oak trees standing sentinel over the entrance.? It wasn't a literal ray of sunshine; it was the feeling that poured from the house ? warmth, peace, tranquility, happiness long fought for and finally gained.

Dressed in a pair of black leggings and a mid-thigh-length cerulean blue tunic, Riley was lingering over her second cup of coffee, staring at her shirtless fiance with big moon eyes.? She sighed happily, feeling really, really...sated.? "I love you," she said suddenly.

David paused, glass of orange juice halfway to his mouth, and smiled at her.? "I love you, too."? No more hesitant fumbling over the words, for either of them.? It was a very good change.? Kind of amazing how moving to a new house tended to change a person's attitude, too.?

She grinned and finished her coffee, setting the empty mug down and sliding off the counter top on top of which she had been perched all through breakfast.? "Hey, I told you that I'm taking the kids over to the new theatre today, right?? We're gonna start rehearsals for the showcase, get 'em used to the stage and the lights and all."? She moved to stand next to him, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her chin atop his shoulder.? "I won't be home until late.? Shall I bring dinner?? Carito's, maybe?"

He turned his head enough to plant a kiss on her temple, and nodded.? "Yeah, that sounds great.? I'll head back to the Gardens and clean up some more.? We should be pretty much done by the weekend."

She hugged him and reached up to cup his face gently, turning his head to claim a kiss.? Her hand snaked down his chest, slender fingers dipping under the waistband of his boxers.? "Beer and pretzels?" she asked, referring to the pattern on his shorts.

"Yup," he answered once his mouth was released.? "What, you didn't think I'd wear them?"? A warm flush of pleasure went through his body at the feel of her hot skin on his cooler flesh, and he reached up, running his fingers into and through her hair.

She chuckled and shook her head with a little sigh of resignation.? "No, honestly, I didn't."? She kissed him again and then turned to pick up her bag and snag her pointe shoes.? "Be a good boy today.? I'll see you tonight."

He chuckled softly.? "They're comfortable.? Besides, no one's going to see them but you.? Have a good time at the theater.? Say hi to Mataya for me."

"I will.? Bye." she tossed over her shoulder as she slipped out the newly-replaced front door. He turned back to finish off his orange juice, then suddenly stood and ran to the front door, pulling it open.? "Riley, wait a sec," he called out before she'd gotten much further than the end of the path leading from the house.

"Hmm?"? She turned and caught sight of him standing in the garden in just his boxers.? It was such an incongruous sight that she barked out a startled laugh.? "God, David.? Go back inside."? She shooed him with her hand.

He glanced down, noting his state of near-nakedness, and shrugged a little.? "I wanted to ask you about something,"

She rolled her eyes heavenward and then fisted one hand, resting it on the swell of her hip and gave him a level look.? "And you couldn't wait until you had pants on?"

"You'd have been gone already," he pointed out reasonably.

"And you're never gonna see me again?"? She gave him a tiny, lopsided smile.? "What is so pressing that you couldn't wait twelve hours to ask me?"

"I don't want to wait until May," he said simply.

She blinked and her right brow quirked.? "We are not eloping."

"No, no," he said, waving that away.? "Not right away.? I don't want to push it.? about a little sooner than May?"

"How soon is a little sooner?"

"Well.? I was thinking February.? Valentine's Day.? Is that too sappy?"

A slow smile spread over her lips and she made the universal girl noise that indicated extreme happiness. She ran towards him, launched herself into his arms and covered his face in scores of kisses.

"I'll take that as a yes?"? he asked, a smile curving his lips.

She unwound and slid down his body to her feet. Then she nodded and grinned.? "Yeah," she said softly.? "That's a yes."


She bit her lower lip, letting her eyes rake over his body.? "If I didn't have to be at the Gardens soon, I'd take you inside and show you awesome."

"I suppose it would be a bad idea to let the kids wait," he said, frowning with mock-sadness.

She nodded sadly.? "But tonight..."

"Yes.? Tonight."? He gave her a big grin.

She blew him a kiss and then turned, headed for the Gardens now, a new little bounce in her step. He watched her until she was out of sight, unconcerned with any passers-by catching him standing there in his underwear.? Then he turned and went back inside to finish off his orange juice and get in some bagua practice.? The empty back patio made an excellent practice spot.? An hour later, shined with sweat and feeling nicely warmed up, he came back inside to quickly shower and get dressed.? Then he headed out, closing and locking the door behind him.? A good practice combined with his high spirits ensured that walking wasn't going to cut it, so he jogged across the city to the Gardens.

David Lo

Date: 2010-09-22 01:04 EST
Street kids went missing all the time - snapped up by slavers, made meals of by the myriad predators that lurked in the city streets; sometimes, though it was very rare, they even went to one of the orphanages that Miss Riley was always harping on them to go to.? So when Pete and Chamomile's bodies turned up a few days back, Oliver didn't give a second thought to bothering Miss Riley.? What could she do?? She wasn't the Authority any more and besides, Pete and Chammie were in a better place, or so the priests like to say. Oliver and the other kids he took care of buried the bodies as best they could, said a couple of words over the make-shift graves, and then went on about the business of trying to survive. It was harsh, but so was life on the streets of Rhy'Din.

This girl, however, the girl whose body Oliver had spotted in the bowels of the upholstery factory early Tuesday morning, she was not a street kid.? Sure, she sometimes bunked down with them when she couldn't afford a room somewhere, but she weren't no kid.? Nope, she was a grown-up and a friend of Miss Riley's man, too.? Oliver decided after half-a-second's thought that he had to go find Miss Riley and show her the girl's body.? Someone done the girl bad, real bad.? Miss Riley would want to know; maybe she could get one of them Watch buddies of her man's to find the killer.

Ollie ran off like a shot and hovered around the entrance to the big ol' building with the funny looking dogs standing guard out front.? He dare not step foot inside for fear of incurring the wrath of Mr Cheung; he'd already chased him out of the Cafe once, shouting something about bugs and dirt.? Ollie hopped back and forth, wringing his flat-cap in his hands and peering into the darkness of the building. ?Mr Cheung?? he called out in a tremulous voice.

?What do you want?? the building's super shouted from inside, peering out into the street once he noticed Oliver standing there.

?Please, sir. I need to see Miss Riley. It's real important,? he said, still wringing his cap and bouncing from foot to foot. When the wizened old Chinese man made no move to go fetch Miss Riley, Oliver said, ?Please, sir. I just gotta see Miss Riley. Will you please go fetch her, sir??

Cheung stared at the boy for a long moment and then turned away, heading slowly up the stairs to the second floor, a string of Cantonese invectives coloring the air blue as he climbed upwards.

There was a sudden, sharp rap on the door of 2A - impatient, curt, and demanding. David looked up from the box he was taping shut, then stood and moved quickly to the door, one hand falling to gun holstered at his belt.? That wasn't the knock of a friend dropping by for a visit.? He stood to one side of the door and called out,? "Who is it?"

"That dirty mongrel boy's downstairs," came the gruff voice of Cheung through the door.? "Demands you come down and see him.? I don't want him in my building, Lo."

He opened the door immediately, looking down at the grumpy form of Mr. Cheung.? "Give the kid a break," he said.? "He's had a tough life.? It's not his fault."

Message delivered, the super waved his hand, dismissing Lo's words, and turned to go down the hallway, muttering darkly under his breath in Cantonese, the words Riley and Oliver the only things decipherable.

David shook his head, wondering if Cheung had lemons for breakfast every morning.? Then he stepped out into the hall, closing the door behind him and heading downstairs. He saw Oliver pacing back and forth in front of the entrance, looking distressed.? "What's up, Oliver?" he asked as he went out the door.

The boy stopped in mid-pace and glanced over Mr David's shoulder, as if expecting to see someone else with him.? A brief flash of a frown crossed over his face and then he looked down to the cap between his hands.? "Miss Riley ain't here?"

David shook his head.? "No, she took her class to theater today."? He looked down at the boy, keeping a calm and pleasant expression on his face.? "If something's wrong, Oliver, I can help."

Ollie was silent for a long time, his brow furrowed in misery and thought.? He had really hoped that Miss Riley would be teaching today; he felt much more comfortable with her than he did with any of the other residents of the big fancy building.? Mr David had always been nice to him and the other streets kids, but he was ex-Watch, and Ollie had developed the innate distrust of Authority that most kids living on the street had.

"Oliver," David said patiently. "Riley's going to be gone all day.? If something's happened, let me help you."? He paused.? "Riley trusts me."

That was the deciding factor.? Miss Riley was good people; she wouldn't trust people who weren't like her.? Ollie lifted his head and in a soft, miserably afraid voice said, "It's Callie.? The pretty seer?? Someone done her real bad, Mr David.? You gotta come."

David's eyes widened and he stopped breathing for an instant before his self-control reasserted itself.? "Callie?? Calico Rose?"? He shook his head, pushing away emotion and went into cop-mode.? "Take me to her," he said quietly to Oliver. Ollie nodded and took off at a sprint, winding and weaving his way through the wasted streets north of the Gardens.? He didn't bother waiting for David, knowing that the man could easily keep up with his short little legs.

David kept a tight grip on his thoughts and feelings as he followed the street boy.? Now wasn't the time for speculations, he had to see the scene for himself. The boy came to a halt in front of a building about half-way between Reynaldo's and the Shadowy Corner bar that marked the northern edge of WestEnd.? He pointed a shaky finger at the darkened doorway.? "She's in there," he said, his voice quavering with more than just exertion.

David glanced into the darkened building, then back at Oliver.? There was no duplicity in the boy's voice or stance; he didn't think it was a trap.? There was a lot of fear, though.? "Oliver," he said softly.? "Is she dead?"

Oliver's eyes were wide, showing the whites all around the mossy green of his irises.? He nodded, his expression two parts terror and one part misery.? A grown-up getting killed in WestEnd meant life would be difficult for the street kids while the Watch investigated the murder. "Yes, Mr David.? Someone done broke her neck, I think, sir."

Despite his rigid control, hearing that sent a jolt of sadness through him.? He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, seeking balance within.? He opened his eyes again and nodded.? "Okay.? I need you to go find a Watchman and point him here.? You don't have to come back."? He paused for a moment, then forced a small smile.? "Thank you for telling me, Oliver." Oliver nodded and was off again in a flash, his short little legs pumping wildly in a sprint to the WestEnd Watch House.

David Lo

Date: 2010-09-22 01:12 EST
David turned back to the dark doorway and steeled himself.? This wouldn't be the first time he'd been at a murder scene.? It wouldn't even be the first time the murder had been of someone he knew.? That didn't make it any easier, though.? He nodded to himself, decisively, and stepped over the threshold.? It was dim inside, but the sunlight coming through the open doorway and boarded-over windows was more than enough to see by.? More than he would have liked, really, because it made seeing the small, broken body all too easy.?

Callie was lying face-down on a ragged blanket that had been spread out beneath her body.? Her head was pushed awkwardly back, lying on one out-thrust arm.? She was wearing her usual plain linen blouse, but...her lower body was naked, legs splayed grotesquely wide.? There were bloodstains on the blanket under her hips? "Christ," he said softly, closing his eyes again.? Some sick f*ck had raped her before he'd killed her.? She'd hardly been more than a kid.

He whirled away from her body and slammed his fist into the wall beside him.? The bricks exploded with a thunderous crack, sending large chunks sailing out to crash into the wall of the next building.? Sunlight streamed in through the new hole in the wall and he took several deep breaths, trying to master himself again.? The balance wouldn't come, though.?

He thought of their fight in the Cafe, when Callie had been so freaked out by the revelation that Riley and Dan weren't human.? He'd taken it badly, and she'd run out.? The next time they'd seen each other hadn't gone much better.? Eventually, they'd spoken again, and sort of worked things out, but...

Riley had offered her a job before things went south.? If he'd kept his mouth shut, Calico would've taken that job.? Then she wouldn't have had to keep living on the streets.? Maybe she'd even have gotten a place at the Gardens; Riley liked to take in strays.? If he hadn't scared her off, Callie wouldn't be lying in front of him, violated and brutally murdered.

David wanted to cover her up, try to give her a least a little dignity in death, but he knew he couldn't disturb the scene any more than he already had.? He walked slowly over to her body and knelt down next to her head, seeing the dried streaks of tears on her cheeks.? "I'm sorry, Callie," he whispered, reaching out as though to brush the tears away but stopping just before he actually touched her.? She hadn't liked to be touched, because of the visions.? His eyes widened.? What it must have been like for her when...?

Worse, he was certain the poor girl had been a virgin.? Just a simple touch of her hand was enough to send her into that strange trance.? Intimacy would be impossible with that kind of fear.? "God....Callie.? I'm so damn sorry."

There was a soft thump behind him.? David stood and turned, thinking it was the Watchman he'd sent Oliver to find.? He saw an oddly familiar-looking form outlined in the doorway, then something impacted his chest.? Before he could even look down to see what it was, there was a buzzing sound and burning pain poured through his body.? His muscles locked up and he fell forwards.? A distant part of his brain recognized the sound and effect as a Taser, but there was nothing he could do with the information.? His body was as rigid as a bar of iron, and the pain made any attempt at concentrating on moving impossible.? He hit the ground hard, unable to even break his fall. It was impossible to turn his head to see who was wielding the Taser.? His pain-fogged brain faintly registered soft footsteps approaching.??

The pain began to fade, and he felt a sore spot on the side of his neck.? "I've just injected you with Pancuronium bromide," said his own voice.? It took a few seconds for his sluggish thoughts to realize who it was standing over him, then a jolt of fear made his muscles twitch ineffectively.? "Don't bother trying to move," his antagonist continued.? "By the time the effects of the Taser wear off, the Pancuronium will have paralyzed you."

The footsteps receded a few feet and stopped.? "In a moment, you will be completely unable to move for the next two hours or so."? Then, complete silence for what seemed like forever, but couldn't have been more than two minutes.? It felt like he was in someone else's body, able to see and hear and smell, but with no control over the muscles.? The footsteps drew near again, then rough hands grabbed his arms and swung him from the ground, onto a hard shoulder.? He could see a pair of blue-jean clad legs, and the bottom of a white shirt, nothing more of his attacker, though he knew quite well what the man looked like.?

The man ? David didn't even know what his name was ? turned and broke into an impossibly fast and smooth run, that hardly even bounced him around.? This must be what it was like when he carried someone, David realized.? All he could see was the street blurring past under the man's feet; there was no possible way to assess where they were going.

Maybe ten minutes later, they came to a halt.? David heard a door open, and was carried inside a darkened building.? Another door opened, and then they were going down a set of concrete stairs.? He was dropped unceremoniously on the floor and footsteps walked away.? There came a rattling, clinking noise, like lengths of chain being gathered up and dragged over to him.? A hand grabbed his hair and jerked him up, coming face to face with his attacker for the first time in over four months.? He didn't look any different, though.? It was like looking into a mirror, only his mirror double had a hard, cruel expression that didn't match.?

"My name is Dave Luo," the man said conversationally as he quickly and efficiently stripped of David's clothes, leaving him entirely naked and eminently vulnerable.? Then Dave began to wrap a length of chain around David's shoulders.? "Soon, everyone will know my name.? When I kill you, I will be the One.? A god among mortals." Dave's face twisted into a snarl.? "Before we get that far, I owe you a little payback.? I was stranded for months on your pathetic little sh*t hole of a planet." There was now so much chain wrapped around David that he must have looked like a chain mummy to an outsider.? Only his face and feet were uncovered.?

Dave let go of him, but the chain was apparently suspended somewhere, because he didn't fall back down.? Dave walked behind him, and a moment later, David could hear a cranking noise.? The chain wrapped around him lifted into the air and rose a good fifteen feet before it stopped, leaving him suspended and helpless.?? Dave came back into view a moment later, wearing David's pants and pulling David's shirt on over his head.? Dave looked up at him with a vicious smile.? "It wasn't all bad, though.? Everyone thought I was you."? With that, he turned and ran out of the room in a blur, leaving David literally and metaphorically hanging.

Dave Luo

Date: 2010-09-22 01:19 EST
He runs quickly back to the abandoned building where the girl's body lies.? He knows how far it is to the nearest Watch house, and that he has plenty of time to be back and in David's place before the Watchman arrives; even if the brat ran the whole way, the Watchman surely won't.? As expected, the building is empty save for the body, and silent as a tomb.? No sign of the brief struggle with David shows.? He kneels down near the girl's head, mimicking David's pose exactly and forcing his feature into a mask of sadness.? Fortunately, David is something of a stoic, so tears are not required.? Then he waits, patient as death.

Fifteen minutes pass before the pathetic little policeman arrives.? It takes no effort at all to play the part of a grieving acquaintance and an upstanding former comrade who would never have done something like this to the poor girl.? The idiot believes every word he says and soon lets him leave.? He exits the building, walking slowly, shoulders slumped, like a man bowed by sorrow--until he's out of sight, at least.? Then he breaks into another run, heading quickly back to the Zen Gardens building.? He pauses half a block away and takes a deep breath.? This is a crucial part of his plan.? The building is heavily warded against malicious intrusion, so he must clear his mind of all evil intent.? Of course, for one of his proficiency, reaching a calm, near-meditative state is simplicity.

The giant statues flanking the entrance do not even quiver as he walks past, and he allows a small smile to pass over his face briefly.? Now it's only a matter of waiting again.? David's woman will return soon.? After careful testing, he has already determined that his scent exactly matches that of David.? His woman's unnaturally acute nose will not sniff him out for an imposter.

He walks upstairs to the loft and pulls the key out of David's pants, which fit him perfectly, of course.? He unlocks the door and walked inside, glancing disinterestedly at the piles of boxes and half-packed crap.? It might look suspicious if he didn't continue the job David had begun, though, so he starts packing, finishing several more boxes before deeming it enough and settling down to wait.? He grabs a beer from their refrigerator and opens it, sitting down against one wall.

A few hours later, Riley knocked on the loft's door and stepped inside, bare foot and carrying her dance kit bag.? She glanced around the room and spotted David nestled in amongst piles of boxes.? "Hey, handsome.? Didn't expect to see you up here."

Part of the time he has been sitting here has been spent remembering unpleasant events of his childhood and early life, forcibly recalling the sadness he's felt in the past.? He knows she can smell emotions as easily as normal people can smell a meal cooking, so he has to actually be feeling the grief to pull this off.? He arranges his face into a picture of sadness, and looks up from the beer, slowly standing.

A slight frown marred her features and she put down her bag next to the doorway, moving deeper into the empty loft.? "David?? What's wrong?" she asked and reached for his hand.

He takes a deep breath, reaching out to clasp her hand.? "Callie's dead," he says quietly, not meeting her eyes.

"Callie," she repeated slowly, the frown deepening as she struggled to place the name.? "The cute little blonde?? From Louisiana?? The one Danny fed that one day?"

"Yeah.? The fortune teller."

"Oh, no.? What happened?"? She moved a couple of steps closer to him, holding his hand still, the other reaching up to gently cup his face as she looked into his eyes

He meets her eyes, letting her see the sadness he has conjured up in them.? "Oliver came while I was packing, looking for you.? I guess he or one of his kids found her.? He took me there."? His voice is leaden and slow.

She gasped, her hand involuntarily clenching his.? "Oliver found her?? Oh, god.? Is he okay?"

"He's scared, and upset.? was bad, Riley.? She..."? He breaks off, pausing as though overwhelmed by the memory of it, letting past sadness flow through him.

She folded him into her arms, murmuring softly in his ear as she held him.? "Shh, you don't have to talk about it.? Does the Watch know?"

He wraps his arms around her, the same way he's watched David do it over and over again.? He nods, laying his head on her shoulder.? "Yes...I sent Oliver to get a constable."

She turned her head and pressed her face against his temple, inhaling his scent deeply.? Poor guy; he was really shaken up about the girl's death.? "Are you all right?" she asked softly, one hand sliding up his back to stroke through his hair.

"I feel like it's my fault she's dead," he says. clutching her hand like a life preserver.

The frown creasing her brow deepened further and she drew back to look him in the eyes.? "What?? Why would you say that?? You didn't kill her."

"I know," he says sadly.? "But I do."

Her eyes narrowed and a flash of anger lurked in their caramel-coloured depths.? "It's not because of that fight you had with her, is it?"

Her words explain much to him, and he now knows that this is why David took the girl's death so badly.? He knows she spent much of her time living on the street.? If she had still been friends with David, surely he would have helped her, noble fool that he is.? "Yes," he says.? "If we hadn't fought, she wouldn't have been living on the streets."

She shook her head and kissed his forehead.? "She made her choice, David.? I'm very, very sorry that she's dead, but...? You had every right to defend Daniel and I.? And we went out of our way to be kind to her, to help her get a leg up."? She caught his face in both hands and stared hard at him.? "This is not your fault.? Okay?"

He nods, meeting her eyes again.? "I know.? It''s just hard to tell my heart that, you know?? Seeing her like that..."

"What happened?" she coaxed softly.

He pulls away from her a bit and sits back down on the floor, tugging her down with him.? He takes another breath and changes his voice to the calm, near-monotone that all law-enforcement officials use when describing a crime scene--a voice he knows well.? "She was in a beat-up old building, a few blocks from here.? Looked like she'd planned to spend the night there.? There was a blanket under her, and a pool of hardened wax nearby."? He paused again, as though picturing the scene.

She sat down next to him, still holding his hand but remaining silent until he finished the story.

He thinks of all the fools who have stood against him, calling up that anger, his voice hardening as he continues.? "She was naked from the waist down.? He raped her, Riley.? Raped her and broke her neck."

That anger that flashed through her eyes earlier returned, hardening into a white-hot, feral rage.? Her lips peeled back from her teeth in a bestial, savage snarl.? "That is where your anger should lay, David.? With the f*cker who did that to her; not you."

He nods in agreement.? "I hope he gets what's coming to him."? And he will, though it's not what she thinks.? "She was a virgin," he continues.? "Afraid to touch anyone, because of the visions.? What it must have been like for her..."? he stops, shaking his head, letting the sadness come back again.

"When you find him," she says in a soft, growl, "Give me five minutes alone with him."

"I'll give you more than that," he replies.

She leaned in and kissed him softly.? "We should go home.? Have some wine, maybe take a bath.? Sound good?"

He nods, bringing a little smile to his lips.? "Yeah, sounds great.? I need to try to relax."

She hopped to her feet, hooking one hand under his elbow and drawing him up next to her.? Then she went back to the door and picked up her bag.? "Wanna grab a box or two or leave it until tomorrow?"

"Might as well take a couple," he says, standing and picking up the nearest few boxes.? "Silly to waste a whole trip."? He walked to the door and waited for her to open it, then headed out and down the stairs, small smile still playing on his lips.

Dave Luo

Date: 2010-09-26 21:35 EST
Half an hour after Riley goes to the Studios, he leaves the annoying cozy house as well and sets out for the warehouse basement in which he is hiding his secret.? He feels almost cheerful, almost whistling as he walks. He'd enjoyed the hell out of David's woman - twice - the night before, had a great breakfast and is looking forward to an interesting excursion that night, and maybe more mind-blowing sex. Right now...well, right now, he is very much looking forward to a little face time with his secret.

In the warehouse basement, Luo's secret wasn't having a good time at all.? The cold chains bit into his exposed skin cruelly, especially in the more...sensitive areas.? He was thirsty as hell, dry mouth, sore throat and all.? He hadn't really slept, just drifted in and out of consciousness a few times when the fatigue and inability to do anything overwhelmed him.? At first, he'd struggled frenetically against the chains, but Luo had chosen them well.? Without any sort of leverage, even David's great strength was of no help.? So now he just hung there limply.

"Hi, honey, I'm home!" he calls out as he enters the basement.? He's carrying a bottle of water and half a tuna sandwich.? "I brought breakfast," he says cheerfully and holds out the things to his captive.? "I thought we could sit and talk...well, hang and talk in your case."? He unscrews the cap of the water and takes a sip before holding it out towards David.? "Gonna be a good boy?"

David didn't have enough moisture in his mouth to even speak, yet, let alone spit at Luo like he wanted to do, so he just nodded slowly, neck muscles protesting painfully.

"I'm gonna lower you just a little, so I don't have to stretch to reach you.? Behave or I'll crush your head like a melon and then do that luscious piece of Japanese ass like I did the chick with the visions.? Understand?"

It took a moment for the final words to sink into David's brain, but then his eyes flared wide, body jerking against the chain.? It was him, he was the one who'd raped and killed poor Callie.? Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, it was really was his fault she was dead.? Just his arrival here had been enough to doom her.?

He chuckles at David's reaction to his little bit of news and sets the water and sandwich down at the feet of the chain mummy.? Then he moves to the crank and sets David down just enough to allow him to stand on tip-toe, taking some of the pressure of being suspended off his chest and transferring it to his legs.? "Feel better?" he asks, holding the water to David's lips.

David's legs wobbled, barely able to hold him after hanging uselessly for almost twenty-four hours.? He forced himself to sip slowly at the water, knowing that gulping it down could do more damage than help. "You bastard," he shouted hoarsely once he'd had enough water.? "You didn't have to kill her!? She was just a kid, you f*cking monster!"

He casually back-hands the mouthy man.? "I said behave," he says in an expressionless voice.

David's head snapped to the side, rattling the chains wrapped around him.? He felt warm liquid trickling down the side of his mouth, and probed at what felt like a couple of loose teeth with his tongue.

He drinks down the rest of the water and starts in on the sandwich, eating it slowly, drawing it out to make sure David knew he wasn't in charge.? Then he returns to the crank and raises the chains up into the air once more.

Despite himself, David's eyes fixed on the sandwich, stomach protesting its emptiness loudly and painfully.? He stifled a groan when the crank started up, putting pressure back on his already-sore chest.

Ignoring the obvious discomfort of his captive, he drags a battered chair from the far wall of the basement and sets it in front of David.? He sits, perching on the edge of it and says, "This place is f*cking awesome, by the way.? All these fantastic creatures running around, dragons and elves.? I can see why you decided to leave that sh*t-hole planet of yours behind.? Though it wasn't all bad, was it?? Your folks, your little Charlotte.? Miss them?"

"If you've hurt them...," David said, then broke off in a fit of coughing as the chains bit into him, preventing him from drawing a full breath.

He makes a little pouty face and cocks his head to the side, "You'll what?? Cough all over me?? Spit ineffectual threats at me while suspended ten feet in the air?"? He smirks. "I got bored, you know.? Stuck on that little backwater Earth with nothing to do.? So I thought, why not create a little fun?? I became you.? Took over your life."

David took a deep breath, calming himself.? Luo was right, there was nothing he could do at the moment.? It was better to bide his time and wait for an opportunity, good as it felt to rail at the man.? He kept silent this time.

"I played the good, dutiful son for a while...'til it got boring."? he leans back in his chair, lacing his fingers together and cupping the back of his head in his palms, watching his captive's face for a moment.

David closed his eyes, realizing what was coming next.? He didn't want to see Luo's face when he spoke next.? His muscles were painfully tense against the chains, but he forced himself to hold still.

"So, when the act got boring and I was certain they thought I was you, I blockaded the doors on their little shop and set it on fire...with them still in it.? Oh, man!? It went up like a matchstick!? All those dried herbs and books and everything?? Whoosh!"? He cackles evilly, stomping his feet with maniacal glee. These are the moments he loves, when he doesn't have to hold back his feelings.

Tears prickled under David's closed eyes, but he ruthlessly fought them, not wanting Luo to see even one drop of them.? His parents, dead.? Killed by a madman whom they'd thought was their son.

"And then," he continues, seemingly oblivious to David's reaction to learning of his parents' painful and tragic deaths.? "Then who should I meet at the funeral?? Why, Boring Charlotte!"? He sits back again, assuming the same position with his hands behind his head, watching David once more.

Charlotte?? His ex?? She'd come to his parent's funeral?? And met Luo there.? David knew what had happened next, too.? His shook his head slightly, trying to banish the images that were filling his mind.

"Oh, yes.? Though this one took time.? You really hurt her, you know.? She was as skittish as a colt around me.? Took weeks to get her to come back to our place, took two more weeks just to get her to put out."

God...he'd slept with her, too?? It shouldn't have hurt David like it did, knowing that Charlotte had slept with Luo, thinking it was him.? He was over her, totally over her.? He'd barely even thought of her recently, unless Riley brought her up.? It did, though, because he knew it was him she was thinking of when she'd been with Luo.

"I can see why you weren't exactly broken up when she split," he says in a confidential voice.? "Boring out of bed, boring in bed.? Just laid there, no noises, no dirty talk...? I might as well have been f*cking the mattress with all that she was giving me."

"Maybe it was you," David said, before he could stop himself.

He laughs at that.? "Nah, but I'll get to that soon enough."? He stands and moves a couple of steps closer to the hanging man, looking up at him with a little smirk.? "She insisted on cuddling afterward.? Like it was my duty for wanting to stick her.? She was all soft and pliable, snuggled up against my side, her head pillowed on my chest, warm and trusting."? His expression takes on a cruelty to it that was nearly inhuman. David's foot twitched, wanting to kick out at the bastard in front of him, but he couldn't move his legs more than a fraction of an inch.

"I smothered her with my hand," he says in a soft voice, like he was talking about a beautiful work of art, and holds up his right hand, palm out to David.? "I held her tight against me and held this hand over her nose and mouth.? She struggled, but then you know she wasn't a match for someone with our strength, don't you?"? He sighs happily, his smile taking on a wistful note.? "I felt her die, David.? Felt the life flee out of her body, felt her heart slow and then stop.? And you wanna know what's even more awesome than all that?"

"No," David whispered, so faintly as to make it more a breath than a word.? The tears that had formed whe'd heard of his parents' death now spilled over when the death of Charlotte was added to the misery Luo was heaping on him.

"Your DNA was all over the place!? They think you killed her!? Isn't that awesome!?"? He's practically jumping up and down with excitement.

Of all the things Luo had said so far, that was the least painful.? David already knew he was never going back to his earth, not unless it was to show Riley something.? He had all he wanted here.

A little disappointed by the lack of reaction to this little bit of news, he returns to his chair and settles down.? "How was your night?? Sleep well?? Comfortable?"

David didn't reply to the ridiculous question other than to open his eyes and glare at Luo.

He gives David a sweet smile and rises, turning to take the chair back and put it against the far wall.? Then he moves back to stand in front of David and reaches out, shoving against the chain-wrapped body and sending the man slowly swinging back and forth.? "Good.? I'll come back in a couple of days.? Maybe I'll let you eat this time...if you're good.? Maybe I'll have a good story or two to tell you, too."? He gives him a jaunty little salute and heads up the stairs, going to meet Riley at the Studios for their dinner date.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-09-27 12:15 EST
He leaves the abandoned building and heads over to the WestEnd, a large smile curving his lips.? He's on the verge of whistling a jaunty tune, in fact, he's so pleased with the way things went talking to David.? Just the right sorts of response he was hoping for.? Even a stoic like David could be hurt if hit in the right emotional spot.? What's more, he didn't even have to tell David about the major f*cking he gave Riley last night.? That little tidbit could be saved for another day, when he needed something to really mess David up.? He chuckles softly to himself and picks up the pace.? He's going to meet Riley at the studios and have dinner with her.? Then, tonight, she's going to show him how she hunts on a full moon.? He's rather looking forward to that.

Riley couldn't hold still for longer than thirty seconds at a time.? She was pacing the length of the big, open room in which her dance classes were held.? The moon was boiling inside her, turning her very blood to liquid fire, making her muscles jump and twitch, her thoughts circle and chase each other round and round.? She was restless with the need to Shift and Jaguar was making her displeasure at being told to wait felt rather forcefully.? Riley couldn't remember the last time the moon had affected her this badly.? So many losses, so much upheaval lately; the need to let Jaguar take control was a fine-edged knife.

He pauses half a block away from the Gardens, preparing to put himself into the meditative state he used to by-pass the Foo dogs last time.? Wait a second...he might not even need to bother.? He isn't going there to hurt any of the residents.? He decides it's worth the risk and walks straight up the entrance without clearing his mind.? Neither guardians reacts, bringing a triumphant little smile to his face.? He goes inside and to the studies, catching sight of Riley pacing back and forth in the dance room through the windows.? She looks agitated.? He wonders if it's the full moon doing it.

David's scent reaches her and she whirled around to face him, a wild look in her eyes, full lips stretched in something too feral to be a smile.? "Ready?" she asked him as she left the Studios, going out into the hall to meet him.? "I don't think I can sit still through dinner.? Are you hungry?"? Her words came at him like fully automatic machine gun fire, rapidly and without pauses for breath.

The savagery evident in her face and eyes is a bit of a turn-on.? He grins, shaking his head.? "I wouldn't mind doing something other than eating."? Let her make of that what she wants.? He's quite willing to go hunting early, or find a bed and f*ck her again.

"Awesome," she said and grabbed hold of his arm, turning him about and practically dragging him from the Gardens.? Once outside, she glanced right, then left, and then dropped to all fours in the shade cast by Harry's giant bronze body.? She screamed as her body began to Shift, muscles and ligaments stretching and reforming, bones snapping like twigs, black fur pouring forth from her skin like water.? Her face elongated, nose and mouth reshaping into a muzzle lined with razor-sharp teeth.? Her eyes bled to a startling amber colour.? Her spine lengthened, becoming a tail.? Soon, there was a huge black Jaguar where Riley had stood, a Jaguar that was more than two hundred pounds of solid muscle and much larger than the man who stood beside her.

It isn't the first time he's seen her Shift, but the other times were always from a prudently remote vantage point.? It's extremely fascinating to watch from close up.? He's always felt a bit of a connection with the big cats, anyway.? They're ruthless hunters, just like him, perfectly focused on their objectives.? Just like him.? He walks fearlessly up to her and puts on hand on her flank, feeling the heavy muscles under short fur.?

The Cat begins purring at the Man's touch and rubs her face against his side with a force that would knock over someone not prepared for it.? She licked his hand with a wide, rough tongue and then stood on all fours.? Then she shook and stretched, front legs first, then each back leg individually. He steps back a pace under the force of her push, but his balance is easily up to the task.? He laughs, then watches her stretch.? "Let's go, then," he says eagerly, definitely looking forward to this.

Jaguar takes off at a fast lope, bounding along in a southerly direction.? She's going to take him to the Glen where there was a huge lake and plentiful game.? Leaping over piles of discarded rubbish and weaving in and out of shadows that are the same colour as her fur, she doesn't bother waiting for the Man or checking to see if he's keeping up.? It was his choice to hunt with her tonight; he'd keep up if he really wanted.

He breaks into a moderate run, blurring after the quickly receding Jaguar.? He has time to admire the play of muscles as the huge cat leaps over garbage and dodges obstacles.? It's almost sexy, really.? He wonders if she's ever f*cked anyone in this form, or that half-cat, half-woman one.

They made good time to the Glen and she paused just inside the treeline, great head swinging back and forth on the heavily-muscled neck as she takes a bead on prey.? There's a faint scent of the red deer-like animals that inhabit the forest coming from just north of the lake.? Jaguar looked over her shoulder at the Man and then took off south, putting the wind at her back so as not to scare off the deer.

He follows behind the Jaguar, close, but not so close as to interfere with her tracking of prey.? This is a section of the city he's only seen once, from a distance at the fireworks show.? It's a lot more peaceful now than it was then.

Keeping the majority of the forest to her right and the lake shore to her left, the big Cat stalked silently through the trees until she's certain the Man can follow and then takes to the canopy, moving through the treetops like a silent shadow of Death.

He glances into the treetops, debating on whether or not to follow her up there.? He decides against it quickly, though, for it's not likely he could move quietly in the trees.? Instead, he crouches slightly and continues on the ground, paralleling the Jaguar's path.? He's moving on the balls of his feet now, very nearly as silently as the cat above him.? It's not the first time he's stalked prey, not by a long shot.

As they come around the southern shore of the lake and begin to head north once more, Jaguar dropped to the ground some twenty feet ahead of David and sunk down, belly flat against the fallen leaves.? Ahead of her, she spied a small herd of does, grazing peacefully, oblivious to their shadow.? It's mating season for the animals and she can smell the heavy, fecund scent of their estrous cycle and the copper-bright scent of the near-by bucks' excitement.

He stops moving, crouching in the cover of a small bush, then slowly, silently picks his way forward, keeping low to the ground.? He halts a foot or two away from the Jaguar, eyes fixed on the deer ahead.?

She reached out with one massive paw and pressed it against his thigh, wanting him to stay where he is.? And then she stalks out toward the deer, having selected her meal for the night.? When she's no more than 30 yards from the beast, she headed up into the canopy again, slowly, carefully creeping forward along the tree branches.

He stays still, impatiently, wanting to be in on the kill himself.? She might be the more natural predator, but he has no doubt he can handle one of the deer himself.? He watches her ascend the trees again, then looks forward to the deer, wondering which one she has chosen.

It will prove to be a long, no doubt boring wait for the Man as Jaguar watches the deer from above. She is right above the one she's selected now, a fat, young doe, probably experiencing her first year of being in heat.? A nervous ripple passes through the herd and the animals begin anxiously lifting their heads and shifting around.? They know something is wrong; they can feel impending doom but they can't pinpoint from where it will come.

Though it's been years since he worked with a partner, he remembers.? If you're the backup, don't f*ck with your partner's plan.? He lies still and silent in the fallen leaves and grass.? His eyes slit half-closed, watching the deer.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-09-27 12:16 EST
Right before the animals have whipped themselves into a feverish panic, Jaguar dropped from the trees above the doe she's picked out, razor-sharp clawed paws wrapping around the beast's back and chest, her heavy weight dropping the doe to the ground with a high-pitched squeal.? The rest of the herd cuts and breaks, leaping through the trees gracefully, their white tails bobbing like corks through the sea of trees.

One of the fleeing deer, a young three-point buck, is coming almost directly towards his resting place.? His muscles tense, and when the buck is less than fifteen feet from him, he erupts from the ground in an inhumanly fast leap, closing the distance between them far too quickly for the terrified deer to react.? Fingers like steel bars close on the buck's antlers, and he stops, wrenching down and to the side.? A sharp crack sounds through the trees as the deer's neck breaks, its body coming over its head in a complete flip to land heavily in the grass, unmoving.? He grins viciously, taking deep breaths that stem more from excitement than the exertion, and looks to the Jaguar.

Jaguar's jaws parted and she took the doe's head into her mouth, crunching through the top of the thick skull in one powerful bite, piercing the brain and causing instant death.? Then she stood, clasped the doe about the neck with those powerful jaws and dragged the body off into the canopy again, pulling it up a tree trunk and wedging it into the crotch of two branches. Crunching and a shower of blood are the only signs of what she's doing.? The doe's ribs splinter like wood and she eats the heart and lungs first, before starting on anything else.

He settles on the ground, leaning his back up against the still-warm flank of the deer, and watches the spot where the Jaguar disappeared.? He can hear her eating.? That, too, is a bit of a turn-on. After a few moments, he stands and pulls out the knife he'd brought along.? First, he takes the buck's rack as a little trophy, then he starts skinning the beast, his movements practiced and fluid.? It's amazing what kind of useful skills you pick up when you spend years moving from world to world in search of your doppelganger to kill.

Having eaten her fill of the doe, she left the remainder in the tree for the carrion-eaters to feast on.? She leapt down from the canopy and moved to sit near the Man to begin her post-feast bath.? Her chest, muzzle and forepaws are coated with hot, sticky blood, matting the fur and obscuring the black-on-black rosettes that dot her pelt.

He glances over at the Jaguar, giving her a feral grin of triumph.? Then he turns back to his work, filleting several thick, juicy steaks from the buck's haunch, then several more from the saddle, both rack and loin.? He didn't bring anything to wrap them in, however, so he uses the deer's flayed pelt like a sack.

Jaguar gave a little chuff of approval and then stood and stretched again before bounding off through the trees to the lake.? A splash can be heard soon after as the Cat launched herself into the water to paddle around, chasing fish and washing the rest of the blood off her coat.

He looks down at his arms, coated in blood to the elbows, and stands, following the big cat to the water, quickly stripping off and wading in.? It's nice and cool, very refreshing.? He scrapes the blood and bits of skin off his arms, then swims around some.

There's a huge rock in the middle of the lake, no doubt used by the local dragons to sun themselves during the day, but Jaguar has come to love it for basking in the moonlight after her hunt and swim.? She hauled herself out of the water, shook droplets off her pelt and then collapsed happily to the still-warm rock, her eyes slitted closed in pleasure.

After cleaning himself off to his satisfaction, he swims out to the large rock and pulls himself smoothly onto it, dropping down to sit next to the reclining Jaguar.? "That was fun," he says.? "Let's do it again sometime."

She stretched her neck out and put her head in his lap, the deep, subsonic purr starting up once more.? The moonlight picks out the rosettes in her fur, turning them into hoary ghosts that ripple and stretch as she moves against the Man. He drops his hands to her fur, digging his fingers in and working them against the powerful muscles there.? He wonders if David is enjoying his night as much, the thought bringing another grin to his face.?

The Cat growled softly and stood up, beginning to pace in tight circles.? She screamed and the process of Shifting began in reverse now until Riley was in the Cat's place, lying breathless and trembling on the rocks. He watches this process with as much interest as he watched her become a cat.? It looks a bit unpleasant, but he still thinks it would be quite a handy ability.? "You okay?" he asks, because it's what David would do.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-09-27 12:16 EST
She took a deep breath and nodded after a short pause.? "Yeah.? Tired as hell, though.? You?"

"Feeling pretty good," he answers, flashing her a grin.? "That was really pretty fun."

Her brows rose and she slowly sat up, folding her legs beneath her in a half-lotus position.? "I'm honestly a little shocked that you came along."

His eyes travel over her body as she moves, and he feels the beginnings of arousal flushing his body.? "Why are you shocked?"

"We've been together for...three, four full moons now?? And you've never wanted to come along until tonight.? You've never even really expressed any sort of...curiosity in the hunt, either."? She cocked her head to the side and gave him a careful look-over through slightly narrowed, coolly appraising eyes.

"Things are different now," he says, sitting up a little straighter.? "Before, you always went with Dan.? I didn't want to feel like I was in the way, or that I was crowding out your time with him."

She nodded and gave him a soft smile.? "Yeah, that's what I thought, too."? She looked down at the rock underneath her, slender fingers tracing abstract designs in it.? In a tiny voice, full of pain, she admitted, "I miss him, too."

He scoots over and puts his arms around her, nodding.? "I'm sorry," he says, forcing a hint of sadness into his voice and manner.? "I keep telling myself that it was his choice, that he did it to help us."

She held him tightly and nodded a little.? "Yeah, sometimes it feels fake, though...hollow."

"I know."? He reaches up and strokes her back.? The feel of her hot skin against him makes it impossible to suppress another, stronger wave of arousal, but he tries to force it down, assuming that this won't be a good time for it.

The heady scent of his pheromones reached her nose and she smiled a little, hugging him tighter briefly before moving away.? "Will you be mad if I ask to next to you tonight?"

"Why would I be mad?"? He's a little disappointed, though, having been looking forward to another round of hot sex, but he knows David, noble as he is, would be happy to just lie there next to gorgeous woman like her.? Fool.?

"You want me," she stated, a fact not a boast.

"Of course I want you," he answers matter-of-factly.? "How could I not?"

She gave him a little smirk and looked down once more, feeling slightly uncomfortable for some reason.? "I'm not saying it's a bad want me.? I'm just saying...? I don't want to tonight.? I'm tired, you know?? Hurting inside.? I just be with you."? She glanced up at his face from underneath lowered lashes.

"It's okay," he says reassuringly, banishing the artificial sadness he'd summoned up.? "I want to be with you, too.? We don't have to do anything you don't want to."? He gives her a little smile.? "Lying beside you will be enough."

She gave him a grateful smile and reached out to gently cup his face for a moment before rising gracefully to her feet.? "We should head home.? Where are your clothes?"

"I left them by the edge of the lake, near the venison," he says, nodding in that direction.?

She nodded and dove into the water, swimming most of the way from the rock to the shore underwater.? Her head breached the surface and then she strode up the shore, pulling her hair over her shoulder to wring it out before snagging his shirt.?

He slips into the water behind her, cutting easily through it towards the shore.? Ever since his power began to grow, swimming has become almost like flying for him as his powerful strokes move through the water like it's air.? He comes out onto the shore and picks up his pants and boxers, putting them on quickly.? Then he gathers up the makeshift sack of steaks and waits for her.

She slipped into his shirt and gave him a little grin.? "I'm gonna have to bring a stash of clothing down here.? You ready?"

"All set," he answers, chuckling.? "Let's go." She reached for his hand and led him out of the Glen, heading home.

Dave Luo

Date: 2010-09-30 20:30 EST
Today had been an odd day.? First she was still adjusting to the fact that David had gone hunting with her last night...and had taken down a deer with his bare hands.? That was...odd.? Then, after her intermediate class had left and she'd gone into the Studio's office to look over the books, there had been an odd gift laying on the desk.

At first she had assumed it was a thank you card from one of the parents, but then she'd picked it up and looked at it.? It was...morbid in a folksy kind of way.? A little larger than a regular playing card, it was painted with muted, soft colours and depicted a man who was hanging upside down from a tree branch.? A rope was tied around the man's ankle and his other leg was crossed behind the one with the rope around it, forming the number four. At the top of the card was the Roman Numeral 12 and at the bottom, in a neatly printed copperplate hand, were the words "Le Pendu", French for "the hanged".? Riley sat down at the desk for a moment, the card in her hand, her forehead furrowed.? "What the hell is this?" she muttered and stood, peeking her head out of the office to see who was still around.

Luckily, Leslie Dharma - an improbable name if ever she'd heard one - was still in the yoga studios, clearing up after her kundalini class.? "Hey, Les?" Riley called out as she left the office, the card still in her hand.? "Do you know what this is?"? She held the card out to Leslie, who took it in blunt-nailed fingers.?

"Oh, wow, Riley.? It's the Hanged Man."? At Riley's blank look, she explained, "It's from a tarot card deck.? Did you find it someplace?"

"Tarot deck?"? Riley's blood ran cold suddenly and she refused to touch it when Leslie tried to give it back.? "What's it mean?"

"Well, meaning's up to the reader, but generally it means a time of trials and sacrifices."? Leslie's face softened.? "Oh.? Well, it's a good card, at any rate."? The yoga teacher gave her boss a soft smile and a pat on the arm as she handed the card back and headed home for the day.

Riley held the card around the edges, afraid to touch the thing.? She knew damned well that the Commie super wouldn't touch tarot with a twenty-foot pole and she was reasonably certain that Mataya didn't have anything to do with them, either.? Heaving a confused sigh, she sat down at the desk, payables and receivables books open, the odd Tarot card forcibly pushed out of her mind.? She wondered if David had ever seen the card...or others like it before.

He's spent most of the day following around a short, fat f*ck who looked like he'd been hitting the gin too hard.? This unimpressive fellow was a sergeant in the Watch, a desk-jockey who alternated between the front desk and the shooting range.? He's absolutely uninteresting, and totally unimportant, except for a single fact--this guy was something like a friend of David's.? Every time he was in the station, David stopped to talk to the porker behind his desk.? This makes him an excellent candidate for the next tragic event in David's life.?

It's going to be an easy one to pull off, too; the dull little sarge was apparently as predictable as the sun rise.? He leaves his house at exactly 7:15, stopped in at the Blue Moon diner for breakfast, then continued to the Watch House, arriving at exactly 8:45.? The ease with which he walked the route, and the familiar greeting from the waitress suggested he was there daily. At the Watch House, the sergeant sits around all day, doing essentially nothing back yakking with the people who come in.? When he gets off at 5, he walks down to his local pub, where he's greeted like a regular. He stays there until 9 pm, then goes home to sleep off the pints he'd just had.

Really, he didn't think he'd even have to follow the guy another day.? He might hang himself from boredom.? After leaving the sarge's neighborhood, he heads back to Riley and David's house, arriving with a couple hours to waste before she gets home.? He orders some Chinese take-out, knowing she'll be hungry--he's seen the way she eats--and figuring the gesture will earn him some brownie points.

A little past 8:00 that night, Riley finally got home.? "David," she called out from the front door, not spotting him immediately in the living room.? She glanced into their bedroom - he wasn't there either.? Oh, but she smelled Kung Pao chicken and fried rice.? She dumped her bag, the odd tarot card still clutched in one hand but mostly forgotten, and headed into the kitchen.? "You're my hero," she pronounced when she spotted the take-away boxes on the table and her finance's gorgeous rear-end sticking out of the fridge.

He straightens from the fridge with a bottle of Tsing Tao in each hand, giving her a grin.? "Music to my ears," he says, bringing the beers to the table and setting them down next to the food.? "What's that?"? Nodding towards the card in her hand as he speaks.

She glanced down at the card and her brows flew up in surprise.? "Oh, I had honestly forgotten about this,? she said and held it out to him.? "Have you ever seen it before?"

He comes over for a closer look, and immediately recognizes the card as a Tarot.? It surprises him, both because the Hanged Man itself is suspiciously close to what he's done with David, and because the cute little blond he'd had his way with had read the cards for a living.? In fact, it looked quite a bit like the same style as her cards.? He frowns.? "It looks like one of Callie's cards," he says, making sure to call up a hint of sadness to go with the mention of the Seeress' name.

Dave Luo

Date: 2010-09-30 20:31 EST
Riley blinked in shock and practically threw the card onto the counter in her hurry to get it away from her.? "Callie's?? Really?" she asked and unconsciously rubbed her hands on the thighs of her jeans.

"Yeah," answers.? "Same style and everything."? He looks away from the card, up to her face.? "Where'd you get it?"?

She reached for one of the beers he was holding, flipped the lid off into the sink and drained the bottle quickly.? Running the back of her hand across her mouth, she took a deep breath and shook her head.? "It was sitting on the corner of my desk in the Studios.? I went in to look over the books between classes and it was just...there."

He can't hide the shock he feels hearing that, but it's okay; David would be feeling the same emotion.? "Just sitting there?? No idea where it came from?? No one saw someone come in?"

"No, only me, Cheung and 'Taya can get in there, and I'm sure neither of them would have left that card sitting out like that.? Leslie - you remember her, yeah?"

"The yoga teacher, yeah," he nods, coming over to her as she continues.

She leaned against him and closed her eyes, reveling in his scent for a moment before continuing.? "She's into that New Agey crap - with a last name like Dharma, how could she not be, right?"? Riley smirked and then continued, "Anyway, she said the card's called the Hanged Man.? It's supposed to mean a time of trials and sacrifices."? She shivered suddenly, her arms breaking out in goose-flesh.

He curls his arm around her shoulders and pulls her close, enjoying the feel of her hot body against his.? "Well, it's certainly been one for us.? Do you think someone's playing a joke on you?? Maybe we should take it to the Watch."? He knows full well the Watch won't spend more than the minimum effort on it, which is why he suggests it.

She shook her head.? "No, I morbid as it may seem, that I'll keep it.? Maybe put it outside with Kannon and the Buddahs."? She kissed his cheek and then led him over to the table.? "I'm freaking starving," she said as she took a seat and grabbed a take-away box at random.? "Ooh, Lo Mein, you got chicken lo mein!"

He grins at the nickname, sitting down near her and picking up another box.? "Black pepper beef, too," he says, opening it up.? "And Kung Pao chicken.? Some fried rice to round it out.? Dig in, there's plenty."

She smiled and snagged chopsticks and dug in, wolfing down half the lo mein in record time before starting on the chicken.? It was all very good and soon, she was mostly full and completely happy.? A lady-like belch was hidden behind her hand and she leaned forward a little, elbows on the table no doubt making Grannie O'Rourke spin in her grave.? "What'd you do today?"

He's a little slower finishing than her, as usual.? "Went down to the Watch House," he said.? "Wanted to see if they had anything on Callie's killer."

"Oh.? Anything?"? She reached out and took a fortune cookie for the tidy pile of them in the middle of the table.

"Not a damn thing," he says, not needing to feign the disgust he feels at the Watch's lackluster performance.? He'd been a cop once, a lifetime ago, and there's still a ghost of that pride lingering inside him.? Inept cops make all other cops look bad.

She looked disappointed and shook her head.? "Well, it's not as if there's a killer CSU around or CCTV everywhere.? They don't even have a f*cking fingerprint ID section, remember?"

"I know.? Might as well go knocking door to door.? 'Excuse me, sir, did you kill a little blonde girl last week?"? He snorts, shaking his head.

She chuckled and broke open her fortune cookie, her brows raising as she read the fortune.? " 'You will experience success in everything you adopt'.? In bed," she grinned and popped half of the cookie into her mouth, crunching it with relish.

He laughs, glad of a reason to break the mood.? "That one's true already."? He reached out and opened a cookie.? " 'Be true to yourself, and you will find happiness.'? Couple of good ones tonight," he says.

"Yeah."? She looked over the detritus of their meal, slender fingers snaking out to snag a last, lonely bit of Kung Pao chicken.? "You done?"? As if there could be any other answer.

"Looks that way."? He surveys the devastation and grins at her.

"I'll clean up.? You go...uh...figure out something to do."? She stood and began gathering empty boxes and dirty dishes.

He stands and heads out to the living room, opening up a cabinet, pulling out the monopoly board.? When she gets out of the kitchen, he's waiting there with the board set up, and wicked grin on his face.? "Strip monopoly?"

Dave Luo

Date: 2010-09-30 20:32 EST
She snorted and sat down next to the board.? "You really like losing, don't you?"

"I'm always up for a challenge," he answers, putting a subtle emphasis on 'up'.

She rolled her eyes and grabbed the top hat.? "Fine.? But I don't want to hear any whining when you're sitting there in your birthday suit and I've taken off an earring."

"Oh, no," he says, shaking a finger.? "No jewelry."

She nodded.? "Oh, yes," she said, imitating his finger waggling.? "Yes, jewelry."

"Fine, then I get to wear my watch, gun, and shades."

"Me, too!"? She hopped up and ran into the bedroom, diving for the dresser on top of which she kept her sunglasses and the Sig Sauer he'd given her the night Daniel left. He runs into the bedroom behind her, strapping on his gun, and shades.? He already has his watch on.? He adds his hooded sweat shirt, too, though it's warm in the house. She giggled as she took her belt off half-way to slide it through the holster and settled it in the small of her back.? Then she, too, slipped on a hoodie and socks, and her sunglasses before heading out into the living room again.

"We look like a couple of hit-men heading out for a job," he says, chuckling.

That drew a chuckle out of her and she rolled the dice, coming up with two.? "Okay, that's pathetic.? I hope that's not indicative of the rest of the game.? You go first."

He scoops up the dice and makes his roll.? A long, heated game of strip-monopoly ensues.? He's obviously a better player than David, because the game finally ends with him in his boxers and a single sock on, and she in her panties and David's ridiculous engagement ring.? She went bankrupt though, so the game is his.? He grins at her, leaning back on the couch.

Her eyes narrow dangerously.? "Yeah, yeah.? It's an anomaly.? Don't get used to it, bub."

His grin widens.? "We'll see."? Then he stands, reaching for her hand.? "How about a bath now?? We won't have to take much off."

She nodded and stood up, hooking her thumbs into the waistband of her panties to slide them down her legs and kick them aside to join the rest of her clothing.? She took his hand then, leading him into the bathroom.? It was huge - easily twice the size of the one in the loft, with a separate shower and sunken, garden tub under the room's single window.

He starts the water for the bath going, then holds up a finger.? "Be right back," he says.? "Forgot something."? He turns and heads back towards the kitchen. She watched him leave, a brow raised in curiosity.? Then she turned back to the bath, adding some vanilla-scented oil to the water and slipping into it as she waited for him to return.

He's back in moments, carrying a bottle of Cabernet sauvignon and a pair of glasses.? He winks at her, setting the bottle and glasses down on the edge of the tub, then strips off the last bits of his clothes and slides into the warm water across from her.? "Ahhh," he says, "This is nice."? He reaches over and opens the wine, pouring them each a glass.

"It's very nice.? We should try and do this every night."? She turned around and pressed her back against his chest, leaning against him and sipping her wine.

"Mmm," he says, running his free hand down her back and onto her hip.? "I fully agree."? Her naked body against his is definitely having the expected effect. She set her wine glass down on the edge of the tub and turned around to face him, kneeling between his thighs.? Leaning forward, pressing her naked breasts against his chest, she kissed him softly, exploring his mouth with her tongue and lips, her hands firmly holding onto his knees. His hands move to her back, nails digging in slightly as he meets her tongue with his.? The arousal that had begun a moment ago instantly swings into overdrive, and he leans forward a bit, pressing his mouth harder into hers.?

She backed off, withdrawing a little, to whisper, "Easy, baby, easy.? We've got all night.? Don't rush it."

"You're right," he says softly, forcing himself to relax a little.? "Just the effect you have on me."

Dave Luo

Date: 2010-09-30 20:33 EST
An hour later, the rug on the bathroom floor was completely soaked and the bottle of wine has been emptied. Riley slowly subsided, falling limply against him, her tongue sweeping over her lower lip, tasting blood and shivering at the passionate kiss that drew it.? She closed her eyes and listened to his heart beat slow and even out.

He takes deep breaths, chest heaving against hers, pulling his hands away from her hips and lifting them to stroke fingers through her hair.? "Damn," he whispers, meaning every word. "that was great."

"Mmmm," is the only reply she's capable of at the present moment.? She heaves a great sigh and sits up a little, giving him a little smile, her hand raising to stroke his cheek gently.? "Suki yo," she whispered softly and leaned in to plant a kiss against his mouth.

He inhales sharply as she moves, little tingles of pleasure skittering up and down his body.? He kisses her lips, then smiles against them.? "Yeah," he says softly.

She drew away with a little frown marring her brow.? "Yeah?" she repeated, a brow arching skyward.

He nods, kissing her again.? "Yeah," he repeats, "Me too.? A lot."

She grinned against his mouth.? "Please tell me you haven't come all over shy suddenly."?

He chuckles, shaking his head.? "No, not shy.? Just pleasantly numb.? Brain doesn't want to do its job."

She laughed and slowly slid off his lap and scooted to the other end of the tub.? "I know what you mean." The water is a lot cooler now than it was when the started, and it's a bit of shock. She washed quickly and then stood up, water dripping down the length of her body.? "You wanna stay in, get all pruny?"

"Nah, it's getting too cold for that," he answers, standing up as well, eyes following the drops of water as they move down her body.? "Yum," he says.

She thrusts out a sinfully long leg, adopting a Playboy Bunny pose and smirked at him, letting him have a good long look before stepping out of the bath and reaching for a towel. He gives her a wolf-whistle, and grins? He gets quickly out of the bath and comes up behind her before she can get the towel on, sliding his arms around her waist and pressing against her back.

She gasped and turned her head a little, trying to look at him over her shoulder.? Her hands covered his and squeezed gently.? "Not again, surely?"

He dips his head down and nips the back of her neck, pressing his fingers into the firm muscles of her stomach.? "Yes, again.? Over and over and over."

She laughed and turned in his arms.? With a little smirk, she kissed him quickly and then wriggled out of his grasp.? "Well, you're going to have to wait a little while.? I want some fruit."

"Now that you mention it, I am a little peckish," he says.? "Must've used a lot of energy or something recently."

"Huh, yeah.? Something like."? She dried off, dried him off, and then led him into the kitchen.

Dave Luo

Date: 2010-10-03 17:07 EST
((OOC Note: Cross-over posts from this Story Line are located here: Strangers In A Strange Land))

Riley's going to be late getting home tonight; she's down at the Studios doing something or other for her upcoming shows.? This gives him the perfect opportunity to plan the untimely death of a certain Watch sergeant.? In studying the sergeant's daily activities, he'd found the man went to his local pub every single evening after work, without fail.? That made things easy.? Even better, there was a convenient alley a block or so away from the pub, right on the sarge's path home.? He chuckles.? Sometimes, they make it entirely too easy for him to kill them.? He dresses in basic black and leaves the house at 8 pm, making sure to lock up so Riley doesn't get suspicious, on the off chance she's home before him.?

It doesn't take long for him to reach the alley near the sarge's pub.? He checks it carefully, making sure there aren't any bums sleeping there, and finding it clear, leans against a wall to wait.? It's a cool night, but he hardly notices the temperature with the warm flush of impending murder running through him.? It'll be another half hour or so before the sarge leaves the pub, but patience is no issue when he's on the hunt.

He's only been standing in the alley for a moment or two when he suddenly feels a tingle of cool energy brush his skin.?? He straightens from the wall and looks behind him, searching the alley carefully.? He's felt the energy of others before, what his ancestors would call chi, but this is different.? Pale, muted, and cold.? There's nothing behind, and no sound either.? He watches for another moment, then turns back to keeping looking for the sarge.? He's calm and relaxed, but very alert now.?

No further noise or strange tingles come from the alley behind him, and leans against the wall again.? It'll be another fifteen minutes until the sarge leaves.? He's already got a plan to draw the man into the alley, and doesn't foresee it failing. Just as he's starting to get impatient, wondering if he's managed to pick the one day the guy doesn't go to the pub, when he spots the rotund figure coming down the street towards the alley.? He backs up several feet, moving deeper into the alley, where the shadows are deepest, rendering him all but invisible.?

When the sarge's plodding footsteps draw near, he calls out softly, in a hoarse, quavering voice.? "Help, someone help me."? He knows full well that the sergeant, a Watchman to the bone, won't be able to ignore such a call.? Sure enough, the round silhouette pauses in front of the alley, then turns and takes a few steps in.? "You okay, buddy?" the sergeant asks. He says nothing else, letting the sarge's imagination do the work.? A moment later, the watchman takes another few steps into the alley.? It's close enough.?

He strikes, a ripple of darkness moving faster than the sergeant can react to.? Fingers like steel cables close on his throat, crushing the windpipe and making it impossible for the sergeant to cry out.? By itself, this damage will be fatal in a few minutes, but he's not done.? His fist pistons out at chest height, crunching into ribs with enough force to drive shards of broken bone into and through the watchman's heart and lungs.? The body jerks once, then goes limp.? A sharp smell permeates the air as the body voids itself in the last instants of life, and he lets the body drop with faint disgust.? Even in death, a pathetic excuse for a man.?

Dave Luo

Date: 2010-10-03 17:08 EST
A gasp sounds behind him; he crouches and spins instantly, spotting the small, curvy woman with dark hair and eyes, dressed in black, with pale skin that looked almost translucent in the moons' light. She has mysteriously appeared almost within arm's reach.? His hand snaps to David's gun, ripping it from the holster hard enough to tear the strap holding it in and leveling it at the woman, all in one blindingly fast motion.

She holds a small throwing knife in one hand, the other hand hovering over a long dagger on her hip.? Her eyes flick from the gun to his face and she speaks to him, her words seeming to wrap around his mind and tug subtly at him.? "I won't tell anyone what I saw.? Just don't shoot me."? Her voice is steady, with an English accent.

For a split second, he considers her words, but the danger is too great.? If he's found now, his plan would be severely hampered.? The way she just appeared out of nowhere is too big a cause for concern, as well.? He doesn't say anything, just pulls the trigger.? The gun is pointing directly at her chest; from this distance, it's a certain shot.

She stands still as he fires. To his surprise, the bullet just bounces off her chest to fall with a metallic clatter to the floor of the alley.? She cocks her head to the side and says softly, "Stop now and I'll let you go."

F*cking hell, just his luck to be caught by some kind of monster.? Still, her words were entirely too smug for his liking.? She'd let him go?? No f*cking way he was going to take that.? He dropped a hand down and pulled out the same knife he'd used to skin and fillet the deer.? Wouldn't be the first time a blade had worked where a gun had failed.? He lunged forward, driving the knife at her heart.

She manages to bring the knife in her hand up to intercept his downward strike, but his overwhelming strength drives her blade back against her and its sharp edge slits her blouse to nick skin beneath. She backs up a step, asking, "What are you?"

He sees the touch of blood staining her blade, and knows she can be hurt, at least.? Her words cause a cold smile to curve his lips.? "Death.? God.? Take your pick."? He attacks again, slashing the knife at her.

Moving nearly too fast to see, she moves out of the way of that on-coming knife.? As his strike sails past her, her free hand draws the long dagger at her hip in a fast, fluid motion before she turns the blade to face him, aiming a stab at his stomach, while the throwing dagger in her other hand plunges downward at his forearm.

Her sudden increase in speed registers an instant before the second knife comes in for his stomach.? He throws himself to one side, not quite quickly enough, feeling a burning line score across his ribs.? He ignores the pain, feeling the old excitement of battle rising in him as his sideways motion is stopped by the alley wall.? A tight grin shows as he falls into a ready stance, knife raised before him.

She cocks the hand with the throwing dagger and lets it fly, aiming at his shoulder.? "This is not over; I will find you again," she says, then turns and flees the alley with inhuman speed, leaving him and the rapidly cooling corpse of the Watchman alone in the alley. The unexpected throw catches him before he can take more than a step towards her, slicing through his shirt and sinking deeply into his shoulder muscle.? He hisses a curse of pain and sprints to the mouth of the alley, searching for any sign of her.? She's gone, though, even faster than he could run.? He stands for a moment, thinking.? This will require a change his plan.? He turns and runs into the pub the sergeant came from and asks the tender to call the Watch.? When the nearest constable arrives, he identifies himself as David Lo, and tells the Watchman that he heard sounds of a struggle, and went into the alley to find the sergeant dead, and a woman with knives standing over him.? He explains that he tried to stop her, but she stabbed him and ran off.

Since he's well know to be a former member of the Watch himself, and is clearly wounded, his story is easily accepted.? He gives the description of the woman, and is allowed to go home, waving away the need for medical assistance.

He goes quickly back to the house, expecting that Riley will probably already be home and wondering where he is.? "Riley?? You here?" he calls out as he comes inside.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-10-03 17:13 EST
The scent of David's blood hit her and Riley sprinted out of the kitchen, coming to a halt just within arm's reach.? Her caramel eyes were wide with fear as they moved quickly over his body.? "David?? What happened?? How bad is it?"

"I'm okay," he says reassuringly.? "It's not that bad."? He shows her the wound in his shoulder, which is still bleeding steadily.

"The f*ck it's not," she growled and reached to pull his shirt off so she could get a closer look at the wound.? She frowned and shook her head.? "C'mon.? You need stitches.? What the hell happened?"? She lead him into the bathroom and nodded to the edge of the tub.? "Sit."

The shirt's a loss already, so he doesn't complain when she pulls it off and tosses it aside.? He follows her into the bathroom and sits down as ordered.? "I went down to the Watch house," he begins.? "They didn't have anything good to tell me, though, so I left and walked around for a bit."

She nodded as she rifled through the cupboard beneath the sink and withdrew a small metal box that contained an extensive first aid kit.? Opening the box, she drew out a small bottle of surgical alcohol, a suture kit, some gauze, and a large bandage.? "Okay.? You were walking around.? This is gonna sting, by the way."

He shrugs that off.? Pain is fleeting, as always.? He barely even feels the shoulder wound already.? "I went past that pub the desk sergeant always talks about, and heard a struggle going on in the alley."

She raised a brow but didn't look away from the gauze she was pouring alcohol onto.? She started dabbing at the wound to clean it, concentrating on what she was doing and trying to ignore the pain she was causing him.? "So, you were being a hero...again."

It's a distant sting, at most.? He has no trouble ignoring it.? "Well, what else could I do?? It's second nature to me after all these years."

She rolled her eyes expressively and when the wound was cleaned to her satisfaction, she picked up the curved suture needle and glanced up into his beautiful milk-chocolate eyes.? "Ready?"

He nods.? "Go for it."? Once she begins, he continues his story.? "There was a body on the ground, and a woman standing near it," he says, carefully ensuring that his words are literally true.? "We fought.? She was fast--really fast.? She had a bunch of knives.? After we'd fought for a bit, she threw one into my shoulder.? I didn't expect it at all; she was only like five feet away from me."

She nodded vaguely, her bottom lip caught between her teeth as the lion's share of her attention was focused on stitching him up.? "Who was it?" she asked softly.

He sighs, letting sadness fill him as though he's been putting off thinking about the body until this point.? By now, it's a simple exercise to call up any emotion he wants and make it feel completely real for as long as he wants it.? "It was the sarge," he says heavily.

She froze, the needle half-way through the second to last stitch, and looked up at him.? "The sarge," she repeats.? "The one at the Dragon House?? Bart Cooper?" He nods, not saying anything, not even looking at her. "Oh, Jesus," she said softly and swallowed audibly.? Her hand shook for a moment and then she took a deep breath and finished off the last two stitches, disinfected the wound a second time and then covered it with a bandage.? Exhaling loudly, she sat down on the edge of the toilet and pressed the heels of her hands against her closed eyes, prickles of tears threatening.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-10-03 17:15 EST
He stands, going over to her and putting his arms arms around her shoulders.? It's what David would do.? He doesn't waste any words, just holds her against him.? A small, distant part of his mind actually feels badly for her; the part that still remembers what it was like when he was a cop having to break bad news to victim's friends and family.? She gripped him tightly, her hands snaking around his waist, forehead pressing into his stomach.? She didn't cry, though; instead she transformed that sadness into cold rage.

He runs his fingers through her hair and tilts her chin up so he can look into her eyes.? "You okay?"

She nodded and sat back, wiping an angry hand across her eyes, erasing the unshed tears.? "Yeah," she said and stood.? Then she began taking off her clothing, a determined and not at all inviting look on her face.

He raises one eyebrow slightly.? "What are you doing?"

"Getting ready to Shift.? She may not be as good as a scent hound, but she'll be able to isolate and maybe track down the killer."

He straightens, nodding.? "I'm coming."

"Well, duh.? I have no idea where to start."? She gave him a quicksilver smirk and then Shifted.? Jaguar stood at the end of it all and nudged his hand with her broad brow and then trotted out to the living room, sitting in front of the door, waiting for him.

He drops one hand to Jaguar's head and strokes it slightly.? He's actually quite comfortable with the big cat.? Maybe it's because they're kindred spirits in a lot of ways.? He goes to the door and opens it.? "Be careful," he says, knowing she understands just fine.? "Whoever this woman is, I don't think she's human."

Jaguar growled, allowing him to interpret the sound as he liked and followed him, staying close by his side as they made their way through the City and into the Red Dragon District. He leads her to the alley way in which the fight took place.? The Watch have already gone, taking the sergeant's body with them, though she can no doubt still smell where it was.? "This is it."

The Cat entered the alley, her massive head lowered to the ground, amber eyes slit in concentration as she sniffed around the area.? At one point, the beast froze and her hackles rose and her tail puffed out.? A low, subsonic growl that seemed to seep into the ground and rise up through the soles of the feet came from her throat and she whirled around, lips drawn back, revealing those three-inch fangs.

He steps towards her, asking, "You smell her, don't you?"? There's always the slight possibility that she's figured out something about him, but he's sure he's been as careful as it's possible to be, and isn't actually worried by that possibility.? No, it's far more likely she found the scent of the woman.

The beast chuffed, nodded her great head and took off at a measured pace, moving back towards the Marketplace.? She led him in a generally straight line, stopping every now and then to check the scent trail. He follows closely behind her, glancing around to see if anyone appears to be paying much attention to the large black Jaguar walking through the streets.?

At the edge of the Marketplace, where the buildings began to crowd against each other and people existed cheek-by-jowl with their neighbours, she lost the scent.? A frustration fifteen minutes spent backtracking the trail lead her to the foundations of just such a building.? She sat and looked up at it, growling softly in frustration, before standing and pacing back and forth, her eyes still fixated on the rooftops.

He looks up along her line of sight and thinks he understand what's happening.? "She went to the roofs, didn't she?"? It's a sound plan for a getaway.? Much harder to follow someone up there than down here.

The Cat turned her head to regard him and then sat down again, her eyes moving once more to the rooftops.? After staring for a full five minutes, she stood, went to his side, and nudged him in the direction of home.? There would be no more tracking tonight.? She wasn't even certain if the Men in the blue clothes could do anything with what she'd learned.

He pats her flank and starts heading for the house.? "Don't feel bad.? I doubt anyone else could track her over the roofs, either."

Once they reached Twin Oaks, the Cat headed back into the bathroom to Shift and then dress.? She emerged soon after and flopped down on the couch in the living room, exhausted from the Change.? "She was a god damned vampire, David," she announced without preamble.

"A vampire?" he echoes with some surprise, sitting down on the couch next to her.? "That explains the speed, then.? Sh*t."?

"Why would she stab him though?? I mean, wouldn't she know...attack him and eat him?? And why didn't I smell any of his blood?? Just yours and hers?"? She was rubbing idly at her forehead and temples as she frowned in thought.

"Maybe she wasn't...hungry?? I don't actually know if she stabbed him.? Hell, I don't even know if she actually killed him.? Just seems the most likely explanation when someone's standing over a body."

"Huh.? Yeah, that makes sense," she said quietly, though something about his explanation nagged at her.? She sighed and let it go, moving closer to him and cuddling against his side.? "You okay, anata?" she asked softly, using the Japanese word for 'sweet-heart', one of the rare terms of affection the non-demonstrative people used.

He nods, slipping his arm around her and hugging her against him.? "Yeah, I think so.? Shoulder doesn't hurt much anymore.? Mostly just wondering about the mysterious vampire woman.? Seems weird, like you said, that she wouldn't drink his blood.? If she wasn't hungry, why kill him at all?? Unless it's some kind of grudge.? I guess vampires can get pissed off like anyone else."

"Oh, yes.? They certainly can and they hold grudges for centuries, too."? She closed her eyes and allowed herself to relax by slow inches, safe in his arms.? "It's late; we should go to bed.? Tomorrow's Sunday, you know.? Waffles Day."

He chuckles.? "Yum.? You're right, let's get to bed.? Can't miss waffles."? He unwraps his arm from her and stands, holding his hand out to her. She allows him to tug her to her feet and then leads him into the bedroom.

Dave Luo

Date: 2010-10-16 18:16 EST
((Continued from here.))

With Riley gone for the evening to some ballet, he decides this is as good a time as any to pay another visit to his unfortunate counterpart. It wouldn't do to have the idiot die of thirst or something, after all. That wouldn't be a fitting way for him to reach godhood. So he grabs a bottle of water and some leftovers from the fridge and heads out, carefully locking the door behind him. It's a cool evening, but he doesn't pay attention to the temperature, focusing on his destination instead. Fifteen minutes later, he reaches the abandoned warehouse in the Temple District and goes inside, then down to where David is hanging around.

For a mad murderer, the man was surprisingly mundane.? Dannika had followed him around the city and had decided that he was, in fact, rather boring and probably killed to alleviate some of that boredom.? He met his girlfriend the Werecat after sunset at the Red Dragon, chatted with friends, went home, had dinner, and went to bed.? For three nights now, Danni had followed him through this agonizing routine and quietly prayed for some sort of deviation, some little bit of excitement.

As the Werecat left the house alone one night, dressed in a midnight blue frock, obscenely high heeled sandals, Danni sensed a change to the routine.? Sure enough, instead of treading the same path towards the Red Dragon, the man went south, into the same area that she and Luc had their haven. She followed him to an old warehouse that had definitely seen better days and watched him go inside.? Cloaking herself first in shadows until she could slip inside, she then became an Unseen Presence and went down a flight of stairs as quietly as a stalking tiger.

The slam of the door woke David from his fitful sleep, if it could be called sleep. If he wasn't exhausted, he wouldn't have been able to sleep at all. His entire body ached, at least in the places it hadn't gone numb. He wasn't even sure if he had toes anymore. The chains seemed to suck the chill from the air and transmit it directly to his body, making him even colder than the temperature outside. His throat hurt, and he was feeling lightheaded again. He hadn't eaten anything for two days, and only a tuna sandwich then.

Peering around the edge of a door frame, Dannika was presented with a surprising view.? The man she'd followed was standing in front of another man who was completely wrapped in chains from the neck down to the very tips of his toes and suspended some two or three feet in the air.? But what was really weird was the fact that the men were identical.? she summoned some of her precious vitae to enhance her senses.? The two men not only looked the same but they smelled the same as well.? Carefully, she slipped into the room and skirting the edges of it, moved to the opposite side, the better to keep an eye and ear on the proceedings.

He looks up at David and smiles pleasantly.? "Evening, David.? How's it hanging?"? He chuckles.? "Getting hungry?? I brought you some yakitori."? He sets the bottle of water and the food down on the floor, and walks over to lower the chained man to the ground.

David hardly had the strength to speak, let alone stand.? When his feet hit the floor, his legs buckled immediately.? Only the chain kept him upright.? On the plus side, now he was pretty sure he had toes.? "Go to hell," he whispered.

He shakes his head with mock-sadness.? "After all this time we've spent together, you're still so mean to me.? Maybe I'll just keep this for myself.? Riley made it, you know.? It's quite tasty."? He picks up the bottle of water and walks over to David, uncapping it and tilting it towards his face.? "Open wide, now."

David leaned his head back and let the water flow into his mouth, swallowing convulsively.? When he'd had enough, he shut his mouth.? Some of the water rolled down his mouth and onto the chains that bound his chest, but he didn't feel it even where it trickled through to his skin.? A tiny measure of strength returned to him, and he glared at Dave, wishing he could work even a single arm free.

He sees the glare, the hate in David's eyes, and smirks.? "If looks could kill..."? He puts down the water and picks up the baggie of yakitori, pulling out the first skewer.? He wiggles it enticingly under David's nose.? "Looks good, doesn't it?? Open the hangar, the airplane's coming in for a landing."? He thrusts the skewer towards David's mouth.

David opened his mouth quickly, barely avoiding being stabbed in the lip.? He bit down, stripping the barbecued chicken off of the skewer as it was pulled from his mouth.? Saliva gushed into his mouth at the first taste of it, and he forced himself to chew carefully and swallow at a sedate pace.? He couldn't afford to overwork his neglected stomach and throw the food back up.

He nods, watching David chew with care.? "Digestion is very important."? He waits until it looks like David is about to swallow, then says conversationally.? "I hope you weren't very good friends with Sgt. Cooper.? He died badly."

David's throat closed up suddenly, and he coughed, choking on the yakitori.? Most of it flew from his mouth and tumbled onto the floor, Dave having stepped casually aside at just the right moment.? His burning eyes followed the wasted food, staring longingly at it for several seconds before rising to meet Dave's mocking gaze.? He didn't say a thing, though.? He'd learned to avoid anything that might cost him a meal.? Well.? Almost.

He nods, continuing.? "His ribs made some great crackling noises when I drove them through his heart.? Like a bowl of Rice Krispies."? He chuckles again.? "Even better, I pinned the murder on some vampire bitch who came along at the wrong time.? The Watch is looking for her right now."? Now he lifts another skewer from the baggie, shoves it into David's mouth.

David angrily wrenched the meat from the yakitori, chewing and swallowing more quickly this time, in case Dave tried to drop some other bombshell.? He didn't put much attention into the thought of this vampire woman, but he filed the information away.? Maybe he'd have a chance to right that wrong, too.

After he gives David the third and last skewer of yakitori, he pours some more water down David's throat, then goes over to winch him back up into the air.? He sniffs, noting that it's getting a bit rank in here again.? He'll have to come back and hose the place down soon.? "Well, it's getting late, and Riley's going to be home soon.? Don't want to leave her wondering where you are."? He grins, winks at David, and turns, heading out of the room, up the stairs and out in the night.

David Lo

Date: 2010-10-17 19:33 EST
Still cloaked in her obfuscation, Dannika moved to follow the man up the stairs and stood by the door for some ten minutes before dropping the illusion and going back to the room in the basement.? She moved quietly, slowly, hoping not to frighten the man. She slipped around the chain-wrapped man into his line of sight and stood some five feet in front of him.? She studied him silently, unnerved by the resemblance between him and the killer who had just left.? She licked her lips - a hold-over from her mortal days - and spoke, her voice soft, soothing, "Who are you?"

David had closed his eyes as soon as Dave left.? There was nothing for him to look at, after all.? He'd already memorized every inch of the room that he could see from his vantage point.? He had nearly slipped back into the half-unconscious state when the soft, female voice spoke in front of him.? His eyes flared open and an involuntary jerk of muscles set him swinging slightly on the chain.? He looked down at the small, dark haired woman standing in front of him.? Her upturned face was pale, with exotic features, and she wore a corset, of all things.? In other circumstances, he might have enjoyed the view down into her cleavage his angle afforded him, but in his current state, he barely noticed.?? "Wha...?"

She took another step forward and in the same voice, which he might have noticed sounded a lot like a certain English friend, repeated her question.? "Who are you?? Why does he have you here?"

" name's David," he said hoarsely.? He'd barely spoken in weeks, and his voice sounded rusty and broken to himself.? "He's keeping me here so he can torture me before he kills me."

She frowned and then made a complete circuit around him, studying the chains once more.? When she stood in front of him again, she gave him a quicksilver smile.? "I'm the vampire bitch," she explained in an amused voice.

His eyes widened, and a flash of fear went through him.? He hadn't had much experience with vampires in his time here, but he'd heard plenty of stories.? He hoped she wasn't here because she was hungry.? He was practically a gift-wrapped meal here.? "How did you get here?"

"Don't worry; I'm not here to eat you, David."? She nodded past him, indicating the door through which the other had just disappeared.? "I followed him.? I've been following him for three nights now.? He leads an incredibly boring life, you know."

"It's my life," he said.? "He stole it."? A boring life sounded great to him right now.? One corner of his mouth lifted in a tiny smile.? If she was following Dave around, maybe she would help him.? "What are you going to do?"

"Well, David.? The other you has pinned a murder on me.? And while I'm not adverse to killing kine, I'd prefer not to have another's crime attributed to me.? So.? I'm going to kill him.? Want to help?"

"Hell yes."? A surge of hope and excitement flooded through his body, driving away some of the lassitude and weakness of nearly a month's imprisonment.? "Can you get me down?"

"He comes back here how often?"

"Every two or three days."? His mouth twisted.? "Doesn't want me to die of thirst before he can kill me with his own hands."

Dannika nodded.? "I have a plan.? You will not like it, though.? Will you still hear it?"

"I'll hear any plan that ends in that bastard lying dead."

She gave him a fierce smile then.? "You will have to remain here for a while longer.? I will continue following him and when it appears he will be coming back here, I will beat him here, free you, and lie in wait.? When he arrives, we jump him, kill him and Bob's your uncle."

"Why wait?"

"The element of surprise?? If he comes back and you are not here, he will know and we'll lose our advantage.? Forgive me for saying, but you're a human - a weak human who has been strung up here for how long?? I may be a very powerful Kindred, but...he nearly bested me the last time it came to blows."

"You fought him?"? He was surprised she still stood, vampire or not.? He sighed, then nodded.? "I've been here almost a month.? I can wait another couple of days."? He didn't stop to consider the possibility that she might not follow through with her promise.? If she didn't, he was dead anyway.? This seemed to be the only chance he had.

"The woman..."? She frowned, trying to remember the name Luc had mentioned.?

"Riley?"? There was so much emotion in the word as to make it almost tangible.? He felt worry for her, love for her, longing for her, anger at the thought of Dave being near her, and so much more.? His vision blurred for a moment as tears welled in his eyes, but he blinked them away quickly.

"Yes, Riley.? She...does not know.? About any of this, does she?? She believes he is you?"

He nodded.? "Yes.? He's clever...and very dangerous."

"He will kill her, won't he?"

He closed his eyes, silent for a moment, then nodded again.? "Yes.? When he decides it's time to finish me."

"My childe and I will watch over her until it is time for us to move.? Is this acceptable to you?"

"You can't tell her," he said.

"No.? We will keep it from her.? She is dangerous, yes?? A Changing Breed?? She will try to kill him."

He was glad she understood so quickly.? "Yeah.? She would.? She doesn't know how dangerous he is, though.? Not really."

She nodded once more and then straightened.? "My name is Dannika, by the way.? I'm going to leave now and join my childe.? We'll protect your Riley and when the time is right, you and I shall have our revenge."

"You'll have a friend for life if you do," he said.? Then another tiny flash of humor, gone in an instant.? "Maybe not as long as yours, though."

She chuckled and gave him a tiny curtsy before saying, "Take heart, David.? It will soon all be over."? And then she left the room, going up the stairs and back into the night, streaking through the streets to her haven so she could discuss with Luc everything she'd seen and heard and decided.

Take heart he did.? He felt a thousand times better now than he had an hour ago.? There had been times in the past weeks that he'd almost given up, almost accepted the idea of his coming death.? He was glad now that he'd held on.? It looked like his stubbornness was going to pay off.? "Soon," he whispered.? "I'll see Riley again soon."? He was smiling as he forced himself to relax as much as possible and drift back into the half-sleep he spent most of his time in.

David Lo

Date: 2010-10-26 01:40 EST
He rolls over in the bed and studies Riley for several moments.? Mostly, he's making sure she's deeply asleep.? She's certainly been active enough tonight; first was her performance and then their own private after-party.? While the latter part had been quite enjoyable, as he'd come to expect, the former had been much less so.? He was getting tired of David's life, honestly, despite the thrill of tormenting his captive and f*cking his woman.? He'd been masquerading as David now for just over a month now, and the novelty was wearing off.? He nods, deciding that tonight is the night to end it.? He'd waited long enough to claim his prize.?

Still watching Riley sleep, he considers what to do with her.? Killing her is the obvious option; it's what he had planned to do originally. Telling David about how he'd slept with his woman for a month before murdering her in their own bed would be the ultimate blow, after all.? He's not worried about being able to finish her off quickly, either.? Even her admittedly impressive regenerative ability can't handle a ripped-off head, which he's more than strong and fast enough to accomplish before she can wake up.? He hesitates, though.? Some dim, deep recess of his mind actually admires the woman and her predatory and passionate nature.? He finds himself wondering if it's really necessary to kill her.? She can't stop him from achieving his goals, even if she manages to wake up and follow him to the warehouse.?

Perhaps he'll simply leave her there.? After all, when he becomes a god, he'll need worshipers, and there's more than a little pleasure in the thought of being worshiped by this woman.? Maybe he'll even tell her about this moment.? He smiles and nods to himself again, then slips quietly out of the bed and dresses soundlessly.? A minute or two later, he heads out the front door and off towards the Temple District.

Across the street, on the roof of a near-by house, Dannika has been lurking for most of the night.? She caught the couple's trail on the way to a theater where the woman performed.? She waited through the party afterward, watching as the killer and the cat sipped champagne and talked to myriad small children.? She followed them back to their house and listened as they had a private celebration of their own.? She'd assumed that they'd go to sleep after that but stuck around for nearly an hour after the lights went down in their bedroom.? Her patience paid off as she saw the murderer slipping out quietly through the front door.?

Dannika climbed soundlessly off the roof and followed him through the city, pleased to see him headed in the general direction of the warehouse in which he kept his twin.? Dipping into her blood pool, she activated her inhuman speed and sprinted ahead of him. She arrived at the warehouse and headed down the stairs, calling out softly for David as she entered the room where he was chained.? "He's coming, David.? Are you ready?"

David was dozing, slipping in and out of consciousness as had become usual for him in the month he'd been chained up.? The soft voice jerked him out of the daze, and he opened his eyes, trying to twist around to see who it was.? A second later, his mind caught up with his senses, and he realized it was the vampire Dannika.? "I've been ready for a month now," he said, meaning every word.

She smiled softly and nodded up to him as she moved over to the winch to lower him to the ground.? Then she began to quickly unwrap the lengths of chain from around him.? "You've been here for a month?? Chained up like this?"

He nodded, trying to avoid looking down at himself.? "Yeah."? He didn't want to see what his body looked like after a month of near-starvation and constant rubbing from the chains.? "Bastard hasn't even loosened them a single time."

"You will be very weak," she said and unwrapped the last length of chain, reaching out a hand to steady him if he needed it.

That was an understatement.? His legs buckled the instant the chains were removed, and he collapsed towards the ground, unable to even reach out for her hand quickly enough to save himself.

She caught him quickly, hooking her arm underneath his and holding him aloft, and made a sour face and then raised her other wrist to her mouth and bit into it, opening a gash and holding it out to him.? "Drink.? It will restore some of your strength."

He looked at her wrist, the sluggish flow of blood there, then back up at her face.? "Uh...," he said slowly, unsure about this.? He'd heard stories about what vampire blood could do to people--especially about vampires using it to control their victims.? "It's not going to make me your slave or something, is it?"

"Only if you drink three times.? Hurry.? I have no idea how long it will take for him to get here."

He paused for another few seconds, then shrugged minutely; all the motion his arms could manage.? It wasn't like he had much choice, and this would be a really ridiculously elaborate way for her to gain a slave.? He leaned painfully forward and put his mouth on the wound, grimacing faintly as the initial drops of blood touched his tongue.? At first, it was just cool and coppery, pretty much what he'd expected.? Then it seemed to change in his throat.? It burned inside him, but not a painful kind of burn.? It felt good.? Really good.? Warmth seemed to radiate out from his stomach, permeating his entire body in a matter of seconds.? He felt a rush of energy, and could suddenly move his arms and legs in a semi-normal way.?? He still felt weak as a kitten, though.? "Wow.? That's some potent stuff."

She gave him a lightning-fast smile and helped him to a corner across from the door.? "I'm going to hide us and create an illusion of you still hanging up there," she explained.? "I'll wait for him to be distracted and attack.? When I do so, the illusions will fall and he will see you."

"I'm not sure what good I'll be in a fight right now."? He lowered himself to the floor, sitting cross-legged and closing his eyes.? "I'll try to recover as best as I can, though."?

"I will save the killing blow for you," she said and then crouched next to him, closing her eyes and concentrating on building the illusion of David still hanging from the ceiling and wrapped in chains.? Slowly it appeared, even moving a little and the sound of harsh labored breathing could be heard from it as well.

He opened his eyes to thank her for that consideration, and froze, looking at the illusion.? It looked as real as himself, or as Dave.? "Damn," he said softly.? "You could make a killing in Vegas."?

She chuckled softly and then concentrated on hiding them from view.? The area where they were now appeared to the casual observer as just another shadowy corner in a room full of them.? There might even be the desire to avoid the area because of a subconscious desire.? "Now, we wait," she whispered to David.

He nodded and closed his eyes again, slowing his breathing and falling into a light meditation where he could gather what strength he had in him.? The heat of the vampire blood still burned inside him, urging him to get up and move around, but he suppressed that urge with the ease of long practice.

David Lo

Date: 2010-10-26 01:41 EST
About twenty minutes after leaving the house, he arrives at the door to the warehouse.? He glances around, seeing no one on the street in either direction, and ducks inside.? He goes down the stairs and opens the door to the room David is hanging in.? "Wakey, wakey," he calls out cheerfully as he closes the door behind him.

Dannika tensed as she heard the door opening and the footsteps on the stairs.? She avoided looking at David, knowing that the illusions would drop immediately.? Instead, she dipped into her vitae again and pushed blood into her muscles and reflexes, readying herself for the time when she could strike and be assured of getting the drop on the murderer.

Immersed in the calmness of his meditation, David didn't outwardly react to the opening door, but the surge of anger that flooded his mind and body threatened to overwhelm the calm.? He pushed it resolutely down, continuing to focus and gather his strength, not even opening his eyes to see where Dave was.?

When David doesn't respond, he walks around in front of the hanging man and looks up at him.? David's eyes are closed, and he's breathing heavily.? "Still asleep, huh?? Poor little David, all tired out from his time on the chain gang."? He smirks, then says loudly, "Wake up!" The Illusionary David opened its eyes and looked down at Dave, an expression of rage in its eyes.

"Good morning, sunshine."? He chuckles and waves up at David.? "I hope I interrupted a juicy dream."? Now that the moment is almost upon him, he's feeling a sense of almost giddy elation.? All the effort he's been through in the years past to reach this end, and here he is.? "I'm afraid our time together is just about at an end, my friend.? First, though, I've got some news I've just been dying to share with you."? He laughs again. "Nothing to say, huh?" he says when David remains silent.? "That's okay, I'll do the talking.? First, I wanted to let you know just how incredibly lame your life is.? Dull, dull, dull.? I mean, seriously, man.? There's only one bright spot amidst that ocean of boring-ass sh*t."? He pauses a moment, purely for dramatic tension.

"Luckily, that bright spot is a big one."? He grins widely, viciously, and shakes his head in mock-amazement.? "I gotta tell you, that Riley is a f*cking wildcat in bed."? He laughs at his own joke.? "Like, wow.? I haven't had sex that good in years, bro.? No matter how hard I pounded her, she just begged for more.? I'm not kidding, it's downright awesome.? Hell, you should thank her.? I would've been back here to waste your ass weeks ago if I wasn't getting my brains f*cked out every night."? He stops, waiting to see David's reaction.

Every muscle in David's body went rigid at Dave's words.? His eyes snapped open, and he literally saw red for a moment as the anger boiling inside him turned to pure, unadulterated rage.? His hands clenched tightly as though they were already around Dave's neck, and it took every last ounce of his self-control to stop from jumping up and attacking the man right there.? He was almost vibrating with the need to smash that smile from the bastard's face, smash it until there was nothing but bloody pulp left.

Dannika reached out and wrapped her hand around David's forearm, giving it a warning squeeze.? She dared not do anything else for fear of the illusions dropping before she was ready. The muscles under her hand were so tense they felt like stone.? She could feel the faint tremor in them as he fought to keep himself still.? Slowly, the trembling receded as he gained a measure of control over himself.? He held onto that rage, though, using it to fuel his wasted muscles.? He'd need it when the time came.

The silence stretches for a moment, and his smile fades slightly when David doesn't react to the tidbit he'd just dropped.? He wonders if the man's will is already too broken for the news to have any impact.? It's unfortunate.? Kind of takes away from the thrill of the moment.? He shrugs that away, though.? It's the end result that matters.? He turns away from David and walks over to the winch to lower him.

David Lo

Date: 2010-10-26 01:43 EST
As soon as he turned his back to them, Dannika dropped the illusions, reached for one of the throwing daggers she perpetually wore strapped to her upper thigh and threw the blade at the dead center of his back.

The rasp of metal on leather is the only thing that saves him.? He spins in a blur of motion, seeing the hurtling knife already on its way towards him, and twists desperately out of the way.? The knife grazes his arm, slicing through his shirt, but failing to reach the skin below.? "You!" he snarls when he sees the thrower, the same vampire bitch who'd caught him killing the Sarge.? His hand flashes to his belt, but he grabs the knife he wears next to David's gun instead of the pistol.? Guns didn't work very well on her last time they'd met.? He crouches slightly, eyes fixed on the vampire.

"Me," she said quietly and moved out and to her left, circling the murderer, keeping walls at her back and him always in front of her.? She narrowed her eyes, hissed like an angry cat and bared her fangs at him.

He rocks back a step, oddly shaken by the display.? It only takes him an instant to recover, though, and he rushes forwards, sweeping a brutally fast kick at her knees. She jumped easily over the leg-sweep and kicked out with her right leg, trying to connect solidly with his jaw.? She also drew both rondel daggers that were at her hips.

He jerks his head to one side, her foot sliding past his jaw with millimeters to spare, then whips the knife up and across at her outstretched leg. She quickly pulled her leg back in with blinding speed...but to no avail.? His knife caught her on the back of her leg as he tried to hamstring her.? Luckily, the thick, heavy denim of her blue jeans combined with her preternaturally tough skin turned aside the blow.

As she landed, she lunged forward, the blades of both daggers draw in a fierce slashing motion across his lower stomach.? She intended to gut him, forgetting in the heat of battle that she'd promised David the killing blow. He hops back a pace, easily avoiding the slashing daggers, snapping one foot up at her right hand, trying to knock the knife out of it. She managed to pull her hand back, his foot sailing past it missing it by mere centimeters.? Pressing her original attack, she lunged forward again, this time leading with her left hand, a high slash aimed for his throat.

He jerks his head back, feeling the cold kiss of the steel as it grazes his throat but fails to draw blood.? He stabs forward with his own knife, aiming for her heart. She raised her forearms to block the blow, but his knife skittered past her defenses.? The thick leather jacket she was wearing, however, managed to deflect the blow.? She immediately countered, pushing forward, slashing across his eyes now with both blades.

He ducks, losing a few hairs from the razor edges of her knives as he makes like a turtle.? He brings his knee up sharply, aiming for her stomach. She threw her hips out backwards, narrowly missing his knee, and took a few steps backwards, putting distance between them and giving herself a chance to regroup and possibly try some Disciplines.? Perhaps they'd work where brutal force was failing.

He lets her back off, taking the opportunity to catch his breath and prepare.? He glances quickly around the room, looking for something he can use to his advantage.? His eyes widen when he sees the pile of chain on the ground, with David nowhere in sight.? His gaze darts around the room, searching for the missing man, and spots him in a corner, sitting peacefully like a f*cking Buddha statue.? He begins to circle around the vampire, aiming for that corner.

She clucked her tongue in mocking disapproval and moved with him, keeping herself between the murderer and his doppelganger.? Quickly looking around the room, she spotted a shaft of moonlight seeping in through a high, filthy window and moved to stand in the light.? She arranged her limbs and her face so that he would be hit with the full power of her preternatural beauty - the luminescence of her milky-white skin, the sheen of her raven tresses and the unearthly seduction of her full lips.

It's the first time he's seen her clearly and in the light, and her inhuman perfection strikes him with an almost physical blow.? He stops moving towards David and stares, feeling the overpowering urge to bow down before her.?

She spoke a single word, pouring all of her Power into that single syllable.? "Kneel," she commanded. The word goes straight to his muscles without pausing to ask permission from his brain.? He drops to his knees before he can even realize it's happening.?

Allowing herself a tiny smirk of triumph, she sprang forward, aiming the hilts of both daggers at his temples, wanting to knock him senseless so that David could have his chance. Purely on reflex, he jerks away from her when she comes flying at him.? The knife hilts catch his head a glancing blow as he falls onto his back, and the sudden pain breaks the mental hold she has on him.? He kicks up at her from his prone position, shocked by how easily she can manipulate his emotions.

His kick caught her in the stomach, pushing her backwards a few paces.? She recovered quickly and moved to his side, aiming a kick for his ribs. He rolls to one side, avoiding the kick and coming to his feet, lashing out with the knife again in a slash at her face. He scored a hit to her cheek, the blade of his knife slicing open her skin and sending a sluggish ooze of blackish blood down her cheek.? She hissed in sudden pain and lashed out at him with both daggers once more, aiming a vicious swipe across his neck again.

David opens his eyes at the hiss of pain, and winces when he sees the slash across Dannika's cheek.? It was a bit worrisome that Dave seems to have drawn first blood.? He tensed and relaxed his muscles, trying to gauge whether or not they'd respond with any sort of efficiency.

David Lo

Date: 2010-10-26 01:45 EST
He grins tightly at the sight of her blood and ducks under the swing, sensing a minute loss of control in her motion.? He thrusts the knife forward at her stomach, hoping for another score. Throwing herself backwards out of the way of the knife, she staggered back, summoning up more blood and pouring the power it gave her to Entrance him.

He freezes once again, his mind overwhelmed by a need to make her happy, to do whatever he can to please her.? The knife drops from his hand, and he feels disgusted by the thought that he injured her with it. "Sit down," she said and backed up to stand next to David.? "Quickly," she said to him as she reached to help him up.? "I do not know how long this will last.? But for the now, he is under my power."

He sits down, eager to do what she wishes.? A tiny part of his mind screams that she's controlling his mind, that he has to jump up and attack, but there's no force behind that voice, yet.

David took the offered hand and stood, feeling weak but mobile.? He walked towards Dave, and bent down to pick up the knife he'd dropped.? He wished he could kill the bastard with his bare hand, but the weakness that lingered in his muscles made that unlikely.

She followed, close on his heels, ready to defend him should the murderer shrug off her control. She stayed David for a moment, putting her hand gently on his arm.? "Just a moment," she whispered and went past him, moving towards the murderer.? She reached out for his hand, helping him to his feet, where he towered over her.? "Kiss me," she said softly to him, raising up on her tip-toes and offering him those full, bee-stung lips.

A smile spreads over his face as she raises her lips to him.? The small part of his mind that's still in control of itself warns him that it's a trick, that he has to watch David, but though it's grown stronger it still isn't enough to break him from her hold.? He reaches out to her and leans down to press his mouth against hers.

David smiled grimly when Dannika so effectively distracted Dave.? He moved around behind them and paused for an instant, then rammed the knife into Dave's back, aiming for his heart.? He pulled the knife out in a rush of hot blood, and prepared to drive it again.

He stiffens at the icy bite of the steel blade sinking in to his back and gasps in pain.? The unexpected agony shocks his mind out Dannika's hold once again, and he hurls her away as hard as he can before spinning to face the grim and gaunt figure of David holding the knife.

She went sailing away from the murderer's embrace, only to crash solidly, painfully into the rock wall at their back.? Her head bounced off the surface, turning the edges of the world dark and she slid down to pool on the floor in a boneless, stunned heap.

He snaps his hands out to catch David's as the knife drives forward again.? To his shock, he can barely hold the knife back.? How can David be this strong after being starved and immobile for an entire month?? His arms tremble with the strain of keeping the knife away from his chest, and all the while he can feel the wetness of his own blood spreading across his back and dripping down towards his legs.? It's a bad wound, worse than he's ever had before.? "No," he gasps, pushing with all of his might against David's arms.? "!"? He lashes out with a foot, trying to sweep David's legs out from under him.

David didn't even try to avoid the sweep, instead twisting with the fall so Dave was above him.? He fell hard onto his back, but ignored the impact, letting their momentum add to his strength as he drives the blade upwards and into Dave's descending chest.? He felt the man's body go limp above him, felt the blood trickling around his hand and onto his bare skin.? His hand opened, letting go of the knife, and he lay his head back against the cold concrete floor, too weak to even push the corpse off of him.???

Dannika shook her head to clear it and used some of her precious vitae to heal her wounds.? Then she drug herself to her feet and returned to David's side, stood stunned by the suddenness of the fight's end for an instant before kicking the body off him.? "Are you all right?" she asked softly.

He shook his head slowly.? "No.? I'm alive, though."

She nodded.? "My childe should be here soon with your woman."

He lifted his head and looked at his naked, dirty, blood-soaked body.? "Riley's going to go apesh*t when she sees this."? He let out a weak chuckle.