Topic: Tails of a KnockAbout Cat

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-02-04 14:10 EST
Let me watch by the fire and remember my days
And it may be a trick of the firelight
But the flickering pages that trouble my sight
Is a book I'm afraid to write

It's the book of my days, it's the book of my life
And it's cut like a fruit on the blade of a knife
And it's all there to see as each section reveals
There's some sorrow in every life

If it reads like a puzzle, a wandering maze
Then I won't understand 'til the end of my days
I'm still forced to remember,
Remember the words of my life

There are promises broken and promises kept
Angry words that were spoken, when I should have wept
There's a chapter of secrets, and words to confess
If I lose everything that I possess
There's a chapter on loss and a ghost who won't die
There's a chapter on love where the ink's never dry
There are sentences served in a prison I built out of lies.

Though the pages are numbered
I can't see where they lead
For the end is a mystery no-one can read
In the book of my life

Journal entry
12 Feb '10

At first, I thought perhaps coming back to Rhydin had been a mistake. I was searching crowds for Rhys, scanning faces, memorising scents. I kept thinking, maybe like me, he'd had enough of the never-ending battle for Humanity. Maybe he'd come to a place where Humanity was in the minority, a place where the repercussions of Armageddon would never reach, a place where maybe at last, he could find peace.

After a week of aimless, unproductive searching, I finally came to the conclusion that Rhys was not in the city. Sure, there was a close call ? a black Mustang driven by someone who could have been Rhys's doppelg?nger ? but after sprinting through the streets following the car, I caught the driver's scent. No matter how much the man looked like Rhys, he didn't smell anything like him. Rhys was...God alone knew where. It was time to let go of him and to move on...somehow.

So, what does a newly-arrived, potential citizen of Rhydin do when she discovers that any shred of her former life is just a fabrication of a fevered mind? Well, if that person is me, she liquidates her accounts on Earth, finds a killer loft in a cool part of the city, and fills that killer loft with Earth-stuff ? an Alienware laptop, iPod Touch, Bose sound system, Afghani carpets, Turkish kilims, Mid-century furniture, and a CD collection to rival the best college radio station. Then she spends weeks and weeks alone in the killer loft, never venturing outside, never speaking to another soul, learning control again.

Rhydin takes a lot of getting used to. Not only is it peopled with creatures from Asimov, Lovecraft, Rice, and Shelley, there are two moons riding high in the sky. Two freaking moons. Since the Cat is tied intimately to the moon, she's been a real pain to live with. She wants control, she wants to roam the streets unfettered by her Human co-habitant. She wants freedom and that is the one thing she cannot have. Sure, she was a pain to live with on Earth, but she's grown exponentially since then.

My life, since I was five years old and learning ballet for the first time, has been about control. I worked to control my body, to force it into the unnatural positions deemed beautiful by ballerinas. Then I began school, and was forced to learn a different form of control ? social control. I had to learn to be civilised. I had to learn to control my instinct to beat the snot out of the little boys who pulled my hair and the little girls who kicked dirt at me. I had to learn to control the urge to blow off studying in favour of hanging out with my friends. I had to learn to control my memory and have near-perfect recall of facts and figures memorised weeks before a big test. Then I began my legal career and had to learn an entirely different sort of control ? I had to control my emotions when a witness was purposefully being obtuse on the stand, or when the opposing counsel was tearing apart my case with objection after objection, petty motions and ridiculous briefs.

Oh, god...and then there's the control I had to learn so I could keep the Cat in her cage until it was the appropriate time to let her loose. I couldn't risk shifting in the middle of a crowded shopping mall at Christmastime. I couldn't run the risk of changing into a beast in the courtroom and devouring the judge's matter how satisfactory that might have been. And I certainly couldn't lose control enough that the Cat came out and did something that got us both killed.

So, I learned to stuff away emotions, shove them down into the basement of my subconscious and deal with them in my dreams. My dreams have, since I was ten years old, been nightmarish worlds of pain and suffering. Those dreams have only been amplified by the Cat's desires. She revels in the bloodshed, the pain, the anguish. She laps it up and rolls around in it, covering her body with the scent of suffering.

And these dreams have only gotten worse since coming to Rhydin.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-02-16 21:11 EST
Journal entry
16 Feb '10

But one night, about two months after arriving in Rhydin, the nature of my dreams changed. I dreamt of a luxuriously appointed bedroom, the air within made warm by a fire in a marble-facade fireplace, the floors covered with thick, lush carpeting. There was a four-poster bed and a woman's silhouette was framed behind sheer curtains. The only thing I could make out of her was a lush, curvaceous body and too-green eyes.

I was suddenly filled with intense longing and desire. The air swirling around my body suddenly became tangible, like the hands of a Phantom Lover. The hands slid over my body, touching me, rousing my desire, making me pant. I could feel the Cat wake up and stretch. She began pacing back and forth inside me, filling my insides with the hot rub of her fur, like being stroked head to toe with velvet. The more the hands touched me and explored my body, the more the Cat wanted freedom.

I clamped down hard, shoving the Cat back into her steel cage, gaining control again and forcing myself to wake up. The woman on the bed asked me a final question - ?Does it feel good?? - but I was awake before I could answer it. I sat up in bed, sweating and panting, the bedclothes pooled around my hips, damp from my exertions. I couldn't get the woman out of my head ? even after a run. I saw her eyes, those laser-like cat-green eyes, in every shadow I ran past that night. Finally, I ended up in the Red Dragon, seeking solace in a bottle or possibly a friend.

She was there. The woman from my dream, Aolani. I learned that night that she was a succubus, a rather powerful succubus who had sent out some sort of siren call into the dark, Rhydin winter night and my dreams that night had answered her call. Somehow, we were now inexplicably entwined. She could feel my emotions and manipulate them somehow. It made my hard-won control that much harder to keep in check. The Cat was completely enamoured of Aolani.

The next few days brought me into contact with Aolani constantly. Everywhere I was, she was as well. I couldn't escape her...even if I wanted. And I did want. Oh god, did I want. I wanted to throw her down on that rug of my dreams and shift into the Cat. I wanted to rub my face all over her body, covering her in my scent and staking a claim to that lush body. I wanted to rub her scent into my fur and carry her with me always. I wanted to lick that creamy skin, taste her. I wanted to bite into that slender white neck and lap up her blood, savour its salty sweetness.

I'd never been attracted to women before. I'd never looked at a girl and thought, ?Yeah, I'd hit that.? Not that I didn't appreciate exquisite feminine beauty, but it was more from an aesthetic point of view. But now... I couldn't stop thinking about the idea.

Maybe that's why I fought so hard against the pull. Maybe that's why I threw up the shield of my intellect and hid behind my defensive wall of snark and sarcasm. I was scared of Aolani, I was scared of the effects she had on my body, on the Cat. I was scared of losing control.

It's been three weeks since Aolani invaded my dreams...or since I invaded hers. In that time, I've nearly gotten into two fist-fights and have practically thrown myself at three different men. Thank whichever god or saint that was looking out for me that cooler heads prevailed in all five situations. This is not the time nor the place to go back to old habits. This is the time to establish iron-will. This is the time to show the Cat that she is not in control. I am. I decide our future ? not her, not Aolani, not the Phantom Lover. Me.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-02-17 14:38 EST
Journal entry
17 Feb '10

It didn't last, this concerted effort at control. Nothing ever does last, after all. Entropy sees to that. Things are constantly being pulled apart, usually from the inside out. It was seeing the Phantom Lover in the flesh that began my downward slide. He didn't say more than five words to me that night in the Red Dragon, but what he did say haunted me for the next week or so. He said, ?Giving in is strength. Denying yourself is weakness.?

What if he was right? What if my entire life, the carefully constructed walls, the shields, the seeming strength I drew from my iron-willed control was nothing more than an elaborate lie? The thought that I'd been wrong, practically since birth, unhinged me.

I went to ground in the loft, not bothering to leave my bed for days, except to seek out food. If I was wrong ? and it certainly appeared that I was ? I needed to figure out how to rebuild. Could the release that both Aolani and the Phantom offered be the key? There was but one way to figure that out. I had to embrace what had been offered to me in my dreams that night. I had to drop the pretense that kept me shut away, blocked off from living.

I slowly began to see that what the succubus offered was a way to truly live, not just simply exist like I had been since Andy died. His death had changed something inside me on a fundamental level. I had been waiting ? holding my breath ? until I could join him in the hereafter. With Deacon, and yes, even with Rhys, I hadn't been living. I'd been going through the motions, pretending to enjoy life, pretending to enjoy my career and being with my friends, pretending to enjoy the company of my lovers.

So I gave in, surrendered three times to Aolani and her Phantom. First, the night before Valentine's Day, when Aolani coaxed me out on the dance floor and gave that part of my life release. Secondly, two nights later, when again she coaxed me out of my safety zone and into a drinking game in the Inn. Thirdly, the night after the game, when the Phantom asked to see the Cat. I gave in completely to him that night, Shifting in the middle of the crowded commons room, with a Hunter present. The Cat didn't like that and I blame her panicked state for almost killing us in her race for safety. If she hadn't attacked that fisherman, whose wife had subsequently called the Watch, who went after us with a silver blade, scoring a jagged tear to our left side, we wouldn't currently be lying in a rented bed in the Inn with seventeen stitches along our ribs. No, we might be lying in the Phantom's bed, sated and sinfully sore.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-02-24 17:13 EST
Journal entry
24 Feb '10

One of my mother's favourite quotes from the Buddha is ?It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.? I used to think that I had conquered myself and that in my iron-willed control, I had won the battle with my desires, my anger, the Cat. But as I look back now, I realise that those things controlled me, not the other way around. Surrendering to Aolani and her Phantom taught me that. Fully embracing the things that I was scared of made me aware of how much that fear was dictating my behaviours and my reactions to people.

Of course, coming to this realisation and acting upon it are entirely different things.

After Shifting in the middle of the Inn, my life slowly spiraled out of control once more. I got into fights and got my ass handed to me not once, not twice, but three different the same guy. But hey, I'd conquered my anger, hadn't I?

I spent five days in bed with some random pretty boy with big biceps, an amazing washboard stomach and piercing blue eyes. We were equipped with bushels of every drug I could get my hands on, and enough booze to start my own well-stocked liquor store. We f*cked, we drank, we got high night and day. But I had conquered my desires and I was using them, instead of the other way around, right?

My god. My life was like a reality show, only I didn't have Dr Drew available to help me clean up my act. I was miserable, lonely, scared, and horribly confused. I would have given my left arm at that point for a friend, for a sympathetic ear to pour out my heart. I had no one ? Pippa was long dead, John, too. And Rhys... I had to believe that he wasn't trapped in Hell, chained up and tortured constantly. I think if I had allowed myself to think any differently, I would have gladly taken a silver bullet to the brain.

What do you do when your life is sh*t? What do you do when even a conscious decision to change doesn't affect your behaviour? Well, if you're my mother's daughter, you go shopping and find a pretty dress and some killer shoes. You take a long, hot bath and shave everything but your eyebrows and your head. You cover your body with delicious scented lotions and perfume. You fix your make-up and your hair with expert precision. You put on that fabulous dress and those killer shoes and you go out and have a good time. You drink, you laugh, you flirt. You forget your troubles for a night. And then you go to bed, alone. Then you wake up the next morning, get some exercise, eat some really healthy, nutritious food, meditate for a long while, and start all over again. And you do this every day and night until you really are as happy as you pretend to be, until you really are that little f*cking ray of sunshine you're acting like.

So I did just that. I went shopping and bought an unlikely dress ? short and cotton-candy pink, with an asymmetrical cut and tiny, thin spaghetti straps. I bought beautiful shoes ? satin ballet slippers in the same shade of pink, with grosgrain ribbons that snaked up my legs to tie at mid-calf. I went home, lit some vanilla-scented candles and turned on Vivaldi's Four Seasons. I took a long, hot bath and emerged from the tub wrinkly but squeaky clean. I dug through my basket of lotions and found a jasmine and vanilla scented one and slathered it on. I pulled my hair back into a complicated braid and put on make-up. Then I got dressed in that ultra-feminine dress, put on those amazing shoes and headed to the Inn.

I should have stayed home and made popcorn and watched Say Anything. Between my past coming back to collect a debt, the man I was flirting with ignoring me in favour of the human preying mantis, and Harris's constant annoyance, my level of frustration mounted to Everest proportions. I stormed out of the Inn, screaming something about coming back the next night with my t*ts hanging out of my dress and my skirt slit up to my waist. It was the story of my god damned life ? I find a hottie and said hottie suddenly shows more interest in pocket lint than in me.

Maybe I was better suited for a monastic sort of life.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-03-09 16:36 EST
Journal entry
9 Mar '10

Being overly dramatic and pissed off at the world - like, all the time - sure can take a lot out of a person...or a Lycanthrope. There comes a point when harbouring all that negative energy becomes poisonous and the body and the mind rebel. Luckily, thanks to my Cat, I don't get physically sick, but I do have horrible dreams, a sure sign of mental sickness. My dreams, as I've already said, have been awful since coming to Rhydin, but after the decision to surrender my control, they became worse. I started reliving Michelle's attack and Orla's death every night, in gruesome detail. I lost my baby night after night and stared down into the sightless eyes of my mentor.

And then Eamon showed up.

I have no idea how he found me. After Rhys has killed the previous Erlking, I had assumed that Maeve, the Unseelie Queen and the one who held my marker, would have given up and washed her hands of the situation. After all, the Seelie Queen once more held the Nuada's Sword and it couldn't be used against any of the Major Players. What did I have to offer Maeve now? I wasn't even on Earth anymore. I'd cut my ties with my family, my world. But again, I learned what assuming can do - it can make an a*s out of me.

Eamon stalked me, followed me night after night, harassed me in the Red Dragon, threatened people I'd just met and generally made my life hell. He was even more persistent than his predecessor. He broke me down, made me deep-down scared, took my insecurities and weaknesses and used them against me.

He was right, too. I had no friends here, no protectors, no safe haven. I was completely at his mercy and he could take me at any time, drag me through dimensions and throw me at the feet of his Queen. I knew what would happen then - torture. Millennia of torture. Maeve was well versed in the art of bringing a victim to the edge of dying over and over and over. She knew how to keep one's mind and body intact so she could draw out her pleasure and thousands of years after she began on you, she might consider letting you go...if she had something else to occupy her time.

I'd run when the first Erlking came after me, and what had that gotten me? My soul mate was presumably dead, my soul brother had been killed, my child had been killed, my mentor had been killed. Maybe it was time to take a stand, to plant my feet and tell the Faeries to f*ck off. Maybe it was time to make them work to take me...if they really wanted me.

So I bought a building and opened a dance and yoga studio. Putting down roots, inserting myself into the community, forcing people to sit up and take notice of me would thwart any plans Eamon might have. I built a safe haven - four stories of magically-protected peace, harmony and serenity. I contracted a Chinese wizard to create Foo Dog guardians to protect the only entrance to the building. I found a Shinto priest to lay magic wards in the rooftop garden, disguising them as Warrior, Priest and Poet rocks. And through the energy created by teaching others to dance and to meditate and to seek balance between the mind, body and spirit, I infused the entire building with protection.

The ball's in your court now, Eamon. Let's see if you can play.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-03-30 22:49 EST
Journal entry
30 Mar '10

The next time I decide to get c*cky about challenging the poster boy of the Dark Court's Wild Hunt, the dude who controls the Gabriel Hounds, the guy who scares the begeezus out of the Scottish sluagh, someone please lock me in a windowless basement until I get over the idiotic notion?

That would just be beyond awesome. Thanks.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-03-31 04:38 EST
Journal entry
31 Mar '10

On second thought, nix the idea of the windowless room. I've spent too much time in windowless rooms lately. Too much time locked away from the world, secreted in the Unseelie Queen's personal torture chamber, too much time alone, scared, anguished, hurting.

Seven years, five months, and eighteen days in a six-foot-by-six-foot-by-six-foot, stone-walled room. Seven years, five months, and eighteen days of seeing no one but Maeve and Eamon, of speaking to no one but Maeve and Eamon.

Half that time was spent bound to Maeve's torture table while she carved into my skin, my muscles, my bones with those f*cking silver blades of hers. She said the concept behind the Death of A Thousand Cuts had been stolen by the Chinese to use against criminal and traitors. She said she was fond of it because not only was it painful, it was humiliating as well.

The other half of that time was spent inside the stone-walled room. I counted the number of stones that made up one wall - 24. I counted the number of stones that made up my entire cell - 133. I had conversations with my parents, my grandparents, Pippa and Peter and Andy and Rhys. I made love to Rhys a thousand times in my mind, using memories of our short time together as an escape - the one place that Maeve could never find me.

I talked to Lani and Drax, too. I tried to send dreams to them, asking - no, begging them to help me, to rescue me, to pretend that I was more than a lump of meat to be fed off for them. I talked to John, too; I tried reminding him that he'd promised his loyalty, his help, his friendship. None of it - the talking, the crying, the begging, the pleading - ever did anything. I was still alone, with no hope of rescue or survival.

Finally, after seven years, five months, and eighteen days, the door to my cell swung open and stood open. No one came inside to drag me off to the torture table. No one came inside to hurl insults or silver throwing knives or food at me. In fact, the corridor beyond the door was strangely empty, lit by flaming torches and deathly quiet.

I stood up, wincing at the numbness in my limbs, which I knew would slowly be replaced by a burning pain from each of the thousand tiny cuts all over my body. I hobbled to the door of my cell and peeked out into the corridor. It was, indeed, empty. I took a tentative step out, ready to spring back into the cell behind me if it should prove to be a trap. It wasn't. I took another step, and another, slowly dragging myself down the corridor to a door I could see at the far end. There was something that looked like sunlight squeezing in through the cracks around the door.

I was soon standing in front of the door with my shredded palms pressed against it. My nostrils flared and I smelled the familiar and comforting scent of my loft in Rhy'Din. This had to be some cruel trick of Maeve's - she'd finally wormed her way inside my head and had created this escape just to f*ck with me. I pushed against the door and it opened, swinging silently on its hinge, and revealing my loft.

I took a step over the threshold and the wall at my back was suddenly no longer the stone corridor inside the Unseelie sithen. It was the wall of my loft. I took another step, finally coming to realise that I'd escaped Maeve somehow. I collapsed to the floor, not six feet into my loft, and wept uncontrollably until I had cried all the tears I could possibly have cried. And then I slept for two days straight, curled up on the floor of my loft, with the familiar scents of Rhy'Din wafting through my slumbering nose, bringing me comfort and a sense of security that wasn't false.

I was home. I was free. And I had no idea how it had happened.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-04-04 14:25 EST
Journal entry
4 April '10

The thing about having so much time to yourself is that you invariably start thinking. Normally, thinking's not such a bad thing. In fact, too little thinking is done and I highly recommend everyone do a little more of it. Hell, I'd even go so far as to say that people in general should think all the time about everything.

But when you're alone and your continued existence is dubious, your thoughts tend to turn to the past. Stupid decisions you've made, stupid things you've done crop up and you spend hours agonising over each tiny mistake. The What Ifs and the Shoulda Woulda Coulda monsters come home to roost and the endless empty hours are soon spent in a tumult of self loathing and self pity.

Or at least that's what happened to me while I was a guest of the Unseelie.

What if I hadn't gone out that night with Pippa? What if we hadn't been attacked by the Cats? What if Andy hadn't died? What if I'd never met Rhys?

I also began to dwell on my faith, my religious and my philosophical beliefs. My father had been Irish Catholic until he met my mother, who was a Mahayana Buddhist. Daddy converted to Buddhism before he married Mama-san. He told me later it was because he had found a sense of personal responsibility in Buddhism that had been lacking in his Catholic roots.

I had been raised as a Buddhist. I was taught its tenets - living in the present, honouring the Buddha nature in everyone, having Right Mind - from a very young age and I will freely admit to being a better Buddhist when I was a child. Living in the present is so difficult when you suddenly realise that the present is a heart-beat and the future is so very, very long.

I forgot other tenets of my faith as I grew up. I no longer honoured the Buddha nature in myself or in anyone else. I hurt people. While it was never intentional, it still caused them suffering. I was selfish, only out for myself and my own desires.

As I began to rack up the list of transgressions, I realised that I was getting a little immediate karmic retribution. The list of stupid, selfish things I'd done was endless and if I ever wanted to achieve Enlightenment, I'd have to start making up for it immediately.

I looked around my stone cell and laughed bitterly. How was I going to make up for anything trapped in Faerie? Still, I had to try, didn't I? So I folded my battered and abused body into the full lotus position and began with the the mantra of Chenrezi, the Buddha of compassion, better known to me as Kan'on.

"Om mani padme hum," I intoned over and over. The effect of the holy syllables was immediate - as the chant echoed off my stone prison's walls, I could feel my body relaxing and my mind opening. I truly believe that the time I spent alone in the sithen was the closest I've ever come to Nirvana.

I just have to figure out how to continue it now that I'm back amongst the living.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-04-05 04:15 EST
Journal entry
5 April '10

Throughout time there have been bad guys. Selfish, greedy, grasping, amoral people who use, abuse, lie, manipulate and generally sh*t all over others. People who will stop at nothing to get what they want, when they want it, how they want it. These people always have helpers, the same sort of greedy, grasping boot-lickers who want to bask in the glory of someone smarter, more manipulative, more powerful than they.

It seems that everywhere these people pop up, there are others who witness their start and yet don't lift a finger to stop it. They're too afraid, too apathetic, too disconnected, too whatever. They figure it's someone else's problem so why should they be concerned? And they shout down anyone who would dare to speak up against the bad guys, telling them that it's not their fight, it's none of their business, stay out of it or they'll be killed.

But when does it end? When does the defense of the evil end? When are the good and the righteous amongst us allowed to stand up for the rest of us? When does it become our problem, our business, our fight?

I've only been in Rhy'Din for a short time, but I've seen enough evil to last for the rest of my life. Slavers, succubi, demons, murderers...they're allowed to walk the streets unmolested. They're allowed to carry out their business under the watchful eye of the general populace. The average citizen of Rhy'Din rubs shoulders with bad guys more times a day than with good. And it's allowed to continue unabated!

I've recently witnessed a battle of sorts between good and evil and predictably, the evil doers were allowed to walk away freely. When one man had the guts to stand up for what's right, for what's good, his own companions shouted him down, even going so far as to threaten him! Why? Have we really become so frightened that we no longer care about doing the right thing? Are we so lazy that we can't lift a finger in defense of the weak?

I know I'm not innocent. I know I've done some pretty horrible things in my life. I will not deny it. But I know the difference between right and wrong. And so do you. So Rhy'Din - grow some cojones and stand up for yourself.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-04-13 16:40 EST
Journal entry
13 April '10

Misunderstandings and a complete lack of worthwhile, meaningful communication is quite often what destroys a relationship.

If we look at my three most important relationships - Andy, Deacon, and Rhys - one might say that the fact that we didn't talk about what was truly important was what destroyed things between us. Had I spoken to Andy about our Change, had I shown him that I, too, was struggling with controlling the Jaguar, had I even the smallest inkling that he felt so lost and alone, I think I could have saved his life.

Deacon, though... Maybe if there had simply been some small amount of meaningful communication and less hot, sweaty sex, things wouldn't have ended. Though, after spending more time with him recently, I'm kinda hesitant to think that. He's still the same selfish, self-centred butt-head now that he was when we were together.

Rhys... Now we get to the important stuff. Poor Rhys - he didn't really ever have a chance with me. Yes, we were soul mates in the truest sense, and yes, we were meant - literally meant - for each other, but I was so messed up, so damaged when we met. Our relationship didn't stand a chance right from the beginning. I was too independent to realise that people work better together than alone. If I had just let him come with me to Tucson... Hell wanted us apart, knew that we'd be weaker apart, and I gave that to them. My stupidity, my head-strong stubbornness was the direct cause of John's death and Rhys's disappearance.

How does someone get over that? How does someone deal with the guilt and the knowledge that if they were just a little more trusting, a little less f*cked up, they'd be happy? Hell, they'd be deliriously, outrageously, criminally happy.

When Aolani showed up, I stupidly thought I'd found a kindred spirit. I stupidly allowed myself to think that I'd found someone who might understand the sort of crap I'd been striving to deal with since I turned ten. I allowed myself to form an attachment to her, to trust her, to genuinely like her. I let her in, past the ever-present walls, past my defenses. And she utterly destroyed that trust. I don't care what sort of bullsh*t "reasons" she throws at me, that she did what she did to save me, none of it matters if she has any dealings with the Unseelie, and especially not if she's made a pet of Eamon. It's all lies. She didn't do it for me; she did it for herself, to get a peek at true power, at the true master manipulators of emotions and dreams. Her dealings with the Fae were like taking a petty thief and introducing him to the guy who robbed the Stephen Hahn gallery.

She was never that person, though. She was never a friend, never a trusted confidant. She was using me, right from the get-go. And I let her. But I see her now for what she is, a point made ever more obvious by seeing her in the Red Dragon, surrounded by others like her on my first night back in Rhydin. Seeing her flaunt her relationship with the...the...creature that sent me into Hell was more than a metaphorical slap in the face - it was like getting hit in the head with a ten-tonne wrecking ball.

How do I explain any of this to Daniel? How do I tell him that I'm very likely too f*cked up to maintain a healthy relationship? How do I tell him that he needs to cut his losses now and get out, before I hurt him? He is so...amazing. Calm, collected, perfectly at peace with his dual nature. Being with him is beginning to rub off on me, I know, long until my own trust issues rear their ugly heads? How long until I completely and utterly f*ck this up, just like I've screwed up every other relationship of worth?

Bleh. This is beginning to be nothing more than a self-indulgent pity party. I need to go for a run.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-04-16 13:19 EST
Journal entry
16 April '10

Jesus wept, as Grannie O'Rourke would say. F*cking Marc Franco and his rag! Apparently people can't talk to each other without being intimately involved. Apparently the fact that I was trying to save a man's life can easily be misconstrued and twisted by this hack into looking more like I was trying to get into someone's pants.

Ugh. As if. Don't get me wrong, Broody or Dean or whatever his name is definitely is easy on the eyes, but not for nothing do I call him Broody. That attitude gets real old, real fast. And when you throw in the fact that he is Rhys's doppelganger and just looking at him, just being near him, just listening to him speak makes me want to stab myself in the chest with a dagger a la Juliet, well... let's just say that there is NO WAY IN HELL I would ever become anything more than just a casual acquaintance of his.

Especially not when I've got Daniel. Just the mere act of thinking about him makes me smile. I haven't felt this calm, this relaxed, around a man...ever. There's just something about him that screams cool. Maybe it's the fact that he is so perfectly at ease with his Leopard? Maybe it's the fact that he's just so perfectly at ease with everything? I don't know what it is specifically, but being near him is quickly becoming my favourite thing in the world.

I asked him to come home with me the other night, home to Boston, I mean. To meet my parents and maybe to Tucson to meet my friends. Mindy knows someone - who doesn't she know?- who she says can get us there safely and in one piece. But...will we come back? It's not something I've talked over with Daniel yet. His arrival here is accidental - mine, of course, was on purpose.

Would he want to stay on Earth? I'm fairly confident that I don't. I have a life here, a business, friends. Granted, I had all those things at home, but...things seem better here. Maybe it's because I'm not constantly looking over my shoulder and holding my breath until Hell's trio shows up, gunning for me. But Daniel didn't have those sorts of troubles back home. His memories of Earth are no doubt peaceful and happy.

I need to talk this over with him before we go. I want to be selfish and say that if he wants to stay on Earth, maybe we shouldn't go. But honestly, I cannot stand in his way. If he wants to stay behind when I return to Rhydin, I can only wish him happiness.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-04-30 16:55 EST
Journal entry
30 April '10

There's a guy, back home, an actor actually, who walked away from a role on one of the biggest TV shows on air to work in the White House. Politicians sometimes have that effect on people. People connect with their message, their policies, them personally, and suddenly they find themselves caring just a little more about their world and how they can help to better it.

I remember my grandfather talking about President Kennedy and how JFK captured Grampa's attention and heart. He pushed to be a better lawyer and then a better District Attorney because JFK inspired him so much.

I honestly believe that maybe for the first time, Rhydin has the same kind of leader - someone who honestly cares about the city and who is willing to take steps to make it better. I had no idea that Rhydin even had a governor until the candidates began campaigning last month, and considering my love of politics and the entire political process, that says a lot about the former governor.

So, I offered my services to Sheridan Driscol, as a potential candidate for his newly announced cabinet. I think I'd be a perfect fit for Minister of Justice. I have the skills, the background, the experience. I wonder if I should mount a campaign for that, too?

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-07-10 12:13 EST
Journal entry
10 July '10

This city. This f*cking city. It gets under your skin, into your blood stream, into your brain and...changes things.

For more than half my life, I've upheld the law. I know the difference between good and evil, right and wrong. My first duty has always been to the law. I've believed in it and found it the easiest way to help my fellow man. My faith in the power of the law, while imperfect, has been absolute, almost holy, in fact. It has been the rallying point in my soul, the foundation block of my strength.

But this past year of staring out into the dark, horrible heart of this city has shown me that the law is both deaf and blind to some of the nastier elements - the things that move in the shadows of this city, perverting the purpose of the law to use it as a weapon against the people whom I've sworn to defend. My faith has taken a beating and I find myself considering stepping outside the boundaries of my authority.

This knowledge, this blow to my foundations, has cost me dearly. I may not shed tears over it - on the outside - but inside, where it counts most, I mourn the death of my faith in the law.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-08-12 19:35 EST
Journal entry
12 Aug '10

God, it's been too long since I've thought about you, Rhys. Well, okay, not too long chronologically, but considering everything I've been through since I last spoke to you, it's been aeons.

I miss you sometimes. I miss your stupid sense of humour, your weird food cravings, your odd taste in music. I miss the way that I felt when I was with you. I felt invincible. I felt as though nothing and no one could touch me when I was by your side. I don't often feel that way now. Yes, I do love Daniel and I'm starting to think that maybe I'm in love with David as well, but they don't make me feel the way you I wasn't alive until you looked at me.

I can't help but think about you sometimes...especially when I'm doing something or dealing with someone who isn't one hundred percent black and white. You taught me to see the world that way, you know. There were never shades of grey with you. Things and people and situations were either evil or good. If something was evil, you stopped at nothing to destroy it utterly. But if someone was good, you did everything in your power to protect it...even if it cost you everything.

I came back to Rhy'Din and joined the Ministry and learned just how incredibly damaging that perception can be. People aren't black and white, Rhys. They're grey; a hundred, thousand shades of grey, blinding and brilliant in their complexity. People aren't evil or good. They're a mix. An evil person can do good deeds and vice versa. I wonder if this wasn't the cause of so many of our problems.

I'm sorry that our life didn't turn out as it should. I'm sorry about Patrick and Johnny and Emily. I'm sorry that I couldn't be the kind of woman you deserved. You don't know how often - even now - I lie awake and wish that I wasn't so f*cking damaged, so f*cking independent. If only I'd let you come with me to Tucson, if only I hadn't picked a fight with you just so I'd have a reason to tell you to stay in Brooklyn, we'd be together. Patrick would be almost six months old. We'd be married. Janet and Gina and Joey would still have John.

But most importantly, you'd still have you. Your memories, your parents, Dylan, Jessie - all the stuff that made you who you are...were...whatever. Sometimes I think Heaven shafted you with this new deal. Sometimes I'm envious of it.

I miss you, Rhys. And a part of me - maybe even a large part of me - still loves you.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-08-12 19:42 EST
Journal entry
12 Aug '10


From a very young age, I was taught to honour the Sugatagarbha, or Buddha nature, that exists within the mind of every sentient being. The Sugatagarbha is incorruptible, indestructible, eternally awakened and opens us up to the possibility of liberation from all suffering. The Buddha nature is deathless, changeless, just like Gautama Buddha himself...or more importantly, Kannon, the bodhisattva of compassion.

See, Kannon reached enlightenment. She got a free pass into Nirvana. But what did she do? She denied it, saying something to the effect of "I can't rest until all beings are free from suffering". She turned back, chose to stay until everything and everyone reaches enlightenment and is free from samsara.

You are the least likely individual to have a compassionate soul. After all, you hunted human beings for money not so long ago. But seeing you give that girl your last few coins so she would have a safe place to stay was thought-provoking and startling. Did you do that because I was there? Or did you do that because it's in your nature? You know what I believe, right? Other things, though, little observations I've made of you make me think I am wrong in my beliefs.

Your very presence in this city puts everyone in danger and for that, I hate you. But the fact that you cared for a stranger without expectation of repayment makes me respect you...which possibly, I hate more.

Are you Kannon, brought to Rhy'Din and continually reborn? No, you're not. Kannon has freed herself from samsara. Were you sent by her to remind us all about the importance of compassion? Yeah, I think that's possible. And frankly, a better teacher I could not have wished for.

Judah Bishop - Namaste.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-09-18 13:46 EST
Journal entry
18 Sept '10

Grannie O'Rourke used to tell me that when God closed a door, He always made sure to open a window. 'Course she also said stuff like eat your lima beans because they're good for you, if you keep crossing your eyes they'll stay like that, and spit on the man's hand before you shake it. She was an odd duck, but occasionally she did have some really good insights.

Daniel left a week ago. I'm still reeling from it. Just when I thought my foundations were finally rock solid, I discover that they're still made of sand. I'm not sure I'll ever recover from his loss. He was so much more to me than just my boyfriend. He was my best friend, my teacher, my confidant, and my rescuer. He would have married me, too - not because he wanted it, but because I wanted it. It wasn't enough.

Why wasn't that good enough? Why didn't I just take that and run with it? I'm greedy, I guess. I want to be wanted, need to be needed...god, now I sound like a cheesy Cheap Trick song. But it's true. Daniel wanting to marry me because I wanted to get married wasn't enough for me.

David wants me. I think David even needs me. He wants to marry me, and not because it's something I want, but because it's something we both want. It's enough. It's everything.

Daniel may have closed the door behind him when he left, but David opened the window, and the sweetest, freshest breeze is blowing in.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2011-01-30 00:31 EST
Journal entry
29 Jan '11

Fine, Rhys. Be a pathetic, drunken assh*le. Make a complete fool of yourself in front of god and everyone. Show everyone exactly what a child you are.

I'm done with you and with this farce of a friendship. I'm done caring, I'm done cleaning up after you, I'm done making excuses for you. What has it gotten me? Absolutely nothing but heart-ache, frustration, and more than a few scars - both physical and emotional.

Don't you ever think before you act? Don't you ever follow a thought through its myriad consequences BEFORE you act impulsively? No, I realise now that you don't, that you never have, and that perhaps you are incapable of thought. You act just however you like, and damn the consequences, regardless of who gets hurt.

Well, now it's me who's hurt. Seeing you tonight, being a ridiculous attention whore, carrying on like that in front of a roomful of people gutted me...absolutely ripped my heart out and stomped it into the dust. Did you notice us leave the party early? No, I'm betting you didn't, because you had your nose so far up those girls' skirts, I'm surprised you didn't suffocate. Don't think for a moment that I don't know what you're doing. I'm telling you now, you can f*ck as many people as you want, it will not bother me in the way you want it to. It will not make me jealous. It will not make me magically wake up one morning and realise that I made a mistake in falling for David. It will not make me come running back to you. It will only make me sad and hurt me to see you lower yourself in such a disgusting way.

I cannot do this anymore. I cannot see you destroy your life because you're grow up. But since I do want to live, I'll suck it up and deal with your debauched behaviour until this Sword of Damocles is gone. But when they're dead and you've got your human soul, I want you out of my life. Permanently.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2011-03-27 14:17 EST
Journal entry
27 Mar '11

Death is supposed to mean something, right? When someone, especially someone as powerful and important as the Queen of the Winter Court dies, you're supposed to feel something. Her passing is like the passing of the oldest tree, you know? Monumental. The end of an era. Who knows how much history that creature saw? She was alive when the Buddha walked the Earth. She was alive when Cro-Magnon man was still mastering the hunting spear. And I killed her with one swing of a sword.

I feel nothing. I know I should feel relief, maybe even a little smug satisfaction. After all, she had to die, right? All those things she did to me, to Rhys, to John and Patrick. The scores of scars that cover my body will never, ever fade. They will be a constant reminder of what Maeve did to me. I should feel something, anything. I killed her. I ended her cruel reign of utter terror and put someone else on the throne of the Unseelie sithen and created an entirely new realm of Faerie in the bargain.

But I feel nothing. No relief. No joy. No smug satisfaction. Nothing but a curious hole in my guts that I worry like a lost tooth. I've spent the better part of two years fighting Maeve, running from her, being hounded by her and now that she's gone, I can't help but think ?What now? What fresh Hell is lurking just around the next corner??

Rhys likes to think that he wants a ?normal? life ? you know, a wife, kids, a dog, a mundane job. He could never live that way. He'd be so bored he'd walk away inside a month. When you live like we've lived, bouncing from tragedy to tragedy with more heart-break lurking just up ahead, you become accustomed to it and you find that you simply cannot live any other way. Nothing less than running at full throttle will do.

Have I become so accustomed to death that I feel nothing when I'm staring it in the face? Has all the killing I've done deadened me inside to the passing of giants? When the Old Man comes for me, will I feel anything but relief that the fight is finally over? Will I feel anything at all?

Riley ORourke

Date: 2012-08-15 16:42 EST
Journal entry
9 Aug '12

Thirty-three years I've been alive. Nearly half of that as a Cat. I'm still not comfortable with it. I still resent Her presence in my brain, still hate the sh*t out of the fact that my very sanity is a constant battle. Why would anyone in their right mind want this struggle?

Those who are born to it, like Danny, don't understand what it's like. They've never know the simple, blind existence of a human being. Their senses have always been cranked up to eleven. They've never had to fight with the rabid, ruthless, carnivorous alien living in their brain. Never had to battle with the urge to rip someone apart instead of calmly, rationally discussing your differences. They've never had to be human. They've always known that they're superior.

David is wonderful. Danny is, too. But I need more friends who understand me, who understand just how f*cking hard it is sometimes to walk the line, to hold on so tightly to that precious equilibrium.

Mesteno once told me I needed to let go, let loose, stop being wound up so tightly. Was he right? Should I finally accept that I stopped being a human being fourteen years ago? Should I stop pretending that I'm anything other than a monster?

I look at my friends, my human friends, and try to remember what it was like to trust someone at their word, instead of taking in their scent to evaluate it for the stench of deception. What was it like not to be able to see clearly in near-complete darkness? I can't remember working hard to dance, to appear effortlessly graceful on stage when really, my muscles were vibrating with exhaustion and the only thing between the sheen of sweat that covered my body and the footlights was a thick layer of grease paint.

Sometimes at night, I dream about it. Dream about letting go, of giving into Her. Turning over the wheel and riding shotgun for a while. It would be so much easier and probably a hell of a lot more fun. What would I gain? What would I lose?

Happy birthday to me.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2012-08-18 14:19 EST
Journal Entry
16 Aug 2012

There is something seriously wrong with me. I've been wicked restless lately and no amount of running or dancing or f*cking has helped to alleviate it. I wish I could figure it out. It's like... It's like how She felt in Tucson, before a big monsoon thunderstorm. She keeps pacing around in my head, pushing at the cage, filling the inside of my head with the soft brush of fur. She wants out. She wants freedom. She's scared of something but I can't figure out what's got Her so spooked.

All I know is that there's a storm coming and it's gonna be a bad one.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2012-08-18 14:22 EST
Journal Entry
18 Aug 2012

Why can't I just be happy that she's found someone that she's willing to fight with me for? Why can't I just accept that she's really into this guy? I think it's because I've seen him in action and smelled something just...fundamentally wrong about him. But how do I explain that to someone without my nose or my experiences? There's a taint of evil around him. But how do I tell her that without sounding like a f*cking psychopath?

I guess I can't. I guess I stay away and wish her well from a distance. I guess I just watch and be prepared to swoop in and help her pick up the pieces when--yes, when, not if--it all goes pear shaped. I'm a sh*tty friend for doing it this way, and probably a great big coward, too, but I can't fight with her anymore and I can't be around to see them together, either.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2012-09-06 10:57 EST
Journal Entry
6 Sept 2012

So, I guess we made up at the BBQ Monday night. At least we're on speaking terms now, but still dancing around the subject of her really bad choices in boyfriends. I hope she knows me well enough to know that I cannot possibly be expected to keep my opinions to myself and not say exactly what I think of him for very long. I will certainly try, but cannot possibly guarantee silence on the subject.

I've never been very good at ignoring the gigantic elephant in the room.

I think I'm going out of my mind. No, seriously. I've been living on the edge for the past month or so, living with this awful feeling of impending doom and I'm at wits' end. I know I have this amazing metabolism that allows me nearly limitless energy and stuff, but a month of sleepless nights has really begun to take its toll.

My already thin patience and level of tolerance for bullsh*t ran out yesterday in a spectacular fashion and has probably cost the hotel a lot of business. But how dare she come into my establishment, ask to rent out the entire freakin' place--including the spa and restaurant--for an entire weekend and then have the balls to ask for a discount!? The hotel would be closed to regular customers just so her stupid daughter could get married! We'd be losing money on the deal! Yes, I know, I could have been more diplomatic in telling her to f*ck right off, but damn it, she was pushing my buttons. I'm only sorry David had to be there to see it. But thank goodness he was. Otherwise, I'd probably be sitting in a cell somewhere.

It's the waiting that's driving me crazy. If the Big Bad would just get here and do its thing, I could deal with it, zero it out, and move on. I really wish Sal had taken me up on my request to go hunting.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2012-09-10 16:28 EST
Journal Entry
8 Sept 2012

I heard thunder last night. It woke me from a sound sleep. It wasn't the loud, rolling thunder, either, the kind that always reminds me of Her purring when She's particularly happy about something. The friendly thunder, you know?

No, this thunder was a single crack, loud enough to shake the windows in their frames. The kind of thunder that makes you look up to make sure the sky hadn't split in half.

My heart was pounding, adrenaline coursing through my veins, and when I lifted my hands to get my hair out of my face, I felt tears on my cheeks.

That storm that's been brewing?

It's finally here...