Topic: The Arrangement

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-06-16 14:31 EST
It had been one hell of a long day, with some major ups and downs. David walked home from the Inn slowly. He went inside when he reached the Zen Building. Immediately, he heard music. Some kind of dance music, the sort with the fast beat. He glanced in through one of the big windows at angle, looking into the studio, and froze. It was Riley dancing. His breath caught in his throat. She was wearing a brief pair of Lycra shorts, and a sports bra, and that was all. She looked totally edible.

Riley was in the zone, letting the pumping, driving bass line guide her body, move her through the steps of her dance.? She was combining ballet with some of the modern and hip-hop moves she'd learned from the other teachers - turning pirouettes and jumping grand jet?s and rocking her hips in a sexy kitten walk.? Her eyes were closed, her mind blank, her body coated in a sheen of sweat.

David stood there at the window, all but gaping. He could no more have looked away than he could have flown to the moon, either one. A warm flush spread through him as he watched her move to the music. Strangely, one of the first thoughts he had was to hope she hadn't changed her mind about being trained in baguazhang after what had happened yesterday. After watching her dance what could have been five minutes or fifty, he shook himself and turned to the door of the office. He really did need to talk her; about business if nothing else, although he hoped she'd be willing to talk about more than just the Watch. He opened the door and walked through the office, stopping at the archway into the studio. She was so caught up in her dance that she still didn't notice him, so he just waited. Finally, when she seemed to be winding down, he took another step, entering the room itself.

She caught movement out of the corner of her eye and froze, immediately crouching down into a defensive pose and turning to face whatever it was that moved.? When she saw that it was David, she straightened and with a look of chagrin, smoothed a hand over her hair.? She moved to the stereo and cut it off in mid-song.? The room filled with a thunderous silence and she said, "Hi."

"Hi," he replied. He looked a little chagrined himself; he had been hoping not to startle her by waiting. "Sorry," he said. "Didn't mean to scare you."

She shook her head and moved to the opposite side of the studio, closer to him, where there was a couple of chairs and a small coffee table.? She snatched a towel off one of the chairs and blotted the sweat from her face before grabbing a bottle of water and chugging down half of it.? "What's up?" she said as she turned to face him, the towel hung round her neck.

He wondered how and why it was that every little movement she made, even one as mundane as taking a drink of water just served to make him want her more. He paused for a moment, trying to force his brain into thinking about something other than taking her right there on the dance floor. "Uh," he said, "I wanted to let you know about what happened tonight."

She nodded and fell to the floor in a graceful heap.? She began stretching out her muscles, cooling them down and giving herself something physical to think about that wasn't how hot he was, how he'd felt last night...? She shook her head to clear it and asked, "After you took Bishop to the Watch House, you mean?"

He nodded, sitting down a couple of feet away from her. "Yes," he replied. "At first, he didn't remember anything. Jin asked him his name, address, etc, and he responded with 'I don't know' to all of it. Jin said he'd cast a spell called Zone of Truth, and that Judah wasn't lying."

"He cast a spell?"? She blinked in shock.? She had no idea Jin was capable of that.

"So he said. I didn't actually test it. He said it was impossible to lie within the bounds of his spell.? Riley made a thoughtful moue and nodded for him to continue. "Judah said he did not know what his occupation was, other than that it was something physical. He deduced that from the callouses on his hands. He then stated he didn't know why he was there, and asked what murder, presumably meaning what murder were we questioning him about. Jin told him it was his murder, Judah's, I mean. He laughed, until Jin showed him the autopsy photos from the other two bodies."

Her brows rose at this.? It was a little unorthodox, but hell, the entire city was a little unorthodox.? She moved into the splits to stretch her leg muscles and leaned over, her chest touching the wooden floor in front of her as she reached for her toes.? "Go on," she said.

His eyes traveled along the impossible lengths of her legs for several long seconds before he replied. That kind of flexibility had some great possibilities bubbling up in his mind. Blinking and surfacing from his thoughts, he said, "He reacted as though his brain was hurting when he looked at the photos. Then...he changed. His whole personality shifted. Before, he was sitting up straight in the chair, looking confused and angry. After the photos, he slouched back, grinning like he didn't have a care in the world and wasn't handcuffed to a chair. Then he asked if he was being charged with something."

"Huh.? So chances are he remembered something, right?"

He nodded. "Definitely. I'm pretty good at reading people, and I'd bet my badge he remembered a lot after seeing those photos. A lot more than he said."

"Did he say anything else of value?? Still holding him now?"? She straightened and folded one leg parallel to her body, the other bent at the knee, bare foot flat on the ground.

"He said he remembered dying twice, but did not see who did it either time, because they attacked from behind. He then stated that if we were holding him, he wanted a lawyer. He also said he wanted to speak to someone named Aoife. Jin told him we'd get him a lawyer, but talking to Aoife was not going to happen."

Her brows rose in surprise.? "Damn.? I was hoping she wasn't involved."? She sighed softly and folded herself into the half-lotus position and chugged down the rest of her water.? "We need to bring her in.? I want to talk to her."

He nodded. "So you do know her. Good. It was my thought to bring her in as well, but I don't know who she is. After Jin said no to speaking to Aoife, Judah mocked him. Said something odd."

"Odd?? Odd how?"

"He said 'You should have grown a pair when you had the chance. It's too late to come all white knight now.'" It was clearly aimed at Jin personally. Riley nodded slowly.? She had a pretty good guess what was meant by it but didn't want to air dirty laundry until it was obvious that said laundry had some bearing on her cases. "After that, at Jin's request," David continued, "I escorted Judah to one of the anti-magic holding cells and personally witnessed him secured there."

She nodded again, impressed and happy that he and Jin had been so professional and thorough in their night's duty.? "Thank you.? Is that all?"

"Not quite," he said. "There was something else, later on. "After I left the Watch House, I went back to the Inn. Jin went back as well. I was sitting on the porch, and when Jin left, he was with a woman. As they were walking away, I heard him tell her that we, the Watch, had taken Judah into custody."

She frowned, Kitty Sense tingling.? "Describe her for me."

He thought for a moment, recalling the woman's appearance. "Small, about 5'4". Very pale skin. Black hair. Blue-gray eyes, I think. Very striking, those eyes."

"Damn it."

"What?" David asked.

"That's Aoife.? Did Jin say anything else to her?"

"F*ck," he said. He shook his head, and muttered, "I almost stopped them, too."

"It's okay.? You couldn't have known." she reassured him.

"I should have stopped him, though, to tell him not to discuss a case. The only reason I didn't was because he outranks me."

She chuckled and shook her head.? "I'm serious.? It's fine.? I trust Jin not to talk about an open case.? He's far too professional for that."? She laid back on the studio floor and stretched out, arms above her head, legs straight out, toes pointed, a fullly involved body stretch.

He stared at the muscles of her stomach as they tensed and relaxed, and sighed very softly. "Christ," he muttered, shifting a bit on the floor.

She caught that mutter and the scent of pheromones and immediately sat up.? She'd forgotten herself for a moment, forgotten the tension and the awkwardness of the night.? She began chewing absently on her lower lip before saying at length, "Is that it??

He nodded slowly. That was it for Watch business, at least. There was a lot more he wanted to say, but he had no idea if she had any interest in hearing it.

"Okay, well...? Night, then...? I guess."? She didn't move to stand up though, didn't move at all in fact.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-06-16 14:35 EST
He leaned forward a bit when she didn't make any motion to leave. "Riley..." he said quietly. She froze and gave him big, round eyes. He sighed again. "Do you hate me for what happened?" he asked, cutting right to the chase.

She frowned.? "What?? No.? Hate you?? Are you crazy?"

"Maybe," he said, cracking a very brief smile. He certainly felt crazy around her.

She snorted and smirked at him.? "I don't hate you, David.? I...I couldn't hate you.? Why would you ask me that?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. You've been avoiding me. Not talking to me. What should I think?"

"What would you like me to do?? F*ck you again?"? She shook her head, her words not nearly as harsh as they sounded.? "David...? I...? I told Daniel this morning.? I told him everything."

Yes, that was absolutely what he wanted. He was pretty sure his body said so, too, even if his voice didn't. "I figured," he said. "Heard you on the phone earlier."

"Oh," she said softly and looked away.? She hadn't really meant for him to hear that.? She didn't know how he felt on the subject of Daniel, but assumed that it was not a happy one for him.

"Sounded like your talk went well."

She smiled, a brief quick-silver flash, and she nodded.? "He...he forgave me.? He said he's not hurt by what we did, said that monogamy isn't...natural for us.? For Cats, I mean."

"I'm glad he did," he said, and was, possibly surprisingly, quite sincere.

She looked at him, silently studying him, her eyes moving over his face as if searching for something there. He fell into his usual silence when she did, watching her face, the way her eyes were moving. He wondered what was going on inside her head. Just like before, he was having serious trouble reading her.

She exhaled sharply.? "What do you want?"

What he wanted was her. Preferably right then and there. "I...," he said slowly, "I want to be able to touch you again. I want to hear you moaning against me again. I don't care if it's wrong."

She gave him a pleading look.? "David...? I don't...? I don't know if...if we should do that.? I mean...? I love him," she said softly and looked away.

"I'm not asking you to leave him," he said, realizing how idiotic that sounded even as it left his mouth. He looked away, wishing he'd just kept his mouth closed.

"Then what?? We have casual sex every once in awhile?? And with the emotional fall out when you meet someone who's single and willing to have a relationship with you beyond what I can give you?? Monogamy might not be natural for Cats, but jealousy is completely in my nature."

He didn't look at her yet, and he definitely flushed a bit. "I know," he muttered, looking at the floor. "Forget it. I'm not thinking."

She slid closer to him, within arm's reach but not touching him.? "David...? I'm completely out of my league here.? I've never...? I've never done this," she waved her hand around, trying to indicated the relationship with him as well as the relationship with Daniel.? "I don't know what to do."? Her voice was pleading with him now, as if begging him to tell her what to do, tell her what course of action would lead to the least pain for any of them.

Now he looked up, meeting her eyes again. "You asked me what I wanted. What do you want?" Honestly, he didn't know what to do, either. This was just as new to him as it was to her.

"You.? And Daniel.? I want you both."

He shivered when she answered. There was nothing quite like an incredibly attractive woman saying she wanted you. Even if she wanted someone else, too. "Hell," he said. "Maybe I need to go talk to Daniel." He was only half-kidding.

She paused, stunned at the words.? But the more she thought about them, the more she realised that it made sense.? She nodded slowly.? "Yeah.? I think you should."

"Uh. Really?" That wasn't the response he'd expected.

She chuckled and stood, reaching down for his hands.? "Yes.? Really.? Maybe you guys can work out a time-share deal or something." He reached up and took her hands, standing. He even managed a little bit of a laugh. It did sound ridiculous enough that it might even work.

Still holding his hands, she moved closer to him, pressing her body against his.? She tilted her head back a bit, she looked into his eyes for a long time before kissing him softly. He made a happy noise against her lips as he returned the kiss, slipping his arms around her.

She broke the kiss, moving back reluctantly and sighed.? "He's still awake."

"What, now?"

"Why not?" she asked.

"I don't know. Must be nervous," he said, flashing another brief smile.

She smirked and then moved to the archway of the room, reaching to flip the lights off.? "He's English, you know.? Stiff upper lip and all that.? You should say something like, 'Here, mate,'" she said in an awful English accent.? "'I fancy your bird and was wonderin' if I might have a go at her more often.? She's a brilliant shag.'"

"I don't even know what you just said," he answered, laughing.

She giggled and went to the front door of the studio and slipped out into the hallway.? She waited for him to come out and then closed the door behind him, moving to the stairs.? "I think I said that you like me and want to sleep with me again.? Oh, and that I'm a good lay, too."

"Well, that's all true," he said firmly. He followed her up the stairs, hardly believing what he was about to do. He was expecting Rod Serling to step out of one of the doors at any moment.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-06-16 14:41 EST
She paused at the top of the stairs and glanced down at him.? "Ready?"


"Chicken."? She went and opened the door to the loft, calling out, "Danny?? We have company."

Daniel was sitting on the couch reading when Riley opened the door and called out that they had company. He glanced at the clock; it was rather late. He sniffed the air, and understood an instant later when David's scent hit his nose. He was a bit surprised that the man had come. He wondered if Riley had dragged bodily him up here. If not, it was showing some impressive courage on the man's part. "I'm still up," he called back, "Bring him in."

She glanced over her shoulder at David and waved him in, watching his face and his body language.? She felt sorry for him; hell, she felt sorry for Daniel, too.? Part of her, a large part actually, wanted to turn around and run.? But she'd made her bed and...erm...slept in it, so now she had to face the music.? Mixed metaphors anyone?

"Christ," David muttered. What the hell was he doing? More importantly, what the hell was he going to say? He didn't move for a few seconds after Riley waved him in. Still, what choice did he have? He could either go in and try, or give up and walk. If he chose the latter, though, that would probably mean never touching her again, and that was right out. So, he squared his shoulders and stepped over the threshold into their place. He nodded to Daniel, then stood there awkwardly, not sure how to even start. "Hey, Daniel." Smooth, right?

"I'm going to...uh...make some dirty martinis.? Do you guys want one?" she said, moving deeper into the loft, headed for the cool little mini-bar-in-a-globe that had been a gift to Danny from Mindy.? She needed - desperately - to do something other than stand there awkwardly, watching them be silent at each other.

"Sure," David said quickly, glad for a completely neutral subject, even if it was only a moment's respite.

Daniel nodded. "Sounds good to me, sundari." He knew what she was doing, and figured it would probably be a good idea to go along with it. He wasn't sure exactly what was ahead, but he was pretty sure it would be something quite awkward for Riley and David. Maybe even himself. He gestured to the couch and chairs. "Have a seat, David," he said politely.

Getting gin, vermouth, martini glasses, and a small bottle of cocktail olives out of the mini-bar, she began mixing the drinks.? The liquor and a couple splashes of olive juice - it was what made them dirty after all - were added to a cocktail shaker and she began shaking it vigorously.

"Thanks," David said, walking over to one of the indicated chairs. Well, at least the guy hadn't hulked out and torn him limb from limb. Yet. Could be a good sign. He sat down, glancing into the kitchen area, then back to Daniel.

Daniel nodded and went back over to couch where he'd been sitting before and dropped back into it. He could smell the waves of nervousness rolling off David. It was actually rather amazing how none of that showed in his face or body language. Still, he felt a bit sorry for the guy. "Relax," he said. "I'm not going to eat you." He grinned.

Sh*t. Was that a joke, or an actual possibility? David was pretty confident about his skills, but the thought of facing something like Riley had looked when she hulked out was damn scary. Go with it being a joke, his brain told the rest of him. He forced a little smile, and replied, "Glad to hear it."

The shaking was done. She decanted the drinks into the martini glasses and dropped two olives into each glass. She overheard Danny's comment and David's reply and couldn't help but chuckle. She turned back to them and handed out drinks before settling on the couch, exactly half-way between the men. She quietly sipped her martini, staring resolutely ahead at the tv, which was turned off.

Daniel literally heard the man's heartbeat increase and had to repress a chuckle. The both of them looked so serious and worried, though, that his mirth disappeared fast. It was time to set both of them at ease. "Okay, look," he started, "I think I can guess why you're here. I've already spoken with Riley about this, and I want you to know that I'm not angry at you, nor do I hold any ill-will towards you. You humans are so caught up in what's right and what's wrong that you forget nature has her own plans, and they're bigger than any of ours."

Riley's brow tugged upwards at the "You humans" bit and she wondered if that was directed at her.? She felt guilty for her Humanity and then immediately squashed that down.? She sipped the martini and looked over at David, wondering how Danny's words were making him feel.

David let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding. Even though Riley had already told him that Daniel'd forgiven her and wasn't mad, it was a totally different thing to hear it straight from the source. Still, that didn't address the...uh...continuing issue. He glanced over at Riley, hoping for some kind of help, or at least reassurance.

Her eyes narrowed a little when she caught that look from David, her expression now saying, "Gee, thanks."? She turned to Danny and gave him a soft smile.? "We...sorta wanted to talk to you about...uhm..."? She paused for a moment, marshalling her thoughts.? "Us."? She moved her hand between David and herself.

Daniel's brows rose. He wondered if she was saying what he thought she was. "What about it?" he asked. He wasn't trying to be obtuse, he just needed more clarification.

She swallowed and glanced back at David.? Anytime you want to jump in would be dandy, that look said.

Riley ORourke

Date: 2010-06-16 14:52 EST
David looked over at Riley, then back to Daniel again. "Um. How do you feel about sharing her?" he blurted out quickly. At that moment, he'd gladly have chosen being shot at again over this. Twice.

Okay, now that was unexpected. He eyed David silently for a long moment. He supposed he couldn't fault the man for wanting more. Daniel knew damn well he wouldn't have been willing to stop after a single time with Riley, either. He'd already as much as said it wouldn't hurt him if it happened again, as well. No, what surprised him was that Riley was willing to entertain the idea. Just about the time David was starting to squirm under the silent stare, he looked away, turning his attention to Riley. "Is this what you want, pyara?" he asked quietly.

And now it was time for her to squirm under the Leopard's attentions.? Here was the crux of the problem - her Humanity and her Cat were, once again, butting heads, leaving her twisted in knots.? She drained the martini and set the empty glass down on the floor.? She stayed bent over at the waist, her hands flat on the floor in front of her, forehead pressed between her knees.? She shook her head.? "I don't know, Danny."? Her voice was soft; perhaps only Daniel would be able to make out the words clearly.

David couldn't hear what she'd just said, but he saw that head-shake clearly. F*ck. His stomach clenched, that sinking sensation washing over him. There was no point in sticking around now, she'd clearly made her choice. He stood, setting his martini down on the table between the chairs. "Sorry," he forced out, turning towards the door, determined not to let them see the sadness on his face. A pointless pretense, really, since he knew they both could smell it as clearly as if he'd shouted it.

She sprang to her feet, standing in front of him now and pointed at the chair.? "Sit.? Down."? It was her Chief voice, the one that a few of her Watchmen were intimately familiar with.

Even though the words weren't even directed at him, Daniel irrationally felt like he should sit...and he already was. He waited silently, letting her have her say. David froze in mid-step, and turned back to face her. Last time she'd sounded like that was during their argument about procedure. She'd won that one, too. Then his brain caught up with his body. If she didn't want him to leave yet, didn't that mean... His heart leapt suddenly, eclipsing the sadness in an instant. He nodded to her, and went back to the chair, sitting obediently down.

She, too, sat down once more and took a deep breath.? "I didn't say no, David."? She fixed him with a gimlet eye.? "But then...I didn't say yes either."? She sprang up again and crossed the room to pace back and forth in front of the TV.? She had so much to say and didn't know how, exactly, to say it.

Now in complete confusion, David sat back and took a hasty swallow of the martini, immediately beginning to cough as it burned its way down his throat.

She crossed her arms over her chest and refused to look at either of them while she paced.? "I am a jealous person," she started, figuring she should get that out of the way first.? "And it would tear me up if either of you decided that if I'm sharing, you should get to as well. And really, why shouldn't you get the same treatment?? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right?"? She paused and did hazard a look at them.

Daniel nodded encouragingly for her to keep going. He really wanted to hear exactly how she was feeling. He was also pretty sure she already knew that he had no interest in going out and finding another woman.

She looked directly at David for a long time, probably long enough to make him start to feel uncomfortable.? "I love him, David.? If I weren't scared to death of losing him, I'd marry him.? And where would that leave you?? Don't you want a...normal relationship with a woman?? Marriage, kids, a white picket fence in the suburbs?? I can't give that to you...because I want to give that to Daniel. But," and she sighed heavily here and dropped her eyes to the floor once more, the pacing beginning anew.? "I can't really give that to Daniel either, for reasons that are unimportant right now." And now she turned to Daniel and gave him a soft smile, meeting his cool, calm, beautiful grey eyes.? "And while I don't love him, I certainly...lust for him.? Something about him hits me on a purely animalistic, visceral level and I just..."?

She trailed off and sighed. "Whatever arrangement we enter into, I think it would be ultimately unfair to David.? Daniel has my heart and my mind and my soul.? I'm not sure there's enough of any of those things to share.? David would have my body."? Her mouth tugged up in a little smile and she glanced between them.? "And...I think David deserves more than that."

There was a lot there for David to try to respond to, and some of it, he wasn't sure how he would. One of the questions, though, was easy. "I can't have a normal relationship. You already know why."

She frowned.? "Just because you're stronger, faster, whatever, than a normal person doesn't mean you can't have a normal relationship."? She looked at Danny.? "We have a normal relationship.? Granted, we're the same thing, but like I told you last night, you need to look for someone who can handle you," she stated this with a shrug, as if it were that simple.

"Yeah? How many of them have you met that have normal relationships?"

She shrugged again.? "I don't honestly know.? But I firmly believe that if Daniel and I found each other, you'll find someone.? can learn control and find a human woman."

"Maybe you're right," David replied. "If so, why did you stop me from leaving?" Nothing she'd said so far sounded like anything other than a 'No', and he really didn't need to sit here and listen to a list of reasons she didn't want him around.

"Because I didn't - don't - want you to leave.? I want..."? She took a deep breath and hugged herself tighter, desperately afraid to admit what she wanted, afraid of that instant of vulnerability where another person would have control over her.

David waited silently, staring at her. He was confused and feeling more than a bit upset. He was starting to wonder why she'd wanted him to come up to talk to Daniel in the first place.

"I want you both," she said quietly, refusing to meet either of their gazes.? "I want my cake and to eat it, too.? I want the three of us to..."? She trailed off, shaking her head, unable to articulate what she wanted, exactly.

"To what, sundari?" Daniel broke his long silence with that question. He'd been content to let them both figure out why they were here, but now he could tell that things were started to break down a bit.

"Be happy together.? Friends, lovers, family.? I think we need that - all three of us.?

Daniel didn't have any problem with that notion. Well, he wasn't about to become David's lover, but he was fairly sure she hadn't meant it like that. Friends was easy; the man had already risked himself fighting beside the woman he loved; that was enough right there. Family...well, that could come, in time. He nodded, but didn't say anything else, glancing at David.

"How?" David asked with typical bluntness. He had the absurd mental image of a weekly calendar, alternating days marked with 'Daniel' or 'David.'

She sighed.? "Does it matter?? When the mood strikes, when any of us have need of one of the others.? This isn't...this shouldn't be scheduled out and forced to conform to some strict rules."? She frowned softly.? "It's...emotions and love and sex, not a work schedule."

This was absolutely the weirdest situation David had ever been in. Even being confronted by his homicidal doppelganger had nothing on this. His mouth opened, but nothing came out. He glanced helplessly at Daniel, wondering if the other man had anything.

She went to David and knelt in front of him.? She put her hands on his knees and squeezed gently, gazing up into his face.? "Tell me what you're thinking.? It's okay.? I swear I won't judge you or laugh at you."? She glanced at Danny.? "And neither will he."? There was no threat implied in her statement, just absolute knowledge and confidence that Daniel would be respectful, just like he always was.

"All right," David said, looking down into her eyes. Even through his jeans, the heat of her hands sent a burning wave of desire through him. "Look. I'm not going to say I love you, any more than you love me. I'd be full of sh*t if I did. Every time I'm near you, though, all I can think about is how much I want to be touching you. When you touch me, it's like my body is on fire. Even now." He nodded at her hands on his knees. "Even that little touch and I'm burning." He cracked a brief smile. "You can probably smell that, huh?"

She nodded and smiled.? "Pheromone central."? She raised up to her knees and moved closer to him, pushing her torso between his legs as her hands slid up his thighs.? "And...what do you want?? Do you want to share me with Daniel?? Do you want to come to some sort of agreement or arrangement with him?? With me?"

That was unfair. He'd probably agree to selling off his left arm with her touching him like that. Then again, maybe that should tell him something about what he wanted. He drew in a deep breath, then let it out in a shuddering exhalation. "Yes," he said, almost whispering the word. If sharing was the price he had to pay, then he'd pay it, weird as it might be.

She smiled softly and then leaned in and kissed him.? It was brief, but it was very laden with passion.? Then she reached for Danny, pulling him closer to her, behind her, so that she was sandwiched between their bodies.? She leaned back against his chest and tilted her head up to look at him.? "Is this okay with you?? That he said yes?"

Daniel nodded as he was drawn forward, looking down at her, then up to David. "On one condition," he said.

"What's that?"? She tried to keep the fear out of her voice.

Daniel's eyes fixed on David's, a feral wildness showing in them for just a moment. "You promise that you won't ever try to take her away from me." He didn't bother adding that it would lead to violence if that ever occurred. He assumed it was obvious.

She blinked, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up as she felt the Leopard jump to the forefront.? She looked at David, her eyes studying him silently.

Daniel's sudden transition from a relaxed and affable person to a barely-concealed savage creature who seemed perfectly willing to tear out his heart and eat it rocked David back in his chair. It wasn't fear, exactly, but it was definitely wary concern. He answered seriously, "I don't think I could, even if I tried. I won't try, though. I swear."

She smiled and squeezed David's thigh and then slid her hand up Danny's arm to cup the side of his face gently.? "So.? Uh...anyone up for a game of Monopoly?" she asked with a smirk.

Daniel laughed, but shook his head. "I think it may be too late for games."

David glanced at the clock. "Sh*t, it's late," he said.

She nodded and then stood, wriggling out from between them.? "I'm going to go take a shower.? I'll meet one...or both of you," she leered lasciviously at them in turn, "in bed when I am finished."

"Uh," David said intelligently. He glanced at Daniel. He didn't think he was prepared to entertain the idea of all three of them in one bed. She snorted at his reaction, and headed into the bathroom, closing the door gently behind her.? A moment later the shower started up.

Daniel looked over at David and raised his brows. It wouldn't be the first time he was in a bed with more than one person. Besides, it was rather fun seeing him squirm.

At this opportune moment, the door to the bathroom opened, releasing a billowing cloud of vanilla-scented steam...and a naked Jaguar.? She stood in the foyer, hands fisted on her hips and arched a brow.? "You're not in bed," she said to them in turn.

David had just started to shake his head and turn away, bowing out of the running for the night when Riley came out of the bathroom. The sight of her standing there, naked and dripping wet effectively short-circuited his brain. He froze in place and stared, entirely unwilling to give up on another chance to put his hands on that incredible body.

She glanced at Danny, ultimately seeking his permission and approval. He shrugged, and nodded. Then she reached for their hands and led them to the bedroom area of the loft.